Chapter 50
Everyone stared at the creature as it continued to roar angrily, multiple rocks rose up rapidly.
"That statue's been acting all weird since it swallowed those objects earlier," Gai said.
"Wait, that was--" Naruto began.
"Don't tell me--" Kakashi said.
"Watch closely!" Tobi warned. "And surrender yourself completely! The return of Ten Tails! And the beginning of the end of the world!
" So that's it!" Kakashi gasped. "The Gedo statue was Ten-Tails actual body!"
"Huh?! What does he mean?! What's the Ten-Tails?" Naruto asked.
"But what's going on?" Aceso asked. "Back when he declared war at the Five Kage Summit...He claimed the purpose of this war was to collect the Nine-Tails Beasts' chakra to revive Ten-Tails."
"He doesn't possess Eight-Tails and Nine-Tails yet...So is he bluffing?" Kakashi asked. He looked back at Naruto. "Don't be careless. Approaching him is deadly!
"He for a bit of Eight-O's chakra from back in the day. Now we're sweatin' 'cause holmes is here to stay. It's mot a-okay!" Killer B explained.
"Eight Tails' octopus arm chakra, huh?" Kakashi repeated. "And Aceso you said the Gold and Silver Brothers were in those tools, right?"
"Yeah," Aceso nodded.
"So just a piece of a Tailed Beast is sufficient?" Kakashi asked.
"Listen up, all of you!" a voice demanded, it was coming from Naruto.
"Huh?" Gai asked.
"That voice!" Kakashi exclaimed.
"Naruto's switched places with Nine Tails, pow!" Killer B explained. "So just relax, he's explain it to us. Nine Tails and Naruto, they're real tight now!"
"Mr. Kurama?" Aceso asked. "Please go on."
"If just a portion of a Tailed Beast is sufficient, that statue already has a piece of Eight Tails' and my chakra in it," Kurama began. "The jar and gourd that guy summoned and fed to the statue were two of Old Man Six Paths' treasured tools. They possess powerful Sealing Jutsu that can seal away anything. Once you're inside, you'd can not get out. Naruto's brat sister said earlier, the Gold and Silver are sealed in the jar and gourd, also known as Kinkaku and Ginkaku. I suspect they were brought back with the Reanimation Jutsu, used in the war, and sealed away.
"Kinkaku, Ginkaku, the Sage of Sixth Paths..." Gai repeated. "Sure, all of them are legendary names. But what in the world do any of them have to do with Nine Tails' chakra?"
"There was a time long ago when the brothers challenged me to a battle," Kurama explained. "I simply devoured them. However, they survived and fed on me from the inside. And, in doing so, they absorbed my chakra."
"And the guy in the mask took the two of them from Darui's First Company as an insurance policy for reviving the Ten-Tails," Kakashi gathered. "That's consistent with the report from HQ."
"But since they're just fragments of Eight Tails' and my chakra, who knows what form the revived Ten-Tails will take?" Kurama wondered.
"We must act before Ten-Tails fully comes back to life," Kakashi declared.
"Kakashi," Tobi said. "You speak your mind far too easily." Kakashi squinted at him. "You're a man for whom a life of regret is fitting!"
"You bastard," Gai frowned. "Just who in the hell are you, anyway?"
"What would be the point in telling someone who can't remember faces?" Tobi asked.
"This guy seems to know the two of you," Aceso said.
"Kid, I'm starting to think your suspicions about this guy might be true," Kakashi admitted.
"Kakashi, like you said, if we're going to make a move, now's our chance," Kurama said as Naruto stepped forward. "Old Man Six Paths used to say that Ten Tails' full revival would signify the end of this world.
"So, is the Ten-Tails really that terrible?" Naruto asked. "I get that he's got Ten-Tails, but just how powerful is he, anyway?"
"He's the aggregate of all the Tails Beasts' chakra, One Tail through me," Kurama explained. "He was the beginning of chakra and a creature-god of many nations. Ameno-hititsuno-kami, Datara, Deidarabotchi: He has many names. He drank the oceans, split open the earth hoisted up the mountains. He's the progenitor said to have created this very land. Simply put, he has the total power of all nine Tailed Beasts. Honestly, I couldn't take him on by myself and hope to win. But if he only has a piece of Eight-Tails and me, who have the most chakra out of the nine, it may be worth a try."
"You are all mistaken," Tobi announced. "I don't need Ten-Tails to be revived at full capacity." They all gasped. "My end goal is a Super Genjutsu, the Infinite Tsukuyomi! I will put the entire human population of this planet under a single genjutsu. A single world that belongs to nobody One perfect world without war or ill feelings. Only within single collective consciousness where the individual has been cast aside can truth be found! The world no longer needs hope, a future, or famous heroes. Even if incomplete, once Ten-Tails is revived, the Infinite Tsukuyomi Jutsu can be achieved, and reality will come to an end...and all that will exist will be a single unending dream that will last for all eternity!"
"Look, I had--" Naruto began, he had switched with Kurama. "I had my Father. I had my Mother. And I had Pervy Sage. Kids love looking up to their heroes! That's why I can run forward without hesitation! And I will become the greatest Hokage of them all! That's my dream. and I won't give up on it, you fool!"
"Even if you don't want your youth to reach an end...Your dreams still have to come to an end at some point!" Gai added on.
"Yeah...Dreams must be fulfilled," Kakashi agreed.
"That way a new one can come to light," Aceso added.
"Yo, check it: Dreams, dreams, lots o'dreams abound, even out here on this battleground," Killer B rapped. "I dream of women's boobs, so round! When dreams are fulfilled, that is where truth is found!"
"You've got guts, Bee, telling us about your, uh, preferences at a time like this," Gyuki stated.
"Individuality makes you lose sight of the truth," Tobi stated. "My words as a nobody are words guided by the absolute truth of the world." Naruto zapped forward, entering Nine-Tails chakra mode. He had a Rasengan in hand, going head-on to the statue. Tobi threw up his gunbai, Naruto jumped back. "I guess that crack in your mask will have to come first."
"You will not touch the statue!" Tobi threatened, holding his weapon. The Gedo statue roared, even more, it started to evolve as more rocks rose up. Naruto made a clone.
"Naruto! You know his ability, right?" Aceso asked.
"Your window is the instant he tried to pull you in, that's when he'll become solid. If you attack him normally, you'll just pass right through him," Kakashi explained.
"That means go for a counterattack," Gai added. "Diversionary tactics! Create an opening through close combat! Avoid using big moves!"
"Thanks, but I already know that! That's why I created a clone!" Naruto said.
"Master Bee! Please raise me up high!" Kakashi requested. As Naruto forme a tailed beast bomb in his hand with help from his clone, Aceso prepared her ropes, putting kunai on the ends of them, Gai grabbed a pair of nunchucks and Master B lifted up Kakashi high.
"Super MiniTauked Beast Bomb!" Naruto exclaimed. Madara watched them all very closely. Naruto's clone ran forward, punching, going through Tobi, he destroyed that clone, and as Naruto stretched out an arm, it went through Tobi. The man jumped on the arm, running towards Naruto. Gai and Aceso went forward at the same time, Gai swung his nunchuck through Tobis' head, as Aceso's kunai went through the man's center, so he wouldn't grab Naruto. Gai chuckled, smiling down at Aceso, she smiled back up at him. She grabbed Naruto and jumped away, as Gai took on Tobi with his nunchucks. He kept hitting the gunbai, Gai went through the gunbai, and Tobi jumped back, through the kunai. Gai blocked them with his nunchucks. Naruto looked back to see Gai jumping up to Tobi.
"I'll deal with you first," Tobi decide as a nunchuck went through his head, he reached forward to grab Gai. Aceso raised her hands, as Gai, put his feet on the nunchucks as one went through Tobi's head again, he through the enemy. Tobi threw the gunbai, and Gai blocked the attack with the nunchucks.
'He's always been amazing,' Aceso smiled to herself. 'Naruto was right about kids always looking up to their heroes.' Naruto readied another mini-tailed, beast bomb as Aceso readied her ropes again. Naruto stretched out to Tobi as Kakashi started to use Kamui to get rid of the Gedo statue. Right before Kakashi could complete it. Tobi used his gunbai; stuck it between two rocks, launching forward before Naruto could hit him. He landed on a rock.
"So naive," Tobi taunted. Naruto's arm wrapped up, then slammed into the rock that Tobi stood on.
"Where did he go?" Aceso asked.
"Here," Tobi answered appearing out of the ground, Naruto jumped away; Aceso got behind Naruto as Tobi chased them. Tobi started to try to hit Aceso with his gunbai, she did everything she could to block it.
"Naruto!" Guy shouted rushing after them. "Aceso!" The gunbai slammed into Aceso, she flew back slamming into Naruto; they hit the ground. The chains started to go around, Aceso's eyes glowed green; she pushed the chains back with a barrier.
"So naive," Tobi taunted as disappeared underground and then appeared inside the barrier. He jumped forward putting out his hand, Aceso stood in front of Naruto, she made the back wall drop.
"Get out of here," Aceso ordered as Tobi's hand was about to touch her. All the walls dropped, as Kakashi threw a kunai surrounded in lighting, it went right through Tobi, causing him to go through her and Naruto. They jumped back away from Tobi, he kicked the kunai toward the two.
"Naruto! Just keep going!" Kakashi shouted. "I'll take care of the kunai!" Naruto stretched an arm out, as Aceso dropped down. "Kamui!" The kunai disappeared as Naruto's hand went through Tobi. He landed on a boulder as the other three landed on one across from him.
"He's really strong!" Naruto exclaimed. " I can't get my attacks to land!"
"You all right?!" Gai asked landing on the boulder.
"Yeah," Kakashi breathed. "But...if even that attack isn't good enough..."
"What can we do?" Naruto asked. Tobi slowly looked back at them...his mask cracked. They gasped, Tobi looked down, the rock they stood on, fell apart, dropping to the ground with them. "Man, what is happening all of a sudden?"
"Hey, Dads, did you see that?" Aceso asked.
"Yeah," Gai answered as Naruto went back to normal.
"There's a crack in his mask..." Kakashi noted.
"What?!" Naruto gasped. "Seriously, where?!" He put his hand up by his eyes, as Tobi looked up at them. "You're right! It's true! On the left side!"
"It looks like your earlier attack hit right before it passed through him!" Gai cheered. "Nice Work, Naruto!" He gave a thumbs up. "Let's keep going, then!"
"Yeah, all right!" Naruto cheered. "Now I feel like we might be able to get somewhere against him!"
"No," Aceso denied.
"To be honest, it didn't look to me like Naruto's attack landed," Kakashi admitted.
"You're doing it again!" Gai scolded. "You always say things like that!
"So was it something else?" Naruto asked.
"What's going on?" Aceso asked. As they waited for Kakashi's answer, Gyuki/Killer B charged toward the Gedo statue, as Tobi held out his hands, chakra formed on each finger, like a flame.
"You're wide open!" Killer B cheered. "Gotcha!" He went to go punch.
"Don't mock me!" Madara/Tobi shouted. "Uchiha Flame Formation!" A red flame formed all around the statue, Killer B slammed a fist; his fist caught on fire.
"Hot! Hot! Hot!" Killer B cried out.
"Whoa!" Naruto breathed as the octopus fell back. "Are you all right?! Are ya, Octopops and Eight-O?!"
"Agh! Do I look like it?!" Killer B shouted as he tried to get rid of the flames.
"Now that he's erected a barrier, we have no choice but to tackle the masked guy first," Gai stated.
"That's been my plan right from the beginning," Naruto stated as they all faced Tobi again. "Damn it!"
"Aceso, your suspicions are coming more and more true about this guy, it's disturbing," Kakashi growled. "Gai, Aceso, Naruto, Master B?"
"Huh?" they all responded.
"There's something I want to test," Kakashi answered. "I want to test. Please lend me a hand." Gyuki lifted them up on his palm.
"Let's do it!" Kakashi declared.
"Right!" Aceso agreed.
"Yo!" Killer B shouted as he three all four of them, Naruto entered Nine-Tails chakra mood. They jumped on a boulder, they jumped off as Gai smashed through it with his nunchucks.
"Impressive destructive power," Tobi complimented.
"How's that?" Gai asked landing behind Tobi. "No chance to pull me in, huh?!" Tobi grabbed the nunchucks.
"You underestimate the Sharingan. I can read your movements," Tobi stated. "I'll keep these!" He started to absorb the nunchucks. Gai smirked, he moved aside as Naruto appeared behind him with a Rasengan as Aceso appeared behind Tobi, she had the ropes going around him. "Don't you see that it's futile?" Tobi went through the ropes, stretching out his arm to grab Naruto, going through the Rasengan, Aceso jumped up to avoid getting hit by the Rasengan while still holding out to her ropes. The Rasengan disappeared, then Tobi's right shoulder bubbled up and exploded. He slammed into the ground, tumbling away harshly, his Gunbai got caught on rocks, preventing him from going any further. Aceso, Gai, and Naruto went back by Kakashi.
"It went like you said, Kakashi Sensei!" Naruto cheered. "I don't really get why, but I finally landed an attack!
"I see..." Tobi breathed. "It wasn't that Naruto undid his Rasengan...but that you used the Kamui to send the Rasengan away...right, Kakashi?"
"As I suspected, I thought you had two different Jutsu, one to slip through things and one to pull things in or take them ut," Kakashi explained. "But, no...It's all just one single Jutsu!" He pointed at the guy.
"Are you sure it's just one?" Gai asked as Tobi got back onto his feet.
"Yep," Kakashi nodded.
"Well, there's no one better at Jutsu analysis and breakdown," Gai complimented.
"Explain his Jutsu to us quickly, please?" Aceso requested.
"Knowing exactly what it is and how it works might change how we approach the battle," Gai added.
"The gist of his Jutsu is very simple," Kakashi answered. "You see, the Jutsu he used to pull thins in and the one where he slips through objects are both the Transportation Technique."
"Wait, what do you mean? Just how were you able to determine that?" Gai asked.
"Well, let me explain in order," Kakashi said as Aceso took out chakra patches, she put one on all four of them. "First, that crack in his mask...That mark is from my Lightning Blade kunai knife. There's no doubt about it. And I can tell from the look of the wound on his right shoulder that was caused by Naruto's Rasengan. What those two things have in that they both involve areas of his body that were overlapping and in contact with Naruto's body while was slipping through him. Also...there is one other thing that the two have in common. And that is...the both of them were caused by a kunai knife and by a Rasengan that I had teleported using my Kamui. In short, I can deduce from all this that his Transportation Technique...and the time-space of my Kamui are linked!" Tobi started to rib the rest of his sleeve off.
"Wait, just a second! What are you saying?" Gai demanded. "How come his Visual Jutsu and yours are both linked?!" Killer B joined them.
"Does that mean that all Transportation Techniques are linked between all users?" Killer B asked.
"No," Aceso answered. "I'm suspecting that it's just between Dad and him."
"Never mind that! Why did Kakashi-senseis' kunai hit but I wasn't able to land my punch?" Naruto asked.
"That's right, fool!" Killer B agreed. "Even with shared time-spaces, it should still be impossible to hit a guy that can slip through everything like it was nothing at all, ya fool!"
"Expect our theory that he slips through things was wrong," Kakashi pointed out.
"I still don't get it. What do you mean?" Naruto asked.
"Although it looks like your attack slipped right through fact, only the part of his body that would have been in contact with yours was transported into time-space," Kakashi explained. "In other words, the left side of his mask that your punch 'slipped through' was simply transported into time-space and no longer existed on this plane. At least materially. And then--Almost simultaneously, I hurled that kunai into time-space using Kamui, remember? Just as his momentum carried him forward...when he extended his arm toward you in order to grab kunai finished entering time-space and it scored his mask."
"The same...with my Rasengan?" Naruto asked.
"Yeah," Kakashi breathed.
"So that's what happened, huh?" Naruto asked.
"But how come both your Visual Prowess are linked?" Killer B asked.
"Kakashi, is he?" Gai asked looking at Kakashi.
"Just where did you obtain that eye?" Kakashi demanded.
"Where?" Tobi asked as he fully stood up. "During the last Great War, if I dare say. The Battle of Kannabi Bridge...The same battle where you earned the nickname 'The Sharingan Hero.'
"Wait, are you?" Kakashi asked.
"I thought I told you not to slap your mouth so readily!" Tobi shouted. "You have sunk so low as to become nothing but talk! Your words are worthless and meaningless! It is too late for regrets. Reality just keeps cruelly moving forward. You have seen reality, so you ought to know. Not one wish ever gets ranted in this miserable world. That is why I shall guide it toward the dream of Infinite Tsukuyomi. I shall create a world where it won't be necessary for a hero to pathetically make excuses in front of a grave."
"Hey, you all right, Kakashi?!" Gai asked putting a hand on his shoulder. Kakashi was breathing heavily.
"Bastard!" Naruto taunted as he charged forward a little. " Are you still yakking on about that?! I told you! I won't quit! My dream is to be Hokage! I've been entrusted with way too much by way too many!"
"You tell him!" Gai encouraged.
"Entrusted," Tobi repeated. "But Naruto...What if you were to lose the things Jiraiya and the Fourth Hokage entrusted you with? I wonder what they would think. If you fail with the things you were entrusted with...I wonder what you'll think of yourself, as well?" He grabbed his gunbai. "If you postpone dealing with problems and cover them up with the word 'hope' all that awaits you is empty reality. Both the entrusted and those that did the entrusting all in vain."
"Sorry, but your words don't apply to this guy," Kurama spoke, Naruto pointed at himself. Aceso glanced at Naruto, he and the Nine-Tails must have switched.
"That's Nine-Tails," Gai noted.
"The Fourth entrusted him with me and Naruto's...befriended me now and mastered my power, too!" Naruto started to get cloaked in the Nine-Tails chakra. "The Fourth Hokage sealed me inside Naruto as a force to help take you down. Go, Naruto! You will not fail!"
"Yeah!" Naruto cheered as he switched back.
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