Chapter 61
Madara stared directly at Naruto trying to figure out how he stopped Guy-sensei from dying. Naruto took off towards Madara, he had his staff form again. Naruto slammed a power punch into the staff, his arm glowed yellow. Naruto held up his other hand, a Rasengan formed, with lava as the middle.
"Sage Art: Lava Style Rasen Shuriken!" Naruto exclaimed.
'When did he learn to do that?' Aceso asked softly to herself. Madara jumped away, and Naruto followed.
"This is bad," Madara grunted. "Limbo!?" Naruto dodged something. He threw the attack at Madara, he groaned as he was being thrown back.
"Now!" Naruto shouted. The attack expanded. "Explode!" The attack expanded, throwing Naruto across the tree, cutting open the tree, lava now roaring underneath. Madara slammed into a branch harshly.
"The tree's been severed!" Kakashi said as they all looked up, watching it beginning to fall over.
"Wait, Naruto really did this?!" Gaara asked him and Lee was both back on their feet.
"Gai-sensei and my love are over there as well!" Lee stated.
"Your love?" Gaara asked taken back, he glanced at him. Aceso was now lifting up Gai-sensei, as Naruto joined them.
"Let's go back to the others," Naruto said holding his hand. "Thanks for holding off Madara till I got back."
"So are you really doing all right?" Aceso answered. "How?"
"Obito put the nine-tails back into me," Naruto answered. "I will explain the rest later." Aceso grabbed his hand, then they both went back to the others.
"The tree disappeared," Gaara said, Lee, let out a gasp. Tears formed in his eyes as Aceso, Gai, and Naruto landed by them.
"Gai-Sensei!" Lee exclaimed running over as Aceso put him down gently.
"Bushier Brow Sensei's gonna be okay!" Naruto assured. "So don't worry. He's not gonna die!"
"My love, did you heal him? Did it really work like the Fourth Hokage think it would?" Lee asked. "After he activated all Eight Gates!"
"Sort of," Aceso shook her head. "It was mainly Naruto."
"You are being, too modest little sister," Naruto smiled at her. "You did most of the work."
"Naruto?" Lee repeated.
"My love?" Gaara repeated once more.
"Yeah," Naruto answered. "I feel like I'm able to do all sorts of things...the way that I am now..." Aceso looked at his hand to see a white circle on his palm. "Huh?" He looked back he got back to his feet. "Bushier Brow. Gaara. Watch Bushier Brow Sensei. Little Sister I need you to come with me."
"Naruto," Lee breathed looking up at him. "You helped save Gai Sensei...Thank you." Tears were in his eyes, Naruto nodded as Aceso stood up.
"Don't thank me quite yet," Naruto said. "Not too long ago you called my little sister my love and she responded. When we win this war, me and you are going to have a serious talk." Aceso couldn't help but smile. "Come on little sister." She nodded, and they both started to walk away.
"Naruto," Gaara said.
"Huh? Naruto looked back at him.
"When you finally became the Hokage, we should go have a drink together, sometimes," Gaara said.
"Sure!" Naruto nodded with a smile. "After the war, we can sit Bushy Brow down together."
"I'm about to cover my half," Gaara said glaring at Lee. "After this, we'll get Kankuro as well." Naruto and Aceso then took off.
"Are you sure you need me?" Aceso asked.
"Positive," Naruto answered. "If we want to take down can do a lot with your eyes, ya know?" He smiled at her. They landed by a marked kunai, they stared up at Madara.
"You can't possibly take me down," Madara denied. "I've essentially become immortal now. Don't you see? I've obtained eternity!"
"You idiot!" Naruto said tightening his hand band. "I'm not the one who's gonna be taking you down..." Naruto powered up, he had his own set of truth-seeking balls as Sasuke appeared, Aceso looked over to see Sasuke had the Rinnegan. "We are the ones who're gonna take you down!"
"Your time has come, Madara," Sasuke said.
'I'm feeling a bit out of place here,' Aceso thought to herself. 'Why did Naruto bring me along?'
"You awakened Six Paths Senjutsu," Madara noticed. "And you awakened one-eye Rinnegan, eh? That girl is only going to slow the two of you down."
"She's essential to taking you down," Sasuke said.
"No, no, Madara actually has a point for once," Aceso agreed.
"Trust me, we are going to need you," Naruto assured. He placed a hand on her shoulder.
"However,...I've got both of those powers together,...remember?!" Madara brought up. He held up a hand sign. "This is the final battle between us! My powers versus yours! Let's settle who is superior, once and for all!" Purple lightning shot out, Naruto threw a stick, and it spun like a star in the lighting.
"Aceso, the rod," Naruto said. "Green glowing eyes."
"Ok," Aceso responded, her eyes glowed green, the green rod got covered in a green barrier, the lighting got sent back to Madara, and a black ball came to the front to shield him from his own lightning.
"You should pay attention!" Naruto exclaimed, appearing above Madara, ready to strike. Naruto stopped in midair just as he struck, he wasn't close to hitting Madara. Madara shot out a line, he sliced Naruto's rod in half.
"Over there!" Sasuke shouted throwing his sword, it soaring in between Naruto and Madara, landing on a rock. Naruto was hit, he flew back slamming into rocks.
"Sasuke, it's headed your way!" Naruto stated. "Something I can't see is moving around!"
"Oh, yeah?" Sasuke asked. 'Cuz, I can see it just fine! Aceso, cover Naruto!" Aceso did as she was told putting a green barrier around the outline of Naruto's body. Madara held up a truth-seeking ball, transforming it into a staff, he was observing them.
"Then..." Madara said aiming towards Sasuke. "I think that left eye of yours will suit me quite well!" Naruto nudged Aceso. She held out her hands, and two big green hands appeared out of nowhere, grabbing onto Madara to prevent him from going any further, a sword went through Madara." Naruto looked back.
"Well, then," Sasuke said walking towards Madara, Aceso and Naruto stepped out of his path. "Go on, try it. That's not enough to kill you, is it?" Sasuke stared at him. "It seems your shadow returns to your body after a fixed time. Naruto, if and when he is shadow emerges again, you go after it. I'll take on the visible one, Aceso protects us both. However..." Naruto chuckled.
"I always hated you ordering me around..." Naruto smiled. " I guess some things never change, huh?"
"Let me finish what I was saying," Sasuke ordered. "Listen...this is our once chance. He and his shadow will likely stay together for a little while longer. I don't care what it is, but get a Sage Power Jutsu ready. Something that seals movement. Rope is rope, be prepared is restrain him, Aceso." Acseo nodded as Madara took the sword out of his body. He stared at them, mainly Sasuke.
"Now, Sage Art: Magnet Style Rasengan!" Naruto exclaimed holding up a hand. The Rasengan had the same markings as Shukaku.
"And I have Six Paths Power, too..." Sasuke said as a black Chidori appeared out of his hand. "Naruto, send your Jutsu to me! I'll handle the rest.
"It's still a bit annoying, but I guess that there's no time to argue!" Naruto said. They slammed their attacks into the middle, instead of colliding, it hit Madara. Aceso's ropes started to go around his body as green barriers went along the outlines of Sasuke and Naruto. "Naruto, the Jutsu that the Sage gave know it, right?"
"Yeah, this is the moment!" Naruto exclaimed as Aceso tightened her ropes, starting at the ankle, Madara then flew up, he stopped when Aceso pulled him back from the ankles.
"He moved!" Naruto exclaimed.
"Ah!" Sasuke yelled as he let the Chidori disappear, he lowered Aceso to the ground as a purple laser shot into the spot she stood, her ropes traveled back to her as Madara flew away. Aceso saw a purple form that wasn't human. "His shadow."
"Right there!" Naruto shouted. "Sasuke, we can hold down this one. You go after the real one!" Aceso's eyes glowed green, placing the shadow in a barrier as well as a seal from Naruto. Sasuke grunted in frustration. "Sasuke, hurry! Madara's heading towards..."
"Dad," Aceso breathed as her eyes went wide. They looked over to see Kakashi turning his head just to have Madara rip out his left eye, Aceso's breath hitched as Madara put the eye in his left socket. Sasuke charged toward Madara, he landed on the ground with a Chidori ready. He sliced Madara in half, separating his lower from his upper. Madara then disappeared. Sakura appeared back out. Naruto had a clone appear.
"Beware and don't waver," Naruto advised. He stabbed a rod thrown the green barrier into the shadow. He did it more times. "There that should do it. Rest your eyes, little sister." Aceso eyes stopped glowing green, but the memory remained. "He's caught now!" He held out his hand. "We're leaving him to you! Come on little sis!' Aceso grabbed his arm. "Hold on!" Naruto took off, taking them over to the other three.
"You can count on me!" Naruto's clone assured.
"So what did you do about his shadow?" Sasuke asked once they landed by the others.
"My Shadow Clone and I immobilized him with Sixth Paths Rods, he's also trapped inside Aceso's barrier," Naruto answered.
"Naruto!?" Sakura gasped.
"Hey there, Sakura!" Naruto greeted. "Let me do it!"
"What're you trying to do, Naruto?" Sakura asked Naruto walked up to Kakashi.
"Hey," Sasuke said.
"It's alright Sakura," Aceso said. "It's okay, trust Naruto." Naruto knelt in front of Kakashi, he put his hand over Kakashi's left eye. Seconds later, he stood up. "Open your eye, Kakashi Sensei." He groaned opening his eye, then gasped. His eye was back to normal, before the Sharingan normal.
"What?!" Sakura gasped. "But how'd you do that?!"
"Well, the thing is, it's really kinda hard to explain ith words, but basically, I took a part of Kakashi Sensei, and then I kinda, well, I used that part too, um, uh..." Naruto began to explain.
"You don't have to go into detail," Aceso said. "I'm just happy you healed Dad and saved Papa's life, thank you."
"Naruto, Aceso, I told everyone to stay alert," Sasuke informed.
"Huh?" Aceso asked.
"Really, well this is the first time we're hearing about it!" Naruto exclaimed.
"Come on!" Sakura groaned. "Quit talking back for once, Naruto! Anyway, you'll just have to explain about it later!"
"What happened to Dad's eye in the first place?" Aceso asked
"Madara took Kakashi's eye and went to where Obito is," Sasuke answered. "The next time he appears, he'll have both Rinnegan!"
"What?! For real?!" Naruto asked. They continued to discuss amongst each other while staying alert as well.
"Sasuke...what is your current dream?" Kakashi asked.
"Huh?" they all asked. They all stared at Sasuke.
"What's the meaning behind saying that you'll become Hokage?" Sakura asked.
"How exactly do you plan on changing the village?" Aceso asked.
"I feel that it might be fate...that the former Team Seven has reunited like this," Kakashi said. " If you don't wanna tell us what you're thinking right now, Sasuke,...that's fine. Besides, Aceso...we were all once a part of Team 7 is an irrefutable fact,..isn't it? In front, he's coming! You haven't forgotten the lesson from trying to steal the bells have you?"
"Nope," Sakura denied.
"hm," Sasuke breathed.
"Of course not," Aceso smiled as she got ready to strike or block
"The awesome is teamwork! Right?" Naruto smiled. There was a wrapping motion, Madara appeared with both Rinnegan's eyes, plus Obito's.
" all dying together could also be considered teamwork, right," Madara asked.
" have both Rinnegan, huh?" Kakashi noticed. There was a gust of dirt.
"Sorry, but...Obito is no more. I've taken over his body now," Zetsu said. "It seems that he was hoping to have his mistakes rectified and be redeemed. He was praying in his heart like a child...that he could just leave the future to you all. How convenient that would have been for him, don't you think? Like a spoiled brat." Madara looked to the side then back at them. Sakura gasped, taking a few steps back.
"I'll be the diversion!" Sakura stated as she charged forward.
"Huh? Wait!" Naruto cried out charging forward, as Madara stabbed a rod through Sakura. The other three young ones ran forward, Sasuke prepared a Chidori as Aceso had a green kunai appear in her hands. Sakura raised her fist ready to strike. Sakura's fist got stopped by air. Naruto, Sasuke, and Aceso all struck, Naruto grabbed Sasuke, taking her away from Madara.
"Sakura," Naruto breathed after taking out the rod.
"No, don't worry, Naruto," Sakura assured. "I'm alright."
"Naruto! Aceso!" Sasuke said looking at them.
"Yeah, yeah...I know already," Naruto said. "There's more for them out here."
"That left eye's a Rinnegan?!" Sakura asked.
"How many are there?" Aceso asked. Sasuke glanced at her, he blinked four times, Aceso nodded. They looked back at Madara.
"Enough of the sideshow," Madara ordered. Madara jumped up, staring at the moon, and held up his hand, black ball formed that glowed like a solar eclipse. The object was disputed all over the place. He put his hands together, and the ground cracked and started to rise up. The piece of land Aceso started to rise up as well, she fell over, Naruto caught her easily as the boulders went towards the mini black balls, the formed mini meteorites.
"This is Six Paths' Power?" Sakura gasped.
"They're way bigger than Pain's and there's a lot more of them..." Naruto said.
"Forget about what's above," Sasuke ordered. "His shadows are here on the ground with us!" The meteorites started to rain down on them.
"Here they come!" Naruto exclaimed.
"And the shadows, too!" Sasuke exclaimed.
"I can hold up the sky attack, all of you get the shadows," Aceso instructed as she got back to her feet. Her eyes glowed green, multiple green barriers formed, and the large rock raindrops slammed into them, she put her hands up, green barrier hands formed underneath, to help hold up the plate of meteorites.
"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruto exclaimed. Multiple Narutos popped up. "Leave the shadows to me!" They all charged forward. The main Naruto stared up at the meteorites, he held out his hand. "Kurama!"
"Susano'o!" Sasuke exclaimed jumping up in his purple armor. Naruto then a tailed beast bomb Rasen shuriken, Aceso open two of the barriers for Naruto and Sasuke's attacks to hit. There was an explosion, then Sasuke went and took care of the rest of the meteorites. Aceso used the barrier to catch the falling pieces.
"You bastard! Damn you!" Naruto cried out as he continued to fight the shadows of Madara. Sasuke stopped cutting up the meteorites, Aceso looked up at the red moon that had the Sharingan on it as well.
"Aceso! Throw them up!" Naruto shouted. "She glanced back at him, he had multiple tailed beast rasen shuriken. "I'm gonna pulverize all of the meteorites with these, so don't worry, you'll be safe! Just stick close to me and stay still!"
"Okay!" Sakura chimed.
"Now!" Naruto shouted. Aceso made her barriers disappear as Naruto threw his attack, Sasuke flew down towards them as Naruto's attack hit the meteorites. "Sasuke, watch your angle of descent! I could've hit you with the Rasen Shuriken!" Sasuke landed in front of them, there was a harsh aftershock. "Hey, come on! Land more softly, would ya?!"
"Look, just shut up and stay still, all right?!" Sasuke demanded. He placed the Susanoo wings around them, covering them, as pieces of the meteorites fell onto the earth. A bright light shined from the moon all around them, almost as if it was daylight, but brighter. Everyone that was alive outside the Susano'o stared up at the moon, everyone had Rinnegan eyes. It was happening all over the world. Numerous tree trunks and branches appeared out of the ground, bark-like wrappings shot down, wrapping around everyone individually. Naruto gasped, and he started to move, Sasuke stopped him, he put a hand on his shoulder.
"Naruto," Sasuke breathed. "Don't move an inch!
"Sasuke?" Aceso asked softly. "What about everyone else?"
"Don't go outside," Sasuke urged glancing at her. "Without this Susano'o's protection, you'd be bound up in his genjutsu, too! And besides that, his shadows are still outside...if you and I fall, it's all over! We have to wait!" Naruto and Aceso both were very uneasy about waiting while everyone got trapped. " love cousins right, you would do anything for them?"
"That's right," Aceso nodded.
"If you want to save them, wait here till I give the okay to go outside," Sasuke ordered.
"Okay," Aceso said softly. 'Papa...Grandma Tsunade...Aunt Fizzy...Temari...Kankuro...Gaara...Rock Lee.'
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