Eight [5y|23m]

Fletcher- 5 years old
Oliver-1 year 11 months old

This was so crap that I cried and I got a sore throat and I'm coughing and idgf no more

I actually isn't care for this

Give me ideas please I'm running out of them


Enjoy :)

Fletcher hummed as he lay his head on Axels stomach,brown hair a mess from sleeping in that position and blue eyes coated with sleep as he opened them and turned his head to look up at his best friend.Axel was still asleep,dirty blonde hair covering the boys forehead and eyes a little as small puffs of air escaped his small parted lips.They had been playing hide and seat,but during the game they had both fell asleep with Fletchers head on Axels stomach since Axel didn't want his little Fletch to sleep with head on the carpet and offered his soft pudgy stomach.Even with Axel being a couple of months younger than Fletcher,he was still bigger in growth and wasn't as skinny and light weight that Fletcher was.Blue had his Mummy's figure already and he was just the age of 5.

Oliver himself was also passed out on his play mat with his light blue dummy bobbing up and down in his mouth and his bottom up in the air,the boys blue blanket clutched in his small hand like always and surrounded by numerous different soft toys surrounding him.Michael and Calum had dropped Axel down at Louis and Liams for a while since it was Fletchers birthday (well a couple of days after his birthday) and Axel had been missing his best friend.Well,when I say Louis and Liams house,it was complicated at the moment with the fact that Liam was in America at the current moment and Louis hadn't heard from him in 3 days.Nothing that been going wrong for Louis,anything and everything had being going wrong and Louis felt as if he had been hit by a truck and then fed by sharks and pooped out.He was so tired,stressed out and just wanted to rip out every strand of hair out of his scalp.

Liam was fucking him up

"Hey blue,"Louis yawned,walking into the livingroom,on his 10 minute check to see if the three boys were still sleeping and weren't going to get kidnapped.He had currently been making the house cleaner than it was,and pre-cooking dinner and then also maybe trying to get hold of Liam but that proved to be difficult since the phone kept going onto voice mail.Fletcher looked up upon hearing his famous nickname and gave his papa a small cheeky smile,slowly moving away from Axel so he didn't wake his best friend up from his peaceful nap.He got up ok his sock covered feet and made his way towards were his Papa was standing rubbing at his eyes as he looked at his phone."Did you have a nice nap baby?"He asked as he picked up Fletcher when the boy made a motion he wanted to be picked up.He still loved his cuddles after his nap,so he rested his head on his Papas shoulder and nodded.

"Yeah papa,When Daddy home?"He asked in a whispered tone as Louis walked into the study room with Fletcher in his arms.Louis had been spending the time on the laptop also which sat at the oak desk,and then to the far wall there was a large bookcase and then a 3 seater leather sofa with a coffee table.It was Louis' own personal space when he wanted to be alone,he didn't have a lot of alone time so he treasured the time he had to just sit on the sofa and read his books or browse online.Even at the age of 24 and with two children Louis was still on tumblr every minute that he got.

"Um,should be soon Fletch.You miss him bud?"Louis asked setting Fletcher down onto the ground of the study and letting the 5 year old run towards the sofa where he last left Wilson and Zee during the game of Hide and seek he was playing with Axel.Liam was due back that night,his flight landing at 7 and then the journey back ho,e should take him an hour or so,just in time for Fletchers bedtime if the toddler hadn't already passed out by that stage.Fletcher wasn't all that close with his daddy than what he was with his Papa,he had a special bond with Louis and couldn't go one day without seeing him or one night without a goodnight or a hug from his papa.He use to cry if he didn't see his Daddy or get a goodnight from him.not he really didn't care as long as his papa was around to tuck him in.

"Wee bit,"The big shrugs as he presses his cheek to Wilsons White and black fur,"Olli miss daddy thou.Hear him cry for him,"He tell his papa who has a small frown on his lips as he scrolls down tumblr.Fletcher stays silent for a minute just playing with the white tigers fur,"Do you miss Daddy when he go?"He asked after a while making Louis pause in his actions and close his laptop and look over at his eldest.

"Yeah babe,I miss daddy loads.Wish he didn't go all of the time and stayed home.Wouldn't that be nice?To have Daddy home in the house every day?"Louis' smile was weak As he played with the draw strings of his jogging bottoms before looking up at Fletcher."Okay,go wake up Axel and you too can play while I phone uncle Cal and Mikey."A sigh escapes Louis' lips as Fletcher nodded and ran out of the study with Zee in his arms,Wilson lying on the sofa.Louis followed just in time to see Oliver waking up,his nap scowl on his face as he sat up on his padded bum and looked around the room,warm chocolate brown eyes locking With Louis'.

"Papa!"He lisped around the dummy in his mouth as he made grabby hands for his papa.A smile made its way onto his face as he picked up the chubby baby and breathed in the baby powder scent.He couldn't believe that Fletcher was now five and Oliver was 2 next month,it felt like yesterday he was still changing Fletchers nappies and Oliver was still in his stomach.

"Uncle Lou,when Daddy and PapaCal come?"Axel yawned,his blonde hair swooped over his forehead as green eyes started up at Louis who had Oliver on his hip and a phone in his other hand.

"Soon babe,I'm going to call him now so both of you start tidying up a little and then okay quietly,"Louis instructed already clicking Michaels contact and phoning him,walking around the ground floor of his house with Oliver half awake in his arms.It wasn't long for Louis to get hang of Michael on the phone and ask what time he's picking up Axel,and soon after it wants long until Michael (this his jet black hair) and Calum where showing up on his door step with messy hair and plump lips.

"Did I turn everyone gay or something?Because I remember when I was the only gay one in the group and now the only person that is remotely straight is Matthew,"Louis laughed,a hand covering his mouth at Calum and Michaels flustered looks,a smirk plastered on Calum's face though."Just admit you got the hots for each other,"he said with a smile as he bounced Oliver on his knee who was now playing with a teething ring and drooling everywhere without a care in the world.

"I have no idea what your talking about Lou,you're delirious,"Michael rolled his eyes at Louis who smirked,it was the same line that Michael used when Louis confronted him about Axel in the soft play area.Axel came running in from the hallway area with usual small backpack and Peter the rabbit in his arms."Hey Lil kitten!Dis you have a nice time with Uncle Lou,Fletcher and Olli?"Michael asked his son who smiled and nodded going to hug Calum's leg who he had t seen in two days due to Calum working non stop.The kiwi boy picked up Axel and placed sloppy kisses to his pale cheeks.

"Thanks for looking after him Louis,"Calum smiled and they all exchanged goodbyes especially Fletcher and Axel and then Oliver who was chiming 'Bye-Bye' until 5 minutes after the trio had left the home.A sigh escaped his lips as he walked back into the study area to grab his phone from the place he last left it while he was pacing while on the phone to Michael.Louis wanted to sleep for a million years,he was literally a zombie manoeuvring around the house on autopilot.Picking up his phone,he smiled at the photo do Bonnie that Luke had sent him,and just as he was about to but the phone back into his pocket and go and finish dinner,it buzzed.With eyebrows threaded,the twink unlocked his phone and looked at the notification that he got for Liams daily updates on Twitter,his lip wobbling and tears coating his eyes at the photo of Louis leaning very close to a girl no more than 20,his hands on her waist.

"Papa,you okay?"Fletchers innocent voice rang out catching Louis out of his thoughts,innocent blue eyes staring across the room at him and Olivers brown eyes staring at Louis as well.Louis' breathing was off the rails,he couldn't believe this,Liam was cheating on Louis behind his back,kissing another girl,holding hands,giving her compliments and telling her how beautiful she was,because even Louis had to admit he was jealous of her incredibly.

"We're going to grandmas,yeah?Go fetch Wilson,Zee and Olivers Blankie."

And that's how Louis ended up on the front door step of his childhood home,with Oliver on his hip and Fletchers hand in his own.

And how Liam came home to an empty house with nothing but a sticky note

Again,as I say at the end of every chapter,I am no good at writing endings

I hated this chapter,I'm not fond of this book tbh BC I have no ideas and no motivation

Please if you got an idea DM me or write on my wall

How was this in you opinion?

Alright I hope


Peace ✌🏼️


[QOTC:Your internet bestie(s)?]

[AOTC:Theodore,Ashlyn,Savannah and Chase--LOVE YOU ALL]


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