
Ayeeee I'm in Greece bitches (and if y'all offended by being called bitched gtfo,Jk I love you all ahhah)

It is so warm and there's no air conditioning until tomorrow morning so I'm all sweaty and clammy as I write this (What a wonderful imagine I have put into everyone's heads)

2900 words guys so enjoy 😂

Enjoy :)

Liam didn't expect to get a phone call at 3 in the morning from his father,tears and heavy breathing down the line,well neither did Karen expect to get a phone call at 2am from a crying and frightened Fletcher who had just found his Papa unconscious.Once he had made sense out of his dad,Liam's world stopped turning and all he could hear was the thump thump sound of his heart in his ears and the feeling of it in his throat.He didn't waste time on jumping out of bed and throwing on random clothes he had scattered around his bedroom and slipping on a pair of shoes (and maybe he wore his t-shirt on back to front,he really didn't care at this current moment) before grabbing his phone and car keys and sprinting out of his apartment and into his car.He didn't care if he didn't lock the front door,all his mind was focused on was Louis Louis Louis.

He hadn't seen or heard from Louis in 7 months,not since the door was slammed shut in his face and the engagement ring ended up back in his hand a week later when he went to pick up Fletcher from Nialls.Fletcher was the one that gave his daddy the engagement ring back,saying that he had found it on the coffee table that morning while watching his morning cartoons before going to school.It broke Liam to take the ring back,although he continued the keep it in his wallet and never left without it.It wasn't as if he was going to give it to anyone else,his one love was and still is Louis and he'd never marry another living soul other than Louis.All of the crap he said that night outside of his parents home was false,he did care about Louis and if he was in his life or not,and he couldn't live without the boy by his side through thick and thin.

Liam still loved Louis

Forever and always

"Mum?"Liam's voice was breaking as he talked,heavy tears wanting to escape down his cheeks but he had held them all in while he was driving to prevent having both Fletcher and Olivers fathers in hospital.All he knew was that Louis was in hospital,he wasn't told why but he had a very vivid imagination and was able to pull together the pieces and think of a scene that could've played out.Everytime that Liam asked how Louis was doing over the past 7 months he either got a 'Fine','alright' or the 'Papa said not to tell' from Fletcher who was sticking by his papa and giving his Daddy the cold shoulder.Liam was hurt Everytime that Fletcher would ignore him,it was hurtful for your own son to hate you and blame you for the cause of Louis' unhappiness.

Karen shot up in her seat, Fletcher in her arms who had driven himself to sleep due to his intense crying.She couldn't get Fletcher to stop his crying,he was so so scared as to what he saw and he didn't know what his papa did but all he wanted was his papa.He wanted him to wake up and cuddle him,kiss all over his face and tell him that everything is alright and that he was just playing some big practical joke.Karen and Geoff had no choice but to take Fletcher with them,if they didn't and left him off at Nialls like planned with Oliver he would be caused chaos and woken up the 2 year old that had no clue what was going on.Her face has fear and worry all over it as if her face was a newspaper with the headlines,and Liam caught that one look of 'He did it again' in her eyes that made Liam's gut turn with guilt."H-How is he?"He whispered flickering his eyes to his Dad who had yet to speak and then to his mum who sighed.

"Stable,"Was all that he replied with,shifting Fletcher in her arms when the toddler whimpered and grabbed onto her t-shirt with a small fist."He wouldn't wake up,was giving us all quite a fright,"She gave off a low and broken chuckle as he stared up at her son with tear covered eyes.Her baby was doing so well,and then Liam had to fuck it all up and cheat.It was Liam's fault really,but she couldn't blame Liam,he was after all her son but he did put her other son in danger."They had to stable his cute together,some even glued since they were so wide and deep."She told him when she received no answer.

"C-can I see him?"He stuttered again,giving his dad a look who just rubbed a hand down his face and then paced down the hall a little,a pained and hurt expression on his face.He had his arms outstretched for his mum to give him over Fletcher,which she quickly did because her arms were hurting (even if the small boy was smaller than average) and the fact that Blue needed some fatherly love and comfort.He settled into Liam's stronger and tattooed arms a lot more,burying his face into the crook of his neck and sniffling.

"They had to induce him to give him a CAT scan just to check for bleeding of the Brain or starved of oxygen since he had stopped breathing,"Karen's voice was no more than a whisper as she looked around the oh so familiar hospital in which she worked at and had been so many times for good and bad things.Good being the birth of her children and grandchildren,the bad being all of the times she has to take them into hospital or because Louis did a stunt like this."He isn't awake yet so no,not until he has woken up."

"Do you know the reason why he did this?"Liam asked,kissing the crown of Fletchers head as he held him impossibly close.He was trying his hardest to remain calm and to not freak out or cry or scream.He had enough of sitting in the hospital because of Louis,Yes when he was giving birth that was an exception and the beating and violating incident was Liam's fault,but the trying to commit was all Louis' doing.Well,sorta,not really when it was because of stuff said by Liam,or done by Liam or caused by Liam.

Liam was the source of everything bad in Louis' life

But he was also his source of happiness

"We'll just have to wait and see baby,"She sighed softly as she turned to go and fetch some coffee to keep all 3 of them awake just Incase Louis awoke.


Surprisingly,for once when Louis awoke in the hospital bed he was calm,no screaming or crying for help or in pain.Instead he just lay on the bed,the oxygen mask over his nose and mouth and looked a round the room with wide blue eyes filled with curiosity and confusion.Honestly,he saw no reason to cry or scream for once,he knew where he was but he just wasn't expecting to be here.Alive and breathing.His arm and wrists did hurt like a bitch though both of them wrapped and taped up with dressing to keep them safe from catching or picking.

Stupid Louis,Stupid,His mind was screaming at him as he lay there,his head tossed to one side as he closed his tired blue eyes and thought for awhile in the darkness of his hospital room.He was stupid to do that,to think that he was able to get away with it without ending up in hospital or having a court case on his shoulders.He wasn't thinking straight (Obviously nothing about Louis was straight) and just let the demons in his head fight in a battle until the dark side one and grabbed him by the throat.They are going to take them away,label you unfit and give them to Liam.

Everyone was expecting an outburst from Louis,they were all patiently waiting outside in the hallway for Louis' cry or scream,and when they revived nothing after 3 hours or waiting,they decided that it was now a good time to check themselves on Louis' condition and to maybe comfort him.Louis' face was pale,the bags under his eyes seemed to be a dark shade of grey than what they were days before,his eyes had lost that sparkle and we're now a dull grey and his bottom lip was bitten and broken.Fletcher had woken up by now,his eyes bloodshot from all of the crying but they instantly widened when he saw his papa awake on the hospital bed,an IV drip in the back of his left hand and his wrists and arms wrapped up."Papa!Wanna see papa!"He begged,thrashing in his Daddy's arms until he was set down at the bottom of the bed and was left to clamper his way towards Louis who held a small smile for the sake of his son.

"Hi Blue,What you doing here?Still in your Jammies,"Louis pointed out,the air being taken out of his lungs as Fletcher collided with his chest and small arms were snaking around his neck,determined not to let go.He moved his right up slightly to wrap it around Fletcher,wincing a little at the pain but shrugging it off when he saw thr concerning looks from his parents and Liam.They all looked so tired and lost,obviously staying awake and downing cups of coffee during the night.All three of them held disappointed looks on their faces,and Louis really couldn't stop his heart skipping a beat when he saw Liam's tear stained cheeks.He was here for Louis,so that meant that he cared,right?


"You were sleeping and wouldn't wake up,A lot of blood.Got scared and phoned nana,"A whimper escaped both of their lips and Louis clenched his tired eyes shut.His little boy had found his papa in a position that he never wanted him to find him in and it was hurting Louis' heart so much.He sniffled as he kissed his forehead.

"I'm so sorry baby,So so sorry,"Was all that Louis whispered to his eldest son who pulled away with a frown on his lips,a small hand rubbing away at his papas cheeks to free them for tears.

"Don't cry,please.All better now,right?"His pulled his famous puppy dog eyes up at Louis who let a broken chuckle escape his lips and nod his head hesitantly,pulling him back into a hug weakly.

Louis chatted with his parents as he cuddled with Fletcher,they were both furious and weren't hiding that fact,but after Louis took their blows both Karen and Geoff were a mess of tears,hugging their youngest close and kissing all over his face and whispering sweet nothings to him.On the inside,Louis was beating his left up,his mind was screaming at him all of these words and hoping that someone will give him more physical pain because in the end his mind was telling him that he deserved it.

It was only when a paranoid Harry came in for his morning shift was when things got difficult,and awkward.Karen herself had managed to make Harry go do his job without hovering over Louis as if he was his assigned Nurse,and while she was at she took Fletcher back home to get him change him into proper clothes and to get food into his Tum-Tum.Geoff had to leave for work (After a lot of begging from Louis that he was okay) so that left only Louis and Liam in the hospital room,think awkwardness between the two in the air that was able to cut with a butter knife.Louis has been avoiding Liam's worried glance the minute that he entered the room,he hadn't talked to him and instead Liam offered to sit on the hard hospital chair or went to get the hot beverages.

"Why'd you do it Lou?"Liam was the first to break the silence,his arms crossed over his toned chest and his stress creases deep in his forehead.Louis was trying his hardest not to look at his ex,or really he should be calling him his Brother from now on since that's what he was now,maybe not blood but now that they aren't in a relationship.Plus that's what the media knows Louis as 'Liam Paynes non-identical twin brother' it makes Louis sick to his stomach.

"Why do you care?"Louis asks,still not meeting Liam's dangerous eye.

"Because we're family,and have a family together,"Liam's voice is so soft and gentle but so stern and serious at the same time that it makes Louis' insides go to mush."And because I love you,"Liam adds in just as he sees that Louis has taken an interest in the IV drip connected to his hand.

"What is this Love that you speak of?"Louis is trying to avoid answering Liam's question,Obliviously he is,the problem itself in standing right in front of him and acting as he doesn't know.

"Oh for heaven sakes Louis,answer the fucking question!"He is trying not to raise his voice,but he finds it hard since even the sound of his trainers on the floor of the hospital is loud.Louis flinches and looks up at Liam,his blue eyes dull like a cloudy night sky and really,it breaks Liam to see Louis back in this state that he was in over 6 years ago before he was shipped off.

"Why are you marrying her?And why not me?"Louis can't bring himself to say Her name,it'd roll of his tongue with spit and acid if he did so.Liam looks at Louis confused,his head going to the aide and now he looks like an overgrown chocolate lab hat has been refused a treat when he did good actions.

"I'm not marrying anyone Louis,"He later chuckles because now Louis is acting utterly ridiculous,Marriage?Liam would on,y marry one person and he's sitting in a hospital bed accusing Liam of getting ready to Marry someone else."You'd think I'd get down on one knee for someone other than you?"

"Well you didn't exactly get down on one knee for me,"Louis retorts with a snort,if he was wearing his glasses her push them up his nose.Liam rolls his eyes amusingly at the younger man,the lobe of his life because even if he had just put his life on the line like he did,he was still a sassy smartarse with a massive ass.

"Would you like me to?Right now I'll propose to you to show you how much that you mean to me,even if we argue and fight and break up.I'm the cause of all of them,I know it I am at fault and it's all because of my football career.I'd quit my job for you,give up everything for you because you have up everything for me and our boys."Liam was rambling,his words getting mixed up and his hands clammy.

"Honestly stop before you pass out,"Louis can't help but let the smallest of giggles out at Liam's flushed face.The taller man lets a grin break out onto his face."I love you,Always have and always will,God knows why but I can't live without you.Seeing that news article made something inside of me snap,as if someone stabbed me and then ribbed my heart out."Louis meets Liam's eyes,Brown meeting Blue and Louis is smiling slightly and Liam is taking steps forward."B-but when I'm around you,I feel safe and protected.I feel loved for once and I know you'll defend me and help fix things,"

Liam leans closer to Louis' ear pressing a soft kiss to his ear lobe and Louis is flushing pink.

"Promise me you won't do this again,please,"His whisper sounds so broken.

"If you promise me to introduce me as who I am,The mother of your children and boyfriend,"Louis is tells Liam who pulls back and rests their heads together,breathing slow.

"Fiancé,"Liam corrects.


"We're picking up from where he left off,"

And at that,Liam is slipping the engagement ring he had kept in his wallet for 7 months into Louis' finger before closing the gap for a much needed kiss.

This was the longest motherfucking chapter that I have veer wrote and like you better have fucking enjoyed this and comment

But anyway!HI THERE!!

How y'all doing?:)

Please comment ^~^

Tell me your opinions on the whole chapter

Any questions?Related or not idc I like answering questions




[QOTC:Y'all all want the LILO wedding before or after the third baby?]

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