Thirteen [5y|2y 10m]

Fletcher- Five years and 11 months old
Oliver-2 years and 10 months old

Shitty chapter so sorry and my writing is getting sloppy

So this chapter is crap and #nonedited so spelling errors is probably a major

Photo-Birds eyes view (I took this photo)

Enjoy :) [July 2020]

"Ah ah ah,get back here mister!"Louis laughed,grabbing Fletcher from around the waste and dragging him back so that he was standing in the V of Louis' legs.The pool side was fairly empty,most people still not up yet or away to the beach so it was only the Payne Family and two other couples with a child.They had already been here for two days and each day was a struggle on getting sunscreen on both of the boys and then one they had gotten into the baby pool with their water rings and floaters it was a struggle getting them out to have lunch or a drink.Everyone was having fun,it was a safe environment so when Fletcher and Oliver were having their nap on the sunbed or pram Louis and Liam were able to both have a swim at the same time and keep an eye on their sons.

"Papa,can I go into the big pool with you and Daddy?"Fletcher asked,squirming in Louis' hold as Factor 50 sunscreen was rubbed onto his pale and delicate skin from head to toe.He didn't want him or Oliver to burn from the sun so he was putting on extra sunscreen just in case.Liam had already gotten Sunscreen onto Oliver with ease,the only problem being was getting the water wings on him which Olli didn't like one bit.Whimpering,Fletcher pulled away when Louis rubbed from cream onto his left cheek,just where his cheekbone was.It was still very sore.

"We'll see Blue but for the mean time you gotta stay in the baby pool."Louis told him gently,getting the water wings on him and then blowing them a little bit more up.

"But I'm not a baby!Olli is one but I am not,"He pouted,attempting to cross his arms over his chest and Stand in his normal sassy stance but failing because of the thickness of the water wings.Sighing,Louis pulled up the boys swimming trunks and brushed his feathery hair back as Blue eyes stared at him in annoyance.

"Don't look at me like that,I invented that look,"Louis rolled his eyes which made Fletcher giggle slightly."I tell you what,if you're good and play with Pooka until Lunch time,you and Olli can both come into the big pool with me and Daddy.Deal?"Louis suggested with a smile.Fletcher thought for a little while before smiling with a nod,a kiss to his Papas cheek and then off into the baby pool to splash and play.The sunbeds were directly in front of the Baby pool which meant Liam and Louis both could watch them as they played.

Sitting at the edge of the baby pool,Liam gasped when Oliver had splashed him."How dare you!"Liam playfully shouted making the toddler squeal with a laugh and then bat his hand down onto the waters surface,more water coming up to splash Liams torso again."No!The tickle monster is Allergic to this thing you call water!"He played along,Fletcher now joining in and helping his baby brother splash their daddy."Louis!Help me!"

"What's going on here?"Louis asked with a playful smile on his lips,standing behind Liam with a child's bucket in his hands.

"Splash Daddy!"Oliver giggled,splashing himself more than his Daddy,moving his water winged arms on the water.He looked so adorable,he had lost some of his Puppy Fat since he was starting to walk now and be a lot more mobile.He was still a little chubby but it added to his cuteness and according to the Doctor that he's in good health and that it just ran in both Louis and Liams genes on being a little chubby while at the toddler stage.He and Fletcher both were adorable and Louis couldn't have been more blessed.

"Y'know what's better than splashing Daddy?"Louis asked,sneakily dipping the bucket into swimming pull and pulling it out with it full of water.Fletcher smiled cheekily since he knew what his Papa was going to do while Oliver continued to splash about and Liam sat at the edge of the baby pool completely oblivious to what Louis was doing."Pouring water onto Daddy!"He laughed,dipping the water contents onto Liams head making the older gasp at the coldness and from the unexpectedness.

"Oh you little-Female Dog!"Liam shouted,Louis drooping the bucket onto the floor and quickly speed waking away when Liam got up to go after him.Fletcher and Oliver were now at the edge of the baby pool,watching their Daddies every move as Liam grabbed Louis from around the waste making the younger squeal."Whadda' say Boys.Should I throw Papa into the pool?"He asks already lifting Louis and lifting him over his shoulder,Louis' head facing downwards towards Liams own ass.Everytime Liam flexed his shoulder muscles made Louis weak in the knees.Liam was shirtless with his biceps and starting six-pack and of course now he was wet from water because of Mischief Louis.

"Yeah!Throw papa in,Throw papa in!"Fletcher began changing with a smile on his adorable face.

"No!You traitor!"Louis screamed,Liam throwing him into the pool with all of Louis' clothes on since he had yet to change into his swim gear.Louis gasped as he landed in the water,quickly coming up to the surface just to see and hear Liam laughing his head off and Fletcher and Oliver too giggling.

Louis loved his family

Even if they do throw him in the deep end

~~~\0/~~/\~~ [Y'all know something is going to happen]

"So,we hired a car to drive away from our lovely and secure resort to drive to another resort which is like an hour away?Why?"Louis huffs,turning in his seat to look at Liam who was keeping his eyes on the road since they were driving over a mountain and For Louis' benefit he was driving slower.Liam had hired a car the day before,had gotten two car seats for Fletcher and Louis and of course some water and snacks to eat in the car on their little drive.He had only told Louis that they were going to another resort which wasn't a lie since they were but he didn't tell him why.

"Well,Paleokastritsa is actually very beautiful as to what I've read about it on Google and seen the photos of,the beaches and the water is perfect to have a dip in and to sunbathe in your benefit."Liam smiled as the drove,taking a side glance for any motorists coming his way before continuing driving.Louis was able to distract Fletcher and Oliver with toys and food,of course not forgetting the precious toys of Wilson and Rogger and of course Blankie and Oliver's dummy was in Louis' bag.He had dressed them in cute white shorts with a dark blue polo shirt on Fletcher and Light blue for Oliver.

"Well I'm gonna need proof of that,"Like in autopilot,Liam is reaching into the side door and taking out a booklet that he had picket up at the travel agency.Handing it over to Louis,he wide eyed at the photo on the front,a bird eyes view of the resort.It was stunningly beautiful in Louis' opinion and he had to give Liam credit on having good taste on beautiful resorts."Hmm,okay i won't argue with you on this choice.Well done Liam James,"He claps his hands in a sarcastic manner making Liam roll his eyes fondly and continue to drive without crashing the car.He was a confident driver,both Louis and Liam was although Liam was one of those road rage drivers while Louis was too kind when driving.

"Okay you get Oliver I'll get Fletcher?"Liam suggested once he had parked the car,The two boys in the back seat finally perking up for the second time since the entire car ride.The first time being when Liam had mentioned ice cream which sent them both changing ice cream and demanding for it.Fletcher and Oliver had been so quiet that Louis had forgotten they were in the car as it was so peaceful for once as Louis was use to them bickering or Fletcher singing to the Disney CD that Louis has bought.Fletcher was a music junkie already,he knew all of the Disney songs on The CD and Louis was slowly drifting him onto Panic!At The disco and MCR while Liam was trying to get Fletcher to like Queen and AC/DC.

"No pram?"Louis frowns,already out of the car and now opening the backseat to unstrap Oliver from his car seat with Roger along.He lifts his bag as well and swings it over his shoulder as he holds Oliver on his hip,the toddler playing with the hair at the back of his neck.It was getting longer and Louis liked it,he was able to push his back with a hair and or hair clip and put it into a small small pony tail.Of course it'll never be as long as Harry's but still.

"Didn't think we'd need one,We'll take turns carrying and of course let him walk a bit."Liam smiled as he has gotten Fletcher out and held the boys hand,locking the car and walking around to Louis' side."Won't we Olli?"He Coos,kissing the toddlers nose making him giggle.

"Daddy!I want kisses too!"Fletcher pouts,staring up at his daddy making a kissy face action demanding to have the same kiss and affection as his younger sibling has endured.Liam smiled and bends down,pressing a kiss to Fletchers nose as well making the boy smile."Thank you!"He beams,already tugging at his Daddies hand so that they can walk instead of standing in the same place which is boring.Liam had parked the car at a harbour type area,small boats all around the place as they walk towards the main part.

"Aw!Liam look at the wedding on the beach over there,"Louis points,walking by a beautiful looking beach,a white wooden arch was set up on the sand,red fabric running from the arch down towards were Liam and Louis were standing and on eitherside of the red fabric were numerous white wooden chairs.There was white,pink and red rose petals scattered over the sand and chairs,as well as that different flowers woven into the white wood arch.It looked perfect,something out of one of Louis' scrapbook pictures he has collected all those years back when he was a naïve teenager with a dream wedding."That's my dream y'know?To marry on a Beach just like this,with my friends and family by my side."He sighed.

"Really?"Liam takes a look of suprise,Louis too busy staring at the empty seats and arch to see Liams expression or to really care.Oliver coos in his arms,his face looking behind Louis and his brown puppy dog eyes catching a sight of someone familiar.Actually a lot of people familiar who are all coming this direction.

"Papa!Daddy!Look it's Axel!"Fletcher shouts,pointing his finger towards were his best friend his walking on the middle of Michael and Calum who are holding his hands.Louis threads his eyebrows together and looks to were Fletcher is pointing,his mouth falling open when he sees the trio."And Bonnie with uncle Ash!'He then notices when he sees the only female other than his aunties or Nana wearing a white dress with a blue headband in her blonde hair.

"W-what are you all doing here?"Louis asks in disbelief,everyone coming out from different angles,Seeings Zayn and Harry with one another,Niall with a pregnant Chase,His mum and dad,Ruth,Nicola and their boyfriends.Louis can't help the smile that is on his face when he sees everyone now standing in front of him,well nearly everyone,there's someone missing and it's hurting Louis.

"Well,we couldn't miss something as important as this,"Zayn rolls his eyes with a fond smile on his lips,watching as from behind he can see Matthew creeping up on Louis and Oliver,wrapping him in a hug from behind as Liam watches.He had planned this,all of this and it took so much fucking work to plan a wedding by yourself in 5 or so months and to make sure that everyone was available to fly over.He wanted this to be special for Louis,because he was special and deserved a dream wedding.

"M-Matthew!"Louis squealed happy that his bestfriend has arrived,embraced in the hug Louis teared up,looking at everyone with glossy blue eyes before whispering."What's so important tags you can't miss?"He asks.

"This wedding of course!"Ashton laughs,a hand flowing back to prove his point.


"Louis William,"Liam smiles,Taking Oliver from Louis and handing him to the first pair of opened arms.He stands in front of him,everyone standing behind Liam with smiles and sparkles in their eyes."Welcome to your dream wedding baby."


Okay so that was obviously something to no one expected and like I didn't even know I was gonna do this until i actually wrote this


Idk I'm really happy and sorry this chapter was really crappy and spelling errors probably

I have actually been to this place like a week ago and ITS SO BEAUTIFUL I mean check it out online the photos for this chapter were taken by me

So give me your opinions please




[QOTC:Favourite emoji?]

[AOTC:👅😏 (Tongue and smirk)]

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