Chapter 40

Aceso now sat at the council meeting,  she sat next to Shikamaru, and Aoba. 

"All right is everyone here?" Tsunade asked. No one responded. "Then we'll begin the war council to discuss our strategy." 

"Assemble ninja tools and stock reserves of food," Koharu urged. "Assign all shinobi to a main battle unit or support groups and ponder how to further group platoons within the main unit. And bring me a full list of all our shinobi and give Doctor Matsuba a list of all the medical shinobi we have" Aoba got up.

"It's war, then," Shikamaru said. "So it's finally come to that."

"You two were appointed to the war council, but you're still young," Shikaku said looking at his son and Aceso. "Just watch and don't miss a thing." 

"Yeah, don't worry. I know," Shikamaru said.  "I'll use every brain cell and hammer everything in."  Ninja dropped scrolls in front of Aceso. She was finding this highly strange, she was used to being given a stack of medical charts, but a list of the medical ninja from the 5 different nations was different." After the meeting Aceso went back to the hospital, she scrapped all the decisions she made earlier, she needed to start from scratch. She kept people on certain units, but it wasn't working out. 

"Hey," Shikamaru said poking his head in.

"What's up Shikamaru?" Aceso asked looking at him.

"Have you seen Naruto?" Shikamaru asked. "He suddenly vanished from Ichiraku."

"Vanished?" Aceso asked.

"Yeah, Teuchi said one minute he was here and the next he was gone," Shikamaru asked.

"Well, he vanished once when Gamachiki summoned him, so he's probably at Mount Myoboku," Aceso answered. 

"I hope you're right," Shikamaru stated. "This has become a real drag." He looked at the table and saw paper surrounding the trash can. "Looks like you could use a break."

"I'm just stumped," Aceso admitted.

"Take a break and help me find Naruto," Shikamaru insisted. "It'll make this less of a drag."

"All right," Aceso gave in, she quickly cleaned up, then went to go help Shikamaru look for Naruto. They ended up in Lady Tsunade's office with Sakura, Yamato, and Kakashi.

"You saw the Great Lord Elder?" Tsunade asked.

"Yeah, he used a Reverse Summoning Jutsu," Naruto answered. 

"And we went through all that trouble," Shikamaru groaned. 

"Lord Fukasaku could have at least let me know beforehand," Tsunade groaned. 

"Yes, but's a relief you're okay, Naruto," Kakashi said. 

"Hey, I'm more than okay!" Naruto assured. "I'm doing great!

"I'm glad, but why did the Great Lord Elder summon you?" Tsunade asked. 

"Giant Gramps Sage had something he wanted to tell me, a prophecy he had," Naruto answered.

"Like the one that he foretold to Jiraiya?" Tsunade asked. 

"What did the Great Lord Elder have to say?" Aceso asked. 

"Uhh--Well, I---" Naruto began. 

"What is it?" Aceso asked.

"Well, I'm gonna go to some cool resort and meet an octopus there!" Naruto exclaimed. 

"Huh!? You're gonna do what?!" Shikamaru stammered. 

"Uh..." the others breathed. 

"And what's that supposed to mean, exactly...?" Kakashi asked. 

"Well, uh this octopus is supposed to cooperate with me somehow..."Naruto answered. "Giant Gramps Sage didn't know all the details either. And..." He looked at the floor. "He said that I'm gonna end up fighting Sasuke."

"Fight Sasuke?" Sakura repeated. 

"But I'm ready now," Naruto said looking up. "I've already prepared for it."

"But, Naruto," Sakura breathed. 

"It's all right," Naruto said looking back at her. "Don't worry. Let me handle Sasuke. This is my task." They separated; Sakura followed Aceso back to the hospital; they started to make medicine.

"Aceso?" Sakura asked as they separated medicine 

"Sakura?" Aceso asked looking at her.

"Did you know that a war was at our doorstep?" Sakura asked, her voice trembling. 

"Yeah," Aceso answered. "I'm in charge of the medical unit, Temari, Kankuro, and Gaara broke the news to me."

"Doctor Mastuba, Ms. Sakura?" an older nurse asked picking her head in. "You wanted to know what to expect from war, I have pictures."

"Uh, thank you," Aceso said standing up. "Come on Sakura." They went into a room to find photos laid out, with one glance, Sakura turned away to hurl.

"Are you okay?" the old nurse asked. "You wanted to know what to expect from war."

"Yes, I'm fine," Sakura said turning back around.

"This is horrific," Aceso breathed looking at each photo. 

"But nothing can prepare you for the real battlefield," the nurse said. 

"I understand," Aceso breathed looking at the woman. 

"The wound's cries, the smell of blood," the nurse listed. "It's almost impossible not to be affected by it all. But regardless, a Medical Ninja must maintain their composure, no matter what happens. Everyone fights hard, counting on us to be there to save their lives if need be."

"Yes, I know," Sakura breathed. "That's why I wanted to--To know, I guess."

"Doctor Matsuba," Shizune said poking her head in. "Ladu Tsunade is going to the Hidden Cloud Village for a Kage meeting, she has requested for you to go with her."

"Me?" Aceso asked in surprise.

"Yes, now don't make her wait," Shizune ordered. Aceso seemed confused. "You are in charge of the medical unit, come along now."

"Yes, ma'am," Aceso responded she took off; soon she was on the road Tsunade and Shikaku Nara. It didn't take too long for them to arrive. The Kage sat around the table, their assistants sat behind them, and Aceso looked out the window. She noticed Lord A was missing the lower half of his left arm.

"You all came quickly," Raikage said. 

"The situation calls for swift action," Gaara said. 

"Listen, Princess Tsunade. Are you sure you're up to this?" Tshcuikage asked. "You know, you should've handed the reins over to someone a little younger. You're getting way too old for this." Aceso looked back.

'Was the old geezer really getting at Grandma Tsunade about old age? He constantly complains about his back pain from his old age," Aceso thought to herself.

"You should really speak for yourself, you old fence-sitting geezer," Tsunade responded. 

'Nice one grandma,' Aceso smiled lightly, she caught Gaara's eyes and quickly looked back out the window. Her cousin moved his hands over his mouth to smile a little. 

"Setting aside the Danzo mess, I'm so relieved to see that you're back as Hokage, Lady Tsunade," Mizukage said. "And is this the young doctor you all speak of."

"Yes, this is Doctor Matsuba," Tsunade introduce, Aceso looked over and waved. 

"Let us be done with the greetings and just proceed right to our main business," Mifune ordered. "First on the agenda are the Eight-and Nine-Tails Jinchuriki. And then we'll move onto the enemy's stronghold and battle strength."

"Some of my shinobi found a location that may be the enemy's base. But it could also be a trap," Tsunade said. "I think it's best to gather more intel first. 

"And we've also organized multiple scouting parties which are collecting data as we speak," Raikage said. "We must pool and share the intel from each village with each other."

"Well, what about forming a separate unit within the Allied Force that only handles intel?" Mizukage suggested. 

"Now that's a good idea!" Tsuchikage agreed. "Share and share alike, that's what I say!"

"Yes, of course!" the Raikage agreed. "If our nations become driven by greed and self-interest, the Akatsuki will pull the rug from under us before we even start?"

"So...where will we hide away the two crucial Jinchuriki?" Onoki asked. 

"Hide them away?!" Tsunade repeated. 

"What's the problem?" Lord A asked. 

"Naruto and Bee can lend battle strength! Why hide them away?" Tsunade demanded. 

"At first I thought so as well, but our enemy's goal in the war is to possess those two," Onoki explained. "Considering what could happen, we can't let them participate. Of course, you were still unconscious, Princess."

"Our enemy is Madara!" Tsunade snapped. "Hold back strength and we'll lose our chance to win and we won't get another! We must hit them hard--"

"The Five Great Nation's aim in this war is to protect those two," Gaara interrupted her. "Your sole dissent as Hokage is not enough. Majority shall rule."

"Listen, you stripping!" Tsunade snapped at him. "Naruto is--"

" I know him quite well," Gaara interrupted her. "He takes too many risks, especially when it comes to his friends and sister. That is why."

"Before we discuss military strength, the five Kage must reach a consensus, or no victory will be possible!" Mifune ordered.

"I must agree with the others, Lady Tsunade," Shikaku agreed. 

"Lady Aceso?" Tsunade asked they all looked at her. Aceso looked at them. "Naruto is your brother, what do you think?"

"Well...they are probably going to join in at some point no matter what," Aceso answered.

"Our main goal is to protect him and Bee," Gaara brought up. "Cousin--"

"As you said, you know Naruto quite well," Aceso stated. "When Naruto and Bee are hiding away, and if they find out that there is a war going on, knowing my brother, Naruto won't sit still. He is going to do whatever it takes to get on the field. But for now, it is a majority rule."

"All right! Fine!" Tsunade gave in. 

"The Slug Princess is back to her impudent self. That retort is proof she's well!" Onoki remarked. 

"Let's decide where to hide Eight-and Nine-Tails. Any objections, Lady Hokage?"

"None at all," Tsunade answered. "Just hurry it up so we can move on."

"I've got the place in mind," Lord A confirmed. "It lies inside the Hidden Cloud, which so far, hasn't produced any Akatsuki members. I set it aside in case." After the meeting was over, Aceso was in the hall chatting with Gaara. 

"How is the medical unit coming along?" Gaara asked.

"Harder than I thought," Aceso answered. "But it's coming together."

"I have faith you will do well, no matter how challenging it's going to be," Gaara stated. "You are my cousin."

"Thanks," Aceso smiled up at him lightly. "How's the sand coming along?"

"Well, thanks for asking," Gaara answered. "You are tightening your skills, right?"

"My skills?" Aceso asked.

"Yeah, your fighting skills," Gaara answered. "It is a war, we all need to touch upon jutsus in order to win and protect."

"Oh, I've just made medicine and well you know--"Aceso answered. "I completely forgot about--"

"Please do so," Gaara requested. " I am highly grateful to have you in life, and I would not like to have you leave it. You are way too important to me."

"Do you mean it?" Aceso asked as tears streamed down her face.

"I didn't mean to--" Gaara began to panic, he stopped when Aceso jumped up, pulling him into a tight hug.

"You are important to me too," Aceso smiled with tears streaming down her face. 

"Lady Aceso," Tsunade said. "It's time to head back."

"Coming," Aceso said pulling away from Gaara. She started to walk away; Gaara put a hand on her. "Cousin?" She looked back at him.

"See you on the battlefield," Gaara stated.

"See you there as well," Aceso nodded. She stepped close to him, and kissed his cheek, before heading back to the village with Lady Tsunade and Shikaku Nara. 


Aceso now stood at the gate with a few of the Jonin, she was trying to give Gai-sensei a thing for his seasickness.

"Please take these Papa," Aceso pleaded, handing the bag to him.

"Not a chance," Gai denied pushing the bag back to her. "How can I embrace my youth on the sea if I take those?"

"You won't be embracing your youth on the sea from throwing up the entire time!" Aceso argued pushing it back to him.

"I am a lot stronger than I used to be! I Might Gai has conquered seasickness!" Gai argued pushing it back. 

"Naruto," Yamato said. Gai-sensei immediately dashed over to Naruto. 

"Now, my young one, time to go!" Gai-exclaimed, grabbing onto Naruto. He pointed up the hill while putting Naruto in a chokehold. 

"Take these," Aceso requested, giving Aoba the bag. 

"How bad is his seasickness?" Aoba asked in a whisper.

"He won't even get in a floating tube," Aceso answered. Naruto got out of Gai-sensei's headlock and went over to his sister.

"Are you sure you can't come?" Naruto asked.

"Positive," Aceso assured. "I have work to do here."

"Oh, ok," Naruto groaned. 

"Don't take it too easy," Aceso said pulling him into a hug. "Look after my Dad for me, will ya?"

"You can count on me," Naruto assured, hugging her tighter. "Don't work too hard, I don't want to come back home to find out you are dead again." Aceso didn't respond. "I love you, little sister,"

"I love you too, big brother" Aceso smiled, pulling back. 

"All right, time to hit the road," Yamato announced.

"Right!" Naruto cheered pulling away, he bolted down the path, then stopped, and turned to face them. "Which way are you going?"

"Naruto," Yamato sighed walking over to scold him with Aoba.

"Papa?" Aceso asked stopping Gai-sensei.

"Look after my brother," Aceso requested.

"With my whole heart," Gai-sensei promised, giving her a thumbs up. 

"Thank you," Aceso smiled at him. "See you on the battlefield." Gai-sensei brought her into a tight hug.

"I shall be off!" Gai-sensei boomed pulling away. "Love you."

"Love you too," Aceso said as Gai-sensei sped towards the others, Aceso shook her head before going back into the village. She went back to making medicine and putting together the medical unit, it was going a whole lot smoother than before. A few hours later, Lee poked his head in. 

"Ready for a break?" Lee asked.

"Hm?" Aceso asked looking up.

"You've been in here for four hours," Lee said. "Take a break."

"Well..."Aceso began.

"Aceso," Lee warned. 

"Let's rebuild the dojo for a bit," Aceso suggested. Lee lit up. They went and worked in the dojo for a bit, and trained for a bit afterward. 


Aceso was now in Lady Tsunade's office with Sakura, Ino, and Choji.

"We're going to the eastern sea, too?" Sakura asked.

"The Fourth Great Ninja War will soon begin," Tsunade said flipping through papers. "But before it does...We have to gather herbs for medicine and for food pills. Ah! Right there!"

"Hey, that's Nanakusa island," Aceso noticed right away. "It's a treasure trove of medicinal herbs."

"You've been there before?" Tsunade asked as Aceso picked up the map.

"Yeah, I'll send word to a buddy I have to let them know I am coming," Aceso answered. 

"Good," Tsunade smiled. "I've marked sites where the medicinal herbs can be found. 

"Let's see: Mandra Plant, Energy Ginseng, Hige Mati Plants, and Red Newts, too," Aceso read off the list. 

"Wow, there sure is a lot there," Sakura noted. "Wait, what is this?" Sakura pointed at the cave.

"Go there only if you have the time, Understood?" Tsunade ordered. 

"Right," Sakura said. 


The waters were completely choppy, Aceso was hanging over the side, trying to not throw up.

"Hold it together Aceso," Ino shook her head. "Don't you have anything for seasickness?"

"I gave it all to Aoba for Guy-sensei," Aceso answered.

"Oh come on!" Ino squeaked. 


They reached Bensui island, it was just as beautiful as it was last time.

"I'll go look for Bando, Kiji, and Sada," Aceso said. "They should have gotten my message before we arrived, they should be here." It didn't take long for her to find the three, they had a few bags of the items requested.

"Aceso!" Bando shouted running up to her with Sada and Kiji.

"Bando, Kiji, Sada," Aceso greeted with my smile. "Did you get my message? How much do I owe ya?"

"This much," Bando answered taking out his calculator.

"Thank you, it means a lot," Aceso smiled at him.

"We have a few more things to get, but we should be done in a few hours," Sada informed.

"I'll pay you then," Aceso said.

"Deal," Bando agreed. Aceso headed back, along the shore she saw a boat. She walked over to see Yamato and Aoba.

"Captain Yamato? Aoba?" Aceso asked walking down the hill to them.

"Lady Aceso?" Aoba asked. "Did you come here, with Sakura's team?"

"Yes, I had to go find a buddy, they are helping us out," Aceso answered. "Where's my dad?"

"In the tent," Yamato answered. "He's quite prone to seasick."

"Did he take the medicine?" Aceso asked.

"Threw it in the sea," Aoba groaned. Aceso shook her head as she went inside the tent to find Gai-sensei looking sick and asleep. She turned him on his front and put her hand on his stomach. It was taking Bando's team a little longer than Aceso thought it would, and Gai-sensei was still sleeping. Aceso stepped out of the tent.

"Do you have any more of that medicine?" Aoba asked. Aceso shook her head, Aoba and Yamato fell backward, and their feet ended up in the air. It wasn't till sunset till they all returned, Aceso soon stood at the shore, with three-row boats filled with supplies.

"I, uh...I'm really at a loss for what to say to all of you..."Bando admitted.

"You should have just told the truth from the beginning Bando," Aceso said. "I was your client after all."

"WHAT!?" the leaf all exclaimed. 

"These guys are total jerks!" Ino exclaimed. 

"Huh?" Aceso asked. "They were pretty nice to me when we crossed paths. So how much do I owe ya?"

"Forget it," Bando denied. "Your brother saved our lives, seems that Squishy is no longer around, there was a different lizard."

"Oh," Aceso breathed sadly. 

"You sure...we don't owe you any money?" Bando asked the four around Aceso. "I'll be glad to pay."

"Nah, I told you: this one's on the house," Naruto said. 

"Just because we're shinobi from another land, that doesn't have to make us enemies," Ino added. 

"But, I--" Bando began.

"We have to put aside our difference and work together," Sakura added. "That's what the Allied Shinobi Force is all about."

"But if that's the case, then..." Kiji began. 

"Uh-huh, yeah," Sada nodded. 

"Sada, Kiji. They said that there's no charge. Let's be grateful for their kindness," Bando stated. 

"Oh sure," the twins agreed as they stood up. 

"Here," Bando said handing Aceso the Elixir Mud. "This is on the house from us. It's the Elixir Mud. Please, take it. 

"What? No kidding?" Naruto said. "That's awesome, thanks!"

"Sure. And there's plenty more where that came from, too," Bando lit up. 

"You can also take all the medicinal herbs. They're all packed up for you and ready to go!"

"Bando, this is way more than I asked for, are you sure?" Aceso asked. 

"It's our little way of helping out the Allied Shinobi Force," Bando answered. 

"Great! Thank you!" Ino gushed. "Mission accomplished, I guess!"

"This is a really big help!" Choji cheered. 

"Yeah! Thank you very much!" Sakura gushed picking up a bag. 

"You guys are awesome!" Naruto complimented. 

"No, no us!" Bando denied waving his hands. "You're the awesome ones! We've all learned a lot from you. 

"Thank you, Bando," Aceso bowed her head. "We will be eternally grateful to you, the same goes for you Kiji and Sada. When this war ends, I plan on returning as a traveling doctor, send a message if you need anything."

"Will do red," Kiji responded happily. 

Both Naruto's group and Aceso's group set sail for their next destination. Soon their boats started to pass each other.

"Naruto! Papa!" Aceso shouted to Gai-sensei and Naruto look over. "You both be careful!"

"And good luck on your mission, whatever it is!" Sakura shouted. 

"Thanks!" Naruto shouted back.

"Love you!" Gai-sensei shouted.

"Uh, Gai-sensei?" Ino asked being taken back.

"Love you too!" Aceso shouted. Their boat quickly parted away from each other, Aceso watched the boat, till it was no longer in sight. 

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