Chapter 46

Aceso ended up getting stuck in the second division, helping the wounded for a few hours. Sun was starting to rise up, and the second day of the war was about to begin.

"I need to get going," Aceso leaving the tent. 

"Are you sure you were going to be alright?" Karui asked. "You barely got any rest."

"I should be fine, a few chakra patches, and I'm ready," Aceso answered. 

"What was that stuff you gave me?" Neji asked as Aceso walked past him.

"It was the Eye Medical Plant from the Valley of Judgement," Aceso answered. "I figured anyone in this war that uses eye prowess is going to need it greatly, especially the Hyuga."

"You didn't go there alone, did you?" Neji asked.

"I was with Shino and Kiba, plus there was some at the Land of Medicines as well," Aceso answered. 

"Thank you," Neji smiled and nodded at her. 

Aceso smiled back at him. "See you later, and good luck." Aceso made her way to Gaara's company, just like last time, she got stopped, she skidded to stop when a ton of Zetsu popped out of the ground.

"This is going to be easy," one of the Zetsu's smiled. "There's only one of them." They charged and Aceso did not hesitate to fight. Aceso did a few hand signs, she jumped up.

"Fireball Jutsu" Aceso exclaimed, a big ball of fire rained down on a group of them, and they screamed in agony. Aceso landed on the ground, she felt someone claw her shoulder. She looked back to see a ton of Zetsu. She continued to fight, slicing them with her ropes, using a ton of Taijutsu.

"Night night," a Zetsu group of them said appearing out of the ground, around in a circle, they all managed to put a hand on her, and they started to pull, ripping her uniform and skin underneath, 

"HANDS OFF MY SISTER!" a voice shouted, suddenly numerous glowing hands slammed a Rasengan into each of the Zetsu. They flew over dead, Aceso blinked, and when she opened her eyes a bright light stood in front of her.

"Naruto?" Aceso gasped.

"You really think you were going to fight this war without me?" Naruto asked.

"Majority rule," Aceso answered. "See you got more training."

"Where are you heading?" Naruto asked as they started to run.

"Gaara's fourth company," Aceso answered. "He's going to be completely furious when he sees you."

"Nonsense" Naruto giggled. "The guy loves me!" Aceso stared at him as they ran towards the fourth company. "What?"

"Thanks for saving me," Aceso thanked him.

"That's what big brothers are for!" Naruto exclaimed as he laughed more. They arrived to see the 2nd Tschuikage about hitting Onoki and Gaara. Aceso went in front of Mu as Naruto when behind multiple Rasengans. Her eyes glowed green, she put her arms out creating a barrier to protect the two behind her.

"Planet Rasengan!" Naruto shouted. "Yes!" Mu dodged. "Dammnit!"

"Lord Mu is a Sensory Shinobi," Lord Onoki informed. Naruto landed on Aceso's barrier and jumped off.

"Using the barrier as a springboard for his attack," Lord Mu noted. "I see." Lord Mu's started to create particles from his hands. "Dodge this, my jutsu's faster than yours." Naruto's hand stretched out far, slamming multiple Rasengan into Lord Mu. 

"This is...a violently rotating...Rasengan!" Naruto exclaimed. Lord Mu slammed down, going through a giant boulder, slamming into the sand. He got stopped by Lord Onoki. 

"Earth Style...Weighted Boulder Jutsu!" Lord Onoki exclaimed. Lord Mu sunk into the ground. "Thanks to that, you're so heavy now you can't even raise your arms. Aceso's eyes stopped glowing green, she ran over to Lord Onoki as Gaara lowered himself with his sand. Lord Onoki was stretching back, Aceso placed a special medicine tag she made for him on his bald head.

"You used to hate the other villages," Lord Mu recalled. "Now you work with them so well."

"I've learned that it's worth living a long life," Lord Onoki smiled. "You can enjoy change." Sand rose up going all over Lord Mu. 

"Don't let your guard down yet," Lord Mu warned. "I'm still..." He got cut off by Gaara sealing him away with his Jutsu. 

"Nice!" Naruto cheered landing next to Aceso. "Way to go Gaara! Oh, yeah, and you were pretty awesome back there, as well, Shorty Gramps!" He gave a thumbs-up, and Aceso laughed lightly. 

"I am the Tsuchikage, you know!" Lord Onoki informed. "Have respect."

"Just call him Lord Onoki," Aceso added.

"What are you doing on the battlefield, Naruto?!" Gaara demanded angrily. "Why are you here? Aceso! Why are you allowing him to fight alongside you?!" Aceso went into a scared and nervous, light smile state as she tried to find a way to explain. 

"Err..well," Naruto breathed. "I, uh...It's a long story."

"You two better be able to provide an explanation enough to pressure me!" Gaara demanded. Soon they took off towards the others with Shikaku Nara explaining everything to Gaara and Lord Onoki. Aceso knew Naruto was going to join the battlefield at some point, so his arrival was no surprise, but his new appearance was. 

"So that's it..." Lord Onoki breathed. " I can't even believe the Raikage relented! Very well. I understand."

"Naruto," Gaara breathed. "It's good you're going to each battlefield to identify transformed enemies. But as a former Jinchurki, I know...The Nine Tail's chakra you have. Are you really sure that it's safe to use it so heavily?"

"You know what?" Naruto asked. " I don't plan to die until I become Hokage. Just because you're Kazekgae already doesn't mean you can treat me like a kid. My sister and I will take the tight battlefront! Gaara, Grampa Tsuchikage, you guys go left." They started to part.

"Naruto, cousin, the Third Raikge is on that battlefield!" Gaara informed. 

"Got it!" Aceso responded. They completely part from each other. "Big Brother?" Naruto looked at her. "Are you sure you are going to be alright?"

"You got nothing to worry about little sister," Naruto assured, he gave a sparkling smile and a thumbs up. "You know we had a pretty sweet combo attack! We should team up more often!"

"Yeah, sure," Aceso agreed with a light smile. They arrived with Temari on the front lines.

"Honestly, in the Allied Forces, there isn't a stronger Wind Style User than me," Temari said. 

"Yeah, there is!" Naruto corrected as they landed in front of them.  Naruto jumped up again, as Aceso started her Jutsu, all eyes were on him. "And that would be me!" He formed a Rasen shuriken, he stretched out an arm to hit the Third Raikage, and Aceso's ropes launched forward. The Third Raikage simply dodge, as Aceso's ropes started to disappear into nothing, she took the ropes back before even more damage could be done.

"No, that still isn't good enough!" Dodai shouted. "Not with his Cloak of Lightning. 

"Yeah, I know!" Naruto responded. "Raikage are always super fast!" His hand threw the Rasengan back at the Raikage, the man simply jumped over it effortlessly. Naruto landed behind him, he held out his hand. Naruto grabbed the Rasengan, then slammed it into the Raikage, breaking through his lighting armor; sending the man flying. There was an explosion, he spun rapidly. It was just like with Kakuzu, the wind was even more powerful. 

"Sealing Unit! Hurry up! Move-in!" Temari barked orders. 

"Right!" a man responded as they charged forward. The wrappings started to go around his body, everyone was relieved, then his eyes snapped open. He cut the wrappings and jumped back, once again engulfed in his lightning armor.

"My Lord Third, you're so strong that, frankly, it's frightening!" Dodai exclaimed. His body went back to normal, showing no damage, besides the lightning scar on his chest. He charged toward Naruto. "The look in Lord Raikage's eyes changed a moment ago. It appears that he's been completely taken over. " Lord Third held up his hand. "Wait, is that?!" He looked back at everyone else. "All of you men, move back from Lord Raikage now! And you Earth Style shinobi, get a wall up immediately!" 

"Everyone, link up!" a man shouted a earth shinobi ran up.

"All right! Together! Earth Style" Great Mud Wall!" they all exclaimed. Simultaneously, they spat out mud, slowly a mud wall rose up. " Disperse!" Aceso eyes glowed green, as she held her hands, a barrier formed in front of the Jutsu users, leaving small openings for the mud to get through. Naruto and Dodai landed in between the mud wall and the green barrier.

"Lava Style: Rubber Wall!" Dodai shouted. Lave substance rose up, covering the mudwall.

"But why?" Naruto asked.

"Lord Third's most powerful ninjutsu the Piercing Four-Fingers Thrust of Hell!" Dodai answered. "He pools Lighting chakra into his fingertips. This strike complements Lighting Style just perfectly. The Mud Wall started to stretch towards them. Dodai looked back at them. "Everyone, get as far away as possible, right now!" 

"No way!" a leaf shinobi shouted, getting ready with a sword. "Since we know where's gonna come through, we should all focus on that spot! Everyone, En garde!"

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind a little payback for all of the time we missed that guy before now!" another shinobi agreed.

"Stop!" Temari shouted. "Listen to what the Cloud Shinobi told you!"

"Not one of you is getting through!" Aceso warned as she kept at her Jutsu as the shinobi charged through, they started to try to get through the green barrier. The Third Raikge broke right through the rubber wall, slamming into Aceso's barrier. The Third Raikage zapped many people in a single blow, Aceso's barrier was broken and her eyes returned back to normal. They circled around the Lord Third Raikage, trying to decide to attack and defend. This man was truly as amazing as the Fourth Raikage told Aceso all about when she stayed in the Cloud Village for a month. 

'Kage truly is phenomenal, terrifying people,' Aceso thought to herself. 'How do we take down a man that's went head to head with Master Gyuki, the Eight-Tails. 'What's that light?' She looked up to see Naruto creating a purple, ball. ' A new Jutsu?...No, if I remember the Tailed Beast Book from when I was younger...that's a Tailed Beast Bomb.' Lord Third took out more people with three fingers, as Naruto failed to keep the Jutsu together, he went back to normal, no longer shining yellow. Aceso started to take the injured to the medical teams, getting them as far away from here as possible. 

"Naruto, watch out!" Temari shouted. The Raikage split the rock he and Dodai stood on. He put a rubber spear around Naruto to protect him from the Raikage's attack as they went flying. 

"Where did he go?" a lightning shinobi asked.

"Probably after Naruto," Aceso answered treating a Mist kunoichi. "We need to come up with a strategy and get the wounded out of here before he shows up again." 

"Right," Temari nodded. Minutes later Dodai landed in front of them.

"Everyone! Stay out of this fight!" Dodai ordered. "And Sealing Corps, stand by!"

"Yes, sir!" a shinobi responded, Aceso frowned.

'An ordinary Rasengan against the Third Raikage?' Aceso asked herself. 'Why is he in Sage Mode?' Naruto and Lord Third launched at each other, Naruto spun under and Lord A went over him, he planted the Rasengan onto his arm, breaking through his body, the lighting attack went right into the scar. Everyone was completely shocked. Naruto landed just as Lord Third started to peak away.

"It worked!" Naruto cheered. "Just like I thought it would!" The Sealing Team for right on top of Sealing Lord Raikage away. 

"Yes, we did it!" Matsuri and Yukata cheered, high-fiving, each other. 

"Yeah, all right!" the shinobi cheered. "Nice work, Naruto!"

"Yeah!" Naruto cheered. 

"That was quite a sharp move," Dodai complimented landing next to Naruto.

"When I talked with him, the Eight-Tails told me that when he fought against the Third Raikage...both of them fell forward, ready to attack," Naruto explained. "I just figured he must have gotten the scar by stabbing himself in the chest with his own move. That's why he was always so embarrassed by it."

" A shinobi with an invincible spear and an impenetrable shield. It certainly does pose a paradox," Dodai stated. " I guess this shows that Lord Third's spear is more powerful."

"Mhm," Naruto nodded. "You know, I'd say the shinobi who has the best shield is now probably Gaara!"

"Head over to his section," Aceso ordered. They all took off, as they got closer they saw a giant explosion behind some boulders.

"Over there!" Naruto shouted. "Hold on, guys! I'm on my way there!" Moments later, smoke rose up.

"Even more smoke!" Temari noticed.

"That's gotta be where they are!" Aceso stated.

"Let's go!" Naruto declared, taking off faster. They arrived minutes later. "Are you all right, Gaara?"

"What's the news on your end?" Gaara asked. 

"We sealed the Third Raikage," Naruto answered. "We saw something had exploded, so we ran here faster than Temari and the others to see if we could help out."

"I see," Gaara breathed. "We're almost done too. Aceso please go get started on helping out the wounded"

"Right," Aceso breathed, she took off towards the injured that lay behind a boulder. 

"Good, but hold one where is your enemy?" Naruto asked. 

"Look at that! So you really do have friends!" a voice exclaimed. Aceso looked over to a man trapped in a pyramid, head sticking out at the top. 

"Huh? What!? What is he!?" Naruto exclaimed. "He's got a really weird body!"

"No, no, that's my Jutsu," Gaara corrected. 

"Kazekage!" the man laughed. "Well, I see that you're the smart one out of your friends...You make a good pair." Gaara held up his hand, the sand started to go over the man.

"Oh really?" Gaara asked with a light smile. Once he was fully covered, the sealing went into place. By the time they finished, everyone else had arrived. Gaara walked over to a comm ninja. "Relay our current battle status to HQ!

"You fought well against the former Five Kage, everyone," Onoki complimented, stepping forward. "The victory is ours on this battlefield."

"Okay! Extract the wounded! Get the wounded! Get them to the medical teams!" Temari ordered. "All those who can still fight, stand by for further orders from HQ!" She looked down at the old man. "Lord Tsuchikage, you should seek medical attention, too."

"No, I'm totally fine, All right!?" Lord Onoki grumbled. He grumbled in pain, touching his lower back.

"Listen, make sure you don't overdo it, old man," Temari advised. 

"Don't you treat me like some doddering old fool!" Lord Onoki growled. "I can still take on you, young ones! Argh!" Matsuri and Yukata lifted him up, by hooking arms on either side.

"Here we go," Matsuri smiled. "We'll take you over to the Medical Corps to get you all checked out."

"Let me go of me, you dolt!" Lord Onoki demanded. "I can walk fine on my own!"

"You really should just accept that you're old!" Yukata advised. "There isn't any shame in it!"

"How dare you! I am the Tsuhickage, you know!" Lord Onoki stated. 

"Yes, I heard you say that yesterday, too," Yukata smiled. 

"Lord Gaara, why don't you come by and visit later, okay," Matsuri asked. The two girls turned, to take the old man to get checked out by the medical team.

"Let me go I said!" Lord Onoki shouted. "Didn't you hear me!? Argh!"

"This way," Matsuri smiled.

"Argh! My back!" Lord Onoki cried out. 

"Please stop squirming!" Matsuri pleaded.

"Seriously!" Yukata added. They took this time to treat the wounded until further orders were given from HQ. 

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