Chapter 49
As she flew over, in the distance, she saw that there was a giant Octopus, it started to spin, taking out all of the trees around it. She arrived to see Naruto laying down on Gyuki, the other Madara was about to touch Naruto.
"Uber Leaf Superhiman Hurricane!" Gai shouted as he arrived, kicking through the man. One of Gyuki's arms caught Aceso and gently put her on the ground. Kakashi grabbed Naruto; he and Gai went to Aceso, Kakashi put Naruto at her feet. Aceso saw that Gai was already using the Eight Gates.
"It's Bushier Brow and Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto cheered. "Little Sister!"
"We have a Sharingan too, you know," Kakashi informed.
"That's right and don't forget the Blue Beast of the Leaf as well!" Gai added. "And the best medic ninja around!"
"Kakashi-sensei! Bushier Brow-sensei! Little Sister! You all came!" Naruto exclaimed.
"You know that I can't just sit back and relax not while my student from Team 7 is working so hard!" Kakashi stated glancing back at him.
"What's up with his eyes?" Aceso asked.
"Oh! Right! Him!" Naruto exclaimed. "He's got a Sharingan and a Rinnegan that are linked, left eye to right eye, and there's a rod sticking out of the left side of the chest, and, and, uhhh!"
"Just calm down!" Gai demanded. "You aren't making any sense at all!"
"His right eye holds a Sharingan and his left a Rinnegan. And he has the same rods that Pain used. So I see, a least..." Kakashi explained.
"Well, your deductible skills are as impressive s always, Kakashi," Gai complimented. The ground was rumbling.
"Here it comes!" Naruto exclaimed, they looked to see a giant creature running toward them
"Five Tails," Aceso stated. Naruto started to move but stopped due to the coral on his back.
"Leaf Rock Crush!" Gai exclaimed, he elbowed Naruto's back, knocking off all the coral.
"Hey, Thanks! That's way better!" Naruto smiled. The thing jumped up.
"He's after the Eight-Tails!" Kakashi noted. Suddenly, chains wrapped around the creature, it cried out in pain. "Wait, was it. The Five Tails started to shrink down to a red state like Naruto can go into. The Eight-Tails grasped his fist over Tobi, the man walked out with the chains still attached to the Five tails. Aceso jumped up to Gyuki's chest. She took a healing patch and placed it around his chest.
"But why is he bottling up the Tailed Beast's power?" Gai asked.
" I don't know...He doesn't seem to have the Tailed Beast completely under his control," Kakashi noticed. "Maybe that's why." The Five Shrunk down, taking the form of its jinchuriki; five more came down. The Eight-Tails leaned forward, his face was closer to the ground, and he held up a tail for Aceso to stand on as she took care of his wound. Naruto began chucking and holding his stomach.
"You're babbling again, Naruto," Kakashi stated. "The enemy's incoming! Remember, don't let your guard down just 'cause I'm here!"
"Right!" Naruto exclaimed.
"We need to confirm which one performs which of Pain's Jutsu! Got it, Gai?" Kakashi asked.
"Listen, I have enough trouble remembering people's faces," Gai brought up. "These guys all look the same to me!"
"Lightning blade!" Kakashi shouted charging forward.
"Eight Inner Gate! Sixth Gate of Joy, Open!" Gai shouted as he charged forward. They hit a couple. "Three, headed your way, Naruto and Aceso!"
"Right! Incoming!" Naruto exclaimed as Aceso jumped down from the tentacle.
"Three is better than what we facade before, and I'm more serious now too, hard-core!" B shouted. Naruto went forward with a Rasengan as Aceso went forward, she took out her tonka, then started to fight alongside Naruto against the tailed beast. Gai and Kakashi both got smacked, and they flew back.
"Why aren't they using Pain's Jutsu?" Aceso asked as she ducked from a tail, then jumped up from another.
"Maybe they are he can't," Kakashi answered.
"Or maybe just he's shrewd enough not to divvy up his chakra and waste it in order to make them perform Pain's Jutsu, which we already know and are able to counter," Gai answered.
"Yeah, it's got to take an enormous amount of chair to completely control seven Tailed Beast with one's visual Prowess," Kakashi brought up.
"Gotta hand it to you, Kakashi Sensei!" Naruto exclaimed as he fought off of some the jinchurikitailed beast. "There you go using that brig brain of yours again!" There was a powerful wind blast, and one of the tail beasts roared angrily as the ground started to shake and break apart. Two of the jinchuriki rose up to their actual sizes, a giant slug and a giant monkey. Aceso and Naruto flew up and backward with Gyuki, landing on Gyuki's stomach. Naruto left his powerup mode. They both sat up, looking at the giant monkey, that stared down at them.
"Damn it," Naruto grunted, wiping the blood from his mouth. "We'll distract them with Nine-Tails Chakra Shadow Clones, while we go after this masked guy head-on!"
"You can't make any more Nine-Tails Chakra Shadow Clones!" B pointed out. "If you do, Nine-Tails will take all your own chakra and you'll be done! And you don't have to guess: that is no fun!" Aceso reached into her pack, she had numerous patches. Dodai gathered up all the patches from the shinobi that died during the meteorite attack and gave them to her and the others. Though she needed to be careful. Aceso took a chakra patch, slipping it onto Naruto's cheek.
"Thanks, this will give the Nine-Tails a little break," Naruto stated as they both got to their feet. The Four Tails grabbed the Eight-Tails, but his legs and threw him up, swinging him.
"Ah!" Aceso, Naruto, and Eight-Tails grunted. Aceso and Naruto both started to fall towards the open mouth of the Four-Tails. Aceso did a few hand signs. Two ropes shot out one went up to the horn of the Eight-Tails, and the other down to Naruto. It wrapped around. Aceso started to pull up the best she could while holding onto the Eight-Tails. The Four Tails, sucked in pulling Naruto into his mouth, he clasped down, Naruto went into Nine-Tails chakra form and stood between its teeth. Then they slammed to the ground. Aceso let go of the rope from Gyuki''s horn focusing on pulling Naruto out of the Four-Tails' mouth.
"Naruto!" Aceso exclaimed as she yanked on the rope. Two of Gyuki's arms wrapped around the right of the giant monkey, Acseo yanked on the rope again, Naruto fell forward out of his mouth, she jumped forward, the other monkey's hands shot up grabbing Naruto, as a tail went forward. Another of Gyuki's tails clashed with it before it could hit Acseo.
"Hey, let Naruto go! You monkey!" Lord B shouted. The monkey, put its hand inside its mouth, letting Naruto go.
"Naruto!" Aceso and Lord B cried out as the monkey closed his mouth.
"We can take it from here, you go help your dads!" B shouted, Gyuki threw her over to her Dads. Aceso used her ropes, to pull all the tailed beast back as she landed between her dads.
"Aceso?" Kakashi asked. "What about Naruto?"
"He's going to be fine," Aceso answered. "Lord B and Gyuki will handle it, they sent me over here to help you two." The three of them continued to fight the Jinichuriki, even going into hand-to-hand combat.
"We should retreat for now!" Kakashi suggested. They glanced over to see Naruto, he was out of the monkey's mouth, in Nine-Tails chakra mode, he was trying to pull a rod out of the Tailed Beast's neck, while Madara tried to pull, Naruto, 4 Tails, and Eight-Tails all in at once. They continued to fight, suddenly the Gedo statue appeared again.
"Not good," Aceso grunted. The Gedo statue had multiple chains out of its mouth, grabbing onto the monkey. Pulling the creature inside.
"What is that?" Gai asked.
"The Gedo statue that attacked the first company," Aceso answered. "It's powerful." The ground started to shake.
"What's going on?" Kakashi asked, the Tailed Beast grew and went into their real Tail Beast form. All of them were forming Tailed Beast Bombs.
"This is really bad," Aceso gasped.
"Gai! Aceso! Don't move!" Kakashi warned. "I'll blast them away with my Kamui!"
"There's too many!" Aceso argued. "That won't cut it! I can use my Eye Barrier Jutsu!"
"That won't be strong enough to hold against all of them!" Gai shouted. " I'll have to open the Eighth Gate!"
"No, you fool!" Kakashi denied. "If you do that, then you'll die!"
"Yes, but--" Gai began. All five of the Tailed Beast Bombs, lit up and shot right at them. Suddenly, a yellow light flashed in front of them, kicking them all away,
"What?! So fast?" Gai exclaimed. In front of them stood Naruto, he was glowing differently, and he wore a cloak.
"N-Naruto," Aceso breathed in amazement.
"Is that Naruto?!" Gai gasped. The tailed beast bombs took out the mountains and landscaped in the directions they were kicked.
"The mountains," Kakashi breathed.
"That's the power of the Tailed Beasts?!"Gai asked.
"It's amazing," Aceso stated. All of the Tailed Beast started to come at them. "Incoming!"
"Let's go, Kurama!" Naruto exclaimed. Naruto evolved into a giant growing nine-tails fox. It charged towards the other tailed beast, growling. Aceso, Gai, and Kakashi were all inside the form as well. The tailed beast all flew back from Kurama letting out a roar.
"What is going on?!" Gai demanded.
"We're inside the Nine Tails' Chakra?!" Kakashi informed. Naruto formed another clone.
"It's so bright," Aceso stated.
"First we have to find out where every one of their rods are!" Naruto instructed. "That's plenty!" They jumped up ready to attack. "There's a whole bunch of you, so I can't be as gentle as I was with Son. Just bear with me, all right?" Naruto took up with the seven tails first, then he slammed into the ground, the three tails rolled away, the six tails latched onto one arm, as the three tails went straight at Naruto/Kurama. Gyuki held the Three tails back, then the five tails charged at them. The two tails ran to attack. "Take this!" He slammed the cat away, along with the six tails. "Okay! I've found every last one!"
"This...This fight is like an all-out monster smackdown!" Gai said. The Tailed Beast Madara was controlling, got together, and started to make one huge-tailed beast bomb. "Hey, uhh...Isn't that pretty big for one of those things?"
"Not when they make one altogether," Aceso answered.
"Are they polling their power into a single point?" Kakashi asked.
"Looks like it," Aceso answered.
"Naruto! So what now?" Gai asked. He held out his palms. He and Kurama created a giant Tailed Beast Bomb as well.
"Tailed Beast Bomb!" Naruto shouted. The two attacks collided; powerful wind blasted off of it. The tailed beast bombs rose up, collided into one, and expanded, taking out the landscape all around them. The yellowtails went forward, grabbing onto all the roads that were lodged into the Tailed Beasts. With a powerful yell from both Naruto and Kurama, all the rods were pulled out. The Nine Tails Chakra disappeared, and all of them landed on the ground.
"Nicely done, Naruto," Gyuki complimented.
" I never thought you'd be able to completely control the Nine-Tails," Madara admitted. "However, it appears as though you still cannot maintain it for long. So same old, same old." Multiple chains shot out of the Gedo statue, latching onto the Tailed Beasts. All of them got dragged back inside of the statue.
"It's not the same old, same old," Naruto denied, touching his stomach. "Not anymore! I just learned a whole bunch of really difficult names all at once!
"Difficult names?" Madara repeated. "What does that have to do with anything?"
"Oh, so you don't know, do ya?!" Naruto chuckled. Naruto stuck out his tongue. " Egh! Well, I'm sure not gonna tell ya!" They looked at Gyuki then back at Naruto.
"Wow, look at Naruto go!" Gai cheered. "He's gained so much experience and strength! Frankly, it makes me feel quite old and feeble!" Aceso glanced at him.
"What is going on?" Kakashi asked."You're not being yourself!"
"Dad's right," Aceso agreed.
"This is so out of character for you!" Kakashi added. "I hate to be the one to say it, but the springtime of our youth is far from over, Gai! We still have a lot of work to do."
"Oh, be quiet!" Guy ordered. "You want me to feel worse?!"
"Ah, that's the Gai I know!" Kakashi smiled.
"Can you two quick your lover bickering aside for a second and focus your hot-blooded youth on the enemy in front of us?" Aceso asked.
"Oh, be quiet!" they snapped playfully at her. Aceso couldn't help but smile...fighting alongside her dads and brother. It started to rain, everyone stared at Madara, he stared at Naruto. The sun started to shine through the clouds, giving the rain a glow. Nightfall came quickly as they continued on with the fight. The dead jinchuriki started to glow as they were being held by the Octopops tentacles. Aceso gasped, and she recognized one of them...Fu. All their souls left their bodies to return to the world of the dead. Naruto jumped down from Gyuki, he landed back by them.
"Hey, what do you think you're looking at, huh?" Naruto demanded. "Did you forget already? You're fighting me!"
"As well as the Noble Blue Beast!" Gai added.
"It looks like the Reanimation Jutsu has been released," Kakashi stated.
"And...What of it?" Madara asked. They started to fight the Gedo statue.
"Rope binding!" Aceso shouted, and the ropes went around two of the legs. "Ah!" She pulled on the ropes, the legs slammed together.
"Lighting cable!" Kakashi shouted. "Gai!"
"Right!" Gai shouted, he was using the sixth gate. "Take this! Pinky Attack!" He slammed his foot into the pinky toe of the Gedo statue. Naruto uppercuts the statue while using the Nine-Tails Chakra cloak. It slammed to the ground. sliding a few feet away. Madara landed on rocks.
"What's wrong?" Naruto chuckled. "You don't look too happy!"
"What do you mean?" Tobi demanded.
"Well, you're hiding your face, so all I can really do is take a guess at it," Naruto taunted. "If you're actually calm under there, take off that stupid mask and prove it to me! Ya fool!"
"Nice going, Naruto!" Gai cheered as he, Aceso, and Kakashi stood on the arm of Gyuki.
"Don't taunt him!" Aceso shouted.
"I told him not to aggravate the man," Kakashi sighed. Tobi put his hands together, summoning tools.
"I have no choice...I have to use this," Tobi stated.
"What is that?" Kakashi asked as his clone disappeared.
"Ninja tools he stole from the First Division," Aceso answered. "Sealed away Gold and Silver from the Hidden Cloud."
"I would have preferred bringing it back in a completed state, but..." Tobi trailed.
"Are you saying?" Kakashi asked as the statue devoted the items. All the eyes of the statue opened, it let out a powerful roar, and rocks flew up into the air.
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