Chapter 45
The First and Fourth companies ran beside each other for a bit. Darui ran up to Gaara; they both looked at each other.
"First Company! Come on! You're with me!" Darui ordered. The two groups split up, the first company went to the shoreline. They stood on each layer of the ground, staring at the ocean. Soon thousands of white Zetsu appeared out of the water. Aceso stood at the front with Darui.
"They're coming," Darui noted. "Give the signal to prepare for battle."
"Right," Aceso nodded. She held up her fist, giving the signal.
"Yes, sir!" another leaf ninja nodded. Aceso's gasped softly at the reanimated shinobi...Kakuzu...Asuma-sensei...Dan...Neji's father Hizashi...This Jutsu is completely unforgivable. A unit of reanimated ninja...suspicions are true so far. Inoichi was relaying information to them from Headquarters.
"Ready Doctor Matsuba?" Darui asked.
"Yes, you?" Aceso responded. Darui nodded.
"It's dull," Darui admitted. "But I guess I'll have to show them why I'm the one that's been assigned to guard the coastline. I'll launch the opening shot now, then move in." Everyone got their weapons ready. "Lightning Style. Black Panther. " Black Lighting shot forward in panther form, it landed in the water right before many Zetsu, electrocuting them.
"Woah," Aceso breathed.
"I'm sorry about all that," Darui apologized as lightning sparked all around him, his lighting striking more of the White Zetsu.
"Above us!" a stone ninja shouted.
The enemy jumped over the front line Zetsu that was getting electrocuted.
"I'm not gonna let you get by!" Tenten declared. She threw up scrolls, multiple kunai flew out. Weapons flew up rapidly at the Zetsu, Aceso used her ropes as harshly as she could, trapping the Zetsu in a group, and slicing them in half.
"Keep attacking! Don't let up!" a leaf ninja shouted. More kept coming.
"Hold 'em! Don't let them break through the barricade! Let's go!" a leaf shinobi shouted. Then it finally happened, the enemy made landfall, and everything was getting more hectic; they all fought heavily. some became more hand to hand.
"Duck!" someone shouted. Aceso dropped to her knees while slicing up more Zetsu, a shield flew over her head.
"Nico!' Aceso gasped looking back at him. She looked down to see a Zetsu right before her. "Thank you." Her eyes glowed green, and green kunai appeared behind Nico, ripping apart a couple of Zetsu.
"Right back at ya," Nico nodded as his shield came back to him. They continued to fight rapidly. Aceso's ears rang with the sounds of metal clinging, battles cries, explosions, and cries of the wounded. She had to stop every few seconds, grab an injured, and put them off to the side, where the enemy would not find them. On the spot, the medical ninja would appear and carry them off to the medical unit, many of the medical ninjas in all the divisions did that. All for the ones too far from the base had to create a separate section, and barricade the wounded and medical ninja from the fighting. As they continued fighting, Aceso glanced over at the water, in the area, Darui was located.
"No way," Aceso breathed. It was a form of the Nine-Tails, but it wasn't Naruto. She was up on one of the ledges, she a tail coming towards them, it made many shinobi fall over. Choza stopped it.
"What? What's that? Is he a Jinchuriki?" Choza asked.
"Thanks, I sure do power you one," a lightning shinobi said. "But still just what is that thing?!
"Now that we're allies," an older man from lightning said. "I believe it's about time that you knew the whole story!"
"Hm?" Aceso asked as she took out a white Zetsu with a few arrows down below.
"Long before Madara Uchiha tamed the Nine-Tails, the Hidden Cloud put together a mission to try to capture that cataclysmic force! That's when the Nine-Tails devoured Lords Kinkaku and Ginkaku. And then after two weeks, he expelled them!"
"What?" Expelled them?" a stone ninja asked. "You mean from his behind?"
"Come on, show some respect, and contact HQ immediately!" the lightning ninja ordered. "We need to know how to counter that!"
" Right! Sure!" the stone ninja responded running off, Aceso jumped them, she wrapped her ropes around a large amount of Zetsu, she slammed the, through the spikes that stuck out of the ground, once she landed. As she continued to fight alongside everyone, she saw Four black creatures come out of nowhere...Kakuzu. Aceso soon found herself on the water fighting, she just took down a couple of the Zetsu. She saw Tenten look low on chakra while holding a red fan. Extremely low.
"Tenten," Aceso breathed as jumped back to her. She slapped a chakra patch on her cheek.
"Thanks for that, it was well needed," Tenten thanked her as she pulled out more weapons.
"Don't forget about the ones stored away in your packet," Aceso advise as her eyes glowed green, green kunai popped off; they soared into the new wave of Zetsu. The two girls went back up to the cliffs, continuing to fight.
"Hope you haven't forgotten about us," a voice said. Aceso skidded to a stop, she looked to see all the medical ninja she killed down in Orochimaru's layer.
"Did you really have to kill all of them?" Tenten asked.
"It was either kill or be killed at that moment," Aceso answered as they put their backs to each other. "Sealing team?"
"Right here!" two voices shouted.
"Let's finish them, Doc," Tenten declared with a smirk. They immediately started to fight the medic ninja from Orchimaru's layer, they put up more of a fight than Aceso could recall.
"It seems they've gotten stronger," Aceso frowned as she took a tanto from the medical ninja as a kunai flew past her arm, cutting it open. Tente slapped a healing patch on it. "Thanks for that Tenten."
"Just repaying you from earlier," Tenten said as she grabbed her giant fan. "Let's finish this. Ah!" She swung the fan, and blasted the dead medical ninja, Aceso used to rope Jutsu and tied them all together. "Sealing Team!"
"On it!" Several voices shouted. Numerous wrappings went around them. Aceso took back her ropes before the dead medical ninja got sealed away for good. Right after they got sealed away, they heard yelling, powerful wind, and blue wings appeared. He was a complete giant, he had grown skinner somehow, Aceso wasn't sure if that was a good thing, especially if it resulted in him taking the red pill.
"Choji!?" Tenten and Aceso gasped, they looked at him in awe before returning back to fighting.
"I'm going to end this entire battle right now," Choji declared. "But I'll need you, Shikamaru and Ino. So please help me out, okay?"
"You got it!" Shikamaru confirmed.
"You know, Choji...I've known you practically forever, now...but I never seen you take charge like this!" Ino admitted. They all continued to fight with all they had.
"This is the last one!" a stone shinobi declared holding up a White Zetsu.
"Help me!" Tenten cried out weakly as she fell over, Aceso immediately rushed over. "I'm dying."
"You've used up too much chakra," Aceso shook her head as she began to transfer chakra into Tenten, she put a couple of chakra patches along with healing patches. "Perhaps you should avoid using that Ninja Tool."
"Yeah, but, I'm just so good with this thing," Tenten protested. As soon as Tenten was better, Aceso made her way over to all the other injured to help them back to their feet. Suddenly there was a big explosion, Aceso looked up to see Madara and a giant Gedo statue appeared.
"That's just like the one Gaara described," Aceso stated.
"Meaning?" Shikamaru asked.
"All the Tailed Beast that had been extracted or abducted are stored inside there," Aceso answered. "Including Gaara's one-tailed, Shukaku."
"This is not good!" Shikamaru frowned. The thing was ginormous, as soon as it got to its full height, it roared, breaking the chains at the wrists.
"It's even bigger than Choji" Ino added.
"Choji, come on!" Choza shouted.
"Here," Choji said letting go of Hizashi. "You guys handled Hizashi and Kakuzu, I'll handle that thing."
"Take me with you," Aceso insisted.
"Alright," Choji said. "Hold on." He held out his palms, Aceso climbed on and they went up to the highest cliff, where the Gedo statue and Madara were located. The Gedo statue started to charge at full speed. They landed right by Mr. Choza. "Ready, Dad?"
"Yeah," Choza agreed. Choza collided with the statue, pushing it back as much as he could.
"Choji! Go now!"
"Ready, Doc?" Choji asked.
"Yeah," Aceso answered. Choji yelled as his chakra formed as a fist, he slammed a punch onto the statue, and the backlash sent shinobi flying.
"Ahh!" Aces shouted and jumped up. Her ropes went around the arms of the statue, she pulled it back, she landed on the highest spike of the statue; she pulled back as much as could to retrain the statue.
"Huh!?" Choji asked looking up. "He stopped me?!"
"What just happened?!" Choza demanded.
"It seems that the Gedo statue absorbed, Choji's punch!" Aceso answered. The Gedo statue let out a horrifying roar, sending everyone flying, Aceso fell backward, grabbing onto the edge, holding on tightly. It started to walk.
"Damnit," Aceso breathed as started to pull herself up; the ropes started to return to her body.
"Get back! Everyone retreat to the coastline!" Kitsuchi ordered. "Earth Style! Mountain Jutsu!" The land split apart and rose to crush the statue. Gedo statue, Aceso was pretty thankful that the Gedo statue was able to stop it, or she would have been crushed as well. The Gedo statue let out a roar, and lighting started to spark up at the top.
"Ah!" Aceso shouted as her eyes glowed green. Green barriers formed around everyone including her. The power surged out rapidly, hitting anything it could touch. Aceso used another hand, and formed hand signs, her ropes went down to the statue, wrapped around its legs; she pulled on it. It let out a roar as it fell over.
"That thing countered my special reserve move that easily/!" Kitsuchi exclaimed. "Get out of their Doctor Matsuba!"
"It's not easy as it looks!" Aceso shouted as the creature lifted itself up, it swatted at its head, and Aceso jumped off it. It then took off, she looked down to see she was still attached to the thing through the ropes. They went over the edge, down below it was about to land on Shikamaru and Darui, along with a few others.
"Damnit!" Shikamaru exclaimed.
"Shikamaru! Darui!" Aceso exclaimed. her eyes glowed green once more, she put her hand out, and a green barrier formed over them just as the statue landed, the debris was powerful, as the creature's first half the foot slammed through. The creature grabbed Aceso and flung her off of him, ripping the ropes, his foot slammed down.
"Shikamaru! No!" Ino cried out as rocks and water sprayed up. Aceso slammed into someone's giant hand. She panted heavily as she got back onto her feet, glancing over the edge.
"Thanks, Mr. Choza," Aceso panted. "Where's Madara?"
"Disappeared with the Ninja tools," Choza answered as he put her on the ground, his hand returning to normal size.
"Darui and Shikamaru?" Aceso asked.
"All still intact," Choza answered. The Gedo statue let out another huge roar, before disappearing as well. Aceso went back to helping the wounded as best as she could, bringing them to camp as fast as possible, night came on, and it seems the enemy had retreated. Everyone got some food and water to replenish their strength.
"Doctor Matsuba!" Sakura shouted, dashing into the tent.
"Casualties?" Also asked as she wrapped a stone ninja's foot. Sakura went to the other bed and began to treat the injured lightning ninja.
"According to HQ, 60,900 out of 80,000," Sakura answered, Aceso frowned. "Hey, your medical strategy is splendid, without it there would have been a lot more."
"No," Aceso answered. "The strategy could have been splendid no matter what, but it's the people on the team that helped the most, like you."
"Thanks," Sakura answered.
"As for the Akatsuki side?" Aceso asked.
"50,000 out of 100,000," Sakura answered as she wrapped the girl's shoulder.
"So the Akatsuki lost half of their forces, and we lost a large amount as well," Aceso noted as she put a healing patch on her wounded shinobi. "You are good to go."
"Thank you, Captain," the man smiled at her. He wobbled out of the room and another came in, bleeding heavily out of the eye.
"Doctor Matsuba!" A Sand Ninja shouted barging in. "We just got word...we will be fine here, but we will be sending you to Gaara's company."
"Alright," Aceso breathed. "I'll patch up this kunoichi's eyes and be out."
"And for the medical division?" the Shinobi asked.
"Shizune is still here right?" Aceso asked. The shinobi nodded. "Good, plus we have Sakura and plenty of other well-medical ninja to take over if a situation is to arise including yourself." Minutes later Aceso finished up on the kunoichi before heading out to the Fourth Company.
"Heading out?" a voice asked. Aceso glanced up from adjusting her ropes to see Neji.
"What are you doing over here?" Aceso asked.
"Overused my eyes," Neji answered.
"There should be a medical tent located at every division, why did you come all the way over to the first division?" Aceso demanded, he seemed off.
"You are one of the best medical ninja around right?" Neji asked.
"Yes, but this is a war," Aceso reminded him. "Besides, I thought I gave you and every Hyuga clan an eye drop thing."
"Where are you heading off to?" Neji asked.
"Imma head over to the company," Aceso answered. "See you later." She took off towards the gate.
"Doctor Matsuba," a member from the Akimici greeted. "Heading off to Gaara's company?" Aceso nodded.
"Keep an eye on Neji," Aceso ordered. "He doesn't seem like himself."
"Everyone is probably feeling off," the other guard stated.
"No," Aceso denied. "I mean really off, he may look like him, but...I'm not sure if it's really him."
"We will let everyone keep an eye out for a spy," the guard said. "You go on."
"Thank you," Aceso nodded. She took off towards Gaara's company as fast as she could. She ended up coming to a stop when she saw Kiba and Akamaru standing on either side of Neji. "Is he alright?"
"He totally overused his Byakugan and can barely stand up!" Kiba answered. "You don't need to try and show off in front of your subordinates!" Neji turned to Akamaru angrily.
"Just shut up, Kiba!" Neji snapped. Akamaru whined.
"What the hell? You can't even tell the difference between a dog and a man?" Kiba snapped back. "Your visual prowess is supposed to be your specialty!" Aceso laughed, then her smile dropped.
"This isn't good," Aceso breathed as she knelt beside Neji. She reach into her pack and pulled an eyedropper. "You were just back at the medical tent in the First Division."
"I've been here the whole time," Neji said as Aceso took off the cap. "Why did I go there?"
"Because you overused your eyes," Aceso answered. "The way this other Neji was wasn't you...but they had the exact same chakra and appearance as you."
"What are you saying?" Kiba asked as Acseo dropped liquid in Neji's eyes, three drops each.
"The enemy has infiltrated us," Aceso answered. "Clone style."
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