Chapter 41

The next few days, Aceso spent it making medicine and putting together the medical unit it was going pretty well. 

"Very well thought out," Shizune complimented her.

"Thanks," Aceso smiled, she hasn't really slept. "Shizune since I'm having you at the camp...can you be the second in command? Take over at the medic camp when I'm not there?"

"Sure thing kid," Shizune smiled looking over at her. 

"Thank you," Aceso breathed in relief. "That should be done, I'm going to look over it one more time, make copies, and then send it out to the other nations."

"You look it over and I'll send it out," Shizune corrected. "You need to get some rest."

"I'm fine," Aceso dismissed.

"Oink," Tonton sighed. 

"We will be right back," Shizune said stepping out with Tonton. Aceso looked over the medical unit one last time, everyone was placed where they needed to be. After discussing with Lady Tsunade and word back and forth from the Allied Forces, Aceso herself was placed in the first division. She was to start out in the First Divison, if anything were to arise she would have to go to another division. After being satisfied, she put the papers in a folder and made her way to the Hokage building.

"Grandma Tsunade?" Aceso asked, knocking on the door.

"I finished up the medical unit for where everyone is to be placed," Aceso announced upon entering the room. 

"Let me see," Tsunade ordered, Aceso handed the folder to Lady Tsunade. She silently looked over. "Everything seems to be in place, I have already sent lists of medicines that will help with the war and their ingredients to the other nations. How are the medical supplies coming along for the leaf village?"

"Well," Aceso answered. "We have been creating small packs to give to every shinobi, I've instructed the other nations to do the same. They may not be medical ninja, but having basic supplies is just as important. Of course, the chakra patches and ointment, healing ointment, and patches will be among it." Aceso started to feel weird. 

"Everyone should be able to know how to apply a bandage, good thinking," Tsunade complimented. "I'm going to send you on a mission to the Land of Medicine." She looked up to see Aceso's falling backward into Kakashi, he picked her up easily. "Lady Aceso!"

"Send a different medical team," Kakashi suggested. "Say that they are there on behalf of Doctor Matsuba."

"It would be best if she went herself," Tsunade pointed out.

"Not in this condition," Kakashi said. Tsunade frowned. "Send Sakura out again, I'm positive she won't mind going."

"Oh alright," Tsunade sighed giving in. Kakashi carried Aceso out of the office, he went over to the tent Aceso was staying in, he got there the same time as Neji, he had Lee passed out over his shoulder.

"Overdid it?" Kakashi asked.

"As usual," Neji smiled. 

"Kakashi-sensei!" Sakura shouted running up to them. "I need to borrow Aceso for a mission!" 

"How about you take Mitate? Or Kanpo?" Kakashi suggested.

"But--" Sakura began to protest. She looked to see Aceso passed out. "Fine." Sakura looked to see Aceso's hands were burned. "Put her inside, and I'll treat her." Kakashi lifted up Aceso's hands, they were burned; blood began to creep through her wrappings. Kakashi placed Aceso inside, and Neji placed Lee in his spot. 

"You are okay with them living in the same tent?" Neji asked as Sakura began to treat Aceso. 

"I don't see the problem," Kakashi said. "They lived in the hospital together for a short time and they lived next to each other, I trust they won't do anything I and Gai would not approve of." Kakashi looked back to see Lee was already sprawled out, snoring away. 


The next few days were spent training and making medicine, at the moment it was night, she was fast asleep in a rowboat, while Lee was passed out a bit away on the grass. Suddenly, Lee woke up screaming, he was panting heavily.

"It was all just a dream, then," Lee sighed. "Unacceptable! I cannot believe that I fell asleep during training! It only shows I lack vigilance! War is coming! I must become strong like Naruto! I must train harder! Harder!" He paused to see Aceso fast asleep in the rowboat in front of him, she was holding on to the paddles. "Red Rose! You can't fall asleep during training as well!" He ran down to the dock. He picked her up, then got in. Lee set Aceso against one end as he sat on the other. He then untied the boat and began to row out. Aceso woke up at the feel of motion.

"What's going on?" Aceso asked looking around, they were now more out in the middle of the water.

"We are continuing our training, we must punish ourselves for not being vigilant and falling asleep during it," Lee answered looking back to see where he was going.

"Huh?" Aceso tilted her head. 

"I am going to work on my seasickness fist," Lee answered.

"Seasickness Fist, never heard of it," Aceso stated as she crossed her arms. 

"Then I shall explain," Lee said as he stopped paddling, he stood up, and he began to move erratically, making the boat sway. 

"Lee, stop moving the boat so much," Aceso said putting a hand over her mouth, 

"You too?" Lee lit up sitting down. He began to row again, he explained the story with Gai-sensei with visual training. How he accidentally got drunk off sake and destroyed a whole building. Gai-sensei thought it was his fault, and tried to make Lee try to remember something, landing them in cran training, falling into quicksand, getting carried off by a large hawk and seasickness fist. "We shall do this together!"

"It's not going to work," Aceso shook her head, crossing her arms again.

"Of course it will," Lee argued. "Through hard work and guts, I swear we will conquer our seasickness and master the Seasick Fist!" He stood up with fire in his eyes. 

"Lee, you won't be able to use the seasickness fist unless you are feeling woozy," Aceso pointed out. "If you overcome the seasickness, you won't be able to use the technique."

"How did I not realize this sooner!" Lee cried out dropping to his knees on the edge of the boat. The boat flipped over, and the two went underwater. Aceso resurfaced, she grabbed onto the top of the boat and pulled herself up. She felt Lee put his hands over hers, she looked up to see him pulling himself up. Aceso was a bit annoyed at him, the sun was just rising. Lee then looked up at her, he seemed severely sorry. Suddenly, the only thing Aceso could see was Rock Lee, the rising sunlight, gave him the most angelic look. His eyes seemed to be filled with passion as usual. Everything went into slow motion, one-minute Aceso was staring into Lee's eyes, and the next she felt like she was floating. Her eyes closed as she melted into the kiss. 

"We should get back to training," Aceso said breaking this kiss, her eyes remained closed. 

"Yeah," Lee breathed. Aceso then put her hands on his face, and kissed him once more, Lee was taken back, but he happily kissed back without a second thought. "I love you."

"I love you more," Aceso breathed. 

"Did you really think I would have rejected you if you said that?" Lee asked.  

"No, I was being silly," Aceso answered.

"I was being silly as well," Lee admitted. "I thought you would have rejected me."

"Never," Aceso smiled as they kissed again. They pulled away from each other, finally opening their eyes, both of them were red in the face. "We need to flip the boat again if we want to get it back to shore."

"Just a little longer," Lee said softly.

"Didn't you say we need to be more vigilant?" Aceso brought up. "We need to get back to training."

"One more," Lee stated. He kissed her again, then they made their way back to land. Aceso spent the next couple of days making medicine and separating supplies. She and Sakura got sent away to do a few things. In the midst of everything, Lee always seemed to sneak in a quick kiss before hurrying off to train himself. She did some training with Kakashi and Tenten, as well as Hinata. Right now, she was in the medical tent working on the medical supplies as Sakura and a few others sorted the boxes.

"Hinata?" Aceso asked as she saw the girl poke in her head.

"Have you seen Lady Tsunade?" Hinata asked nervously.

"No, Lady Tsunade couldn't make it," Sakura answered stepping out of the tent to talk to Sakura. 

"Huh!?" Hinata asked.

"I was just told to submit a report to her," Sakura informed. "But everyone's been helping out."

"I have at least some knowledge about medicines!" Lee exclaimed happily. 

"And Aceso put me in charge of the food pills, isn't that great?" Choji added. 

"Oh, there you are!" Tenten shouted running up to the tent. "Hey!"

"Tenten," Sakura greeted. "What can I do for you?" 

"What do you say we get together tonight and do it up a little?" Tenten suggested. "We can all go to Barbe-Q!"

"Barbe-Q!" Choji exclaimed popping his head out of the tent. "You can count me in!"

"Sounds great," Lee agreed walking out of the tent.

"Sorry, boys, but you men aren't invited," Tenten declined them. 

"Aw, but why not?" Choji whined. 

"Because I think it's time that all of us had a girls-only get-together. Right?" Tenten asked. 

"A girl's get-together?" Aceso asked stepping out of the tent as Tenten put her arms around Sakura and Hinata.

"We're gonna have a girls' night out!" Tenten declared. 

"That sounds fun," Aceso smiled. "Count me in."

"Great!" Tenten cheered running forward and grabbing her hands. Night came quickly, Aceso was now at Barbe-Q with the girls. She sat in between Shiho and Hinata. 

"So Barbe-Q reopened?" Aceso asked. 

"I made us a reservation!" Tenten exclaimed. "Ooh, Beef tongue with salt!"

"The menu has a special Ladies Combi! It's such a good deal!" Ino gushed. 

"And I just can't resist a good deal!" Sakura admitted. 

"Frankly, my favorite here is the offal," Shiho stated. 

"Mm," Hinata breathed. She seemed distracted.

"Did you ladies decide on drinks?" Tenten asked. They all nodded. "Great! Excuse me! We're ready to order!" Soon the drinks and meat all came." Here's to us!"

"Cheers!" they all tapped their glasses together. 

"So, why are we all getting together?" Aceso asked. "Not that I mind." She and Tenten started to cook the meat.

"Well, everybody's been so busy with getting ready for the war," Tenten answered. "We need some stress relief, right?"

"Yeah, all of us need to unwind!" Sakura agreed. 

"There aren't any ordinary missions anymore. Everything's focused on getting ready for the war," Ino said. 

"Frankly, I appreciate being invited tonight, but how does everybody here know each other?" Shiho asked. 

"That's funny. Why do we always end up hanging out with each other, anyway?" Tenten asked. 

"Now that I think about it...I believe it started up when the four of them took the Chunin Exams, I was the doctor in it," Aceso stated, putting a finger to her lips. Hinata gasped.

"Oh, right," Ino agreed. "I bet that's it."

"We're basically classmates," Tenten smiled. "And we sure did go on a lot of missions together!"

"Boy, the Chunin Exam," Ino reminisced. Ino and Sakura got close to each other. "You were such a nuisance back then!"

"You're sure one to talk!" Sakura shot back. They huffed each other and started laughing. 

"But then, then Chunin Exam was canceled, when it was only halfway done," Aceso recalled. 

"Oh, you mean when the Leaf Village was attacked?" Shiho recalled. 

"So much has happened, but we haven't lost anyone, and we still get together like this," Ino admired. "It must mean our generation is exceptional!"

"Yeah, you're right," Tenten agreed. "The only one who's really gone is Sasuke!" Sakura went into a corner of a depression. "Oh, boy. Guess I shouldn't have said that."

"Hey, Sakura, come on back it's okay!" Ino called out to her. 

"Uhhh," Tenten breathed looking between Hinata and Sakura. "Now both of them are depressed."

"That isn't true! I'm not depressed!" Sakura and Hinata denied it at the same time. 

"I'm glad," Hinata breathed after a gasp. 

"Huh?" Aceso asked.

"That I took the Chunin Exam," Hinata said.

"You lost to Neji, but you gave it your all! That's what matters," Tenten said. 

"Mm-hm," Hinata blushed. "It's because he cheered me on back then. Because Naruto supported me, I was able to do my best."

"Naruto," Ino breathed. "He was unpredictable even back then, but whoever would've imagined that he'd become the villager hero one day?" Aceso knew Naruto would always be a hero, he was going to become Hokage. What she didn't expect was, thanks to Naruto and his words, is the reason she was brought back to life. 

"Yeah," Hinata blushed harder.

"And this time it's now our turn to protect Naruto," Aceso stated. 

"That kid can still be a real grade-A idiot, though," Inos aid. 

" I know!" Sakura agreed. She turned to the grill. 

"Oh, I think these are good to go!" Aceso said, referring to the meat. 

"Yeah, let's eat!" Hinata agreed, taking food.

"So! Finally found your appetite!" Tenten noticed. 

"Yes, I need to become stronger," Hinata smiled, she put food in her mouth.

"The marinated pork jowls you ordered are now ready," the waitress informed walking up to them. 

"OOO!" Ino cheered leaning over the table. "Yummy! Gimme!"

"You'll turn into a pug!" Sakura teased as Ino was handed the plate. 

"What are you talking about?" Ino asked. "They're full of collagen! It's good for you!" Tenten began laughing. 

"Oh! What's all this? A girls' night out?" Tsunade asked appearing behind Tenten with Shizune. Aceso looked up...the Hokage was definitely drunk. 

"Lady Tsunade!" Ino and Sakura gasped. 

"Uh, yeah! This is a girls-only get-together!" Tenten answered. 

"Girls' get-together?" Tsunade repeated. She got happy. "Move over, move over!" Hinata scooted close to Aceso as Tsunade sat next to her. She put her arm around Hinata pulling her close

"But Lady Tsunade, you're not really a girl anymo--" Ino began. 

"Is it my chest?" Tsunade asked. "They're too big now, aren't they?" She grabbed her chest, moving them. "They aren't that much bigger than hers!" She reached over and grabbed Aceso's chest, she turned red as the girls all laughed. "First, bring me a drink!" Shizune was putting meat on a plate. 

"Oh, you're way past your first drink, milady," Shizune said. She put food in her mouth; Tsunade turned to Hinata.

"So, what are you up to? Are all of you talking about the boys that you like?" Tsunade asked. 

"We were talking about the Chunin Exam," Sakura answered. 

"We were just reminiscing," Ino added. 

"With things the way they are now...we thought having some fun together would be a nice break," Tenten added.

"I see," Tsunade said, she took the glass that Shizune set down; she chugged down the water. 

"Please, eat!" Shiho insisted, holding out a plate of food. 

"Sure," Tsunade said, she put food in her mouth. "Hinata. What I said before..." All the girls began to chat and laugh with each other. 

"I'm fine," Hinata assured. " I know what I must do now. Thanks to all of you!" Tsunade looked at all of them. 

"You know, you girls...are so lucky," Tsunade admired. "All right! Who wants to do a little gambling?!" She took out tickets. "Time for the Princess Game!"

"Lady Tsunade--" Shizune breathed. 

"Who's gonna be the Princess?!" Tsunade asked. After a few rounds of gambling and a little bit of food, they all cleared out.

"Boy, did I eat!" Choji cheered. "It's been a  while since I've had that much barbecue!"

"Okay, time for the after-party!" Tsunade suggested. 

"What'll we do?" Ino asked.

"I'm gonna head home," Aceso stated. "I have to go make more medicine."

"Same, I gotta get up early," Kiba agreed. 

"Me too," Tenten said. 

"Frankly, I have to go back to work," Shiho said. 

"Oh yeah, I wanted to finish up some stuff tonight, too," Shikamaru said. 

"Sorry, Lady Tsunade," Sakura apologized. "But we're all gonna head home." Everyone exchanged goodbyes, Lee grabbed onto Aceso's hand as they walked home, recently they have started to live in the pharmacy. Aceso made a couple more healing patches before heading up to the home above. She walked into the room to find Lee starting to take off his suit, his back facing her, he was stripped from the waist up. Aceso could feel the heat rising in her cheeks. 

"Red Rose," Lee breathed looking back at her. He flashed her a sparkling smile. 

"Lee," Aceso breathed. "I should have knocked." She stepped out, Lee followed her out into the kitchen.

"Don't apologize," Lee said grabbing her wrist. "Nothing you haven't seen before." Aceso turned around, and a pair of lips landed on hers. She couldn't help but smile, her hands landed on his chest. "Can we take it further tonight?"

"Yes," Aceso answered. Lee picked her up by her thighs, he placed her on the kitchen table. They went till midnight, Aceso was sure Lee had the stamina of a god. He was loud, but so was she, but not as loud as him naturally. When Aceso couldn't handle another, she tapped Lee times, he pulled out and just kissed her multiple times. They fell asleep in each other's arms, a night off was well needed for everyone. 

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