Liam and Louis- 36 years old
Fletcher- 18 years old
Oli- 15 years old
Adrian- 12 years old
Axel- 17 going on 18 years old
Actually low key wanna cry bc I feel so attached right fictional characters and they're growing up. Somebody hold me.
I'm so sorry for the long wait, I had Christmas exams and was focusing a lot of my other fics but I'm back with hopefully two updates during winter break (; ENJOY!!
Fletcher Blake Payne
Olivia Karen Payne
Adrian Lee Payne
Axel Gordon Clifford
"For the last time, your hair looks fucking fine. Can we go before I change my mind?"Fletcher slumps against the doorframe of Olivia's bedroom, a bored look on his face as he twiddles with the set of car keys that his Dad had gave him that morning as he was rushing out the door while dragging Papa along with him.
In a way, Fletcher was over the moon that his Dad's were away for the weekend, a planned event that his Dad had sprung on Louis just a couple of days before, too late to cancel, leaving the younger male to have no choice but to agree. In another way, it meant that Fletcher - for the most part when his Nan wasn't dropping in or Niall was actually in the house - was in charge and as much as that's awesome, it was such a burden.
There's things that Fletcher wants to do that now he can't, and now instead he has to take Olivia to the mall instead of going out with Axel and later tonight he was roped into taking Adrian out trick or treating. It sucks, it really does because for once in his life he was invited to a party and the one time he's stuck babysitting his siblings because his Uncle Niall is out of town and his Nan and Grandad are busy.
"I'm just making sure, keep your panties on."Olivia rolls her eyes, giving a quick glance to her reflection before sighing and giving up, grabbing her jacket from where it hangs on a hook and a bag.
"I don't wear- those."
"So why are you blushing?"She smirks, pushing her older brother out of the way so she can get past him and down the stairs. Fletcher can feel his cheeks heat up even further, staring wide eyed as he watches his sister walk away, unsure of what to say."Calm down, I'm only teasing."
"Yeah, I know that."He clears his throat, closing Olivia's bedroom door for her as he makes his way down the hallway after his sister. Adrian is laying asleep on the sofa, a sticky note stuck to his forehead with Olivas handwriting informing the Youngest Payne that they were away out and will be home soon.
"He needs to get out more."Olivia shakes her head as he buckles into the passenger seat, Fletcher already pulling out the drive way in his Papa's Red Fiat that was graciously being given to him for the weekend. His own car was taken off of him, and as much as Fletcher would say that it wasn't his fault - because it wasn't, it was Axels thank you very much - it didn't look that way to Louis and Liam when they saw the state of the car.
"I don't see you going out much places, where are all of your friends?"
"Fuck off, you know that Bonnie moved away."Olivia turns her body to look out the window, suddenly feeling sad now that she thinks of her lack of friends. People just didn't want to be friends with her and in some way she's glad because she likes the comfort of her own and of her close family circle, but at the same time she misses not having anyone to talk to.
With having such a mass amount of Uncles that weren't really related and cousins, everyone was close. Fletcher had grown a massive relationship with Axel and with that, She had grown a brilliant friendship with Bonnie. It had been a sad day when Luke and Ashton announced that they were moving to Australia due to Luke's job, taking Away the friendship that Olivia had with Bonnie and Adrian with Winnie, as well as breaking up the group.
"You can make new friends y'know."
"Look who's talking, you've had the same friend since you were 3 years old."
"He's not my only friend,"
"He's your only friend."Olivia repeats firmly, wincing whenever Fletcher purposely runs over a speed bump with extra speed, causing Olivia is be jerked up and hit her head off the roof of the car."Jerk!"
"Be a bitch again and you're walking it."
"As if you'd make me walk, you love me too much no matter how many times you try and deny it."
"I'm only driving you places because Dad will beat my ass if I don't."Even years later there was still an awkward tension between Liam and Fletcher, one that Fletcher will forever say was due to his Dad cheating on his Papa, and maybe also do to the way the man acts as if the world revolves around him.
"He isn't that bad, he's just a Dad. Grumpy and Moody."Olivia tries to defend, frowning a little at her nails, the red nail polish chipped from anxious midnight biting on her finger nails. It was a bad habit she has picked up when she was young, and despite years of trying to stop, nothing worked.
"You're only defending him because you batt your pretty eyelashes and put on that whiny little voice and he gives you anything that you want. You're spoilt."Fletcher grumbles, pulling into a familiar street.
"So are you, and Adrian."She points out because it's true, they are spoilt and it wasn't just because of their Dads money or their Papas affection and generosity, but by everyone else too. Even when they were young they were getting everything and more from their parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles.
"Yeah, well you're worse."He mutters as he pulls up onto the kerb of The Clifford household.
"Why are we stopping here?"
"To stare through the fucking windows, why do you think?"
"You don't need to be so rude."
"Then stop being so stupid."He rolls his oceanic blue eyes, pumping the horn to alert Axel of their arrival."If I'm going to have to stick walking around a shopping centre with you then I'm going to bring my own company."
"I swear to god, if you two start smooching I'm jumping in front of a car."
"Oh my- we aren't dating!"
"Of course you aren't."She snorts, brushing a strand of hair out of her eyes as she watches Axel open the front door and wave goodbye to Michael and Calum who stand at the front door."All best friends just blow each other off when they're bored."
"Olivia! What the fuck!"Fletcher shouts, his face blushing not as he watches his younger sister turn and give him a not so innocent smile as if she hasn't said what she just did."What I do with my friends in private is my own damn business you little sneak."
"Hey guys,"Axel is opening the back door, slipping into the back seat and closing the door behind him. He throws his backpack into the seat beside him, about to open his mouth to say more until he notices the tension between the siblings in the front seats."Everything okay?"
"Just peachy, Ax."Fletcher mumbles, ripping his glare away from his sister so he can focus on the road.
"Yeah, all is good."Olivia near enough smirks, knowing that she has her brother wrapped around her pinky.
"Alright then..."He trails off, looking uncertain between the pair.
"Buckle up because I can't afford to bust my Dad's windscreen with anyone's body."Fletcher announces, glaring at Axel through the mirror until the blonde pulls a face and complies with buckling up."I'm thinking of going to the movies while Olivia shops, sound good?"
"Hey! You said you'd help me."Olivia declares,"And don't you even try to deny it, Adrian was right there when you said you'd help me pick out outfits for the winter season."
"Why can't you just be like us guys and wear a hoodie when it's cold."Axel groans, slumping against the back seat of the car, rolling his head back. He sympathised for Fletcher whenever he told him that they had to cancel their original plans, only agreeing with attending him to the shopping centre because he felt kinda bad, but now he regrets it.
"Because I'm not a Guy and I have a fashion sense unlike you balloons."
"Ouch, my pride."
Okay I know this is short but I'm going to work in another update really soon. This is going to focus a lot on the kids (now teenagers) and their lives because I really want to do this, but as well as this there will also be Louis, Liam etc
Please tell me what your first thoughts on the teenagers!
Your thoughts on Fletcher and Olivia's sister/brother relationship?
Do you guys want Olivia to make friends?
What do you think should be done about Adrian?
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