Chapter 47 (Prologue Road To Ninja/Road To Sakura)

Back in the village, Aceso was at the hospital, as usual, she left the medicine-making room, to run into Lee.

"There you are!" Lee cheered grabbing her arms. "All of our friends are going to the bathhouse! You should come as well!"

"Hm?" Aceso asked tilting her head.

"We will unwind in the true company of friends!" Lee exclaimed. "You will be able to join, right?" Aceso glanced at the clock behind him.

"I'm going to be late, but I can try my best to show up," Aceso answered.

"Just make sure you make it!" Lee exclaimed holding her arms tighter, he stepped closer, putting his forehead on hers. "I hope to see you there." He kissed her forehead before running off, Aceso's cheeks turned bright red. She looked down the hall to see some of the nurses and other medical ninja all watching and giggling.

"Alrighty, let's get back to work," Aceso said putting her hands on her hips.

"Oh just admit it, you love him," Mitate teased. Aceso's cheeks grew red. "Go on to the bathhouse."

"I will when I am finished," Aceso said stepping back into the lab. She was true to her word, after finishing her work, Aceso made her way to the bathhouse. Aceso was almost at the bathhouse when she heard crying. She looked up just as somebody ran into her, she was knocked off her feet, landing on the ground. "Ow." She breathed softly. She looked up to find Lee on top of her, his hands landed on either side, his lower body straddling her, tears streaming down his face. "Lee?" She lifted her upper body up, her face getting close to his. "Is everything alright?"

"There you are, pervert!" Ino shouted as all their friends ran up surrounding them. "Doing another pervy move, are you? On Aceso as well?"

"No, I would never peep on anyone, especially not Red Rose," Lee answered as he turned around, he sat in between Aceso's legs.

"What's going on?" Aceso asked as she sat up a bit more, Lee placed his hands behind on either side of her legs, to keep himself hosted up.

"Rock Lee was peeping on us," Tenten growled.

"I thought you were above this..." Neji scolded.

"You have it wrong!" Lee insisted. "I was jumping between roofs, my sleeve caught on something, and then, well.." Aceso looked down at his arms, there was indeed a rip. "You see!? It is torn!" He pointed to it." I got knocked off balance unexpectedly, and then I just fell in there by accident!

"No more excuse!" Ino growled punching her fist; cracking her knuckles.

"Stay calm, everyone," Sakura insisted, she was the only one in a bathrobe. "Maybe it was just an accident!"

"Thank you, Sakura!" Lee breathed.

"Eh, shut up! You're suspicious enough to get a beating!" Ino shouted. She went to go punch him.

"Wait, Ino," Aceso breathed grabbing her fist before it could hit Lee. "Lee isn't that kind of person."

"You weren't even there!" Tenten shouted.

"That part is true, but I live next door to Lee, our places are practically connected, he's never been one to peep," Aceso answered.

"I think you're lying," Ino growled. "I think he likes to take free peeks." Aceso shook her head. She remembered the bathtub incident, and the next morning and a few other times.

"I knew we should have gotten that wall fixed from the beginning," Neji grunted angrily. "Has he ever seen you naked?"

"On accident, he puts his ninja headband over his eyes as quickly as possible," Aceso answered. "Lee isn't the person you are making him out to be, he's way too sweet of a person to do anything pervy."

"My sister's right!" Naruto exclaimed getting in front of Lee with his arms out.

"Naruto!" Hinata breathed; she blushed.

"He's our friend! So if he says that he's innocent, then I believe that he's innocent!" Naruto declared. There was a bra hanging off the back of his towel, Lee and Aceso both glanced at each other and blinked. "Don't judge him when you don't have any proof that he's quietly! Believe my sister, she lives next to him! Trust in your comrades!" They felt ashamed of themselves.

"Maybe you're right, Naruto," Ino agreed.

"I got caught up in the moment and lost it," Tenten added.

"Uh, Naruto," Lee breathed. Naruto smiled.

"Have a big heart and an open mind!" Naruto encouraged, he turned to Lee and his Aceso. Everyone gasped at the bra.

"A piece of underwear as small as that one must belong to..." Shino began.

"Hey, that's mine!" Sakura blushed heavily.

"But..oh, Naruto," Hinata sighed.

"You're gonna get it, Naruto!" Sakura growled cracking her fingers.

"What?" Naruto asked not knowing what just happened.

"You underwear thief!" Sakura scolded; black flames rose off of her.

"What?!" Naruto exclaimed.

" act all innocent, but we know it's just an act!?" Sakura growled. She punched him right under the chin.

"Ahhhhh!" He cried out as he continued to get beat up, everyone went their separate ways besides Lee and Aceso, they remained on the ground.

"Thank you," Lee said, he sat on his knees bowing his head.

"I only said the truth," Aceso said facing him as she sat on her knees. "You really are a sweet person, Rock Lee."

"I do not deserve that title," Lee cried shaking his head. "Ino's right, sometimes I do take free peeks. But it's only to admire your body...I only have eyes for you! I promise!"

"It's alright," Aceso breathed touching his face.

"It's not alright!" Lee exclaimed looking up at her.

"I only have eyes for you as well," Aceso admitted as her cheeks grew red.

"Red Rose?" Lee asked as his cheeks grew red. "Do you?"

"I'm sorry," Aceso apologized as she bowed her head. "I know it's wrong to peek, it's only to admire your body." Lee laughed. "Hm?" She looked up at him. 

"The others don't need to know the gory details of what we do behind closed doors," Lee answered. "We have gotten pretty familiar with the youth of each other's bodies."

"Lee," Aceso blushed heavier. Lee closed his eyes and tilted his head as he smiled. "Sorry about not making it."

"I didn't make it either," Lee laughed as he pulled her into a hug.

"I thought you crashed it," Aceso stated as she hugged him back. "Why did you put this together in the first place?"

"Earlier, I was taking a message to Naruto, he was eating ramen, complaining about being alone," Lee answered as he pulled back. "I wanted to help him not feel so lonely."

"Get the guys and bring them around to Naruto's later," Aceso stated. "I'm going to go patch him up." She leaned forward, kissing his forehead before going to Naruto's place. She knocked on the door. "Big Brother!" She took out a key, unlocked it, and entered. She found him in his room trying to patch himself.

"Aceso?" Naruto asked.

"Let me," Aceso insisted, she took over instantly.

"Has Bushy Brow really seen you naked before?" Naruto asked crossing his arms.

"A couple of times," Aceso answered. "He's not a pervert that's for sure." Naruto still didn't seem happy. "It was bound to happen since with how our living quarters are, we've seen each other.'"

"Alright, where's Captain Yamato?" Naruto demanded getting up, she pulled him back down.

"Calm down," Aceso breathed. "You are going to rip your cuts open."

"He's seen you naked more than once," Naruto growled referring to Lee. " It should be zero times."

"Oh hush," Aceso shook her head. "Tell me how the bathhouse was, I was late in the first place." Naruto then started to tell her all about it.

"I knew you weren't there, so all I did was try to take a little peek!" Naruto exclaimed. "And I didn't even actually do it! Ugh, this may be the worst day of my life."

"I'm pretty sure you've had worse," Aceso stated as Naruto groaned. "Plus you shouldn't go peeking in the first place." Naruto groaned even more.

"Why does this stuff always happen to me?" Naruto groaned. "I knew that I shouldn't have tagged along with those so-called friends of mine, no matter how lonely I was feeling. You know what? Forget those guys..." There was a knocking at the door. They went and peeked through the peep hole, they saw Neji, Choji, Lee, Shino, Shikamaru, Akamaru, and Kiba.

"Lee insisted that we all come over and visit you, so here we are!" Kiba exclaimed. "Now come on! Open up!" Naruto looked at Aceso.

"Go on," Aceso whispered. "They are our friends."

"Maybe he went out, he doesn't seem to be answering the door," Shino suggested.

"Too bad," Neji breathed. "Let's go, then."

"No, I can tell by his scent that he's inside there," Kiba stated.

"He must be upset...about earlier," Shikamaru suggested.

"What about you?" Naruto whispered. "We were going to have dinner together."

"I'll be fine, don't worry about me," Aceso answered.

"Damn it!" Naruto exclaimed jumping back as Aceso opened the door. "I can't believe you guys came here! What do you want, anyway?"

" I see, we must have shown up here at a bad time," Shikamaru said as he saw Aceso. "Well, let's go."

"No, no, I was just leaving," Aceso answered. "All of you should stay." 

"I guess we can hang out," Naruto added. All of them went inside, Lee stopped in front of Acseo.

"Thank you," Lee breathed, he kissed her cheek before heading inside, Aceso smiled and went home. She walked into the place to find Sakura, Ino, Hinata, and Tenten.

"What are all of you doing here?" Aceso asked in surprise.

"Lee told us the real reason he had everyone come to the bathhouse," Ino answered.

"Yeah, and we felt bad you ended up not making the palazzo," Tenten added.

"Oh, it's alright, I got caught up at work," Aceso answered.

"Oh, just take the visit," Sakura insisted getting up. She grabbed Aceso dragging her to the others.

"We brought some nail polish," Hinata stated touching the tips of her fingers.

"We can also compare chest sizes like we were going earlier," Ino added as she got behind Aceso, grabbing her chest. "Wow, Aceso...anyone you end up with is going to be lucky."

"You compared chest sizes?" Aceso asked as her cheeks grew red.

"I was feeling a bit jealous of Hinata," Sakura answered as she lowered her head. "Her chest that is."

"Come on, show us what you got under there," Tenten insisted, she appeared in front of Aceso. Her hands landed on Aceso's bust. "I'm curious about what Lee has been seeing". Aceso's face grew even redder, then started laughing. "Hm?"

"I just never done anything like this before," Aceso admitted, she became a bit embarrassed. "I'm not really sure what to do."

"Well, welcome to a night with the girls!" Tenten cheered throwing up her hands. Aceso spent a few hours catching up with the girls, being a part of this girl gathering. It was a nice change, soon it came time for them to leave.

"I really have to get going, " Sakura standing outside the door. "My mom doesn't like when I'm out late."

"I understand," Aceso smiled. "Get home safe."

"Bye!" they all chimed walking away. Aceso turned around to see Lee walking through the doorway. 

"Were you--?" Aceso began.

"I just got home," Lee smiled. "I see you are about to make curry." Aceso stared up at him. "Hm?"

"I thought you guys were staying for dinner," Aceso stated. She went into the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" Lee asked as he followed.

"I always eat dinner with Naruto when I get the chance," Aceso answered as she started to take out ingredients. She didn't always eat dinner with Naruto, due to missions, work, or nights of grabbing food with friends. "I guess it will be curry tonight." Lee's eyes sparkled "You are more than welcome to come."Once curry was finished being made, Aceso put a lid on the pot, and they made their way back over to Naruto's place. "Naruto?" Aceso knocking on the door. She knocked on the door even more. Soon it opened with Naruto eating ramen.

"Bushy Brow? Little Sister?" Naruto asked. "Bushy Brow I thought you were going home for dinner?"

"Come on Naruto," Aceso said. "We always try to have dinner together." She walked past him, Naruto sniffed the pot. "Unless you don't have room for curry?"

" Alright!" Naruto cheered jumping around as Lee entered as well. "But what is he doing here?"

"Well, he eats with me when you are away on missions, we do live next to each other," Aceso reminded him.

"More the merrier!" Naruto giggled.


Aceso was now in the Hokage's office, they were checking out Sakura. Ino was running errands and came across her, falling out of the sky.

"Well...from what I can see, it's nothing serious," Tsunade stated.

"Bones are fine, internal organs okay," Aceso stated. "Considering that you fell--"

"You're tough," Tsunade stated. "Even for a student of mine. However. "She put an arm on Sakura. "Do you know who I am?"

"Uhm well--" Sakura answered looking up at her.

"She's okay physically, but psychologically..."Shizune beta.

"What's wrong with her, Lady Tsunade? Doc?" Ino asked.

"It appears to me that she has some kind of amnesia," Tsunade answered.

"Yeah, I thought that might be it," Ino lowered her head. "BUt this condition is only going to be temporary, isn't it?"

"It's really hard to say," Aceso answered as they faced Ino. "I've never seen anything like this before."

"Lady Tsunade?" Ino asked.

"I've treated all sorts of patients, but I've never seen symptoms exactly like these before," Tsunade answered. Ino walked over to them.

"Are you saying that she might stay like this forever, then?" Ino asked softly.

"Oh, don't worry," Tsunade dismissed the girl's worry. "She's only sixteen years old. I mean, she still has her entire life ahead of her!" Shizune cleared her throat. "Listen, Aceso and I will do some research on media." Sakura took out a kunai knife as she stared at Tsunade's breast.

"For now, we'll just need to keep an eye on her," Aceso stated. "Sakura, what exactly are you doing?"

"As long as I've known Aceso...she's never exactly kept her body hidden away," Sakura answered as she cut open Aceso's hoodie, Aceso's eyes went wide. "So uh, have these things always been this big?! I mean, they seem almost unnatural. Did they get bigger recently or something like that? These are bigger than I recall as well" She poked Tsunade's and lifted up a piece of cloth from Aceso's hoodie she cut. Exposing her to everyone in the room. Ino flew back with blood streaming out of her nose, as Aceso grew red. 

"I was blessed with these by Heaven, I'll have you know!" Tsunade yelled. "And so was she!"

"And you shouldn't go around stripping people!" Aceso added covering her chest as Tsunade hit Sakura, she started crying.

"No, Lady Tsunade, please!" Ino cried as she and Shizune held Tsunade back. "Not her head! You mustn't hit her in the head!

"Sometimes a shock fixes this kind of thing," Tsunade stated.

"Sakura isn't herself right now," Shizune brought up. "Try to go easy on her, all right?" She put her hands on Sakura's head. "Now, Sakura...Do you feel okay?"

"You're as flat as a board," Sakura said. Shizune gasped, quickly turning into angry growling.

"I am completely normal!" Shizune shouted hitting Sakura. "I have nothing to be ashamed--"

"Hey!" Tsunade shouted, hitting Shizune. "Not the head!"

"Shizune, please!" Ino pleaded as Sakura cried more. "Take it easy, all right!?"

"Just take Sakura out of here so we can do some research!" Aceso pleaded. Ino happily agreed, taking Sakura out of the situation. "I know she lost her memory, but that was very uncalled for."

"Lady Aceso, we will handle the research," Shizune said. "You go get a new hoodie."

"I don't think I am," Aceso stated. "Sakura recalls things that are very opposite of she even from this world?"

"That's a wild accusation," Tsunade said. "But you made a good point."

" I will help a little," Aceso said. Minutes later she got pulled out of the Hokage's office by Ino. They went over to a tree to meet up with everyone else, everyone seemed to already have been told what was going on by Ino.

"R-R-R-Red Rose!" Lee exclaimed taking off his hoodie, he put his chunin jacket over her, and he zipped it up instantly.

"No," Aceso denied unzipping it. "It might help with Sakura's amnesia."

"What? Really?" Shikamaru asked sitting on the root of the tree. "This is the first I've ever seen someone with amnesia!"

"Did she forget me, too?" Shino asked, looking at Kiba.

"Are you kidding me?" Kiba asked. "You're probably the first one that she forgot!" Shino looked down in sadness.

"This is horrible!" Lee exclaimed zipping the jacket back up. "The bittersweet days of our youth together, all gone from your memories! I do not know if I can stand it!" He turned around, then started to bang his head against the tree. "How cruel!"

"Were or something?" Sakura asked.

"It's probably best if you just ignore him," Tenten answered as Aceso unzipped the jacket. "That's simply the way he is, you know?" Lee looked back, blood seeped from his nose, along with Ino and Kiba's noses.

"What's the prognosis, anyway?" Shikamaru asked looking at Ino. "I mean, is she going to get better?"

"Lady Tsunade just said that she'd have to do more research," Ino answered.

"But worse case, Sakura might stay this way," Aceso added. Tenten looked over at her, blood made its way out of her nose, Lee snapped, he spun, zipping up the jacket as fast as possible.

'I was really wrong to call Lee a pervert the other day," Ino thought to herself.

"Oh, no!" Hinata breathed. "That can't be! It isn't right!

"All right, then! This when we, as her friends, are gonna have to step up and help her out!" Tenten declared, she stood up went over to Aceso, she pushed Lee out of the way.

"Ah!" Lee yelped as he fell to the ground.

"Now," Tenten breathed looking at Sakura breathed as she unzipped the jacket. "Is there anything at all that you can remember, even if it's small?" Blood streamed out of both of Lee's nostrils. "It might just give us a starting place to help you."

"It's really weird," Sakura answered. "It's like I remember all of you guys, but everything about you's just a little bit different than I recall."

"What does that I mean?" Tenten asked.

"I don't have a clue," Ino answered. "Expect that she seems totally confused."

"Poor Sakura. All of this is so sad," Hinata said looking down.

"I have a bit of a clue," Aceso answered, she gestured to the open jacket.

"Okay, here's what we'll do," Tenten stated, facing everyone. "What if all of us changed ourselves to match up Sakura's memories?" And that's exactly what they did, even as much as they hated it. Aceso had to completely change like Hinata.

Aceso now wore a purple crop top that was held down by her suspenders. In the middle of the crop top was a fishnet opening, it showed a good amount of her bust, and a dark orange skirt, that stopped right before her knees, she had wrappings that went from under the skirt, down to right below her knee. She had arm wrappings, that only went from her hands to elbows, her ropes laid around her waist. Aceso hated it, one wrong move, and everything from the waist up is exposed even more than it currently was. She stepped out to find Kiba with cat ears and cat paws on, he was by the slide.

"Um...I know we all agreed to this, but..."Kiba began. "I'm the Hidden Leaf Village's top canine handler! I can't stand being demoted to a cat handler, even for a friend!" Akamaru slid down the slide with cat ears on, whimpering.

"Hopefully it won't go on for too long," Aceso hoped, kneeling beside them. " I for one think the both of you look undeniably cute." Kiba opened his eyes to look at her, he flew back with blood shooting out of his nose, Aceso looked down and sighed, her left nipple popped out.

"Whoever this me is, needs to figure out a way not go around showing everything," Aceso groaned as she fixed her hoodie and her suspenders, she made the suspenders go over her nipples, then put the clothes over them. Over by the sandpit, a plant ate one of Shino's bugs, he screamed in horror.

"I never thought I'd face such psychological torture," Shino cried out. He slammed into defeat.

"Hang in there, Shino," Hinata breathed kneeling next in front of Shino. "We're all in the same boat here." Hinata was in a very revealing dress and red high heels." But remember, we are doing this to help Sakura." Over at a pole. Neji and Lee were tied to it, back to back.

"Oh, Lady Hinata, you poor unfortunate girl," Neji grumbled angrily. "But tell me? Why have you and I been separated from everyone else? And why are we tied up like this to boot?!"

"I do not know," Lee answered. "Apparently the both of us, but especially you, Neji, give Sakura the chills if we are too close to her."

"What have I done?!" Neji demanded angrily. "This is absolutely outrageous!" Tenten walked up, putting a blindfold over his eyes. Aceso looked over at them. "Huh?!"

"I'm sorry about all of this," Tenten apologized. "But Sakura asked us to do it."

"That's completely useless putting a blindfold over him," Aceso stated as Kiba finally regained himself.

"It was Sakura's request, we can't just ignore it," Kiba sighed. "But I agree, it's useless putting a blindfold over his eyes."

"How awful," Neji groaned. Over by the swings was Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji.

"Hmm," Sakura thought. "Now let me see here...What were these two like?"

"Hey, Ino. Do you really think that this ridiculous stunt is going to help her regain her memory?" Shikamaru asked.

"Yeah, everyone looks pretty weird and uncomfortable," Choji agreed.

"Maybe," Ino agreed. "But if this helps her get her memory back, I say it's worth it." Shikamaru looked away in annoyance. "Just be a good sport and go along with it."

"Hm!" Sakura smiled. "Choji, wear this!"

"But this is--" Choji began to protest. "What's going on here?!" She put a mask over his mouth, with a 'x' over it.

"All right, Shikamaru. I'm really sorry to ask this, but would you act kind of like an idiot?" Sakura requested.

"Huh?!" Shikamaru demanded, looking at her. "Why would you want me to do that?!"

"And smile, if you can!" Sakura added.

"Come on, Shikamaru!" Ino demanded grabbing the swing. She started to swing him, he gasped frequently.

"Weee! Woo hoop!" Shikamaru cheered. "Wee! Yahoooo...yippee."

"Now, that's weird," Aceso stated. Anything they did wasn't helping Sakura, so Ino ended up taking her home, Lee and Aceso were now walking home. Aceso stopped to adjust her shoe.

"Hm?" Lee asked looking back, blood slipped out of his nose. He was getting a good look down her shirt, there wasn't much left to the imagination. Lee scooped up Aceso in his arms, then proceeded to go as fast as possible.

"What's going on?" Aceso asked.

"Well, uh--," Lee began once they entered Lee's place. Lee set her on his table, he stood in between her legs. Lee looked away from her, he felt ashamed. Lee started to sweat heavily as his face turned red, Aceso looked down to see her shirt has shifted heavily, and her left breast was completely exposed.

"Oh," Aceso breathed as she adjusted the shirt. "Honestly this shirt spells disaster."

"It's not that," Lee denied as he set her on the kitchen table. "Earlier, I didn't like how everyone was looking at the youthfulness of your private areas." Aceso began laughing. "What?"

"You got jealous," Aceso laughed more. 

"Please stop laughing," Lee pleaded. "I feel ashamed." He looked away, lowering his head.

"Sorry," Aceso giggled lightly. She stopped once something toucher her thigh, she glanced down to see Lee has gotten closer, he was trying to hide his erection, one of his hands on her outer thigh. She looked up to find Lee looking down at her, his eyes changed. 

"May I?" Lee asked huskily. His hand touched the side of her face, fingers brushing along her cheek.

"Yes," Aceso answered. Lee's hands slid under her shirt latching onto her bust. A few hours later, they lay in Lee's bed completely bare, Aceso laid on Lee's chest, he was sprawled out for the most part, with one arm over Aceso, he was snoring as usual.

'The others really didn't need to know what happened between her and Lee behind closed doors,' Aceso thought to herself before falling asleep. Aceso had completely fallen in love with Rock Lee, she doesn't want to change anything. 

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