Chapter 55

Everyone was in complete astonishment by the disappearance of the ten tails.

"That guy is the Ten-Tails Jinchuriki?" Sasuke asked for reassurance. 

"Yeah," Aceso breathed. 

"He looks even creepier than he did before!" Naruto stated. 

"Obito," Minato breathed. 

"Naruto, how can you tell he's a Jinichuriki?" Sasuke asked. 

"I made friends with the other Tailed Beasts," Naruto answered. "Earlier, they all gave me some of their chakra, so I could totally feel it. I felt the Tailed Beasts' chakra get sucked inside Obito one after another. And besides that, I saw Nagato do that Six Paths Rebirth Jutsu before. But the signs that this guy was weaving were completely different! He was performing the Jutsu to become a Jinchuriki this whole time."

"I see," Sasuke breathed. Gates slammed around Obito, one slammed him into the ground. 

"Whoa! Awesome!" Naruto cheered. The deity gates started to crack before being torn apart by Obito. Multiple hands shot out, it grabbed onto the crimson barrier. He began to pull the barrier in, breaking it with ease. 

"No way!" Gai gasped. "The Four Crimson Ray Formation!"

"Everyone keep your guard up!" Hashirama ordered. "He's made The Ten Tails' power his own. There's no telling what he might do! He's broken the barrier!" Obito suddenly landed on the same deity gate as Naruto. 

"Enough, Obito!" Minato ordered. "Stop this now!"

"" Obito asked. 

"His memory seems to be gone" Aceso stated as the Hokage landed in front of them.

"Look, I'll be blunt," Hashirama admitted. "This guy is stronger than I am!"

"No offense intended, but it appears to be true," Lord 3rd agreed. 

"Even if you absorb your remaining clones, you're no match Elder Brother!" Tobirama stated. 

"Yes, I know," Hashirama agreed. "However..." A black ball formed out the hand out Obito. 

"Whoa," Aceso breathed as Obito easily got past Lord 1st and Lord 2nd. 

"What happened?" Naruto asked. 

"Fourth! Saru!" Tobirama shouted. "Scram!" There were many paper bombs on Obito. "Brother!" Hashirama nodded. Obito exploded, Hriuzen jumped up as Hashriama went to go restrain Obito with his wood style.

"Minato, getaway now!" Hiruzen ordered. 

"Lord Second, you sure work fast!" Minato complimented. Suddenly everyone on top of Gamakichi, including Gamakichi was teleported away. They landed to see the whole gates area under extreme explosions. 

"This is way too much!" Naruto exclaimed as he tried to keep his balance. "What's going on? I can't keep up!"

"Now don't freak out!" Minato assured. "Always watch what's happening!" Obito now was holding some sort of staff. 

"Shuriken Shadow Clones!" Lord Hiruzen shouted, he threw a giant shuriken. Numerous shuriken popped out, another black ball formed at Obito's wrist, he broke through the shuriken in an instant. He broke off Lord 3rd's left arm. He grabbed Lord 3rd's face, the black ball absorbed back into his hand, then broke off the top half. 

"Gramps, no!" Naruto shouted. "Hey, Dad! You couldn't teleport Grandpa Third with your Jutsu, too?"

"I couldn't," Minato denied. "I simply can't teleport anything that I myself, or my chakra, isn't touching directly. "

"Calm down, Naruto," Sasuke ordered looking back at him. "The Hokage are Reanimations. They intentionally attacked head-on, knowing full well they wouldn't die to assess the enemy's powers. Stop worrying and analyze the battle instead.'

"The ones reanimated still need to be careful though," Aceso stated. 

"It still takes a little while for a Reanimation to regenerate," Minato informed. Obito looked back at them. "I'll go first and create an opening!"

"At this point, I feel the need to!" Hashirama insisted, he got stopped by Madara. Obito jumped to go attack, in mid-air his body started to take a different form., he slammed into the ground. 

"Wh-What the-?!" Naruto demanded. Minato started the charge, another appeared. 

"It's been a while, but time for my Rasen-Flash Super-Circle Dance Howl Stage Three!"

'Lord Fourth, you seriously need shorter names for you Jutsu,' Aceso thought to herself. 

"Gamakichi!" Naruto shouted. "Below!" They were too late to respond, Obito's upper body appeared underground attacking. Naruto and Aceso flew off as Gamakichi ended up on his back. Obito started to slither with a rod sticking out of his hand. Aceso eyes glowed green, placing Naruto in a green barrier, the rod collided with the was stopped. They all landed on the ground staring at Obito, as Obito stared back at them.

"You're not the one who will sever the past, I am!" Sasuke declared. Obito reached forward to grab Naruto and Sasuke, Aceso's eyes lit up creating a barrier between them, Obito's hands got through the other side. He reached out his fingers trying to get to Sasuke and Naruto. Obito started to extend the rods out of his hands, they were just about to reach. Three hands grabbed Aceso, Sasuke, and Naruto, yanking them away from Obito. They appeared by Gamakichi, Minato was with them as well. 

"I really thought we were done for!" Naruto admitted. 

"It sure was close," Aceso agreed. Obito broke free from the boulders, his body was long.

"He's just like a snake!" Gamakichi pointed out. Obito's body started to a different form again, his right side bubbled up.

"What's happening to his body?" Aceso asked.

"We have to take him down while he's still unable to use his body well," Minato insisted. A giant hand reached out towards them it opened in a middle, revealing a black ball. He shot it at them, Aceso created barriers around them, the ball shot through on the top layer, landed in the distance, creating a blinding explosion. 

"Was he after your clone just now, Dad?" Naruto asked. 

"No," Minato denied. "I don't think that's what he's going for." The smoke cleared, the little black ball went back over to Obito, the bubble-up part of his body was gone.

"Hold on" Minato and Naruto breathed. 

"What just happened?!" Aceso asked. 

"He hit himself with his own attack," Sasuke answered. 

"His attack missed its target," Minato added. "Seems Obito's consciousness is merely clinging on to The Ten Tails' great power. He barely has any control of it."

"Well, I'm certainly glad he missed us," Gamakichi admitted. "Otherwise, we'd be dead! We can't carelessly approach him!"

"Now I'll get in the Rasen-Flash Super-Circle Dance Howl Stage Three!" Minato declared. He held up three kunai. "I'll create an opening! Then you three hit him with your strongest combo!"

"Rin--" Obito breathed, then he started screaming. As he started to get taken over by the Ten-Tails. "Rin!" There were tears in his eyes as Minato threw in Raijin.  

"Here I come, Obito!" Minato shouted as he charged forward. 

"Who are you?" Obito asked as his eye started to disappearance under the bubbling form. The formed disappeared, Obito now had a staff with six rings around it, nine black balls floated around him. 

"It's about time, Sensei," Obito stated, looking up. Minato's Raijin split it made contact with the staff. 

"Damn, it!" Minato hissed as Obito hit him, Minato's arm flew into the air.

"Dad, no!" Naruto cried out.

"Naruto, focus!" Sasuke ordered.  

"He may have gotten me, but I'm still okay!" Minato assured as he appeared in front of them. "I escaped with Flying Raijin."

"Are you sure?" Obito asked, pointing, Minato's arm had a back ball at it, it moved when he moved. The black ball started to light up, blinding them all. Sasuke started to form his Susanoo, skeleton form, he put his arms in front of Naruto and Aceso, Aceso's eyes glowed green, barrier in the shape of the Susanoo went around the Susanoo. Suddenly, Lord Second appeared, grabbed the ball, disappeared, then appeared behind Obito, putting on his back. 

"Here, you can have this back," Tobirama offered. The two disappeared, in the distance, there was a bright explosion. "Don't worry." Lord Second was now outside the Susanoo, barrier. "I only teleported a clone." The Susanoo and barrier disappeared. " I marked him earlier, that time before when we had made contact with him."

"That's amazing!" Aceso breathed. 

"You can copy my dad's move!" Naruto smiled. "Nice, Seconds Great Stone Face guy!"

"Lord Fourth is actually using my move!" Tobirama corrected. "Plus, that s 'Lord Second,' to you!"

"Hm?" Naruto asked.

"As in the Second Hokage," Aceso pointed out. Minato started laughing. 

"Well, did he get him?" Gamakichi asked. A black ball about out of the hole, it unwrapped revealing Obito completely unharmed. 

"He blocked it, huh?" Lord Second noticed. "He's fast. We can't hit him with ordinary Jutsu."

"From what happened to Lord Fourth, physical attacks may be a stretch," Aceso stated.

"I'll have to use my Rasen-Flash Super-Circle Dance Howl Stage Three," Minato said. "I'll create an opening for us all with it."

"You're, uh a bit of comedian, aren't you?" Tobirama asked. "I would normally make fun of all your Jutsu names. Except this guy is no joke."

"Amaterasu!" Sasuke shouted as he ran forward with Naruto and Aceso. Obito spun his staff, blocking the internal flames.

"Sasuke!" Minato shouted. "Naruto! Aceso! I said I'd make an opening for you!"

"I'll create an opening!" Sasuke urged. 

"No way, all three of us will do it!" Naruto corrected. "We'll let Dad and the others be the main act!"

"I saw your amazing chakra in your left eye," Obito said as he put his staff on the ground. "Hardly a surprise attack 

"So frustrating," Minato groaned, Lord Second put his hand on his shoulder.

"Come on, Fourth, let's go," Tobirama urged. " A clone's Flying Raijin will be too slow. Let's combine and reciprocate our Flying Raijin. Go ahead and put your mark on me, as well."

"Yes, sir," Minato responded, he did as he was told. "Plus with these bodies, we can still move after being hit!"

"Naruto," Sasuke breathed as they prepared to attack. "This time, I'll match your chakra level using my Sharingan, got it? Aceso you get him from behind alright?"

"Got it," Aceso breathed. 

"All right, all right!" Naruto exclaimed. " There's no need to turn this thing into a competition, you know!" Naruto formed a rasenshuriken as Sasuke formed a Kagutsuchi. 

"Inferno Style: Flame Control!" Sasuke exclaimed.

"Wind Style: Rasen Shuriken!" Naruto exclaimed. Carefully, the two combined their attacks, Aceso eyes glowed green, and nine kunai formed behind Obito, they were in front of the black balls.

"Pincer attack!" Obito said as Lord Second appeared behind him. Suddenly, Minato appeared in front of them. Sasuke and Naruto's combined attack slammed into Minato, as Lord Second placed a hand on Obito.

"You three are the main act!" Minato stated. 

"Distracted by what's in front of you?" Tobirama asked. 

"Now!" Lord 2nd and Fourth exclaimed. "Reciprocal Round-Rovin Jutsu! Flying Raijin Jutsu!" Lord Second and Fourth traded places, and Aceso saw that her green kunai had been transported well. Obito was slammed into Sasuke and Naruto's combined attack, Aceso lifted up two fingers, her kunai lodged into Obito from the back, being careful not to hit Lord Second. Her ropes moved around, slapping two paper bombs on the sides of Obito

"I name it the Scorch Nimbus Tempest Twist!" Minato declared as he reappeared. "Keep going as planned!" They released the attack, sending Obito flying. Tobirama disappeared as Obito slammed into the ground, he slid, when he came to a stop there was an explosion followed by a black flame rising. 


Back over by the others.

"Hinata," Sakura said sharply. "How are Naruto, Sasuke, and Aceso?" Hinata nodded, she used her Byakugan. 

"They're all...smiling!" Hinata answered. 

"Smiling?" Sakura repeated. "All three of them?"

"Yeah," Hinata confirmed. 


Sasuke, Naruto, and Aceso all panted and smiled as they stared at the spot Obito landed. 

" All right! "Naruto cheered. 

"So, did you guys get him?" Gamakichi asked. The black balls went into the flames, as Lord Second appeared by Lord Fourth. 

" We made a direct hit before those things could protect him," Tobirama stated. "I'm pretty sure he felt that one!"The black flames disappeared, Obito had five tails and was steaming. Other than that, he was untouched, everyone gasped. He started to rise off of the ground. "It had no effect at all."

"We have to avoid those black transforming spheres," Minato advised. "And our attacks have no effect on him. His offense and defense are so fast!"

"What a pain," Sasuke growled as they ran to get up to Lord 2nd and Lord 4th.

"He's even more perfect than how I imagine myself in my dreams!" Naruto admitted. "I mean, he's just perfect!"

"Can't argue with you there," Aceso agreed.

"It's like he's truly obtained Dreamline power," Minato agreed.

"There's something odd," Tobirama stated. 

"What is it?" Minato asked. 

"You only lost an arm," Tobirama stated. "Dust should be swirling around in order to restore it by now." They looked at Minato's missing arm. "Our reanimated bodies aren't regenerating 

"I now possess the same power that the Founder of Shinobi possessed," Obito said. "You can no longer measure me by the standards you're used to."

"Don't tell me that your jutsu--!" Tobirama began. 

"What does he mean, the power of the Founder of Shinobi?" Minato asked.

"What Jutsu is he using?" Aceso asked. 

 "Listen, Fourth. Don't get seriously wounded even though you've got a reanimated body," Tobirama answered. " I think he's using a Jutsu based on Shadow and Light Styles that nullifies all ninjutsu. In short, if he hits your reanimated body you'll be unable to regenerate could even die!" Naruto gasped. 

"Again," Aceso said.

"Again," Tobirama repeated. "Also assume that right arm of yours is permanently gone."

"In which case, we'll need to fight him even more carefully," Minato gathered. 

"But since ninjutsu won't work on him, this'll be tricky," Tobirama admitted. 

"How about physical attacks?" Minato asked. "As I recall, Aceso said they could be a stretch."

"Let's try it," Tobirama suggested. 

"Sasuke...'" Naruto breathed. 

"What is it?" Sasuke breathed.

"You and I going to have to take the lead on this one," Naruto stated. "Think you can keep up?"

"Don't underestimate the Uchiha," Sasuke ordered. 

"All right, then!" Naruto shouted. "I'll up my Kurama Mode and go deeper into Tailed Beast State!" He returned back to normal. "Uh oh..."

"Not enough chakra?" Aceso asked. 

"Yeah," Naruto breathed. 

"Are you trying to make things even worse?" Lord Second asked. "You're as goofy as your father, so much so that even he's dumbfounded."

"S-Sorry," Minato apologized.

"Here," Aceso said appearing behind Naruto. She slapped a chakra patch on the left arm, and one on the right.

"Kurama appreciates the help," Naruto smiled. 

"Tell him thanks, he was my inspiration for the healing patches," Aceso stated. 

"Pay attention you two!" Tobriama snapped

"Yes, Lord Second!" Aceso exclaimed as they looked back up at Obito. Suddenly, Gamakichi launched out a big mouth full of syrup. Obito easily repelled it. 

"A Mount Myoboku toad?!" Tobirama questioned. 

"What was that, Gamakichi?" Naruto asked. "If you wanna make a move, do a diversion or combo!"

"Sorry, Naruto," Gamakichi apologized. "We're rapidly approaching the time limit for the summoning. I just wanted to repay that guy with a little parting shot!"

"Thanks for the effort anyway, Gamakichi," Naruto smiled at him. "Now go rest up, okay?"

"Sorry about this," Gamakichi apologized before disappearing. The syrup seemed to be sticking to black spots under Obito.

"Is that?" Tobirama asked.

"Obito!" Minato shouted. "I thought what you wanted was to become Hokage. Why are you doing this?!"

"You want to know why?" Obito asked in disbelief. "You're going to lecture me now? Bit late for that, Sensei. Don't you think? You're always too late when it matters most. I'm glad my teacher was a Hokage. It made it easy to give up becoming Hokage! You were my teacher, and yet you didn't realize it was me. That's just who you are, fundamentally. How pathetic! You died a hero Hokage, but now, exposed as a disgrace in front of your son." Tobirama looked back at Naruto. "That's right. A Hokage is a pitiable existence compared to what I am now. " Naruto had a Rasengan formed and ready. Aceso glanced to see that he was in Sage Mode.

'I get it now," Aceso thought to herself. 

"You have no right to make fun of the Hokage when you couldn't even become one!" Naruto shouted. 

"Naruto what are--?" Minato began. Tobirama appeared behind Naruto. "Especially not my dad, who actually was Hokage." They appeared in front of Obito, snacking him in the back. "How dare you put him down!" The attack lodged into Obito's back, and blood came out of his mouth. 

" I don't get it?" Sasuke admitted. 

"It's Sage Jutsu," Aceso stated. "It was nullified."

"You bastard!" Naruto exclaimed slamming Obito to the ground.

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