Two [4y|1y]
Fletcher- 4 years and one month old
Oliver-One year old
Photo-Incase you guys didn't know,this is what Louis and Liam basically look like in this fic.We have Twink Louis and handsome as fuck puppy boy.The height difference is also in the fic BECAUSE SO MANY FEELS MAN (and yes I know,I used this photo for the cover of Boy Meets Boy).
This actually took me forever to write and it isn't even that good
Like guys Idek what happens when you break your arm so bare with,plus I have no motivation so this is sloppy and quickly done
Enjoy :) (September 2018)
"I know baby,but you have to be a big boy and lay down so we can look inside your arm,"Louis started to try and calm down the hysteric boy down so that he could lay him down so that the doctor could X-Ray his arm to find out of its broken or not.Fletcher was having none of it.he didn't want his Papa to leave him,he wanted to be held and cuddled and eat ice cream with his Papa all snuggled up in a blanket on the sofa,but no, instead he had to go and slip and hurt his arm.He didn't like hospital,he had been hospital a couple of times,either his a daddy got hurt while playing football or because it had something to do with his Papa and Olli.Everytime his Papa went to hospital something was wrong or a new baby came home since that's what happened with both Olli and Bonnie.
"No papa!Stay!I want Daddy!"Fletcher cried from both the pain in his right arm and from the fact that his a Papa was trying to make him lay down on a strange table and then disappear leaving him there.He wanted his Papa,and his Daddy,he didn't want to be lying down on this strange table alone.Louis was stressing out as it was,after dropping a giggling and gurgling Oliver off at Luke and Ashton's house,He drove as fast as he could over to the hospital where he has been plenty of times before and get Fletchers arm checked out.He couldn't get a hang of Liam who he had been phoning and texting for the past hour and a half,and since Fletcher was crying for both of his parents he wouldn't calm down until he has his Daddy around him.Louis' heart was breaking every time that Fletcher would scream or cry in pain,his hated to see other People cry or to be injured,he spent too many years of his won life in pain and crying.
"Okay,Baby look,I'm going to be right behind that screen okay blue?Papa isn't going anywhere,I promise.Daddy will be very soon,okay?"Louis hushed,pushing Fletchers sweaty fringe back from his forehead as he started to wipe away his tears with the pad of his thumb."And Wilson will be watching from where Papa is standing,We aren't going to leave."He had finally Been able to calm Fletcher down enough for The kind nurse behind the Screen to take the x-Ray.Lucky enough for Louis,she was understanding since she had her own little girl at home who didn't like to be away from her,and she was also friends with Karen so she recognised Louis and Fletcher was from the photos that she proudly shows off to her collages.Karen was a very proud mum and grandma,she had numerous different photos saved on her phone of her daughters,sons and grandsons which she loved to show to anyone she saw,especially photos of Fletcher and Oliver.Geoff also was the same,in his office on his desk he had many photo frames of photos of his children and grandchildren and also of the drawings that Fletcher continued to draw or paint.
"Loubear?"Karen called,knocking on the door of the private room that Louis was able to snatch by using Liams debit card that he had in his wallet.Fletcher had finally passed out from all of the crying and the screaming,his right arm up in a sling as he lay on the uncomfortable hospital bed,prompt up with pillows as he slept with his right arm in a sling on his chest,Wilson to his side and his head rolled back.Louis had moved Fletchers head so it was rolled so his nose was pointing to the ceiling since he didn't want him to wake up with a sore neck.Louis was getting more stressed by the minute,he wanted to cry and Liam wouldn't answer his fucking phone and somehow Matthew found out that Fletcher possibly broke his arm and is catching a flight from the states to England.Not that Louis didn't what Matthew over,he loved Matthew,but he had work to do,but he knew he was just coming Over since he has barely seen Fletcher or Oliver in ages.
"Oh,Hi mum,"Louis whispered,noticing his mums presence in the room,one of his hands holding Fletchers smaller,non injured hand as the other held his phone which was switching between ringing Liam and texting Luke to see how Oliver is.Oliver could be a handful at times,he just like Fletch was attached to his parents but a Fletcher was growing out of it since he was going to nursery how and sometimes slept over at Uncle Mikey and Cals.
"How's the little soldier?"She cooed as she walked into the room,still dressed in her scrubs with her pager in her Pocket since she was only on her break as he was working lates.She let a sigh escape her lips as he looked at Fletcher sleeping and then to Louis who couldn't stop fidgeting."Hey,boo,what's wrong?"She asked,running her fingers through Louis' Hazel hair as he signed to himself,sending the 100th message to Liam telling him to answer his phone.
"You're eldest son is deciding not to answer his phone,and I'm scared because I'm never good when he comes to someone getting hurt.Fletcher was crying for his Daddy and he won't pick up his damn phone,"Louis huffed as Karen gave her youngest a small sympathetic smile.
"I'm sure he's just caught up in Training,you know how hard he's trying to work to get that place,"She reminded Louis who nodded his head and gave Fletchers small hand a kiss.He knew that Liam was trying his hardest to impress to get that place to play for either Man United or Man City,whatever team decided to pay him the most amount of money.Louis didn't really care for the money,what Liam was getting at the moment was fine,but to Liam he wanted more money.He just wanted what was best for his family,the more money the more things he could buy for his family,the more nicer things.
"Ah,Mr.Payne,Nice to meet you again,"Dr Violet smiled as he walked into the room,the same smile on his face like he always had and the same glasses on his face that Louis had on the bridge of his nose.Louis was pretty sure that Dr.Violet was getting hotter and hotter the older he got,with his stubble and glasses.It was obvious that he was now one of the heads of the Hospital,and probably stalked The Payne Family as he always got stuck with them.Not that Louis was complaining."And young Fletcher,Getting bigger Everytime I see him,"He hummed looking at Fletcher before nodding his head to Karen as a greeting.He finally cleared his throat and showed Louis and Karen both the x-Ray of Fletchers arm to show that it was indeed broken and would need medial care and a cast would have to be placed over most of Fletchers arm.
He had slept through most of the time the cast was being measured and placed,only waking up when he felt the wet PVA touch his delicate skin making him whimper at the odd feeling and hug Wilson as close as he could with one hand as he sat on his Papas lap.His face was still covered his dry tear cracks and his make was still red from the crying.but he had calmed down tremendously which Louis praised him for."Now Fletcher,What colour bandage would you like over your cast?"Dr.Violet asked,pointing too all of the different colours including; Red,Blue,Purple,pink,Orange and light green.
It was obvious which Fletcher was going to pick
"Gween pwease,"He had lisped over the Strawberry flavoured lollipop that his Grandma had went and got for being such a brave and good boy for the doctor.Everyone smiled As He out the light green bandage over the cast on Fletchers arm.
"Such a good boy,my good little boy,"Louis praised as he kissed the top of Fletchers head,making the young boy giggle hysterically and around the lolly in his mouth.He loved making his Papa happy,it felt good."Now,how about some Ice cream?"Louis suggested as he carried Fletcher our of the hospital on his hip along with Wilson after saying goodbye to his mum and telling her that he'll see her tomorrow.There was still no sign of Liam and Louis was really mad,but he wasn't going to show it,not infront of Blue who just went through a lot of pain.
"Wes please Papa!"
Yes I know this chapter was so fucking crap but I haven't been feeling it lately
I feel like crap at the moment
This is the best that I could come up with
Right,um anyway,what did you think?
What do you think Liam is up to with not answering his phone?
Peace ✌🏼️
[QOTC:Favourite three way ship?]
[AOTC:Mine has to be Zourry {Bottom Lou)]
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