Chapter 53

As they dived down to attack Obito, and Madara, the Ten-Tails started to take a different shape.

"Fifth Gate of Closing! Open!" Lee shouted. He and Gai both opened the Fifth gate, as Darui and a few others shot lightning. Naruto threw the Rasengan, then the Ten-tails got loose; numerous hands shot up. Everyone flew up, landing back on the ground.

"What?! I thought we had immobilized Ten-Tails!" a shinobi shouted. "You okay?! Damn it."The thing rose out of the ground, it was skinnier than last time, its tails were now all hands. Akamaru worried whined.

"I'm about to pee my pants, here," Kiba admitted. Akamaru growled at him.

"Don't just freak out; infuse your chakra!" Kitsuchi shouted. "And be prepared to move when we get the plan from HQ!" A giant-tailed beast bomb formed, in more of a teardrop form.

"Displace it upwards with earth style!" Kakashi ordered.

"Gotcha!" Kitsuchi shouted.

"Aceso!" Kakashi shouted.

"On it!" Aceso shouted back as her eyes glowed green. It shot up and far away from them, there was a giant explosion in the distance.

"Whoa, that far away?!" Kakashi breathed. "It's much greater than the other Tailed Beasts! What power!" Another Tailed Beast bomb was formed. It shot far, the Ten-tails fell back from the blast sent out.

"What is it aiming at?" Aceso asked.

"Us most likely," Kakashi answered. As the ten-tails shot out another beast bomb.

"No, it keeps aiming far away," Aceso answered. Another beast bomb was shot out. "All of us are in front of it."

"Unbelievable!" Hiashi breathed. "A distant city, done like that! Huh?" The ten-tails got on its hands and knees. The Ten-Tails shot out another beast bomb, this time with aim.

"That's the direction of--!" Neji began.

"HQ," Aceso breathed as her eyes went wide. Mr. Nara and Mr. Yamanka, Ao, and so many others. Aceso glanced back to see Ino and Shikamaru realizing what was about to happen. Mr. Shikaku then entered everyone's heads giving them, their final instructions.

"Shikamaru," Choji breathed.

"We're in the middle of a war, so don't waste any words on me," Shikamaru ordered. "Or on Ino. We have to do what we have to do. Just like father said."

"Wait, hold! What the heck just happened?!" Naruto demanded.

"You are the key to our whole plan, Naruto," Neji answered landing next to him."

"No, not that!" Naruto denied. "I'm asking what happened to Shikaku and Inoichi!" A hand slammed down, it took several shinobi, Neji and Hiashi blocked it with a rotation move. Aceso glanced down checking her ropes. All the hands rose up; they shot down many wooden spikes down, killing numerous shinobi at once. Aceso's eyes glowed green, she created numerous barriers, they would bounce back up right into the Ten-Tails' palm, but eventually, breakthrough. Naruto threw many Rasen shuriken, making some of the spikes explode.

"Earth Style: Mountain Jutsu!" Kitsuchi shouted, slamming his hands on the ground. Two walls of earth slammed into the ten-tails crushing it. "Now, go!" Many shinobi ran forward to attack the creature.

"Rope Binder!" Aceso shouted. Her ropes shot out, going around all the tails of the beast, putting them together tightly. Aceso held on to one end, she pulled on it to make it higher.

"Get the Medical Team!" Aceso heard Naruto cry out. "Hurry! There's a critical injury! Hurry!"

"I'm on my way!" Aceso shouted as she started to try to make her way over to him. She held on to her ropes, which continued to try to restrain the ten-tails.

"Didn't you say you wouldn't let any of comrades die?" Obito mocked. "Naruto!" The ten tails started to try to fight against the ropes, and Aceso went forward a little. She dug her feet into the ground and pulled harder. "You said, I'll never let my comrades die.' Those were your words. Now look around you, and try to say them again!" Aceso looked back, some many many dead. "I said, try to say those words again! As the bodes of your comrades grow cold in your arms, take in their deaths!"

"Neji's really dead?" a Hyuga asked. Aceso's eyes went wide, her heart dropped, she looked over to see it was Neji who laid in Naruto's arms.

'Neji,' Aceso breathed.

"This will just keep happening. And all of your flippant words and ideals will become lies. This is the end result of ideals and hope," Obito said. "This is reality. Naruto, what is there here for you in this reality? Your mother and father are gone. Your Master, Jiraiya, too. And if you keep standing against us, you'll continue to lose your friends one by one, and your sister. This shall become a world where no one who acknowledges you will exist."

"Obito," Kakashi breathed.

"The only thing that awaits you is your worst nightmare, which you know very well!" Obito shouted. "Solitude!" Naruto lowered his head. "So why keep living on reality, huh? Now come join us, Naruto!" He raised his hand, and at the exact same time, Hinata smacked Naruto on the cheek. Tears were streaming down her face.

"Neji just said that in your hands you hold more than one life," Hinata brought up. "Do you understand what he meant? Do you? 'I'll never let my comrades die.' Those words and the conviction behind them are not lies! For he stored them in his heart and lived them out till the end!" She looked back at Neji. "Neji really did!" She looked back at Naruto. "It isn't just you. It's all of us. We all hold those words and feelings in our hearts. They're what bind our lives together and makes us comrades. If we were to all give up and discard those words and feelings. Neji's act'll have been for nothing. And that is when your comrades truly die! For you are no longer comrades then. That's how I feel. So, please, stand up together with me, Naruto. Because never going back on one's word...That is also my Ninja Way!" Naruto looked over at Neji.

"Enough!" Obito shouted holding out his hands. "The Ten-tails pushed the shoulders back, standing straight up, Acesp started to fly up, Kakashi grabbed on to her, pulling her down. Some of the Ten-Tail's arms got freed and wrapped around themselves.

"Slow down!" Madara shouted, "You're going to harm yourself and the Ten-Tails!"

"So? I don't care!" Obito shouted. "The Ten Tails' hide is tough!" The Ten-tails formed a tailed beast bomb, pointing it at them.

"They're gonna hit us!" a shinobi shouted.

"Recharge complete!" Killer B sang as he flew in with Sai on an ink bird.

"Go get 'em!" Karui cheered. Master B, transformed into a smaller Eight-Tails, made a Tailed Besat Bomb, shot the Ten-tails beast bomb back in its mouth, then released his attack, inside its mouth. The Ten-Tails bloated up big time. The deflated, arms left Aceso's ropes, and she immediately retracted them back to her body as Master B slammed into the ground.

"Lord B!" Karui shouted.

"Don't go overboard!" Omoi shouted.

"There's no need to worry, protecting the Alliance is my territory!" Killer B replied. Naruto slowly put his hand over Hinata's hand, he then nodded. Naruto got back to his feet, while still holding onto Hinata's hand.

"Hinata, thank you," Naruto said. "It's all thanks to you standing by my side. "And Neji, thank you, too." Naruto went into Nine-Tails Chakra mode, passing his chakra onto Hinata. She glowed in red, as her hair flew up. "Hinata, let's do this!"

"Yeah!" Hinata agreed. Everyone was in surprise at what they were seeing.

"That's Nine Tails'--" Cee began as he lifted his head shakily. "Wait, hold on. No, that's Naruto's chakra!"

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruto shouted. Three more shadow clones appeared. He shot out to different locations.

"Hey, Naruto! You're late!" Shikamaru shouted.

"Sorry! Here!" Naruto shouted, running towards him. He smacked Shikamaru's hand, passing off the chakra. "Choji! Ino!"

"Uh, okay!" Ino breathed, and they held their hands out for the exchange.

"What is going on here?!" Choji asked. "Are these calories?"

"Hey, Choji! You're filling out again!" Kiba pointed out. A hand from the Ten-Tails stretched out, it aimed down at Neji's body and Hinata.

"Eight Trigrams air palm!" Hinata shouted, and it powerfully smacked the hand away.

"Just an air palm did that?" Hiashi asked. More hands stretched out to fight.

"Expansion Jutsu!" Akimichi clan shouted, then expanded grabbing onto the hands.

"Ino! Shikamaru!" Choji shouted. "Are you both ready?"

"Yeah," Shikamaru breathed.

"You bet!" Ino breathed.

"Don't mock me!" Obito shouted, spikes formed at the palms of the ten-tails.

"Shadow Possession!" Shikamaru shouted.

"Mind Transfer!" Ino shouted. She got in control of Obito.

"They're faster than me!" Naruto shouted as he ran to more comrades. "Nice work, there, Ino!" Shikamaru possessed it with his shadow.

"Don't underestimate the Nara Clan!" the clan members shouted as they attached their shadows to Shikamaru's shadow.

"Gotcha! It's immobilized!" Shikamaru informed. "You can stop now, Ino!" She stopped using her Jutsu, Kiba was holding her body.

"Are you all right?" Kiba asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine," Ino answered. Aceso stopped when she heard Lee cry out, she looked over to see him holding Neji, tears streamed down her face. She immediately went over.

"Neji!" Lee cried out.

"Lee, stop crying!" Gai ordered.

"Lee," Tenten breathed sadly as Aceso knelt in front of him and Neji.

"Listen, Lee, as long as we hold onto Neji's convictions, he'll continue to live on, connected, inside of us!" Gai stated.

"Let me share a little something with you all!" Obito announced. "It's those connections that made me what I am today! You should know that bonds can be powerful curses, too!"

"Listen, Naruto, Aceso," Kakashi ordered. "I know that I was the one who once told you that 'I will never let my comrades die.' Those words are also an admonition aimed at myself. I haven't enable to save many a comrade. Which is why I keep telling myself this time I will protect them. But then I end up having to face the fact that I couldn't once more. I'll be confronting those wounds for that's rest of my life."

"That's where you are wrong," Aceso stated looking back at him. "The day we truly lose a comrade is the day we let them leave our hearts. Neji will continue to live all our hearts, same with the rest of our fallen comrades."

"That's why we're ninja," Naruto added. "We're those who endure. Isn't that right?"

"We are never going to forget our fallen comrades, the pain of those wounds proves that your comrades live inside your heart," Aceso said, she reached over placing her hand over Lee's heart, and he looked up at her, tears streamed down his face heavily. He was shaking in pain from Neji's death.

"Comrades that you only create inside a dream so you can't get hurt aren't real," Naruto added. "And that means you're just erasing your real friends. Whether it's a curse or not. I want to keep the real Neji right in here!" He put his fist over his heart. Lee stared at Naruto, then looked down at his heart, putting his hand over Aceso's hand. Naruto placed his hand on Lee and then on Aceso, both of them got engulfed in the Nine-Tails chakra. Neji then placed his hands over Neji's eyes, closing them.

"Ready?" Aceso asked.

"I am more than ready," Lee answered a bit angrily. He placed Neji down, as Naruto finished getting to everyone. Then they all stood behind Naruto in the Nine-Tails chakra, all ready to fight. More of the Ten-tails were starting to rise.

"Naruto, this is your chance! Go now!" Shikamaru ordered.

"Tailed Beast bomb!" Killer B shouted. The samurai shot out an attack.

"Eight Trigrams Air Wall Palm!" the Hyuga exclaimed.

"Wind Style: Giant Casting Net!" Temari and the other fan users shouted; they all sent their attacks. The hands all slammed into the ground around them.

"I won't let Neji's death be in vain!" Hiashi declared.

" A curse mark that doesn't vanish till death, a shinobi curse Hyuga's main and branch families gave to rise to," Obito mocked. " An existence where one can only await death inside a cage. Nice analogy for this situation. You're all like that brat who just died a pointless death."

"No, Neji'--" Naruto began. "Neji's will isn't--" Everyone let out a battle cry as they charged toward the enemy. "Neji's will isn't!" The split-off two of the hands of the ten-tails, they took the form of a bird. "Dead yet!"

"I will take the right side!" Lee declared.

"Gotcha!" Naruto responded.

"Gentle Fist!" Hinata exclaimed placing her hand on Naruto's shoulder. Naruto threw the Rasengan.

"Go, Lee!" Gai shouted.

"Right!" Lee exclaimed, he launched off Gai's arms; he slammed right through Madara. His gunbai flew off his body; Madara and Obito were now detached from the Ten-tails. Everyone attacked certain parts of the Ten-tails.

"I'm not like you guys," Naruto stated. They all seemed to be on the ground now. "I don't want to sever any of my bonds. Or have them cut off, either!"

"Shouldn't have cut my link to Ten-Tails," Obito said. Ten-Tails stood up angrily.

"Now disappear!" Madara ordered. "Fire Style: Majestic Destroyer Flame!"

"Fire Style: Bomb Blast Dance!" Obito exclaimed. The ten-tails threw down fists, sending an air attack, Aceso's eyes lit up green; the fire attacks and wind attacks hit the green barrier as the ground below them began to crumble. It soon disappeared along with the barrier.

"Hey, we're safe," a shinobi noted. Then a giant blue Susanoo was formed. It threw blue rings, as Obito summoned kunai, throwing them out.

"The next round!" Sakura exclaimed. Naruto let out a yell, the Nine-Tails chakra everyone was in; hit the deflected the attacks.

"Huh? He's gone," Naruto panted once the smoke disappeared.

"But where did he go?!" Kiba asked.

"He just disappeared!" Killer B stated. "Escaped right out here!"

"Naruto, above you!" Kakashi shouted. Obito came out of the sky, he aimed down to grab Naruto. He jumped out of the way letting Obito slam to the ground.

"Naruto, you're only fighting defensively now, protecting everyone," Obito stated. "Is there any meaning to all of this?" Naruto continued to pant. "You're only growing weaker.

"I bet that you can't understand, since you just wanna be alone," Naruto stated; he charged at Obito. "But the truth is, it actually makes me feel super happy to have everybody with me, right here by my side!" Others charged at Obito. "Just seeing them all gives me strength!" He then warped away.

"He ran off?!" Kiba exclaimed. 

Obito appeared on a boulder. "If the pain of our comrades' deaths is part of your bond then there's really no need to protect them, is there?"

"What the hell, you sniveling bastard?!" Naruto demanded. " That's exactly the kind of thing I hate about you! That's not what I'm talking about, idiot! I'm saying I can endure any amount of pain if it involves my comrades. I mean that I don't want to give them up! It might seem selfish of me." He slapped his heart over his heart. "But still, it's even more painful for me not to have my comrades here! Get it?!" Obito chuckled, then the Ten-tails let out a powerful roar as it continued to try to escape. The creature continued to take on a different more powerful form.

"Dad, it's collapsing!" Kurotsuchi.

"Can't hold it!" Kitsuchi grunted. The Ten-tails broke free; stood up, letting out a defiant roar. Everyone covered their ears from the high pitch ringing. "Damn it! It fought off the Mountain Jutsu enhanced with Naruto's chakra!"

"But there's no other Jutsu that can stop it any better, right, dad?" Kurotsuchi asked.

"Because you've severed the link between the Ten-Tails and me, it can't be controlled now," Obito stated. "Though I suppose it's about time to become its jinichuriki." The Ten-Tails sent out a powerful wave of energy, ripping the land apart. Aceso let her eyes glow green, she put barriers around every group of people and person she could. Storm clouds formed along with lightning.

"Now the real fun begins!" Madara smiled as he forme his susanoo. The Ten-Tails let out an even more triumphant roar, sending out a cataclysm. There were twisters and lightning strikes everywhere. Waves of water started to flood the area. The attack finished; Aceso let her eyes go back to normal.

"I'd say that should have cleaned most of them out," Madara said. The smoke disappeared to Madara's surprise everyone was still standing. His eyes then narrowed down to Aceso.

"Is that all you've got?" Naruto asked as he stepped forward, in front of Aceso. Blood was dripping out of his head and arms. His sleeve got ripped heavily. The Ten-tails clapped its hands together, it started to grow in strength. He kneeled down holding his arm. "Nicely down, little sister."

"You too, big brother," Aceso said putting her hands on his back, her palms glowing green. The Nine-Tails chakra left everyone's body.

"It's fading," A sand shinobi breathed.

"Nice try acting thought, but this is your limit," Madara stated. "You've given me something to look forward to but now I think it's time you made your exit." Shinobi appeared in front of Naruto.

"Everyone! Let's join together and fight as one!" Hinata declared. Everyone cheered in agreement.

"Thanks, Hinata," Naruto smiled.

"Time for you to recover as well," Sakura smiled; appeared behind Aceso. Sakura put her hands on Aceso's back and began to heal her as Aceso healed Naruto.

"Sakura," Aceso breathed.

"A futile display," Madara stated. The Ten-tails was now bigger as if it had the same Jutsu as the Akimichi clan, it opens its mouth wide, sticking out its tongue in a ball, and its tongue then opened up.

"Now that's just gross," Aceso stated.

"It's transforming again!" Omoi stated. The Ten-Tails prepared to fire a giant beast bomb. The wind spun around them rapidly. Its tongue took shape of flower petals.

"Ten-Tails isn't holding back," Madara stated. "He must have gotten irked after seeing his other Tailed Beasts inside Naruto! The fun is just about to begin, but it appears that I'm going to need to move soon."

"Whoa, it's still growing bigger," Shikamaru noticed.

"Yeah, is that meant for Naruto?!" Choji asked.

"Honestly, how are we to deal with that without Naruto's chakra or Lady Aceso's dojutsu?" a shinobi asked.

"We have to remain strong, everyone!" Sakura stated. "We can't waver after coming this far! Naruto is putting his all into what has to be done. And so has Aceso. The words Naruto just said made it clear!"

"Yeah, he's been going out of his way even to protect shinobi like us," a ninja said.

"That's not what I mean!" Sakura snapped. "He's told us he considers all of his comrades from the bottom of his heart." A shinobi gasped.

"Comrades," another repeated. Ninjas all around started to repeat the word comrades.


"Yeah, we're all--"


"Aceso is going to fully heal Naruto now! We must each do what we can. If we're going to die anyway, we might as well go down fighting to the very best of our abilities." Shikamaru chuckled.

"Ino," Shikamaru breathed looking back at her. She looked over at him. "I want you to link me with someone!"

"You have a plan, huh?" Ino gathered as she rushed over with a smile.

"I knew you'd come through!" Choju chimed.

"There must be something we can do, right, dad?" Kurotuschi asked.

"I'm low on chakra," Kitsuchi informed. Back over by Naruto, Aceso was finishing up healing him, when the hand signs to basic rock ninjutsu were passed to everyone, from Shikamaru, through Kitsuchi, along with a plan. The Tailed Beast shot its tailed Beast Bomb.

"Earth Style Barrier!" they all shouted. Numerous walls rose up to protect everyone, as Killer B/Gyuki shot numerous tailed beast bombs at the giant one. It started to slam through the walls like dominos.

"Now Aceso!" Shikamaru shouted.

"Got it!" Aceso shouted. A big green wall barrier formed, behind it, and many green boxes formed going over numerous shinobi. The tailed beast bomb broke through the last barrier, Lord B/Eight-Tails slammed into Aceso's barrier as they tried to hold it back

"Lord B!" Omoi shouted. Suddenly, it disappeared.

"It vanished?" a stone shinobi asked.

"But how?" Mico asked. Suddenly, a man in a cloak appeared in front of Naruto, Sakura, and Aceso.

"Am I too late?" the man asked. His cloak read the Fourth Hokage.

"No way," Naruto denied. "You got here right on time, dad!"

"Huh? Who's--Whose dad?" Sakura asked.

"Sakura," Aceso breathed looking back at her. "That's Lord 4th, Naruto's dad."

"I'm Minato Namikaze," the man introduced himself. "Brace for an explosion. "Miss, Matsuba?"

"On it," Aceso breathed, her eyes glowed more, and her barriers grew stronger.

'How was he able to get inside my barrier?' Aceso thought to herself. There was a loud explosion.

"Huh?!" Everyone gasped.

"How did you know there was going to be an explosion, Mr. Namikaze?" Aceso asked.

"I sent Ten Tails' attack over there into the sea," Minato answered. Water and rocks shot up over everyone.

"Woah!" Everyone breathed. Water then heavily blasted into Aceso's barrier, it went over and over it.

"What the hell's going on now?!" a shinobi asked. When it was all over, Aceso released her jutsu and her eyes went back to normal.

"Oh, come on!" Ino whined. "That shockwave came out of nowhere! What's up with that?"

"Look, quit complaining!" Shikamaru ordered. "Honestly, we're lucky. We got off easy." Back over, by Naruto and Sakura.

"How did you get inside the barrier?" Aceso asked.

"Your father and I teamed up a lot on missions, it's a technique we developed together," Minato answered as he looked at her. Aceso's eyes went wide...this man was reanimated.

"Do we have to fight you too!?" Aceso panicked as her eyes went into a panic. Minato started laughing.

'She's a lot like Momo,' Minato thought to himself. 'No need to worry Momo and Aeson, I'll look after her while I'm down here, as your daughter has been looking after my son.'

"Wait, who is this?" Sakura asked again. "Talk!"

"It's okay, don't worry, I'm an ally of yours," Minato answered. "So no, you will not have to fight me. It looks like I owe Aceso thanks for healing Naruto!" He looked back at Sakura. "So, uh...Are you Naruto's girlfriend?"

"Huh?!" Naruto asked. He thought about it, then got happy. "Yeah, yeah, yeah! I guess you could say that!"

"You shut your trap!" Sakura ordered angrily. She reached over Aceso, hitting her hand on Naruto's head. He fell over. "Don't waste your energy talking!"

"Little sister was in the middle of healing me, and you're hurting me even more!" Naruto groaned.

"Oh, she'll just heal the extra damage, too!" Sakura chimed as she put her hands back on Aceso's back.

"So, uh, please, could you go easy on my son?" Minato asked politely.

"This is such a sudden surprise," Sakura admitted. "Although, it seems like you knew."

"Yeah, I sensed his chakra in Nine-Tails Mode," Naruto answered as he put his back against Aceso's hands, she went back to healing. "The others should be arriving soon, too." Ino gasped.

"Something's coming," Ino stated looking up, everyone gasped.

"Well, Minato..." Lord Third breathed landing next to Lord 4th. "It seems you're as fast as ever!"

"L-Lord Third Hokage?!" Aceso gasped. "So that means--" Lord second and Lord First landed on the battlefield as well.

"Well, Lord Fourth, I must say you're even better at teleporting than I!" Tobirama admitted.

"All right, then," Hashirama stated. "Let's do this!"

"No way!" a leaf gasped.

" I don't believe it--" another leaf shinobi breathed. "Lord First, Lord Second, Lord Third, and even Lord Fourth!" It's really Minato!"

"Oh so you're ones who stopped the attack just now, Lord Hokages!" another stated. "But who reanimated you?"

"Orchiumaru's the one who summoned us," Hiruzen answered. "We need to put a stop to this war, quickly."

"I thought Orochimaru was dead," Aceso stated.

"Amazing!" a shinobi breathed. "The previous Hokage joining us in battle!"

"Now that's reassuring!"

"I'm totally lost," Sakura sighed.

'So dumb,' Aceso thought to herself, narrowing her eyes at Sakura.

"The other reinforcements are coming, too," Naruto informed. "But I guess they're lagging behind a bit." Something slammed into a was Madara.

"It's about damn time!" Madara cheered, he leaned over the cliff. "I've been waiting, Hashirama!"

"I'll deal with you later!" Hashirama shouted, pointing at Madara. The man frowned. "First I have to stop the Ten-Tails!"

"He hasn't changed a bit," Madara chuckled. "We were never on the same page."

"After all...he's charging right towards us," Hashirama pointed out, they looked, then Ten-Tails was indeed ready to fight them while rampaging.

"Oh shoot!" Aceso gasped, she let her eyes glow green, putting a barrier around everyone, putting numerous barriers around Madara.

"Naruto, you've done really well today," Minato complimented. "Why don't you take a little break?" He smiled. "That friend of yours will be here soon. He's our ally too."

"You take a break as well..," Hashirama glanced back at her.

"Aceso, she's my little sister," Naruto answered.

"You take a break as well, Aceso," Hashirama ordered.

"Yes, Lord First," Aceso responded, letting her eyes go back to normal. 'His hair is prettier than it is in the picture in the Hokage's office."

"Fellow Hokage! Let's go!" Hashirama ordered. The Fourth Hokage lit up like Naruto in Nine-Tails chakra mode.

"Please, Lord Second and Lord Third stand in front of me," Minato ordered. They did as told, Minato put his hands on him.

"Have you already placed your markers?" Lord Third asked.

"I have," Minato answered.

"It appears that you're quick at striking, too!" Tobirama stated. They disappeared.

"They vanished," Sakura noted. Hashriama did hands sign, they all appeared at the marked kunai.

"Let's go! Ninja Art..." Hashirama began.

"Four Crimson Ray Formation!" they all shouted. A crimson barrier rose up in a square around the Ten-Tails.

"And I think, I'm going to aff on. Sage Art: Gracious Deity Gates!" Hashirama stated. Black markings formed around his eyes and cheeks. Gates slammed down, it slammed all ten tails into the ground, keeping it restricted. "Ten Seals!"

" A red barrier?" Lee asked.

"It is said to be more powerful than the Four Flames Formation!" Gai informed. "And Aceso's dojutsu barrier Jutsu! It's a barrier that requires four Hokage-class shinobi working together to create!" The Ten-Tails let out an angry roar.

"Now it won't be able to move about so easily," Hashirama announced. In slow motion...Sasuke landed in front of them. Aceso's eyes went wide...this friend...he was on their side?

"You sure took your time getting here, Sasuke," Naruto smiled lightly.

"Sasuke?" Sakura gasped.

"Sakura, huh?" Sasuke asked.

"S...Sasuke?" Sakura gasped, shaking her head. "Why?" Everyone from her graduating class looked over. Akamaru growled angrily.

"Huh? S-Sauke, you-?!" Ino gasped landing by them. She started to run forward; Shikamaru and Choji stopped her.

"Hey, Ino! Stop!" Shikamaru ordered. "He's an enemy."

"Yeah, Ino!" Choji agreed. "You probably shouldn't go near him. Just keep your distance!"

"You guys are still as annoying as ever," Sasuke said. Aceso noticed the man with the orange hair was with him as well.

"Why the hell are you here, you bastard?!" Kiba demanded as Team 8 ran over.

"He's right," Sakura agreed. "What are you doing here, Sasuke?"

" It's alright," Aceso breathed. "You can trust Sasuke for now, we need him more than ever." Everyone was surprised by what she said, specifically Sasuke. "Though what did take you so long to get here?"

"A whole lot has happened," Sasuke answered. "But I've decided to protect the Hidden Leaf Village now. Then, after...I will...become Hokage?!"

"What?!" Everyone went into complete shock.

"Long-time-no-see Rogue Ninja, you can't come back suddenly and crack lame jokes! You even get what it means to be Hokage?" Kiba raged.

"I don't know everything that's happened to you, but that's just an impossibility," Shikamaru denied. "I mean, do you even know what you're saying?"

"Do you really believe we can forgive and forget all you've done?" Shino asked.

" I know," Sasuke answered. " I realize you probably can't. But then it doesn't really matter what any of you think of me. Besides you...I have caused you a lot of pain. I know forgiveness from you won't be easy, but I am deeply sorry. " He looked back at Aceso. "The previous Kage caused these circumstances. So I will become Hokage and change the Village." Naruto then stood up, he took his place next to Sasuke.

"I'm going to be the one who'll be Hokage!" Naruto declared.

"None of you will be Hokage if you don't get focused on the ten-tails," Aceso stated. "Get it in gear!"

"Yes, little sister," Naruto smiled nervously.

"Lady Aceso is right, though--" Hashirama began.

'Lady Aceso? Being addressed that way by Lord First?' Aceso blinked.

"It does please me to see you guys so infatuated with becoming Hokage, but speed it up!" Lord First ordered. "Start infusion chakra! We'll take down Ten-Tails with an all-out attack!"

"Yes, Lord First!" Aceso responded.

"Lady Aceso, I want you to put a green barrier, layering next to the crimson barrier formation," Lord First ordered.

"Yes, sir," Aceso responded. 

"Thanks, Aceso," Naruto smiled back at her. "For healing me! Sakura thanks for healing my sister! Now it's your turn to get some rest. You as well Sakura. Let's go Sasuke!" He and Sasuke went up close to the Ten-Tails. As Aceso went over to Lord Second; as Sakura went up to Sasuke and Naruto. Aceso let her eyes glow green, she did as Hashirama instructed her. 

"Sakura?" Naruto asked.

"You think I'm some weak woman who can't keep up with you two?" Sakura asked. "Is Lady Tsunade the only Sannin to give inadequate training to her student?" She stood up, looking at Naruto. "I'm almost here...I'll be at full capacity in a little bit. Then I can put out my true power. I'm a part of Team 7, too! And a student of a Legendary Sannin!" Naruto chuckled, he smiled.

"All right!" Naruto cheered. "Team 7 is finally back in action once again! Sakura! Sasuke! Let's go!"

"Right!" Sakura chimed.

"Yeah!" Sasuke breathed.

"That sight sure brings back memories! Right, Shikamaru?" Ino asked.

"Well, okay. I guess that if he's willing to help us take down the enemy, I won't turn him away," Shikamaru gave in. "But I don't accept him..."

"It's been a while since our whole class was together like this," Choji pointed out. "Kinda feels like the Chunin Exams!"

"I'm the one who's gonna be Hokage!" Kiba shouted. "Hey, are you even listening?!"

"Kiba, no one's paying attention," Shino pointed out. "Frankly, it's pitiful. Quit it. The reason is because the impact of Sasuke showing up suddenly and declaring his intent to become Hokage is much too great."

"Um, Kiba? Well, I heard you loud and clear!" Hinata assured. "All of us should aspire to be Hokage!" Akamaru barked happily.

"All right, come on, you guys!" Naruto cheered. "Let's show 'em what we're made of, y'know!"

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