One [4y|1y]
Fletcher-4 years and one month old
Oliver-1 year old
HI PEACEMAKERS screaming because of the over 60 votes I have already received and holy motherfuck!!!!
I love you guys,and if the votes continue like this I'm sure to make this book the best I can possibly can
please comments,I love comments as they brighten my mood to see your opinions and thoughts
Enjoy :) (September 2018)
"Papa!Can I go outside?"Fletcher questioned bouncing up and down on the balls of his little bitty converse cladded feat.He was dressed in a white and tan striped dungarees,with a white t-shirt underneath and white converse on his feet,the dungarees stopping jaunt above the knee.He was getting bigger,he was still very small for his age but by the Height chart that they were keeping in the doorframe of the kitchen,he was growing taller and Louis wanted to cry.Yes,Fletcher was only four but Louis didn't want his to grow up,he was his little baby and was getting more and more independent as time went on and Louis wasn't ready for that.Oliver on the other hand was still dependent on his parents,his Papa especially since the one year old was always stuck by his side.
Louis sighed as he looked down at eldest and then out the kitchen window that looked out over the grass back garden that they owned.It was large,fitting well with a large house,with a swing set,slide and a soft matted area along with a waterproof toy box that held footballs,bubbles and other if event outside toys.They hadn't been able to use their back garden for a while since Fletcher was too young to go out by himself,but now that he was gradually getting older the toddler wanted to explore a lot more than he should be.
"Yes,fine you can play outside but go get your jacket and play close to the house since we're going to see Uncle Ashton and Luke soon."Louis told him,giving in to Fletchers stare that was slowly starting to eat at Louis.Fletcher let out an over the top squeal of happiness as he skipped to get his jacket from where he last let it at the front door entrance.He loved playing outside,there was so much to explore and to see and it was so fascinating to the young 4 year old!He was free to use so much of his wild imagination when he was outside in the open of his back garden,to jump in puddles of water and mud,to pick out the bugs that crawled in the grass and to just play on the equipment that his Daddy had put up not that long before his 4th birthday.He was an outdoor type of boy,even if he did like to be inside with his Papa he still liked being outside because it was a change.Sometimes he got bored playing by himself but he knew that soon Olli would be allowed out to play with him and then they could play Pirates!
"Papa!"Oliver cooed over the baby monitor that Louis had clipped to the waist band of his tight black jeans that hugged around his bum and thighs perfectly.He was pressed in his bum hugging jeans,a white jumper and a pair of timberlands as it was just the end of September,Oliver just turning 1 a couple of days previous,and then weather wasn't the best as it was damp.Louis sighed with a small smile as he started to drain the water from the sink and putting the last plate on the draining rack and he Dried off his hands on the nearby towel.
"Fletcher,be careful,okay babe?"Louis called as the four year old ran through the kitchen (nearly knocking Louis over in the process) and jumping through the open glass sliding door onto the slightly damp decking.The small boy made his way towards his waterproof chest and pulled out a bunch of different outside toys,talking mindlessly to himself as he started to set toys out in the place so that he wanted them.After making sure that Fletcher was okay,Louis started to make his way up the stairs onto the second floor of the house,going down the end bedroom across the hall from the guest room where Olivers light blue bedroom was.He couldn't help the large grin that appeared on his face at the sight of Oliver in his ocean themed sleeping back (since they found out that Oliver moved a lot when he was taking naps),his chocolate brown hair sticking to his forehead with sweat and innocent puppy dog brown eyes watching Louis' every moves.
"Hello Sleepyhead,have a nice nap,Pooka?"Louis hummed as he walked further into the room and smiled as Oliver made grabby hands towards his papa who unclipped the baby monitor from his belt loop and placed it on the chest of drawers beside Olivers crib.He unbuttoned the sleeping bag off Oliver and picked the cooing baby up,his dummy bobbing up and down in his mouth like always.He had received the nickname after all four of them where watching the Animated Movie Anastasia and Oliver really reminded Louis of the little dog Pooka and since Oliver was giggling when the dog came on to the screen it stuck.Oliver immediately buried his face into the crook of his Papas neck,loving the amazing smell that he gave off."Lets change your nappy,eh?Then Blue,You and I head out to Uncle Luke and Ashton's to see Bonnie Bear."Louis said to the baby who just cooed as he was laid down on changing mat and given his grubby blanket for comfort which he rubbed up against his soft cheeks.
Louis changed Olivers soiled nappy,changed him into a cute baby red and black Flannel and a pair of jeans and finally packet a nappy bag for him he carried Oliver down the stairs on his hip along with his blanket and dummy."My little baby-boo is still sleepy I see,"Louis smiled as Oliver laid his head on his Papas shoulder,Brown eyes lazily scanning his surroundings as Louis carried him into the kitchen where he sat him down in his high chair with protest."I'm truly sorry but to make you a bottle and get your brother back inside you have to sit there and be a good boy,"Louis mimicked his youngest pout which made Oliver giggle around his dummy and Clap his hands together.
Louis turned on his heels,setting the nappy bag on the counter as he started to prepare a bottle to take to the Lashton resident,knowing that there would be baby food available if needed any since Bonnie was only a couple of months younger than Oliver."Fletcher be careful-"Louis called out setting the ready made bottle into the little bottle holder at the side of the diaper bag,his words being cut off by the loud cry of Fletcher coming from outside.His head quickly snapped up as he looked out through the window to see Fletcher lying on his stomach on the decking."Fuck!"Louis shouted rushing from the kitchen and the through he opened glass sliding door,his boots being slippery on the damp decking.
"Papa!It hurts!"He wailed once Louis had gently placed him onto his feet,Fletchers cheeks already stained with tears as he cradled his right arm to his chest protectively.Fletcher was always getting bumps and bruises,scraps and cuts and now this has happened with Louis only with the you boys and Liam training.
"Your arm?"He asked just to make sure,earning a small nod from Fletcher as he continued to let out a pained cry which sent daggers to Louis' heart just like that time he tripped and bruised his cheek.Gently Louis reached out to bring Fletchers arm forward earning a loud cry and whimper."Oh-okay,shh baby calm down."Louis hushed as he got up and picked Fletcher up who was still crying.He needed to take Fletcher to the hospital,well first he had to dispose of Oliver at someone's house."Okay babe,you have to sit here for a second and then we're gonna visit grandma at work,okay?"He cooed as he kissed Fletchers forehead and set him on the counter,giving Oliver a side glance to see if he was okay (he was too busy watching his older brother silently cry).
This was going to be a long day
Hey there!
Did you miss me?
IM SO PUMPED FOR THIS BOOK like always I'm just winging it but that's good right?
I really hope that you guys will enjoy this book just as much as you did for the first two
How was this chapter with accident prone Fletcher?
Want me to continue this scene in the next chapter?
Peace ✌🏼️
[QOTC:X-Box or Playstation?]
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