Chapter 68
Lots of time passed; Naruto and Hinata's wedding was coming up soon. Aceso and Sakura now stood outside as Konohamru videotaped them.
"Hey, Naruto and Hinata congrats on getting married!" Sakura congratulated.
"Congratulations! Wishing you both a beautiful marriage!" Aceso added as they both waved.
"Huh?" Konohamaru asked. They looked over to see Sai leaning against the wall.
"What're you doing, Sai?" Sakura asked. "C'mon!
"Have you recorded your message?" Sakura asked.
"Oh, I don't think I'll do a good job," Sai answered.
"You were a member of Team 7! You gotta do it!" Sakura urged angrily. The camera got put on him.
"Naruto, Hinata, congratulations," Sai said.
"Don't be so stiff!" Konohamaru ordered.
"Deepest congratulations, Naruto and Hinata!" Sai stated with a smile.
"Uh, can you act a little more natural?" Konohamaru asked.
"Like I told you before, I don't think I'll do a good job," Sai stated.
"Oh, boy," Konohamaru groaned. Aceso went off to do her work at the pharmacy as Sakura took charge of the other medical ninja. The next morning, Aceso got help from the academy students, Iruka-sensei's class.
"Thank you for the help today," Aceso smiled. "Your students are quite the hard workers."
"Anything to help out and encourage others," Iruka-sensei smiled at her. " I'm proud of them!" Later that night, Lee came in as Aceso was helping a customer.
"Hello," Lee greeted.
"Hello, dear," the little old lady greeted. "Just getting my morning pills..."
"This should last you for three months," Aceso stated.
"Thank you, dear," the elder lady stated, as she walked out of the place with her items. Lee took the opportunity to kiss her.
"How was training today?" Aceso asked as she broke the kiss.
"Vigorous," Lee answered. "I'll train extra hard tomorrow."
"I'd hold off on that," Aceso said.
"Why would I do that?" Lee asked. Aceso handed him a slip of paper, Lee took it, and he read it. "What is he calling us for?"
"Won't know till tomorrow," Aceso answered. "I have dinner in the fridge if you are hungry."
"Thank you," Lee kissed her cheek. "Will you join me in the shower?"
"It's a possibility," Aceso stated. Lee kissed her lips before heading upstairs. The next day, all the shinobi stood assembled in front of Kakashi.
"I assembled all of you here today in order to relay something to you as your Sixth Hokage," Kakashi announced. He leaned over the rail. "Listen, I'm giving you a secret mission. Each of you is to prepare a congratulatory gift for Naruto and Hinata's wedding. Report back one week before the ceremony and make sure to have your gift at ready when you do."
"Really?" Sakura asked. "A gift?"
"Oh yeah!" Kiba cheered. "Great!"
"Man, what a drag," Shikamaru groaned.
"I don't know where to begin," Aceso stated.
"Just leave it to Lord Hokage!" Lee cheered with Gai nodding.
" All right, That's about it," Kakashi said walking away. They all walked out of the building.
"A mission to find a wedding present, huh?" Kiba asked.
"The Hokage's giving us a wonderful opportunity to find a great gift," Shino said as he separated his wall of bugs. "One that epitomizes the friendship that we all share." He had Choji, Kiba, and Akamaru trapped in his bugs.
"That's right, we've never have a wedding celebration like this before!" Choji said.
"Shino what the hell!?" Kiba demanded as Aceso, Sakura, and Ino leaned to get a better look.
"Naruto and Hinata are the first ones among our group of friends to get married, after all," Sakura said.
"We gotta do our best to find something that they'll both like," Ino said.
"It has to be something meaningful," Aceso said, They jumped back screaming as Lee popped out in the middle of them with fire shooting out of his eyes.
" I feel the same way!" Lee exclaimed. " I am fired up! I will make sure they love my gift!"
"So do you already know what you're getting them, Lee?" Tenten asked.
" I have no clue," Lee answered getting closer to her.
"Then will you know they will love it?" Aceso asked. Lee turned to her.
"If I put myself in Naruto's shoes and think about he feels, I know that it will come to me naturally. I will not lose to anyone! Hyah!"
"What about Hinata's shoes?" Aceso asked leaning over as Lee got on his hands.
"Wake up, Akamaru!" Kiba cried.
"That will be where you come in!" Lee said.
"You're on your own," Aceso stated as she crossed her arms.
"Uh?" Lee asked looking up at her, he got to his feet staring down at her. "JUST BECAUSE WE ARE IN LOVE! THAT DOES NOT MEAN I WILL GO EASY ON YOU! I WILL MAKE SURE MY GIFT BEATS YOURS!"He kissed her and then got back onto his hands He then sped off, making Ino and Sakura spin in a circle, they both groaned.
"Well, traditionally, getting wedding gifts isn't a win-or-lose competition," Sai said appearing by them. He pulled out a scroll and scribbled ink over it. "But, still, let's give it our all!" He flew away on an ink bird, Sakura and Ino were both now on the ground.
"This is for Hinata!" Kiba shouted jumping in front of them. "So let's all try our hardest!
"There's no need to get so worked up," Shino said, Akamaru bit down on Kiba. They bolted as Shino came spinning on his insects. "The reason is if you relax, you'll think of something."
"Everyone seems really fired up about this," Sakura said as Shino spun away.
" I can't think of anything," Ino said. "You, Choji?" They looked back to see him being lifted up by the bugs.
"I have a pretty good idea of what I'm gonna get," Choji said as the bugs formed a bat. They swung, making him land on his neck oddly.
"Damn it," Shikamaru groaned. "This is such a drag." Choji sat up, snapping his neck back into place. Aceso walked away, she went to the Ichiraku to try to come up with her answers.
"Hello, Aceso," Ayame greeted. "What can I get ya today?"
"A glass of water," Aceso requested. "Oh, and a small Miso and char siu."
"Coming right up!" Teuchi stated as Ayame put a glass of water in front of her. She looked over to see Iruka-sensei sitting next to her.
"Thinking about your gift?" Iruka asked. He seemed distracted.
"Yeah," Aceso answered. "As Naruto's sister this should be easy, but I'm stumped." Iruka-sensei seemed very distracted. "Here." She pushed her water over.
"Thank you," Iruka said picking it up, he sipped out of it. Suddenly, someone ran passed them screaming. Aceso looked back to see feet opening the curtains.
"Hello!" Lee greeted enthusiastically
" Oh!" Teuchi greeted. "It's you, Lee!" Lee got on his feet, then leaned over the counter, with one finger in the air.
"The ramen Naruto gets most often, please!" Lee requested.
"Naruto's favorite ramen, huh? Let me see, here," Teuchi said.
"Oh, that's an easy one!" Ayame smiled turning around. "It's our large miso and char siu!"
"Oh yeah, right," Teuchi stated.
"I see!" Lee responded.
"But why the sudden curiosity?" Ayame asked.
"It's for Naruto and Hinata's wedding," Aceso answered. "We all trying to figure out what to get them." Lee jumped onto the counter, fire coming out of his eyes again.
"If I am going to understand Naruto's feelings I figured that I should first try the things that he likes to eat!" Lee explained.
"Well, I don't really get all this, but go ahead and take a seat," Teuchi said.
"Okay!" Lee chimed sitting down.
"You can always go for Naruto's second favorite, Aceso just ordered Naruto's favorite but small, I'm sure she'll be happy to let you have some," Ayame said.
"Is that so?" Lee asked looking over at her, lightning shot out of their foreheads connecting. "I'll stick with the large to understand Naruto's feelings."
"Why not order five of them to really understand his feelings?" Aceso asked.
"Maybe I will," Lee responded. Soon they were all given their food, Aceso slowly ate hers, and Lee ate faster than her.
"Well, how was it?" Teuchi asked. Lee started to tear up.
"Whoa!" Lee cried out with fire in his eyes, he got up spinning in a circle. "So delicious! Light, yet rich, with volume and punch, you want to slurp it down all at once!" He sat back down, putting his head forward.
"Do you get Naruto's feelings a little better now?" Teuchi asked.
" I have come to understand why he would always want to order this ramen!" Lee sobbed looking up. "But other than that, no, I do not."
"Oh no," Aceso breathed sarcastically, Lee glared at her, he saw she was still on her bowl. He went to go stick his chopsticks in, she fought his chopsticks away with her chopsticks.
"I thought this would be easy for you Aceso since you're his sister," Ayame said.
"It's Naruto and Hinata's wedding, I need to consider them both," Aceso said as she stopped fighting with Lee. "But I am completely lost." He happily took a piece of meat.
"That's too bad," Teuchi said. "If you could just tell how a guy feels by eating ramen, life would be a lot easier. Oh, hey, wait! Iruka, you were Naruto's teacher. So you must know all about him, right?" Iruka gave a small wave.
"Iruka Sensei?!" Lee panicked, jumping up." I am sorry! I was in deep in thought and did not notice you there!" He stood behind Aceso, bowing at Iruka.
"Oh, don't worry," Iruka said. "Your name is Lee, isn't that right? You're a student of Guy's, aren't you?
"Yes!" Lee answered getting closer. "And you were Naruto's teacher in the Academy! Which means that you must know how Naruto thinks! Please, you have to tell me everything you can about him!"
"The thing is, I was his teacher a long time ago," Iruka said. "He's earned praise for so many things that don't really have anything to do with me. And I only see him once in a while anymore."
"Oh, I see," Lee said standing up.
"Why are you even trying to understand Naruto's feelings in the first place?" Iruka asked.
"For his wedding gift," Lee answered. "So I would be able to find something that he is certain to like. And I thought that the best way to start would be understanding his feelings."
"Their wedding gift," Aceso corrected.
"Oh, so that's it," Iruka smiled. "I get it now." Lee groaned, then got close to Iruka again. This time he was leaning against Aceso.
"Anyway, to convey my intense respect for my friend and Aceso's brother Naruto, I am going to throw my whole being into finding the best wedding gift for him!" Fire erupted all around his fire. "Please, excuse me, Iruka-sensei!"He kissed Aceso's cheek, then bolted out of the place, he ran screaming.
"Wow, he is exactly the same as Gai," Iruka said, he was on the floor, and a bowl landed on his head.
"Put Lee's bowl on my tab, I must be going as well," Aceso said as she got up.
"Here you go," Ayame said handing her it. "I had it all ready for you."
"Thanks," Aceso said taking out money. "Honestly, for the gift to be perfect I need to be able to understand Naruto and Hinata's feelings, not just Naruto." She paid, she was now at the hospital she was on the rooftop folding sheets.
"Sensei!" a voice called. She looked up to see Oda running up to her.
"Oh, hello Oda," Aceso greeted.
"Are there any dry sheets?" Oda asked. "One of the patients like using fresh sheets, saying they bring comfort."
"Comfort," Aceso repeated.
"Well, they aren't wrong," Oda answered feeling the sheets. "They are somewhat similar to blankets, feeling warm, protected from monsters, perfect to cuddle with someone underneath it. You can never go wrong with a blanket!" Aceso stared at her, her eyes went wide. "What is it?"
"You are a genius!" Aceso smiled. "Here! These should be fresh." Aceso handed the folded sheets in her arms. After work, Aceso stopped in a book store, she purchased a knitting book; she got home just as Lee was walking up to the door.
"What's that?" Lee asked.
"Lady things," Aceso answered.
"You feeling alright?" Lee asked growing concerned as he opened the door.
"Absolutely fine," Aceso answered.
"Get comfy, I'll get a heating pad for you and some tea," Lee said as they walked in.
"No, no, it's fine," Aceso dismissed. "I'll just stay in the guest room tonight."
"My love," Lee breathed as Aceso walked down the hall.
"See you tomorrow," Aceso said stepping into the room, she shut the door.
"We only sleep separately if one is away," Lee frowned. "Did I do something?" He sulked into their bedroom, as Lee went to sleep, Aceso stayed up looking through knitting patterns. Hours later she heard yelling from the main bedroom, Aceso put the knitting book under a pillow. She hurried over, she went into the main room to find Lee in a weird state, a set of weights placed on the bed in front of him.
"Were you working out in your sleep again?" Aceso asked.
"I am so happy you are here!" Lee cried as Aceso removed the weights from the bed. "Neji's ghost just visited me."
"Neji's ghost," Aceso repeated sitting on the bed. "What did Neji have to say?"
"He noticed I was struggling in my sleep over the gift, but I don't understand the meaning," Lee answered, sitting up. "Physical strength over endurance. Physical strength over endurance. Don't forget Hyuga."
"That's a lot to process," Aceso said. " I have a feeling it won't help you go back to sleep. Tea?"
"No, thank you," Lee yawned, turning away. Aceso got up and went back to the guest room, Lee turned back, he frowned even more. The next morning, Aceso was downstairs getting ready to open the pharmacy, she heard footsteps, she looked to see Lee coming down, he got no sleep at all last night, that's for sure. His eyes were extremely baggy.
"No sleep," Aceso stated.
"I couldn't sleep at first not knowing what to get for a gift," Lee answered as he got to the bottom. "Then Neji gave me a confusing message and you didn't come to bed last night. And my favorite thing about being under a blanket is when the love of my life is next to me."
"Oh, I'm sorry Lee," Aceso apologized.
"How are you feeling this morning?" Lee asked. "Are you cramping badly?"
"Oh, uh, no," Aceso answered. "Well, good luck finding an answer."
"Thank you," Lee lowered his head, then made his way out of the shop. He reminded Aceso of a sad lost puppy.
"Wait, Lee," Aceso called out, he sped back into the shop standing at the counter.
"Is everything alright, are you sure you are feeling well?" Lee asked as he leaned over the counter. "Did you forget something?"
"You did," Aceso corrected, she kissed his cheek. Lee pulled back shaking his head, Aceso tilted her head. Lee then cupped her face kissing her, this made her smile.
"Meet me at Ichiraku later," Lee requested as he pulled back. "During your break."
"See you there," Aceso agreed, with one last kiss, Lee made his way out of the shop.
She spent most of the day at the shop, she was now at Ichiraku again, she met up with Lee, and they ran into Iruka-sensei again.
"Doctor Matsuba," Iruka greeted.
"Hello, Iruka-sensei," Aceso greeted sitting down.
"So, have you two decided on a wedding gift, have you?" Iruka asked.
"Yes!" Lee answered looking at him. "And all thanks. To Gai Sensei and you as well, Iruka Sensei. It truly pays to have great mentors."
"Well, if you believe that I was able to help you, then that makes me very happy," Iruka said.
"What are you saying?" Lee demanded getting in his face. "Naruto is blessed to have a mentor like you! I am sure he feels the same!"
"Oh, uh, thank you," Iruka said.
"Okay," Lee breathed getting up. " I am going to go take a look at some dumbbells, so if you will excuse me, please." He blasted out of the shop, Iruka-sensei was on the ground again, with a bowl on his head,
" I should get started on my gift as well," Aceso said standing up. "I am going to go look at some yarn!" She politely left, before making her way to the shop.
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