Six (4y|18m]
Fletcher-4 years 5 months
Oliver-1 year 6 months
In have to be precise or I'll get lost and confused
I really hate this chapter
You'll figure out why
I wonder if this chapter alone I can reach 110 comments?
*nonedited and CRAP
Enjoy :) (March 2019)
"Did my baby boy like his yoghurt?"Louis baby talked as he rubbed his nose on Oliver's baby nose that was the exact same as Louis'.Oliver let out a high pitched giggle at his papa,small chubby hands coming up and grabbing Louis' feathery Hazel hair that was styled in a fluffy side fringe.Louis took one of Oliver's small hands and kissed the palm of it,making him squeal again and thrash his little legs.Louis was currently waiting in the cafe with Fletcher and Oliver,along with Harry who had Fletcher on his knee as Fletcher played with his power ranger toy.Louis was waiting on Liam,the two of them were suppose to be spending the day with one another (since it was officially there anniversary of their first date),going for coffee,see a movie and then Liam was suppose to be buying Louis a romantic dinner.It was basically a date day,yet Liam still hadn't shown up and was now half an hour late.
He had dressed Oliver up in a pair of red chinos and a white striped jumper,small baby trainers on his feet which he continued to kick whenever his papa made him laugh,Fletcher although was dressed in a pair of jeans,a red and black checkered flannel and the starwars vans on his feet.Louis himself was dressed in a dark blue sweatshirt that was dip dyed light blue,a pair of skinny jeans and dark blue vans on his feet.It wasn't all that cold outside,but Louis had bought jackets,hats and scarfs with just incase,all of it being neatly folded and placed in the diaper bag that Louis had in the button basket of Oliver's pram.Louis had Oliver sat on the counter,an empty pot of yoghurt on the table in the both that the four were sitting at.Louis was glad that Harry agreed to look after the boys while He and Liam spent some alone time with one another,he was keeping the two of them over night and was dropping Fletcher off at Nursery and Oliver at the Payne household on his way to work.
Harry was like Louis' babysitter,even if the awkward frog had a substitute teaching job and had a sex life to maintain
"Fletcher,Babe,stop hitting Uncle Haz with your Power Ranger,"Louis scowled lightly as he wiped the remaining bit of yoghurt on Oliver's face with the baby wipe,Oliver trying to eat it in the process and failing.He had gained his apatite back,the couple finding out that the problem was that he had a sore tummy which lead to a very mess nappy and some vomit during the night (of course Louis let him sleep with him and Liam and cuddled his baby all night long).Fletcher looked up at his Papa upon hearing his name,innocent blue eyes staring at his Papa and then to the power ranger in his hand.He didn't even like power rangers,he was simply only playing with it be she his uncle Harry gave It to him and he didn't want to be rude and tell him that he'd rather play restaurant with Wilson and Zee.He would let Oliver join because last time he got drool over Zee and he had to be washed.
"Sorry Papa,Sorry uncle Haz,"Fletcher pouted,setting the power ranger down onto the table and lifting his juice cup with his left hand since having the cast on his hand (which was now taken off) he was able to use both hands just as equally,Harry kissed the top of Fletchers head as Louis gave his eldest a smile."Uncle Haz,Can We play Restaurant at your home?"He asked with his bottom lip jotted out,Turing his head to look at his (favourite) uncle.Harry pulled a thinking face before nodding his head.
"Yeah!Of course!And we can make chocolate cake too and have it after dinner,eh?"Harry suggested which Fletcher squealed at and tried to clap his hands but failed since only one hand was in use.He was glad that he was getting it off after Nursery Tomorrow.
"No chocolate,he'll be all hyper and I'm sure Zayn won't be too pleased to have a hyper Blue around,no matter how much he loves him,he'll most likely kill my son,"Louis speaks his mind as Oliver tries and grabs the glasses that are on the bridge of Louis' nose,pouting when his Papa leans his head back so he can't reach them no more.Harry just shrugs,he honestly doesn't care if Zayn will be pissed off,It is Harry's house after all and even if Fletcher does get hyper,every sugar high has its downs."I'm gonna go change Pooka,you'll be alright with Fletch?"Louis tells Harry who smiles and nods,interacting with Fletcher who seems to be in a world of his own.Louis gets up with Oliver on his hip,grabbing the nappy bag and heading to the bathroom where there is a changing table so he's able to change Olli.
Louis was beyond Pissed off with Liam,The older of the two was the one that organised this date after all and it made Louis sad and angry at the same time because had Liam ditched him for another girl?Cheating on Louis with some bird with big breasts and ass?Someone who hasn't went through childbirth twice and has a terrible weight problem.
"Hello,you have reached Liam Paynes phone,I'm not able to answer the phone right now and am most likely training or spending time with my family,please leave a message after the Beep-"Louis groaned and took the phone back into his hand from where he had it balanced on his honey shoulder,clicking off the call and stuffing the phone back into his pocket with a huff.He has continuously tried to call Liam for the 6 minutes that he has been in the bathroom,Oliver sprawled out on the fold our changing table,playing with Louis' rubber batman bracelet,sticking it into his mouth and chewing at it.He was using it as a teething ring six me he wouldn't use a proper one,and Louis really couldn't care as long as Olli wasn't biting himself or others.He blew a strand of hair out of his eyes as he looked down at Oliver and smiled when he smiled up at his Papa with the couple of pearly white teeth that he had gained.
"Where is your Daddy,eh?Papa is suppose to be having fun,not stressing out."Harry sighed as he ran his fingers through Fletchers soft brown hair,scratching at the scalp making the young hum in approval and lean his small body back into Harry's chest.Wilson and Zee were both in his Uncle Haz and Zees car and the power ranger was boring.Liam was Harry's best friend for god knows how many years,and Louis was his friend now after years of the curly haired man tormenting the twink,and right now Harry was very pissed off at Liam and was ready to punch him in the throat for standing Louis up.He was still going to take his favourite nephews,he wanted Louis to enjoy himself and not to break down like he was on the brink of.
Liam had yet to tell anyone he was in a relationship
After over 4 years of being in hiding and feeling like he didn't exist Louis felt like he was 18 all over again
Harry jerked his head back towards the window of the cafe that they were in.his mouth hanging slightly open when he noticed what he thought his eyes were playing tricks on him.Liam with other person.A girl."Hazza,I need potty,"Fletch whimpered,grabbing down below to show tan the needed to pee and couldn't hold it in.Harry was too caught up on what he was seeing,Liam was walking down the street with a girl right beside him,both dressed up in clothes that were a tad too formal for the weather they were in.Harry wanted to shoot up and run across the street,punching the life out of his so called best mate for cheating on someone as wonderful and caring as Louis.The boy gave up everything for Liam,his whole life was a mess and he pulled it all back together for Liam and their children.
And this right here,was what was going to break Louis to the brink
"Yes,um,er,okay babe I'll take you now,"Harry whispered getting up from the booth and setting Fletcher on the ground who ran to the direction he saw his papa was in with Pooka.Harry took the pram off of its brake and pushing it towards the bathroom since he wants to get out of the cafe as soon as possible and get Louis away.Maybe he can drop the boy off at Karen and Geoffs,or Michael and Cals,or Niall and Chases since they don't have screaming children.Yet.He doesn't want Louis to find out,not until Harty has confronted the fucker,pushed him in the face a couple of times and then get the full story out of him.
"Why don't I just drop you off at Nialls or something?Maybe Ashton could come round and you three could have a relaxing day?Listen to MCR and stuff..."Harry trails off as he sets Fletcher on the toilet since it was too high for him.Louis just shrugs and places the diaper bag back into the small basket of the pram and starts to strap Oliver in who is again,trying to rip off his Papas glasses because they look so fascinating and he wants to try them on.
"Nah...I think I'll just take the boys and go home..."Louis' voice is barely a whisper as he kisses Oliver's forehead.
"No!You deserve to relax and enjoy yourself,I'll take the boys as planned and you go to Nialls and pamper yourself.And if Liam calls your mobile,don't answer,okay?Text me and I'll chat with him,"He tells Louis in a quick and rushed tone,the smaller staring at him for a second before nodding his head.
Harry is gonna kill Liam
Or at least have Zayn kill Liam
[QOTC:Pizza.What if your perfect Pizza?]
[AOTC:Pineapple,Ham/Bacon,Chicken,Pulled pork and BBQ base]
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