Chapter 5
The fight between Deidara and Aceso continued as Naruto and Kakashi chased after them.
"So annoying," Deidara groaned. "This is taking so long, I'll never get back to my man, Sasori."
"Your man Sasori is going to be finished once Lady Chiyo and Sakura are done," Aceso said blocking his kick.
"I wouldn't be so sure about that," Deidara said as he blocked an elbow. "I know, I'll use the rest of detonating clay and show him what a real artist can do. However, if I'm going to do that, I'll have to get rid of you my dear, along with the copy ninja. It might have taken a while, but this is worth the wait." Aceso ducked to avoid, a kick, Deidara threw tons of small clay, as Aceso caught his ankle. She got back to her feet bringing out a kunai just as Deidara did, at the same time, they both struck each other across the cheek, and blood flowed back onto the logs behind them. A drop of blood fell onto Naruto.
"Naruto, wait up!" Kakashi yelled as he dodged the small exploding clay spiders.
"You're slowing me down, Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto shouted. "I'm going on ahead."
"Don't do anything reckless," Kakashi ordered.
"Yeah, yeah I know," Naruto said as he took off faster.
Up above, Deidara started to fly higher, the two opponents jumped from each other, and Aceso's foot landed right behind the clay bird's ear. The bird started to lower itself.
"Huh?" Aceso breathed looking down. She pressed down harder, the bird started to go down faster.
"Just what do you think you're doing!" Deidara demanded as he launched forward. Aceso jumped up, she kicked Deidara in the back of the end, now she stood at the tail and her opponent stood by the head. They started to go back up. Far back behind them, they heard an explosion.
"That takes care of the copy ninja," Deidara smirked.
"Oh, please," Aceso gruffed. "Kakashi-sensei isn't so easily defeated, especially by your lame art."
"Take that back!" Deidara demanded as he charged, Aceso jumped back up, Deidara grabbed her by the last second and slammed her onto the bird as he allowed it lower to a branch. He put a foot on her stomach as Naruto came into view. "At last. Now it's just the two of us." Naruto growled. "Aw, don't scowl like that. And here I was about to let you see your friend. The bird opened its mouth, letting Naruto see Gaara. Naruto growled even angrier, his appearance was changing rapidly. "Oh that's right, you're a Jinchuriki too. I bet seeing him like this drives you crazy."
"Give him back right now!" Naruto demanded launching forward.
"Don't do it," a voice said. Naruto looked back to see Kakashi grabbing his shoulder.
"Kakashi-sensei," Naruto breathed.
"Aw, man," Deidara groaned. " I could've sworn you just bought it back there."
"And you thought he was easily defeated," Aceso said as she kicked him off of her. He got knocked to his knees, Aceso put a foot on his back.
"Sorry," Kakashi apologized. "But it wasn't the real me that blew up. "Next time you should teach your critters to tell the difference between a real human and a shadow clone. That is if there is a next time." Deidara kicked his leg back as the bird flew up, Aceso jumped up dodging it.
"Don't move!" Naruto demanded.
"I could say the same to you," Kakashi said. "It'll be alright. Aceso seems to be giving Deidara a beating, and we will get Gaara back. So calm down." Naruto glanced up to see kunai clashing with each other rapidly.
"My man Sasori is going to yell at me again for not being prepared," Deidara said.
"Sounds like you are going to be in trouble," Aceso said as their kunai flew out of their hands.
"What can I say?" Deidara asked as they rose their fists. " Planning out every little insignificant detail ahead of time just isn't my style. I prefer to stay flexible dealing with unexpected situations. Developing that kind of sophisticated mindset is the mark of a true artist." He swung his foot, and Aceso blocked the kick with her arm. "Let's see, what to do now." Down below Kakashi gave Naruto a run down.
"Listen, Naruto," Kakashi began. "You're not used to fighting an opponent like this. And that's not all. You're a close combat fighter, he excels at long range. That makes him your worst enemy. There are only two ways to beat this kind of foe. Once is of force him to fight up close and personal like Aceso is doing. Your only other option is to beat him at his own game."
"What?" Naruto asked. "How can we do that?"
"Depending on which strategy is chosen you'd either need a long-range specialist, or someone on your team who can use long-range ninjutsu to support that kind of distance combat," Kakashi explained. "If you don't have one or the other, then there's no way you'll beat him, period. Now if you had the superior intellect of Shikamaru, that would be a different story."
"Spell it out, will you?" Naruto demanded. "Which one are you, Kakashi-sensei?"
" Ah, me, huh?" Kakashi asked. "Well, I have a superior intellect like Shikamaru, I'm a Jonin, and I can sustain long-range battle."
"Then we meet all the conditions, right?" Naruto demanded.
"That's why I told you to calm down," Kakashi said.
"Well let's hurry up and get to it!" Naruto demanded.
"It's not as simple as it sounds," Kakashi said as they looked up at the combat happening. "We can't just chase after him. He'll never leave himself open. He infiltrated the Hidden Sand Village and defeated Gaara all by himself. And even more dangerous, he's a member of the Akatsuki. It's a tough challenge. All we can do is try and punch more holes in his defenses. We're going to have to work together."
"I think I'm going to change up the game," Deidara said as he got her leg again. "I supposed I shouldn't go easy on them, huh?"
"It's about time," Aceso said. "I know we'd rather beat you when you are giving it your all." The bird started to fly away again. Moments later Aceso was standing back by the head, lowering the clay bird, as Deidara stood at the end panting. He looked back at the others.
"What the?" Deidara demanded.
"Hm," Aceso smirked as punching him.
"For doctor, you are getting your hand pretty dirty," Deidara stated as he looked at her.
"Your hands are a bit too dirty for an artist," Aceso countered. "Aren't artists more into pottery and painting?"
"Art should only last a second not years," Deidara argued.
"If you weren't using it for evil, then I may consider it art," Aceso said as his hand landed on her stomach. The mouth on his hand started to eat away at the fabric. "Mind your hands!" She kicked him back. He looked back at the other two.
"I don't like this," Deidara said. "The kid's cooled off. What are they planning?" They continued to fight it out.
"Why are you even working for such a horrible group?" Aceso asked.
"Wasn't my intention at first, but then I lost a fight to Itachi," Deidara said. "They seem to appreciate my form of art, unlike some people." He glared at her.
"You tried to kill me with your art," Aceso reminded him as they continued with the hand-to-hand combat.
"And what a masterpiece that would have been," Deidara smirked. "I'll call it Medic."
"I'm honored," Aceso grunted.
" Still on my tail, I see," Deidara smirked, Aceso glanced back to see Kakashi and Naruto, they seemed to be getting closer. She saw Kakashi hold up a hand signal, he wanted her to drop back or drop low, and out his eyes sight range, his Sharingan looked different. "Don't be so distracted!" Aceso looked back forward as Deidara charged forward, she dodge, then kicked him up. With a hand signal, a rope tied low to a log, and with another hand signal, she zipped right down below. She looked up to Kakashi and Naruto passing her. She immediately took off, to keep up with them. They watched the sight in front of them get disoriented a bit.
"Whoa," Naruto breathed.
"What is this?" Deidara demanded as his body started to swirl. "What's going on?"
"Come on," Naruto said as he looked at Aceso. They both started to climb up the wall to the upper ground. They looked back at what was happening. "What kind of Jutsu, is this?"
"Incredible," Aceso breathed.
"I've got you now," Kakashi said as Deidara grew into more of a warp. It looked like Kakashi was having trouble holding the Jutsu together. He ended up cutting off Deidara's other arm. Deidara went more into the forest area, and they all followed. Deidara dropped to the tree lines, Aceso was now below the giant bird as Naruto launched up with a clone, Deidara was surprised to see Naruto.
"Rasengan!" Naruto shouted, Deidara jumped back into the trees and Narutos' attack went right through the clay bird. Aceso jumped up and her ropes tied around the head part, she landed on a branch and pulled it over to her.
"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruto shouted, two other clones grabbed onto the head, and helped land it better, they placed it on a lower branch. Another Naruto landed on it on a branch. " Gaara." He ran over and began to try to pry open his mouth. As another Naruto appeared by Kakashi. "Kakashi-sensei. You all right?"
"Yeah," Kakashi panted. "I think so."
"Little sister," Naruto called out.
"Right," Aceso nodded. She jumped over to the branch pulling out a chakra patch. She placed it right below his wrist. She put a hand on him, his chakra levels were low. They looked over as Naruto tore apart the clay bird.
"Don't worry Gaara, we'll get you out," Naruto said. "Hey, Gaara!" Naruto soon finally broke through the clay. "Talk to me." There was no response. "Hey. Come on." Fighting the tears was getting harder. "Gaara!" Aceso jumped over to get a look at Gaara. At this point, there was nothing she could do, but she wanted to see for herself. "You will pay for this."
"Yeah, yeah," Deidara breathed. "Maybe someday I'll give you a rematch, kid. Ha."
"You've let down your guard," Kakashi stated. Naruto appeared behind him.
"Dammnit!" Deidara gasped, it was too late, by the time he turned his head, Naruto landed a punch.
"Yes!" the Naruto by Kakashi cheered.
"Dropped your guard, didn't you?" Kakashi asked. "You should be more careful." Deidara fell out of the tree with the main Naruto following close behind.
"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruto shouted. Four more Naruto's appeared besides Deidara. Each grabbed a section of him, making sure he slammed into the ground. The main Naruto landed on him, delivering numerous punches. It was getting brutal, Naruto's knuckles were bloodied, he formed the Rasengan, preparing to kill Deidara with it. Clay rose up.
"It's clay," Aceso breathed. "A substitution." All the clones around Naruto disappeared, and the boy grew angrier. Aceso witnessed an orange substance rise up from Naruto, the back of him started to form a tail. It was taking the form of the nine-tails spirit sealed inside of him.
"Is that--" Kakashi began in horror. Naruto's hair grew spiker, as the orange cloaked him. He let out a yell, slamming his fist into the clay. When the smoke disappeared the clay was gone and Naruto was standing. He jumped onto a fallen branch, everyone seemed to be on edge, not knowing what Naruto going to do next. A second tail started to form, and the two clones by Aceso started to groan in pain as they clutched their neck.
"It burns," the Naruto clone by Kakashi cried. Naruto then leaped, with one fist he easily plummeted multiple trees.
Aceso immediately appeared behind Gaara catching him, so he wouldn't fall off the tree as Kakashi went after Naruto.
"Easy, Naruto," Kakashi said as he landed on a fresh stump. Naruto growled, he leaped at Kakashi, with a fist ready. Kakashi then jumped behind Kakashi, then appeared in front placing a tag on Naruto. The orange cloak dissolved as Naruto returned looking like himself. Naruto fell over, Kakashi caught him and put him on softer ground.
"No need to worry, little sister," a Naruto clone said.
"It looks like we're going to be okay," the other clone said. As Naruto panted, Kakashi removed the tag.
"Are you alright now, Naruto?" Kakashi asked. Down below Aceso saw Granny Chiyo appear with Sakura, both seemed a bit worn out, and Lady Chiyo looked worse.
"Finally, caught up to you," Sakura said.
"Sa-Sakura," Naruto breathed.
"You found us," Kakashi said. "Nice work."
"We felt a huge tremor a few minutes ago," Sakura informed.
"I'm glad you're here," Naruto said weakly. "So you guys did it?"
"Yeah," Sakura nodded.
"It looks like you're still having some trouble here, though" Lady Chiyo noted.
"Unfortunately," Kakashi bowed his head.
"What about Gaara?" Lady Chiyo asked. "Where's he?" They looked back at the two clones, and Aceso who was around Gaara, his head was limped forward. "All right." The silent air was soon cut off by the sounds of clinging weapons. Aceso looked back, down below she could see Team Gai fighting with Deidara. Despite not having arms, Deidara was holding his ground well against the three of them. They chased Deidara through the forest, he landed by his giant headless clay bird.
"Be careful everyone!" Kakashi shouted. "He's a long-range fighter who uses explosives!" Team Gai landed at the scene, and Deidara dropped his Kunais, taking a bite out of the bird. He jumped over the bird, chewing on the clay.
" I think it's about time I revealed my ultimate work of art," Deidara said, he swallowed his clay. His body started to puff up.
"What the?" Aceso asked.
"He's concentrating all of his chakra into a single point," Neji reported. "Oh no. Everyone get out here immediately!" Team Gai dodged towards Kakashi's team.
"Art is an explosion!" Deidara shouted. "Ha!" His body exploded.
"We're never going to make it," Neji said. Aceso took one side as a Naruto clone took the other side, they ran from the explosion, making sure to keep Gaara with them.
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