Chapter 56

Obito laid flat on the ground, Naruto was smiling from the damage.

"Yes! I knew it!" Naruto chuckled. "It's just like I thought!"

"I can't believe that then Ten Tails' Jiinchuriki has such a weakness!" Obito stated. Naruto and Tobirama landed back by the others.

" Sage moves will work, you guys!" Naruto informed.

"What is this Sage Power?" Sasuke asked. 

"You know, toad attacks," Naruto answered. "Those are Sage Jutsu, and they employ Nature Energy. Come to think of it, when I tried to gauge Ten Tails' power, it was Nature Energy itself. So maybe you can counter Nature Energy with Nature Energy! I mean, not that I really understand it all..."

"No, it makes sense," Aceso stated. 

"I'm just glad that I learned Sage Jutsu!" Naruto admitted, looking at his hand. "All right! He'll get a frog punch to the face!" Obito slowly rose out of the hole, three flames appeared on his back. 

"It clearly worked, but look..." Tobirama stated. "He's recovered already and is guarding his back." Obito drifted over to a rock, he landed, then crouched down.

"I should start preparing for the Tsukuyomi," Obito stated. "So let's tidy things up." A tree trunk shot out of the ground, everyone gasped as they watched rise up. Multiple flowers opened up near the bottom. "There truly is nothing that's worth saving in this reality. " He then rose up. "This whole world is already dead." A tailed beast bomb formed out of the flower petals. 

"This is super bad!?" a sand shinobi exclaimed.

"Four of them? And all at once?!" a leaf shinobi exclaimed. 

"Even if we all made an Earth Style Wall, it--" Kitsuchi began. "It wouldn't work! There's too many of them!"

"We'd need one person to teleport each of those with Flying Raijin," Tobirama instructed. "The Fourth and can get two, but the leaves two others! It's impossible! Where's Elder Brother?"

"I can try to block one with my barrier," Aceso offered. 

"That still leaves one more!" Tobirama stated as he looked around desperately for Hashirama. 

"Do not give up, everyone!" Hashirama shouted. "I am with you through my clones! We only need to change the trajectories of those spheres! The other Hkoage will also take measures and repel them across the ocean! Put up an Earth Style Wall! I'll use Deep Forest Emergence to launch and guide them toward the ocean!"

"I won't let you!" Obito declared; he shot many rods flamed in red. " Six Crimson Ray Formation!" Everyone ended up getting trapped inside the formation they used on the Ten-Tails earlier. 

"A barrier!" a shinobi exclaimed. 

"Hey! Wait!" another exclaimed. "Don't tell me that all of us..."

"He's trapped us inside the barrier and made it so we can't expel the Tailed Beast Bombs!" Hashirama stated. 

"This is the end game," Obito declared as wraps himself in a cocoon. 

"All we can do is teleport them outside the barrier using FLying Raijin, and Aceso said she can hold one," Tobirama stated. "Lord Fourth, can you handle two?"

"Since we aren't able to mark them, I can only take one," Minato answered. "But there is one other way...we could."

"You intend to teleport the stalk itself outside?" Obito asked. "You think I'd allow that? You cannot save anyone!"

"Dad," Naruto breathed walking up to him. " I don't know if this will work or not, but I've got an idea." He held out a fist. "So will you give me a fist bump?" Minato stared at his son for a moment, he put his fist against Naruto's fist. 

"Naruto, face it, Minato's useless," Obito stated. "He wasn't even able to protect your mother! Nor his subordinates. You know what tomorrow is, don't you?" Aceso's eyes went wide, she forgot about it...she has a gift sitting at home...tomorrow is Naruto's birthday and much more. "It is the anniversary of their deaths. The day both of your parents died. In this world, it's over when you die. You see..."

"Oh right," Naruto recalled. "Which means it's also the day I was born! So you's not over...Because I exist in this world!" Minato smiled a little. "Now, let's go, Dad!" Naruto entered Nine-Tails chakra mode again, with the cloak. 

"All right!" Minato agreed. 

"He's planning to trap us inside the barrier and blow us up along with it!" a shinobi exclaimed. 

 "So what's your plan, Naruto?" Sasuke asked. 

"Just give me some time to focus," Naruto answered. "The real part is about to start now, Dad!" Minato gasped, he smiled, then looked back at Obito. Everyone got put inside the Nine-Tails chakra. 

"Wait, this is Narutos's--!" Lee exclaimed. 

"So, then it wasn't depleted?!" Sakura asked. 

"I noticed when I was healing everyone earlier, it appears it had merely shrunk," Katsuyu stated.

"It's actually bigger and more powerful than before!" Choki stated. 

"So you're thinking about protecting us all from that attack with this chakra, Naruto?" Shikamaru stated, staring at his form. 

"Little Sister," Naruto breathed.

"On it," Aceso breathed. Her eyes glowed green, and barriers formed around many groups of people in a dome. Jugo landed by them.

"Jugo, what is it?" Sasuke asked. 

"Sasuke," Jugo breathed. "This is looking bad. Let's get outside this barrier. Use the Snake Reverse Summoning."

"That was my plan," Sasuke admitted. "I'm going to take you and Naruto with me."

"I haven't given you two any of my chakra yet," Naruto stated looking back at them. "Get over here will ya?"

"What is your chakra going to accomplish?" Sasuke chuckled. 

There's no time!" Naruto exclaimed. "Just hurry!"  Aceso looked back at them, Sasuke started to walk forward.

"Whoa, I can't believe he shared his chakra with every other shinobi!" Hashirama stated. "He's got almost as much chakra as I do! Hold on. This had Nine Tails' Charkra mixed in! So many barriers as well."

"That won't help you withstand the shock wave of four Ten-Tails Tailed Beast Bombs exploding together!" Obito said. "B gone!" He was fully trapped inside his cocoon. The four-tailed beast's bombs shot out, Aceso created four more barriers, putting them above everyone's head, and the tailed beast bombs skidded on top of it, slamming into the edge of the barriers; there were four giant explosions. The red crimson barrier stretched out, went into teardrop form, then the explosions shot up towards the sky. The smoke started to clear little by little. The tree trunk was burned, and destroyed, and only two flower petals remained. Everyone was still standing.

"How could--" Obito began as he opened his cocoon of protection. 

"I guess this chakra and barriers had protected us once again!" Choji cheered. 

"Not quite," Shikamaru stated. "Check it out, you guys."

"Choji!" Ino breathed, pointing in a direction. "Look there! All of us are outside the barrier!"

"Teleportation Jutsu," Shino stated as they stared at a marked kunai. 

"Damn that Naruto!" Kiba hissed. "He's managed to master that, too?!"

"But this isn't only Naruto's chakra," Hinata stated. Aceso dropped her barriers as the smoke started to clear more. 

"Well done, Lord Fourth," Tobirama complimented as Jugo and Sasuke were now cloaked in Naruto/Nine Tails's chakra, "By my count, this is the second time that you have saved all of shinobi-kind."

"But I've failed more than that," Minato panted. "So I must keep...making amends."

"What did you do?" Jugo asked.

"Oh, nothing much," Naruto answered. "Dad just teleported every single person outside the barrier."

"Everyone?!" Sasuke repeated. "With that, Jutsu? But how did?!"

"Isn't it obvious?" Aceso asked. "They combined their chakra." Sasuke gasped.

"I already shared Kurama's chakra and my chakra with everyone earlier," Naruto explained more. "So if Dad and our chakra and everyone were to, uhh, well..."

"Were to indirectly," Minato said.

"That's right!" Naruto chimed. "And Aceso's barriers were just for extra protection. If we were all in indirect contact, it would work! So I connected Dad's chakra with Kurama's and mine. That's all there was to it!"

"He was using the principle of Shadow Clones," Tobirama stated. "Even if you split up and disperse your chakra, if you keep even a little but there without putting it out when the original body infuses chakra again to regain control, all the individual chakra bits resonate the link together. In short, by joining his chakra with the Fourths, Naruto effectively linked the Fourth to the rest of that was residing in everyone else. Is that right, Naruto?"

"Huh? Is that what it was?" Naruto asked."

"Never Mind," Tobirama sighed, lowering his head a little.

"Old Man Second, you sure know a lot about my Shadow Clones!" Naruto stated.

"I came up with that Jutsu!" Tobirama raged. "So it's my Jutsu!" Minato laughed. 

"Here Lord Fourth," Aceso stated as she put a chakra patch his on hand. 

"What's this?" Minato asked.

"It's a chakra patch," Naruto answered. "My little sister is the creator of it, it restores your chakra even just a little."

"You're a medic as well?" Tobirama asked. "Trained by Tsunade, I'm guessing."

"She's a doctor," Sasuke corrected. "It's Doctor Mastuba to you."

"It's alright Sasuke," Aceso assured. "Lord Second can call me whatever he wants, he is reanimated after all." Suddenly the Nine-Tails' chakra head formed over them; Naruto charged forward.

"I feel power welling up inside me!" Naruto exclaimed. " C'mon on let's go!"

"Naruto!" Tobirama shouted. "Shouting and showing off is all well and good but don't tell me you've forgotten nothing other than Sage Jutsu is going to work against this guy! I know you're not an idiot!" Naruto landed on the ground. 

"That's right!" Naruto exclaimed, his eyes were wide; he tried to close his mouth with his hand.

"Okay, you're a bigger idiot than my elder brother!" Tobirama declared. 

"Naruto," Aceso breathed lightly, she laughed lightly as well. Minato then launched forward, he had Kurama's chakra head around him as well. 

"All right!" Naruto stated. A giant Rasengan formed in the sky, it was between Naruto and Minato. 

"Naruto!" Minato shouted. "Add Sage Jutsu to the Rasengan!"

"Okay!" Naruto responded. "Now, Old Man Second!" He put his hands on both the Kurama forms.

"Let's do it!" Tobirama insisted. "Lady Aceso, you come along with us."

"Huh?" Aceso asked as the Nine-Tails wrapped a tailed around them, he placed her inside his chakra.

"Just forge ahead," Kurama said. "We'll ward off his attacks with our chakra!" They disappeared, Obito turned to prepare to defend himself, five hands shot out, they were easily deflected by Kurama, Aceso's ropes shot out, wrapped around Obito's body, and pulled him close as the giant Rasengan was slammed into Obito. They were back inside the crimson barrier. 

'Rope is just a rope,' Naruto's voice echoed inside her head. "You are using ninjutsu to have it do as you want, but it is still a rope.'

"Rasengan!" Minato and Naruto shouted. There was an explosion, Obito flew to one side Minato and Naruto to the other side. 

"That black thing sure is solid!" Naruto exclaimed. "Darn it! He used it defensively this time."

"He predicted our attack," Tobirama stated. "Using only Flying Raijin won't be enough."

"What we need to do is wreck that black thing, that's all!" Naruto declared. 

"But how?" Minato asked.

"All right, then for this next time..." Naruto declared holding up his hands. "Let's try adding Sage Jutsu to a Tailed Beast Bomb!"

"Nice!" Tobirama complimented. "Good thinking!"

"Hey, other Kurama! You help, too!" Naruto instructed. 

"Yeah, of course! You git it!" Minato responded. Obito rose up high, he rose his arms up. He put his hands together, suddenly the ten tails came out. 

"What's that?" Naruto asked as the ground broke even more. The Ten tails became attacked to the ground. 

Is that--" Aceso began.

"Ten tails'," Naruto breathed. "He just spit out the Ten Tails'?!"

"Be careful," Minato warned. "This looks bad..." The Ten-Tails looked around, then its eye was sucked in, the ground erupted even more. In the middle of his back formed a ball, it opened it up revealing another flower. It remained closed as it rose up.

"I'll suspend the barrier for now," Obito said. The barrier broke down. 

"The barrier's disappearing!" Ino pointed out. 

"Then we can fight alongside Naruto and the others!" Choji chimed. The ground shook even more as the petal rose up high, it was supported by a think tree trunk and numerous large branches. Two branches slammed right into the Nine Tails' both forms. The branches grabbed people, they were immediately taken out of the Nine-Tails chakra, then devoted to practical skeletons. 

"Run quick!" A shinobi shouted. "It sucks out all your chakra in one swoop and kills you!"

"It's going after all of us and taking us down one by one!" a group got wiped out by a branch.

"But why?" Killer B demanded as he ran away. "Why d I get so many of 'em coming after me? Fool, ya fool!" Aceso's eyes glowed green, barriers were put around everyone again, the tree trunks slammed into it, it created a crack; another barrier was formed right after it. She made sure to keep the barriers moving as everyone ran from the branches. 

"Just what exactly is this" Hashirama demanded as he jumped around the branches. 

"Chakra first originated with this Divine Tree!" Madara answered as he did the same. "All the chakra that is even the vast amounts of chakra you possess."

"What're you saying?" Hashirama demanded. 

"We humans stole chakra from the Divine Tree long ago," Madara answered. "This thing is merely trying to get it back, that is all."

"What's that mean?!" Hashirama demanded. 

"The endless passage of time has cast an obfuscating fog over the facts," Madara answered. "Do you know how and why shinobi came to be, Hashirama?" They both came to a complete stance. "Long ago, before they even had the faintest concept of chakra, people still continuously wage battle against each other. The Divine Tree, in which had no involvement in such conflicts was worshipped by the masses as a sacred pillar. Then one day...The Divine Tree bore a fruit that was said to be produced only once in a millennium. I don't know what if any significance it holds, but legend sad that the fruit was never to be touched. But there emerged a princess who took and tasted of that fruit in order to reap the tree's power and win the war that she was fighting. Afterward, she gained the power of a god and was said to have quashed the war all by herself. Her name was Kaguya Otsutuski."

"Oh, so that's how!" Hashirama said. 

"She's the first person to ever have chakra," Madara stated. "Eventually, Kaguya would bear a child who was born with chakra already dwelling within him. However, the Divine Tree came alive and started running amok in order to reclaim its stolen chakra. That is Ten-Tails. And the one who stopped it was Kaguya's child. His name was Hagormo Otsutsuki. He's the forefather who preached the teachings of chakra and began the sect of shinobi. The man known as the Sage of Six Paths."

"How do you know such things?" Hashirama gasped. "How could you?!"

"It's so inscribed on the Uchiha Stone Tablet," Madara answered. "Now, do I need to explain what happen to those who tasted of the forbidden fruit for the purpose of ending conflict?" The Divine Tree continued to grow even more trying to take out as many as shinobi as possible. It kept getting stopped by Aceso's barriers. "That's right. Nothing changed, In fact, subsequent wars became even more gruesome! Upon learning this, I fell into despair. There are no such things as true dreams in this world, Hashirama! From the time people tasted of the fruit humans have been cursed and destined to hate each other even more. It is we shinobi whose existence symbolizes that foolishness, don't you think? In which case, I would rather..."

"Relying on the power of the Divine Tree for your great genjutsu," Hashirama finished. A branch slammed in between them, and they immediately jumped away from it and each other. "Is this what you meant by dreams of the far future?!"

"Yes," Madara answered as they landed. "Although, there's a one or two things that's off." A branch slammed through Kurama, grabbing onto Naruto.

"Naruto!" Aceso shouted.

"No!" Minato shouted.

"Water Style: Severing Wave!" Tobirama said water shot out" The water cut the branches, they immediately reach attach to the tree, cutting Naruto off from everyone even more." Damn it! There're too many! Wait! Lord Fourth!" He turned to Minato. "Can you teleport right to Naruto?!"

"I can't," Minato denied. "That last Flying Raijin and these vines have depleted my Chara."

"Lady Aceso!" Tobirama shouted as he jumped up the branches. 

"No, let go of me!" Naruto ordered as the branches covered him. Aceso made many large kunai appear, it cut the branches off, then she put barriers to keep the branches from trying to go any farther to get to more people.

'Red Rose, how much longer can you keep this up?' Lee asked.

"Lee, don't worry about Aceso," Tenten stated as they dodged the branches. "She's stronger than she looks."

"I know that better than anyone," Lee stated. "I just hope her youth is strong enough to keep it up! She's using up all her chakra!" Up by Tobirama and the others, Lord Third cut open the branches freeing Naruto. He grabbed Naruto and ran from the branches.

"I'm sorry that it took so long!" Lord 3rd apologized. 

"Saru!" Tobirama breathed as they landed on a rock. "You're here!" Minato and Aceso landed by them. "Good! Aceso grab on to Lord Fourth!" Aceso grabbed his sleeve as Lord Second placed his hands on Naruto and Minato. "Let's teleport away!" They disappeared to get away from the tree, then reappeared in front of Sasuke and Jugo. Naruto snapped out of his daze, he gasped at the fate many shinobi suffered from the divine tree. 

"You can stop now, Aceso," Lord Third ordered. 

"All right," Aceso breathed letting her eyes go back to normal, she was panting heavily. She fell to her knees; she coughed up a bit of blood, she wiped her mouth.

"Lady Aceso," Tobirama breathed as Sasuke appeared next to her. He reached into her pack, he placed a chakra patch on her both of her hands. 

"I'm fine," Aceso panted as she looked up. They all stared up at the giant tree, the flower remained closed, it was almost directly under the full red moon. 

"We're doomed," a shinobi stated. 

"This is crazy," another stated. 

"Sakura, Sakura!" Katsuyu cried out, Sakura was on the ground with Sai by her. "Are you alright?"

"Man, that was a one close call!" Killer B panted. "Fool, ya fool!"

"So close!" Ino panted as she panted on the ground. 

"Is it all over yet?!" Choji cried out as he slammed onto the ground. They all watched as Obito rose up, staring down at all of them. 

"Now be still," Obito ordered as he lifted a hand. "You've all...endured plenty already."

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