Fourteen [6y|3y2m]

Fletcher- 6 years and 3 months old
Oliver-3 years and 2 months old

[November 2020/4 months pregnant]

"Rudolph the red nose reindeer-"Oliver giggles as he watches his older brother run around the livingroom with his bestfriend, singing, chanting and screaming the lyrics of well known Christmas songs as loud as they can. It was very entertaining for the three year old who hugs his plush panda to his chest and rubs his cheek on the soft fabric of his baby blue blankie.

Big brown eyes watch as Fletcher and Axel continue to entertain him, a distraction from his terrible sickness and the sore spot on his knee that he has from tripping up the stairs. His papa was busy in the kitchen preparing dinner for that evening while his Daddy was shopping for groceries at the store. This left the two terrible six year olds to be In charge of a poorly Oliver.

"It's Too early for Christmas songs."Axel clarifies, stopping mid run which makes him bump shoulders with Fletcher at the halt."My daddy says Christmas not started yet."He adds and Fletcher huffs with a pout, rolling his bright blue eyes at his bestfriend.

"It is Christmas,"

"Nuh-uh, Christmas in 'cember. Daddy says so."Axel uses his facts to back himself up, hands to his side and standing straight. He was a little taller than Fletcher, well Fletcher was taking after his Papas short build since he was taking after everything else from Louis, although he was stubborn like both his fathers.

"Papa! Axel says it's not Christmas! But it is!"Fletcher shouts, hating the fact that Axel could be correct because Axel was normally correct with everything. Louis is coming in from the kitchen dressed in a red woolly jumper and a pair of pregnancy Jeans. He was making snacks for the three boys in between also making dinner as Calum was scheduled to be picking the boy up soon.

"Fletcher, stop shouting."He scolds, walking into the Livingroom and sitting down on the sofa beside Oliver who cuddles into his papas side. It's a nice warmth, His papa always seems to be nice and warm and he likes it."Baby, it's only November, Christmas is soon but not right now."He soothes, running his hand through Fletchers soft hair that was slowly longing.

"See! I was right!"Axel smiles smugly, giggling whenever his best friend is glaring at him and shaking off his Papas touch.

"No one likes Know-It-Alls."The stubborn boy is grumbling under his breath, Axel hearing and frowning at what his best friend has just said. He knows Fletcher is just stubborn but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt any less.

"Fletcher Blake, you apologise this instant."Louis snaps, being blessed with the fantastic ability to hear everything that comes out of Fletchers mouth. It was a trait that came with being a parent, Louis was able to hear everything and find everything even if it has already been claimed to be lost.

"Say sorry,"Oliver Chimes, finding his way onto Louis' lap, Panda and blankie and all. Oliver sticks his thumb into his mouth, sucking on his thumb for comfort as his Papa sorts out the small argument between the two 6 year olds that refuse to talk to one another.

"Well it's true."Fletcher continues to stick his ground, small arms coming to cross over his chest just as Axel copies the same pose.

"Fine, you two can huff all you want. The more you huff, the less snacks you'll get."Oliver makes a gasping sound at the threat, Looking between Fletcher and Axel with wide brown eyes and mouth Ajar. Papa has pulled the no snacks card! This is serious business!

"I'm not saying sorry,"

"Me neither,"

"Fine, I'm away to put Pooka for a nap, you two better have this sorted by the time I come down here."Louis points at the two six year olds, getting up off the sofa with Oliver in his arms, cautious with his four month baby bump that he was supporting. Oliver squeals as he's lifted, holding his panda and blue blanket close to him as he waves bye-bye to his older brother and Axel.

Fletcher Huffs out a breath, flinging himself onto the sofa face down and mumbling;

"I'm not talking to you,"

In which Axel replies with;

"Me neither."


"Okay Baby Boy, What colour Jammies?"Louis ask, Setting the brown eyed babe onto the bed with his Panda and Blanket beside him, thumb still in his mouth as he watches his Papa.

Louis digs through the Pyjamas that Oliver has, two pieces and onesies all in one drawer because Oliver had alot. A sick and stuffy Oliver meant that Louis' mothering instincts kicked in big time, and nap time meant Oliver had to be as comfy as possible in a pair of fluffy pyjamas.

"Pink!"He shouts over his thumb, being scowled at by Louis for shouting and for having his thumb in his mouth.

"You don't have any Pink Jammies, Pooka."Louis pouts out his lip as he looks through them once again just to double check.

"Want Pink,"Oliver is determined to get Pink Jammies, he wants to wear pink and he's going to wear it!

"Pooka, We've got no pink. All we have is Red, that's close enough baby."Louis softly coos, pulling out a red footsie Pyjamas with a red Dinosaur on the the crest.

Oliver makes a distasteful face at the choice of clothing, nose scrunching up and shaking his head. There's tears brimming his eyes and his bottom lips is wobbling in upcoming tears. Louis is sighing, putting the red onesie back into the drawer and making his way over to his youngest.

"Okay okay, calm down."Louis shushes, pulling Oliver onto his lap as soon as he sits down on the small bed. It has a white frame the bed sheets were space themed with space ships and stars because Oliver thought that stars were really pretty."I'll get you some pink, you can wear Papas Pink jumper."He bargins.

"Yay! Pink jumper!"Oliver is cheered up at the mer mention of his Papas pink jumper.

"Now, it's going to be really big on you, so you're going to have to be really careful whenever you're walking while wearing it. Okay?"Oliver is nodding his head, arms up so that Louis can slide the pink jumper over his head and onto Oliver. The jumper literally drowns the 3 year old, creating long sweater paws but it doesn't the him because all Oliver cares about is that his wish is granted.

"Thank you Papa! Thank you!"He gushes, pressing a sloppy kiss to Louis' cheek and hugging him from around the next. Louis laughs, hugging the boy back before tucking him in for a nap.

"I'll ring Daddy and see if he can work his superman powers and get you some pink Jammies."Louis whispers, kissing Olivers forehead before leaving to let the little one have a nap, all cosied up in Louis' jumper with his Panda and Blanket.

"Li, Have you left the store yet?"Louis asks, walking out of Olivers bedroom. He has the phone pressed to his ear as he paces the floor boards.

"No, haven't left yet. Is there something you need?"Liam asks, the rustling of the items in the trolley is heard from the otherside of the line and Louis thanks his small amount of lucky stars.

"Can you get some pink clothing? Like Pyjamas, and T-shirts and hoodies. It's for Olli."Louis explains lightly, biting his bottom lip is worry because stuff like this was what crossed the line with Liam. He can still remember the time that shit hit the fan whenever Fletcher was watching what was classified as a 'Girls Television Programme'.

"But he's a boy,"

"Yes, and I'm a guy and I wear pink, and make up, and skirts- Honestly the list goes on and on."Louis continues, smirking whenever he hears Liam sigh in defeat because he knows that Louis will win even if this does cause an argument.

"Right, Fine."The older man huffs, Louis thanking him before he hangs up and makes his way down stairs to see if Fletcher and Axel have made up yet.


"Ewie, Kissing is yucky."Axel pulls a face where he sits in the Livingroom of his Uncles house. He had started watching a movie whenever his Uncle Lou went upstairs, Fletcher not budging from where he lays on the sofa with his face hidden."Emily kissed me the other day."

Fletched bolts up onto his knees at what his best friend just said, wide blue eyes and open mouth.


"Emily kissed me."Axel shrugs his shoulder,"It was ew."He adds, scrunching up his nose because he didn't like the kiss at all.

"But you're mine! You're not Emily's! I don't like Emily."Fletcher hates Emily, whoever this Emily is because he doesn't know an Emily but they're now Fletchers enemy for kissing his best friend."You're mine, My kitty!"Fletcher pounces onto the green eyed boy, wrapping himself around him.

"Fletcher!"Axel giggles laying on his back, Fletcher on top of him like a koala."What are you doing?"He giggles again whenever he feels soft kisses being pressed to his neck and cheeks.

"My kitty, mine."Fletcher repeats his words and without even thinking, the six year old presses his lips to Axels in a kiss that he has seen his Daddy and Papa do so many times. Fletcher pulls away in shock."Oops."

"I liked it,"Axels nose twitches and he giggles again, Fletcher smiling at his best friend and giggling a swell.

"Me too. I like kissing you."


I thought this chapter was pretty fûcking cute

Who liked the Axel/Fletcher kiss?

Who ships it?

Oliver wearing pink? Who likes girly Oliver and wants to see more?



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