Twelve [5y|2y 10m]
Fletcher-5 years and 11 months
Oliver-2 years and 10 months
This is a really terrible and rushed chapter,I needed to update this and all while I knew what I wanted to write but didn't know how to and it was really pissing me off and since I've updated every other book of mine,I decided to just post this load of garbage
It's a filler chapter and the set scene of their holiday will continue for 3 chapters (including this) and then I will possibly have a chapter and then a time skip of a year or so (sorry)
I'm trying to hurry this book up a little,I'm getting bored of it and I have no motivation whatsoever so slow updates
Photo-What I picture Oliver looks like right now [Sorry for the poor quality]
Enjoy :)
"I'm pretty sure we have them both Liam,"
"Got 'em.."
"Tickets and boarding passes?"
"Emergency Medical kit for both you and the boys?
"As said,I have them Liam,they are in my bag."Louis motioned his head backwards of the satchel he had on,the bag hitting his bum Everytime that he walked or moved.Standing in the airport car park,Louis had gotten the puggy out of the car and strapped Oliver into it,the hood of the buggy pulled over to shield the boy from the beating sun that was shining down on them.It was only 20 degrees but that was high amount for England and even at that,he still had Oliver has Fletcher plastered in sunblock.He was a protective parent,and now that they were all heading to Corfu,Greece for two weeks in the scorching heat,Louis' parent mode was going to kick in big style.
"Okay,I'm just checking baby,I need everything to be perfect,"Liam smiled and kissed the top of Louis' nose,the younger man gave Liam a small smile at the show of affection.Liam had full responsibility towards Louis,as I say that he's in charge of Louis and has to monitor what food he eats during the day,his actions during the day and he has to Know where Louis is every second of every day apparently.He wasn't allowed to be left alone,and honestly Louis was down right pissed off since he couldn't get private time,but it was either this or back to the Medical Institution that was somewhere in West England.Louis should consider himself lucky that he had Liam to practically be his carer instead of being shipped off and away from Fletcher and Oliver.Much to no ones surprise Social services turned up at Louis' bedside,Fletcher and Oliver were taken out of Louis' care and handed between Their mum and Nicola.
Louis cried for those three days that he was away from Blue and Pooka,it was heartbreaking and even Liam himself couldn't see the boys since he needed to stay beside Louis.He worked hard on recovering,even if he was force fed by a tube and was constantly shouted at Everytime he tried to peek at his healing cuts,it was worth it in the end to have both of his babies run up to him in the hospital hallway.Fletcher and Oliver was his motivation to get back on track,he needed to be a good mother to his little boys and they needed Louis just as much.
"You either hold my hand Fletcher Blake or you're going being carried.Which is it to be?"Liam said sternly,crouching down to the nearly 6 year olds height and having both of his little hands in Liam's much large ones.While Louis was browsing in the duty Free shop with Oliver and Fletcher,instead of doing what he was told and staying close to his Papa and following him he decided to go on an adventure.He had never been to an airport before,it was so big and had so many places to explore so he sneaked off while Louis was looking at perfume and aftershave and ran around the airport with Wilson high up in the air.
It was only when He had bumped into Liam who was on his way back with hot beverages for everyone when Fletcher realised that he had disobeyed his Daddies orders and that he was going to be in big trouble.He was dragged by his arm back to the duty free shop was,to be met with the prancing sight of Louis who was in a frantic mess of trying to find his eldest.After Louis had hugged Blue to his chest (with Oliver sandwiched in between) Liam was then forced to take the punishment at hand to confiscate Wilson from Fletchers possession.
The boy was now not at all amused with his Daddy
"Wanna walk with Papa,not you."The boy grumbled,blue eyes fierce and angry as he stared at his Daddy who was just as equally pissed off with the boys actions.They had to wake up early to get to the airport so of course That was just adding to Fletchers grumpiness and now his beloved White and Black tiger was now in his Papas satchel.He wanted Wilson.he wasn't allowed to bring both Wilson and Zee yet Oli was allowed to bring His blankie,Dummy and stuffed Panda Roger,he didn't see how that was fair at all.He was also hogging all of his papas attention while he was stuck with his grumpy ol' Daddy.
"Well tough luck,"Liam's voice was cold,"You will either behave or you're going home and spending the whole two weeks with one of your great aunties.You know what is planned and you will miss it all and hurt your Papa if you don't behave.Do you understand me?"He lowered his tone of voice when he noticed how Fletchers eyes had gotten wider and a Little scared.Fletcher still edgy around his Daddy,he still gave the man the cold shoulder every once inawhile.
"Yes I understand,"He rolled his eyes with a huff,letting Liam take his hand and then march them both back over to where Louis was sitting with Oliver on his lap,reading a book with his lips pursed as Olli played with his stuffed toy."Papa?Can I have Wilson Please?"Fletcher asked once he had sat on the chair to the right of his Papa,his head resting on his forearm as he looked up at him through pleading blue eyes.Louis was about to answer when Liam beat him to it;
"No.I have told you already you're not getting him."Tears started to build in Fletchers eyes,sniffling he wiped a hand under his eyes and turned his head away from his Daddy.
"You'll get him back on the plane,okay Blue?"Louis whispered into Fletchers hair,pressing a soft kiss to the crown of his head as the boy nodded and snuggled in further into his Papas side."Do you want one of your pop-up books?And then you and Olli can read together."Louis suggested,shifting the toddler on his lap so he could reach for his bag,taking out the first child book he saw and then handing it over to Fletcher.
"Bubba!"Olli continued to chime behind the dummy in his mouth just as Louis sat him down beside Fletcher.He had let Fletcher pick out his clothing,and what he choose was pretty tasteful in Louis' opinion with Tan Chinos,a white button up shirt and a pair of white converse.Fletcher was very colour coordinated and very into fashion already at such a young age.Louis was a proud Mamma at how his boy was already taking after his fashion sense.Oliver on the other hand was dressed in a pair of Denim dungarees and dark blue toms,his hair and Fletchers hair was both swept into fringes.
"Are you going to read the book out to us Blue?"Louis asks patiently,nudging Liam in the side with his elbow for the older male to gain attention to what his eldest son was saying as he tried to read the words.He was fairly good at reading but he did get stuck on a couple of words now and again,and both Parents knew to wait until he had sounded it out himself until they chipped in with help.Whenever Fletcher had finished reading the book for his small family he proudly smiled at his Daddies with sparkling blue eyes and a grin.
To say that plane ride went soothingly was false,With one parent sitting with Oliver on their lap who had slept peacefully for most of the flight and then Fletcher in the middle making a ruckus.Liam was very close to strangling someone.Louis had Oliver on his lap for the most part since when he was switching seats with Liam the toddler had woken up with a start and loud ear piercing cries for his Papas comfort.The crying has woken up a then sleeping Fletcher who then started whimpering and wanted to be on his Daddy's lap so he could sleep again.
"What would you say to another Baby?"Louis asked as both him and Liam sat on their decent sized balcony,one of the balcony doors open to keep and ear out for one of the boys to waken up.They had just arrived at their apartment complex,second(Top) floor and facing the swimming pool,a family room meaning they had two bedrooms and also a livingroom/Kitchen area since they were self-Catering.It was only midnight but they had along day and neither Louis or Liam could be bothered to go and drink so they tucked the boys into bed (they had fallen asleep on the coach) and decided to just sit on their small balcony and just talk.
"I don't know,we have our hands full as we are,"Liam shrugged his shoulders as he took a drag from his cigarette that was dangling between two fingers.He let the smoke blow Into the night air and then looked over at Louis who smiled softly at him."A little girl would be nice,"He admitted,an arm going over to sling over Louis' shoulder and let the boy cuddle into his side.
"A little girl in a house full of boys,oh the fun."Louis giggled as Liam kissed his forehead.
"Well,you technically count as a Girl so it'll be you and our little girl with a house of three boys."He teased poking Louis' sides making the boy squeal and blush scarlet."But it would really make our family,two older brothers to look over her and fight off boys.And then she'll have Us four to judge in her boyfriends and will have Fletcher,Oliver and Me banging his door down when he breaks her heart.Perfect."Liam smiled and hugged Louis that little bit closer.
"I like the sound of that,"He hummed and then paused before he choose the correct words."What would you say if I told you that I'm pregnant?"He asked,peering up at Liam through his eyelashes.
"Well then I'd say; Fan-Fucking-Tastic."Liam smiled before sealing their lips in a loving kiss.
IT HAS taken me ages to update this book and I apologise,but like here's an update so happy?
I have something major planned for the next two chapters and also about the third LILO baby (Only one person knows)
What was your opinion on this chapter?
What gender do you want the baby?I know what I have planned but I want to know what y'all want it to be
[QOTC:How many children do you plan on having in the future? And what genders?]
[AOTC:2 children,both boys :3]
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