Chapter 52

The ten-tails were absolutely terrifying. 

"Whoa! Is that thing the--" Naruto began. 

"No mistake," Eight-Tails confirmed. There was a strong gust of dust, the ten-tails opened its mouth, letting out a horrible roar. Madara and Obito landed on the creature as Eight-Tails and Naruto in Nine-Tails chakra landed behind Kakashi and Naruto with Gai and Aceso. 

"But I thought the statue's evil chakra had disappeared!" Naruto exclaimed. 

"They got us!" Kakashi growled. Aceso looked at Gai, he was still having a tough time getting back to normal after the Daytime Tiger attack even with a chakra patch. Aceso jumped up on one of the knuckles of the Eight-Tails to see everything more clearly. 

"He doesn't have those kind of emotions or feelings!" Kurama explained. "He can't be sensed. He's natural energy itself, the same as that which circulates around this world, that you can feel in the soil, water, and air. It would be a different story if you tried it while engaged in Sage Mode, though. "

"Right, gotcha!" Naruto stated leaving Nine-Tails chakra mode, he sat down. "Well then, if you say he's all Nature Energy then I can check him out of I do this!" He closed his eyes to concentrate.

"Forget it, Naruto," Kurama denied. "If you try to do that...all you'll see is how immeasurable it is."

Naruto opened his eyes, and chuckled. "You're not kidding!" The ten-tails started to charge towards them.

"Hey, here comes a big one!" Eight-Tails pointed out. "You really think we can do this?"

"Don't think you can hide under your tentacles 'cause you're scared!" Kurama said. "But first, hand Gai over!"

"My chakra and healing patches haven't seemed to be working on him this time around," Aceso frowned. 

"Don't you worry, they are working just fine," Kurama assured. "Put a couple more on him, I can heal him later on as well. And Kakashi and Naruto, too! You come along as well Naruto's sister."

"Yeah!" Naruto agreed. 

"Heads up!" Gyuki warned. Naruto grabbed Kakashi, he jumped into Kurama's mouth as Eight-Tails threw Gai and Aceso inside, he closed his mouth, sealing them in. A wave of debris hit harder than last time.

"Listen up," Kurama ordered. "First, we keep our distance and see what move he makes! We'll counter it and hit him with a big blow as close as we can get. Like I said earlier."

"Nine Tails, you're acting like a captain," Kakashi pointed out. 

"Huh!? Got a problem with that?" Kurama demanded.

"Nope! In fact, I feel kinda happy!" Kakashi answered. Gai-sensei gave a thumbs up in agreement. 

"You're doing a great job, Mr. Kurama," Aceso complimented. "Keep it up!" Gai gave another thumbs up. 

"Save that line for after we've won!" Kurama advised. "Let's go!" The Eight-tails and Nine-tails started to run away, out of the debris and arm stretched out, trying to grab them. It appeared out of the debris angrily as the other two slammed into the ground, skidded, then landed. 

'So much bigger than the other two,' Aceso thought to herself. Then she looked at all of the tails. 'It's worth a shot.' She looked down at her ropes, they were repairing themselves. Kurama charged to strike an attack, Ten-tails easily swatted it away. Eight-Tails started to form a tailed beast bomb on one side as Nine-Tails formed one on the other side. 

"Tailed Beast Bomb Barrage!" The two exclaimed shooting out their attacks. The Ten-tails sucked its face and opened its form to reveal a tailed beast bomb.

"This is," Eight-Tails began.

"Not good," Kurama finished. He got the line right passed them in the distance, and that area exploded. He started to direct the line towards them. The Nine tails and Eight-tails balled up and rolled away.

"It's on you now," Eight-Tails/Killer B said. Aceso's eyes glowed green, she created a giant barrier, trapping them all inside it. Creating a small hole for Kakashi and the other Naruto to be thrown through. The attack hit the barrier, causing a giant explosion. 

"Listen, Naruto, don't tell me--" Gai began.

"Bushier Brow Sensei, don't worry," Naruto cut him off. 

"Nice control Naruto," Kurama complimented. "You got them in nice and close." Aceso noticed a giant octopus leg was in front of them. She looked over to see the rest of the leg coming out of Kakashi's Kamui.

"Yeah!" Gai sensei cheered as Aceso's eyes went back to normal.

"To our enemies, it may appear that we left one ocotpus leg, behind but..." Naruto began to explain. 

"Bee! Eight Tails!" Kakashi shouted. 

"I'm smashing this right into his eyeball!" Eight-Tails declared as they came out of Kakashi's eye. He had a tailed beast bomb ready. He shot it down, at the last second the tailed beast bomb got flicked away, and they all gasped. It slammed into Eight-Tails sending him flying back. Naruto smacked Kakashi out of the way as Ten-Tails raised a tail.

"Ten-Tails' tail!" Kakashi exclaimed. "Naruto!" The tailed Beast bomb exploded as the tail slammed into Naruto, and his clone disappeared. Kurama charged forward catching Kakashi, then ran away to stop Eight-Tails from sliding even more after landing. 

"Are you alright? Mr. Gyuki? Master B?" Aceso asked.

"We'll be fine," Eight-Tails answered as the Nine-Tails chakra disappeared dropping everyone on the ground. Killer B returned back to himself as well.

"That hurt! Fool, ya fool!" Killer B panted. Aceso slapped a healing and chakra patch on Naruto and Killer B. 

"So, I can't get fully healed yet?" Gai panted.

"Pulling something as massive as Eight-Tails in and out sure comes with correspondingly large cost," Kakashi panted. "I'm drained already."

"Dad, I can take over for Kurama," Aceso said. "I'll just have to use that technique." She crawled over Gai-sensei, she flipped him over; he cried out in pain. "Sorry." She bit her thumb, then wiped blood across his forehead, she did hand signs, then put her hand on Gai's forehead. His body started to glow that healing green. "This is going to take longer, but it should do the trick." Naruto faced Madara and Obito, putting up hand signs. 

"Your favorite, Shadow Clone Jutsu?" Madara mocked. "It's forbidden high-level ninjutsu, but upping the number of losers-"

"I'm not a loser!" Naruto shouted. 

"Don't Naruto!" Kakashi advised as he lifted Gai-sensei. "It's meaningless to create Shadow Clones that'll split up your chair even more. They might be useful as diversions but not for decisive hits. And if you go down we'll lose this war."

"You were always just a motley crew anyway," Madara insulted. 

"Huh?!" Naruto asked. "We're a m-m-m-motley what?"

"You're pathetic," Madara teased.

"He's saying it's pointless to merely increase the number of heads if all of them are empty," Obito explained. "You and I are both powerless shinobi. You...No, everyone, actually...shall eventually just end up like me."

"There's no way that I'll ever end up like you!" Naruto declared. "How many times do I have to say it?! My dream is to become the Hokage!"

"You needn't worried," Obito assured. "Everything will go as planned. No Jutsu is mightier than the Infinite Tsukuyomi. I'll make you Hokage inside this Jutsu. So just disappear along with the rest of the world!" The Ten-Tails shot out another tailed beast bomb towards them. Aceso eyes lit back up, she formed another barrier around everyone, the attack slid past them, slamming into a mountain. In the distance it exploded, taking out the mountains and everything around it. 

"What the--" Kakashi breathed as Aceso's eyes went back to normal. "He missed? Deliberately?!" They heard people. "About time."

"Kakashi! Gai! Aceso!" a leaf shinobi shouted they went by Killer B. 

"Sorry we're late," Hiashi Hyuga apologized as he arrived with another Leaf Shinobi. 

"I can't believe he shook off my Byakugan-aided, spot-on Mind Transfer in just two seconds!" Ino exclaimed as she arrived with Hinata. 

"You still managed to shift that big thing aim's off," Hiashi stated. "So good work!"

"Naruto, are you doing okay?" Hinata asked. 

"Yeah!" Naruto smiled. 

"Just because Hinata's here doesn't mean you have to act tough, Naruto!"Kiba teased as he arrived with Shino and the Aburame clan.

"Same goes for you since my sister is here!" Naruto teased back. 

"Beetle Jamming Jutsu!" the clan exclaimed, they held up their arms, and large swarms of bugs shot out. 

"Hidden Mist Jutsu!" Mist shinobi shouted, she shot out a heavy mist. 

"We're here, Naruto!" Choji exclaimed as he and Shikamaru arrived. 

"All right, good!" Shikamaru said. "We won't be so easily detectable now."

"Lord Bee!" Karui exclaimed landing by him. "You're in way better shape than I expected!"

"Lord Bee! You look seriously wounded!" Omoi exclaimed as he arrived. 

"You know what, Omoi?" Karui asked. "You worry too much!" The green glowing left Gai's body as Aceso fell back into a pair of arms. 

"Gai Sensei, do not tell me you unleashed the Hirudora?!" Lee exclaimed, he arrived with Shizune and Sakura. Aceso looked back to see Lee was the one to catch her. "And you." He looked down at her. " For you to use that technique in your state is careless."

"Lee!" Gai smiled. 

"Lee," Aceso smiled as well. 

"I'm sorry we're late, Captain Kakashi," Sai apologized as he arrived. 

"Sakura, first of all," Naruto began.

"Yeah, I know," Sakura said getting behind Kakashi, she started to heal him. Lee took out four chakra patches from his pack, he placed them on Aceso, one on each limb. Shizune placed some on Gai-sensei. More and more shinobi arrived.

"First Company has arrived on the scene!" Darui announced.

"Second Company has also arrived!" Kitsuchi announced. 

"Third Company has arrived!" a leaf shinobi shouted. 

"Fourth Company has arrived!" Shikamaru announced. 

"Fifth Company has arrived!" Mifune announced as he arrived with the samurai.

"The Medical Unit's here, too!" Shizune announced. "Sorry, we're late Captain Aceso." A healing ninja got behind and started to heal her.

"Sensory Units arrived as well!" Cee announced. 

"You call that hiding?" Madara asked. The Ten-Tails wiped its tailed, blowing away the mist and bugs. 

"Wind Style! Art of the Gust Blade!" Temari shouted. All the fan users waved their fans, shooting out gusts. By the time the mist disappeared, everyone was back on their feet and ready to continue fighting. 

"You see?" Naruto smirked. "We're not a motley crew anymore! We brought something with us. It's called the Allied Shinobi Forces Jutsu! The world's greatest, most invincible, super-duper ninjutsu, y'know! A Jutsu that tramples the Infinite Tsukuyomi. Remember that!"

"The Allied Shinobi Forces Jutsu?" Madara repeated. "Isn't that a bit of a stretch?

"We're gonna stop the both of you with this Jutsu!" Naruto declared. 

"You're wrong," Obito denied. "Why won't you realize that it's completely meaningless for you to stop us here? This Jutsu of yours will crumble to dust after the war. Then someone on your side will eventually attempt what we're doing anyway. There is no victory, no matter how much you struggle. Get it through your head, already. Hope doesn't exist in this world!"

"So what?" Naruto smirked. "I don't care! I'm gonna say it does!"

"It is pointless to argue if there is or isn't something during war. How 'bout we just settle this thing?" Madara suggested. 

"When there's a difference of opinion, you usually go by majority rule, don't you?" Naruto asked. "Well?"

"Good idea, okay," Obito said. "We'll call it after we've erased all of you. And..."

"I guess I should've expected that," Naruto admitted. "But..."

"This world," Obito and Naruto began. 

"Is going to end!" Obito declared.

"Is not gonna end!" Naruto declared at the same time. 

"Let's go everybody!" a shinobi shouted.

"This is the final deciding battle!" another shinobi shouted. A bunch of war cries came out. 

"Scatter!" a sand shinobi ordered. They all scattered to go start the battle.

"Kakashi told us the masked man is Obito Uchiha," Inoichi said to everyone from headquarters. "But there's no time to be shocked. For this fight, we need to take and maintain the upper hand and not give 'em any chance to counter!"

"Our intel shows that our enemy boasts impressive eyes," Shikaku added. "So first we'll impede their movement by destroying their vision."

"Hidden Cloud!" Inoichi exclaimed. 

"Lightning Style! Flash Pillar!" C shouted. They lit up heavily.

"Gale Style! Laser Circus!" Darui shouted. They blinded the enemy as Darui's group shot lightning at them. 

"Ah! Their true aim is to blind the Ten-Tails!" Madara discovered.

"With the two Jutsu from earlier Mist Jutsu and Beetle Jamming. Along with the large volume of airborne dust just stirred up but the Gale Style," Shikaku explained.

"Hidden Sand!" Inoichi exclaimed. "Now!"

"Wind Style: Air Current Dance!" They all shouted. Wind blasted at the ten-tails.

"We'll not just destroy their vision completely but thwart them from even sensing us at all," Shikaku explained. "And since their sheer bulk prevents them from hiding, we'll be able to take full advantage of the situation!

"Hidden Stone, proceed now!" Inoichi ordered. 

"Yes, we're on it!" Kitsuhci assured. "Earth Style: Vast Mobile Core!" They created a square around the Ten-tails, lowering him to the ground.

"After shutting down their senses, we'll immobilize them!" Shikaku added. "Once we drop Ten-Tails pour in the quicklime!" 

"Lava Style: Quicklime Jutsu!" Stone Shinobi shouted. They shot the substance down, the Ten-Tails roared as it got slammed with it. 

"Hidden Mist! You're up next!" Inoichi ordered. 

"Water Style: Water Bomb Jutsu!" they shouted. They shot water down in the pit.

"We'll add water to the mix, fill up the pot, and rapidly stir up the quicklime!" Shikaku explained.

"Hidden Leaf! Finish this!" Inoichi ordered. 

"Sarutobi Clan Memebrs! Let's go!" a man shouted. "Fire Style: Majestic Flame Jutsu!" Fire flew down.

"Dry it with the heat of Fire Style," Shikaku explained. "Let is set and, presto! Immobilized!" They all stared down at the enemy. "Without stooping the Ten-Tails we wouldn't have the chance to go after Obito and Madara." Naruto held a Rasen shuriken. "To them. Ten tails is just a tool to aid in activating their Jutsu. If we take down those two casters, the Infinite Tsukuyomi can't launch! However, it's best to assume that Ten Tails' power can't be suppressed for long. Only physical attacks work on Madara. So shinobi with taijutsu skills, you go after him! Obito can slip through all moves and Jutsu, but according to intel only for five minutes. Coordinate with the Medical Unit and continuously attack for more than five minutes! Don't let up! Naruto, that's right it's now time for your--" Naruto jumped down first, and everyone else followed.

"Allied Shinobi Forces Jutsu!" Naruto shouted. 

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