Chapter 1:We miss you Ash
Pokémon translate
In the Lalos region weir Greninja walks wit the Zygarde's Squishy and Z-2
Greninja:Well I'm glad we finally took them all down
Z-2:Still think about that boy
Greninja:Ash my trainer yes I miss him sadly I don't know the way to his region or if his even there
Squishy:I'm sure you'll find him don't worry Greninja
Later had night they weir all sleeping has greninja was in a meditating position
Greninja:Where are you Ash I need to find you
Has gets closer to his bound then he sees sand,water and small house in the beach then the image starts moving has then Rotom looking thing appeared and then Greninja saw Ash face
Greninja:I found you but what region is that and what was that wolf looking Pokémon I miss you Ash and no matter what it takes I will find you
Then in another part of the Kalos region in the wetlands we find Goodra looking had the stars from the cave of healing then shiny Florges came
Shiny Florges:Are you still thinking about your trainer
Goodra:Yes I want to go back to him but I need to protect this place
Shiny Florges:You know you can leave I can take care of this great place so it's no problem
Goodra:Yeah but I don't know weir to go and if I do go walking to where Ash is I might some problems up ahead
Shiny Florges:I'm sure a miracle will happen
Goodra mind:Ash I miss you I want to back with you and the others I just don't know how to if only what Florges said could happen
Then in the middle of the ocean a group of Lapras weir sleeping all but one she is looking had the stars thinking about her trainer
Mom lapras:My child are you still thinking about your trainer
Lapras:Yes mom the many adventures,Battles and moments weir some of the best things that have ever happen to mi
Mom Lapras:I'm sure you'll meet back with him but the question is when will that happen but just keep believing and your wish will come true I mean you did find him in Johto if you don't remember
Lapras:Yeah I still remember
Has she goes back to sleep
Lapras:If I could just know where you are Ash I could go there and find you that's all I want to do because I miss you and I want to continue are adventures
Now I'm Kanto weir we find Pidgeot weir Ash release her has she just waits there every day waiting for her trainer that said he would come back only that he doesn't know how long it would take
Pidgeot mind:Weir are you Ash is been years and I want to see you again I want to come back with you
I want to continue are adventures and and with what I have are bond should be good enough to awaken this
Has she holds a key stone and a mega stone
Pidgeot mind:I'm sure Charizard might be jealous but if he wants to battle I can give a battle now that I have this.Ash I miss you I want to be with you and the others because your my family
Somewhere else in the Hall of origin where Arceus is watching all four Pokémon then Mew came in
Mew:Father is there something wrong
Arceus:This Pokemon are the ones Ash released on his journey now they wish to come back with him now that they have done there duties
Mew:Then maybe we can help them I mean me and Mewtwo could teleport them here so you can then tell them you can help them
Arceus:Yes but where is Mewtwo
Mewtwo:Right here
Arceus:I presume you heard everything
Mewtwo:Yes and I'll help not because you told me I'm doing this because of the kid
Mew:So you do have a soft spot
Mewtwo:Shut it
Arceus:Mew you will go get The ones from Kanto and Mewtwo will go get the ones of Kalos now go
Has they head to the Pokémon with Pidgeot who was still thinking until Mew appeared
Pidgeot:Who are you
Mew:I I'm Mew the legendary Pokémon Arceus has send me to get you
Pidgeot:Lord arceus but why
Mew:He knows how to take you to ash
Pidgeot:Then take me
Has Mew teleports her she goes to Lapras which with her arrival woke everyone
Mom Lapras:You are Mew
Mew:Yes and O have come here for that Lapras
Lapras:Why me
Mew:Lord Arceus can take you to Ash
Has she did not hesitate and went with Mew now with Mewtwo who was just teleported in
Mewtwo:Hello there Zygarde
Squishy:Why are you here
Mewtwo:For him
Mewtwo:Arceus has a way to reunite you and Ash I'll teleport you to his world
Has he gets teleported he then goes to the wetlands has he spots Goodra
Goodra:And who are you
Mewtwo:I I'm Mewtwo a clone of Mew and a legendary Pokémon send by Arceus
Goodra:Lord Arceus but why what could he want with me
Mewtwo:He can take you too Ash
Shiny Florges:Goodra
Goodra:Looks like miracles do happen see ya Florges please protect this lands
Has he gets teleported away now in the hall of Origen has Goodra appears he spots Greninja
Has he gives him a Goodra hug
Goodra:And who are your new friends
Greninja:This the first Pokémon Ash caught she's Pidgeot and this is a Pokémon Ash caught in the orange islands Lapras
Lapras:Nice to meet you
Pidgeot:Hello there
Goodra:Why are they here
Greninja:Like is they weir released by Ash pidgeot decided to go help a group of Pidgey and waited for Ash and has for Lapras she got reunited with her family
Arceus:Great you are all here
All for of them:Lord Arceus
Arceus:You trainer Ash my chosen one is in a region called Alola and with you there you could help him
Greninja:In battle or something dangerous
Arceus:Something dangerous
Pidgeot:Those he have a full team
Arceus:Yes but it seems the Professor has grated him the nanodex a device that can also let him catch and keep how many Pokémon he wants
Lapras:Has he catches anything else
Arceus:For now he only has Five Pokémon
Goodra:Then we know what we have to do
Now in Alola Ash was walking back to kukui's House with Mallow close behind
Greninja/Goodra/Lapras/Pidgeot telepathic:We are coming Ash
Has then he feels something
Mallow:Ash is there something wrong
Ash:I thought I heard four voices in my head
Mallow:You go quick to your house you look very tired I'll see you tomorrow
Ash:Okay by Mallow
Has they split
Ash mind:Well looks like I'll have to tell her another time how I feel but who weir those voices
With Mallow
Mallow mind:I wish I could have told him how I feel but he needs his sleep I care about him and if I do I have to make sure his okay
Has they head to there rooms or in Ash case the couch
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