Eighteen [6|3|2m]
I'm kind of getting back into the swing of writing again, I've been in a rut for ALOT of my fanfics and I'm starting to get ideas for this, PSIG and Petite once again.
Liam and Louis- 27 years old
Fletcher- 6 years and 9 months
Oliver- 3 years and 8 months
Adrian- 2 months
Thinking of doing a time skip after 2 chapters
[May Year 2021]
Name: Adrian Lee Payne
DOB: March 16th 2021
Time: 4:28am
Weight: 6 pounds 3 oz
Height: 19 inches
Eye colour: Brown
Hair colour: Brown
Mother: Louis William Payne
Father: Liam James Payne
"Have you got everything? Backpack, jacket, books, colouring in pencils..."Louis' voice trails off, half of his Body already out the door as he pounders on if he has missed anything from the list. Louis' mind was in three different places, making sure that Fletcher and Oliver had everything for school (or Nursery in Olivers case), making sure that everyone's needs were being met but his own.
"Lunch?"Fletcher reminds in a hushed whisper, tugging at his Papas hand.
"Fudge, yes, lunch."Louis groans, slapping himself lightly on the forehead for forgetting Fletchers packed lunch that was most likely still sitting in his little lunchbox in the fridge. Fletcher refused to take school meals, meaning that Louis or Liam had to make him a packed lunch to take to school, and while Oliver only stayed till lunch time, he got fed when he got home with his Papa or both dads.
"You okay, papa?"Oliver asks whenever Louis is buckling him into his car seat, making sure that Adrian's car seat was secure and that Fletcher had his seat belt on. Oliver swings his little legs that dangle, trainers on his feet that light up at the bottom every time that he walks.
"I'm fine, Pooka. Papas just sleepy."Louis is reassuring, pressing a soft kiss on his forehead which indicates a smile from the toddler."Don't you worry about me, I'm fine and dandy."Oliver lets out a small giggle, nodding his head as Louis shuts the car door shut.
"Are you looking forward to seeing Axel, blue? I know you haven't seen him in a while due to him being sick."Louis frowns into the mirror, watching Fletcher play with straps of his backpack.
"Yeah! I missed him,"He frowns in saddens. He had missed his best friend, he had no one to talk to or play with in the playground or at play time. His Daddy was always pushing him to make new friends, but he didn't want to make new friends, Axel was all he needs.
"Well, Uncle Michael says he's going to school today so you'll see him."Louis smiles reassuringly, his attention back on the Road as he drives to school."Oli, honey, are you okay? You look sad, is something wrong?"
"I'm okay,"He kicks his legs, pulling at the end of his pink sweater. He had picked out his outfit himself, picking out his pink sweater and colourful trousers, with his shoes that lit up everytime that he walked. His Daddy had bought him them back from one of his trips and they were his new favourite shoes.
"Are you sure, Pooka?"
"Uh-huh,"He nods, a small smile ghosting on his lips as he looks up at his Papa. Louis gives him the look before sighing, continuing to drive. He had to admit, he was blessed with having Adrian, a child that could sleep through a damn thunderstorm and didn't even stir whenever Louis had to pump his horn at some idiotic driver that caught him off.
Fletcher is the first one to be dropped off at school, Michael was already waiting at the gates with Axel so Louis didn't need to get out of the car, knowing Fletcher was in safe hands with Michael. He kisses his cheek and tells him to have a good day at school, that his Daddy will be the one to pick him up from school.
Louis walks Oliver into the nursery, a hand capturing Olivers smaller in his own while the other holds the handle of Adrian's car seat. It was the same nursery that Fletcher was in, Louis knowing the building off by heart as he takes his middle child to his room, giving his hand reassuring squeezes to make sure he was okay.
"Baby, if something is wrong you have to tell Papa so that he can sort it out."Louis ends up crouching down in front of Oliver whenever he finds his silence unnerving, keeping a hand on Adrian's car seat and the other holding onto Olivers little hands.
"Are you lying to me?"Louis raises an eyebrow, watching how Olivers lips purse into a straight line and tears start to fill his brown eyes. His hair was growing out, it wasn't long enough for to be put into a hair bobble but it was far longer than the way it was before, something that Louis liked on his Oliver.
"Yes,"He nods with a sniffle, looking down at is shoes so that his Papa doesn't see him cry.
"Oh pooka, what's wrong? Tell papa, sweetheart."He keeps his voice soft, not at all angry with the fact that Oliver was lying to him. He knew something was bothering him and he wanted to sort it out. As much as Oliver was an overly confident little boy, he was still a big softy and would allow anyone to walk over him.
"Bein' picked on."He mumbles, feeling his Papa's fingers under his chin to lift his chin up to look him in the eyes. Louis' frown deepens.
"You are?"His voice sounds so sad, rocking Adrian's car seat to keep the baby in slumber."Is it because of your pretty clothes, sweetheart? Are you being picked on because of that?"He asks just to make sure, cupping Olivers cheek and rubbing his thumb over his soft cheek. Oliver nods with a sniffle.
"Right, okay."Louis closes his eyes for w sexism before reopening them."You have the most prettiest of clothing, Oli. Y'know what? I think their just jealous because pink is the best colour and they don't wear pink, yeah? The best of people wear pink."
"Like you,"Oliver giggles softly whenever Louis smiles, poking his little nose.
"Yeah, I wear pink."He points out the obvious."You let Papa sort this out, no one is going to be mean to my baby."
"T-thank 'ou, Papa."Oliver crashes into Louis' chest for a hug, small arms wrapping around his neck."I love 'ou."
"I love you more, Pooka."
This was a short chapter but I wanted to iodate quickly because I have other things in mind for me to write (:
Please tell me your opinions?
Your opinion on Oliver?
Prompts? Anything you'd like to happen before time skip?
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