Chapter 38

On the way to Sakura, Aceso couldn't help but think of Sasuke. Had he truly let the darkness take over him? Is it worse than when in Orochiamru's layer? Even back then, there was still a glimpse of light, no matter how much he denies it.


Back in the lair, Aceso was in the laundry room, she was waiting for the clothes to be done drying, Orochimaru had gathered for followers, he needed all the clothes to be clean for them. She saw one of them had a family crest on the back; as she started to fold them. Sasuke's clothes must have gotten mixed up in the new batch. She looked around to see that nobody was around, she then slipped it on. She looked back in the mirror, she pushed her hair to the side, to see the Uchiha crest. 

"Are you almost done?" Sasuke asked walking in, he stopped when he saw her wearing his shirt. "Who said you could wear that?" Fear drowned Aceso's heart. 

"Sasuke!" Aceso jumped, looking at him. "I--uh--I got cold." She started to take it off, Sasuke then saw that it had his clan crest on it. He smiled. "Hm?"

"The Uchiha crest looks good on you," Sasuke complimented.

"Thanks," Aceso breathed in surprise. 

***End of Flashback***

"Please hurry," Sai urged. "The situation's dire." The three of them picked up the pace. "She got us. Please you have to hurry." Sai's clone turned to ink, leaving only two of them. 

"Never expected this from Sakura," Aceso commented.

"Pretty gutsy," Kakashi added.  Moments later they arrived to find Lee, Sai, Kiba, and Akamaru all lying in the middle of the path knocked out. 

"Uh oh," Kakashi breathed as Aceso went over to Kiba. 

"Kiba," Aceso said tapping his face. He opened his eyes, groaning, he looked at her. "Where did Sakura go?" Kakashi sat him up a bit, from behind. 

"You were in pursuit of Sasuke, right?" Kakashi brought up. "Which way did Sakura go?"

"Head north, toward 2:00," Kiba answered sleepily. "You have to go about one kilometer." He passed out again.

"Thanks, Kiba," Aceso smiled lightly. "Looks like Sakura learned how to blend a powerful sleeping powder from Lady Tsunade. Aceso stood up, she picked up Kiba. 

"They won't be getting up anytime soon," Kakashi stated as he picked Akamaru, they put the four of them down off to the side of the road, between two trees. Aceso placed down Sai and Kakashi placed Lee behind her. "There you go. Sorry, everyone, we've got to rush ahead." Aceso knelt beside Lee and tapped his face, his eyes opened a little; he placed them on her.

"You've got to be the prettiest angel, I've ever seen," Lee said sleepily, he closed his eyes going back to sleep, and Aceso smiled lightly. 

"Sweet dreams." Aceso wished them before taking off towards Sakura. They arrived to see Sasuke standing behind Sakura with his Chidori, blood dripping out of his eye. Sakura held out a kunai standing in front of a fallen girl with red hair. Kakashi blocked Sasuke's attack, as Aceso took Sakura and got her away from Sasuke. 

"How you've fallen Sasuke," Kakashi growled angrily. Sasuke went to go kick Kakashi; he dodged it and easily kicked Sasuke as Aceso put Sakura down. She turned around, and with her fingers in position, her ropes went forward, wrapping around Sasuke, he puffed into a log. He appeared a bit away from them.

"Hn," Sasuke smirked when he saw them. "One after another."

"Sakura, you intended to kill Sasuke by yourself, didn't you?" Kakashi asked. She looked down sadly. "There's no need for you to bear such a heavy burden. After all, it was my cowardice that drove you all apart when I was the leader of Team 7. Sakura I once tried to put you at ease by telling you something irresponsible. Perhaps I was trying to convince myself, too. I'm sorry I'm such a careless sensei."

"But you're not," Sakura denied. 

"Sasuke," Kakashi said. "I told you this before, and I don't like to repeat myself. "But, I'll say this once more. You've gotta forget about revenge." Sasuke started to laugh hysterically, he then went silent, frowning.

"Itachi. My father. My entire clan! Bring them all here to me!" Sasuke demanded angrily. "Do that, and I'll quit right now."

"I don't want to kill you," Kakashi stated.

"Do you really think you can kill me at any moment you wish?" Sasuke asked. "Stop acting like you're still my sensei. Go ahead and try something if you'd like. I'm just itching to kill you, Kakashi."

"Aceso, heal that girl so she can speak again," Kakashi ordered. "There's still time if you move quickly."

"Already on it," Aceso said kneeling next to another girl with red hair. "She probably has a lot of info about the enemies." She picked up the girl off the bridge. Aceso marked the girl's chest, she then did hand signs, she placed her down on the girl, the green healing orb surrounded Karin, as Aceso placed healing patches on the girl's throat, elbows, and one her cheek. Aceso noticed bite marks all over the girl's body. The more she looked, the more she recognized the girl from the Chunin exams all those years ago. 

"What about you?" Sakura asked.  

"Go with Aceso and provide assistance if needed, just get far away from here," Kakashi ordered. Sakura didn't move. "I will shoulder your burden from here on. Well, it is my role, after all. Now, hurry up and join Aceso, Sakura."

"You--" the girl breathed. "I don't want--"

"Don't talk," Sakura ordered kneeling on the other side of the girl. "Doctor Matsuba should be almost done. Just a little bit longer." Sakura was crying, her tears spilled onto the injured girl. Aceso glanced back to see that Kakashi had to put up a mud wall, in hope that Sasuke's attacks wouldn't go over to them.

"Sasuke is not the same person you know from before," the girl stated. 

"Yeah," Aceso agreed softly. She finished the treatment. "Just wait here, you still aren't strong enough to move on your own." She stood on the edge of the bridge, down below Kakashi and Sasuke. Sakura went and jumped to look down on the otherwise.

"What's happening? What are you two doing?" Karin asked. Suddenly Sakura went into the tunnel, trying to sneak up on Sasuke from behind. 

"Sakura," Aceso hissed to herself quietly, Kakashi started to run to prevent Sakura from getting injured. Sakura appeared behind Sasuke with a kunai. Aceso now stood underneath the ceiling of the tunnel, she held up her hands, ready to activate a Jutsu at any given moment. Sasuke suddenly turned around, putting his hand on her throat.

"Sakura!" Aceso exclaimed activating her Jutsu, her ropes shot down, and Kakashi was wobbling his way over as fast as he could.

'Dad must have used that Jutsu,' Aceso thought to herself. Sasuke took the kunai from Sakura and got ready to use it on her. 

"Sasuke, don't!" Kakashi demanded, he swiped down just as the ropes wrapped his whole body in a cocoon, only his head sticking out. Blood flew in the air, but it wasn't Sakura's blood. Naruto somehow got in between grabbing Sakura and getting here away from Sasuke. 

"Naruto?" Aceso breathed. Sasuke ripped open the rope, and he shot up towards Aceso.

"I haven't forgotten about what you did to me," Sasuke said growled, holding the kunai. Aceso's eyes glowed green, Sasuke stopped right before the kunai touched her. Aceso took the kunai out of Sasuke's hand, she then flipped back, eyes stopped glowing green, and her kick sent Sasuke farther down as Aceso dropped onto the water below. 

"You continue to fight, you will kill yourself from exhaustion," Aceso warned. "Or at least knock yourself out."

"Interesting to hear a voice of concern coming from you," Sasuke growled stepping out of the hole. "Especially when you drugged me."

"You really plan on killing all of us?" Aceso asked. "The whole leaf village?"

"Maybe not you," Sasuke said. "I need you for reproduction and medical purposes only. For are long overdue for punishment, this time I will take your eye." He launched towards her. 

"Not so fast," Kakashi denied immediately appealing in front of Sasuke. They battled it out up the wall, Sasuke used his legs to flip Kakashi into a tree, he then dove back down towards the water, and Kakashi followed shortly after. Sasuke landed on one side, while Kakashi landed in front of Aceso, Naruto, and Sakura. 

"You've got even better timing than I do, Naruto," Kakahi complimented, standing up. "I never imagined you'd come here, but it's a good thing you did." Naruto placed Sakura down gently. "You're a lifesaver."

"Yeah," Sakura breathed. "Thank you, Naruto." Naruto angrily stood up, facing Sasuke. 

"Sasuke, come on," Naruto growled. "Sakura's a comrade from Team 7, remember?"

"You mean former comrade," Sasuke corrected. "I'm off your team."

"Now, do you understand, Naruto, Sakura, Aceso?" Kakashi asked. "His intent to kill is undeniable. Sasuke is no longer the person you once knew." Naruto slowly walked up to Kakashi, as Aceso slowly walked back to Sakura, neither taking their eyes off Sasuke. 

"Listen, Sasuke," Naruto ordered.

"What do you want?" Sasuke demanded. 

"I know the truth about Itachi," Naruto revealed. "That guy Tobi told me everything." Aceso looked over at Naruto. "Then again, maybe he was lying. I guess I can't really know for sure. But it doesn't matter. What you've been doing---I get it, Sasuke." They gasped lightly. 

"Naruto," Sasuke breathed clenching his fist. "Just like I told you before, you never had a family or siblings in the first place, Aceso isn't your sister. You couldn't possibly get it. So all you outsiders can just shut up!"

"Do you know what Naruto has gone through or you?" Sakura demanded. "Do you know what Naruto went through when he learned what you did to his sister? No matter what we hear you've done, he still considers you a comrade. When everyone wanted to turn on you, Naruto alone stood up for you and wanted to rescue you. Even now."

"Rescue me?" Sasuke repeated. "From what?"

"Oh, well from--" Sakura began.

"From revenge, Sasuke," Naruto answered. He gasped. "I swear I'll save you. From revenge. And from all of the chaos that it causes."

"But I don't want you to do that," Sasuke smirked. "The stage has already been sent for my vengeance. Not long ago, I finally got my revenge on the one behind Itachi's betrayal." His hand kept moving angrily. "I took down a high-ranking Hidden leaf elder right here. The one called Danzo." Aceso's eyes went wide in shock. "I've never felt like this before. I can feel the tainted Uchiha name becoming cleansed. I feel the Uchiha, at last, being freed from this rotting Shinobi world. You couldn't even begin to understand it. And besides, isn't what I'm doing exactly what you Leaf shinobi have wanted all along? You've always snubbed and put down the Uchiha clan. So I'll simply help erase the Uchiha from your memories, by killing all of you, but Aceso. And then destroying the Hidden Leaf Village! Severing all bonds with the Hidden Leaf will be the ultimate purification. And that shall lead to the Uchiha's true restoration!"

"My god, Sasuke," Aceso breathed. Naruto created shadow clones, Kakashi stepped in front of Naruto, putting his arm out. 

"This my responsibility. Naruto, Sakura, Aceso. Go on. Get out of here," Kakashi ordered. 

"Dad," Aceso breathed. "No."

"If you stay, you'll see things you wish you hadn't," Kakashi warned. "Now go."

"Sensei I--" Sakura began.

"Sakura," Kakashi began walking towards Sasuke. "The poison-laced kunai Shizune taught you how to use won't kill Sasuke. He still has Orochiamru's immunity to poison. What's more, you also know how I feel." Sasuke formed a Chidori in his left hand, he slowly walked forward, stopping by a fallen leaf. Kakashi formed the Chidori in his hand as well."

"Kakashi-sensei," Naruto said. "There's something you don't want us to see. Are you going to kill Sasuke?"

"Go," Kakashi ordered. "All three of you." Naruto grabbed Kakashi from behind, restraining him, his other two clones started to create the Rasengan, and one of the Naruto's charged forward, and Sasuke started to charge towards them. 

"Now's my chance, and I'm not going to hold back!" Sasuke declared. 

"Wait, Naruto!" Kakashi cried out. 

"Naruto!" Sakura cried out. The two met in the middle, and their attacks collided, creating a blinding light. The water got highly chopping, moments later both Sasuke and Naruto were flung back in opposite directions. Aceso jumped up catching Naruto, as white Zetsu appeared out of nowhere, catching Sasuke on the other side. 

"You," Sasuke panted. "When did you?"

"Oh, I've been tagging along for quite a while, now," Zetsu answered. "Tobi told me to observe you and to make sure that you didn't see me. Seems like you're in a crisis, and you needed some help." On the other side, Aceso had her hand on Naruto's back, she was healing him.

"Naruto, I told you to go back to the village," Kakashi scolded him. 

"It's--all clear to me, now," Naruto said standing up. Aceso removed her hand from Naruto, once he was more stable. 

"It's all clear?" Kakashi repeated. "What do you mean by that, Naruto?" Silence filled the air as Sasuke and Naruto stared at each other. A warp notion appeared, and Madara stepped into the light beside Zetsu.

"What's going on, Sasuke?" Madara asked. "I told you to go home and rest."

"Madara," Kakashi breathed. Madara looked over at Naruto. 

"The Nine-Tails, huh?" Madara noted. "It seems that when two see each other, you just can't suppress the urge to fight. I'll arrange the proper time and place for you to fight and capture the Nine-Tails. But for now, we retreat."

"And I'll stay and fight for you," Zetsu volunteered. "After all, we need to capture the NIne-Tails Jinchuriki." More white Zetsu's popped out of the water. 

"No, Zetsu," Madara declined. "Capturing Naruto is beyond you. The Nine-Tails is too tough for a non-battel type like you. We'll let Sasuke get the Nine-Tails. I will enjoy watching that."

"Oh? Is that so?" Zetsu asked. 

"Our bigger concern now is Kisame," Madara informed. "Go check on him, and rendezvous with your black half."

"Yes, yes, all right," Zetsu agreed. "I understand." Naruto started to walk forward.

"Naruto," Aceso breathed. 

"I know, don't worry, I'm all right," Naruto assured. "There's just one thing I want to make sure I say to Sasuke before he leaves."

"Let's go, Sasuke," Madara ordered kneeling beside the boy. 

"Not yet," Sasuke declined. He got to his feet, as Naruto stopped.

"Sasuke," Naruto said. "Do you remember? Do you remember what you said to me long ago at the Final Valley? The thing about high-level shinobi? Trading blows just now, I learned a lot about you and what you're thinking. It means we've become high-level shinobi, Sasuke. Both you and me, So, Sasuke. How about it? Can you tell me what is it I'm thinking right now?" He closed his eyes, touching his heart. "How about it? Can you read my mind?" He opened his eyes. "And can you understand that if you and I fight each other, we'll both die. Sasuke. If you attack the Hidden Leaf, I'll have no choice. I'll fight you, don't doubt that. Until that day, save your hatred. Then you can throw all of it right at me. I'm the only one who can handle all that hate. Do you understand? I'm the only one who can fulfill that duty. So I'll bear the burden of your hatred, and I'll die with you."

"Just what in the hell do you want from me?" Sasuke demanded. "Why are you so fixated on me?"

"Because you're my friend," Naruto answered with a smile. Sasuke went silent. "Sasuke. From the moment we met, I knew it would take a lot of work if I was ever gonna understand you. Exchanging punches us the way we can understand each other. I know that. Like I said just now, it means that both of us, it means both of us have become high-level shinobi. I haven't given up on you! Not yet. I will take you back to the Hidden Leaf Village! I'll never change my mind!" Naruto laughed lightly. "All right. I guess that I'm done nagging you, for now, Sasuke. Damn it. This is ridiculous I'm not any good with words. I--I shouldn't try to lecture you. Well. I guess if the worst does happen and both of us end up dying, you won't be an Uchiha, and I won't be the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki anymore. We'll be free of our burdens and we'll understand each other in the afterlife."

"I'm not going to change," Sasuke declared. "I don't want to understand you. I won't die. You are the one who's going to die."

"Then we'll die together, Sasuke," Naruto smiled. Sasuke smirked, looking away.

"Fine by me," Sasuke smirked looking at Naruto. " But at least I'll take you down first."

"No problem, since it's clear that you still don't respect me at all."

"Enough Naruto," Kakashi ordered. "I'll handle Sasuke. You have to pursue your dream of becoming Hokage. I won't let Sauke take you down with him. But I'm not worthy of being Hokage if I can't even save a friend. Fine, Sasuke. I'll fight you."

"All right," Kakashi gave in, walking up to the main Naruto. "I'll leave Sasuke to you, Naruto. However, watch over my body Aceso. I'll get rid of Madara right now. Kamui!"

"Don't bother, Kakashi," Madara said holding out his hand. "That Jutsu won't work on me. Let's go, Sasuke." He grabbed Sasuke. 

"Madara," Sasuke breathed. "I want to talk to you later." Madara, Sasuke, and the Zetsu all teleported away. Aceso's eyes went wide, something seemed similar about the way Madara teleports him and others.

"I'll be waiting, Sasuke," Naruto stated. Naruto then was a purple color and fell over, his clones all disappeared. 

"Naruto!" Aceso exclaimed catching him. She looked at his cheek that had been cut. "It must've been this wound."

"You mean that--" Sakura began to panic. "This is--It's because of the poisoned kunai I used earlier?

"Yeah, I'm afraid so," Aceso stated. "I'll administer the antidote right away." Aceso took care of Naruto as Kakashi went up to grab Karin. Soon Naruto was back on his feet, they went up to the top of the bridge. Kakashi had Karin on his back.

"Oh, boy," Naruto groaned. "I still feel really sick."

"Are you alright?" Sakura asked. 

"You look like you are going to throw up," Aceso noted. "Hold on, Sakura, go into my pack."

"Right," Sakura responded, Sakura pushed aside the cloak; she opened the pack, grabbing a healing patch. Sakura put the patch on his cheek. Naruto was groaning. 

"Oh yeah, but the way Kakashi-sensei, who's she?" Naruto asked. "Another one of Aceso's long-lost family members?"

"She's one of Sasuke's comrades," Sakura answered. 

"Was," Karin corrected. "I'm not anymore."

"She's Karin," Aceso answered.

"How did you know that?" Kakashi asked as everyone else grew in shock.

"I recognize her when she took the Chunin exams all those years ago," Aceso answered. "I treated her after the second round."

"I'm going to take her back to the village," Kakashi announced. "To question her."

"Got it," Naruto responded. "Back to the Hidden Leaf Village, then."

"Naruto, wrong way," Aecso stopped him. 

"What are you talking about?" Naruto asked. "Kakashi-sensei said we were heading home, and the village is that way."

"We need to grab something in the Land of Iron first," Aceso answered. "You would know about it, wouldn't you, Sakura?"

"Grab something?" Sakura repeated. She then let out a gasp of realization, fear-filled her eyes.

"We'd better go retrieve it, don't you think?" Aceso suggested.

"Yeah," Sakura sweated. 

"Grab what?" Naruto asked. "What's going on?" Suddenly wood appeared out from under Naruto, bringing him up, he started screaming. He got put into a giant cage, high off the ground. 

"I think I'm gonna hurl," Naruto whimpered. 

"What do you think you're doing out here, Naruto?" Yamato demanded, they looked up to see him standing on the bridge. "You were supposed to go back to the village with me. And you made a hole in the inn's floor. You made me chase you and apologize to the innkeepers. Again?"

"Naruto arrived here just in the nick of time to save Sakura," Kakashi reported. "But I guess you didn't send him over to help us out, huh?"

"No, of course not!" Yamato shouted. "You ordered me to take him back to the village. I wouldn't disobey you."

"I see," Kakashi breathed. "So basically, Naruto out-foxed you and left you behind. Is that it?"

"No!" Yamato shouted. 

"Sure seems like to me," Aceso stated.

"Oh, come on!" Yamato shouted.

"It all worked out for the best, Yamato," Kakashi stated. "If Naruto hadn't come when he did, Sakura might be dead now. And perhaps me and Aceso as well."

"Sasuke's chakra--it's different than before," Karin spoke up. "It was incredibly dark and cold."

"Still, Sasuke is Sasuke," Naruto said. 

"You're right," Sakura agreed. 

"Yeah," Kakashi nodded.

"Hm?" Yamato asked. 

"Anyway, that's what happened, Yamato," Kakashi confirmed. 

"So please forgive Naruto for what he did," Aceso requested. 

"All right," Yamato gave in. "Release!" The giant tree cage began to lower, freeing Naruto. "OK, go on ahead."

"What about you?" Aceso asked.

"Me? I'm going to go back to the inn and repair the big hile that Naruto made," Yamato answered. 

"I'm sorry about that, Captain Yamato," Naruto smiled, sheepishly.

"Honestly, Naruto," Yamato frowned as he disappeared into the smoke. 

"We should get going as well, you three," Kakashi stated. They began to walk to get the others.

"Oh, Karin...was Suigestus part of your team?" Aceso asked walking next to Kakashi.

"Suigetsu?" Karin asked looking over at her. "How do you know him?"

"We met down in Orochimaru's hideout, we became somewhat friends," Aceso answered. "With his help, we were able to free a ton of prisoners and escape from Orchiamru, so how did he get roped up with Orochimaru again?"

"Suigestu turned himself in," Karin answered. "He crossed paths with Sasuke at some point, Sasuke was going to look after someone again. But Suigestu offered to take their place in return."

"He did?" Aceso in surprise. "Why would he do that?"

"Beats me," Karin answered. They made it back to sleeping ninja and sleeping ninja hound. Lee was sprawled out as usual. Aceso slept in the same bed as Lee a lot in the past, sometimes it ended up with her being knocked off the bed, and sometimes she woke up to him doing pushups in her sleep, but she didn't mind

"Wait, that's what we need to grab?" Naruto asked, looking down at them. "I don't get it. How could all of these guys just lie around and sleep while you were in such a bind, Sakura?" She started laughing nervously. 

"Sakura," Aceso breathed. "Don't forget that these guys were going to help you, so apologize to them after we wake them up, all right?"

"I will," Sakura assured. 

"Wake them?" Naruto asked walking over. "Ugh. Oh boy." He went next to Lee.

"Naruto," Sakura breathed. "It's my fault that they're all fast asleep, so please, be gentle when you wake them, ok?"

"I'm still sick," Naruto groaned laying down on his side. 

"You're going to sleep, too?" Sakura exclaimed angrily.

"Listen, isn't Naruto like this 'cause, Sakura isn't it?" Karin asked. "Because of your poison?" Sakura groaned.

"Naruto will be fine, the healing patch is almost done absorbing, then once we get back to the village we'll get him some ramen, he will be back to normal," Aceso said walking up to Akamaru, she easily woke him up, she was greeted with a few licks. Aceso then went over to Lee. Kakashi started laughing.

"What a carefree guy," Karin noted. "He's already out."

"However, we don't have time to waste here," Kakashi stated as Aceso knelt beside Lee. "Sakura and Aceso, you two are going to have to wake them up." Aceso tapped on Lee's face as Sakura poured something down Kiba's throat.

"Lee?" Aceso asked. 

"Just a couple of more minutes?" Lee mumbled.

"Lee, I need your help," Aceso said. 

"I'm up!" Lee exclaimed snapping his eyes open, he sat straight up. He then groaned grabbing his head. Aceso laughed, she put her hand on his head, healing it. 

"What's this?" Kiba asked waking up. "Sakura?"

"Next up is Sai," Sakura laughed nervously, Kiba slowly sat up. 

"I'm awake," Sai said opening his eyes. "It just wore off."

"I'm sorry, guys," Sakura apologized. 

"Hold on, why's Naruto here?" Kiba asked. "And he's fast asleep, too."

"I'll explain everything on the way home," Kakashi informed as Kiba got up.

"Hey, get up," Kiba ordered kicking Naruto lightly. "Hey!"

"Kiba, be a little gentler with him would you?" Aceso requested. 

"But why?" Sai asked grabbing his throat. 

"Do you still feel nauseous?" Sakura asked. 

"I'm fine," Sai answered looking at her. "Could you take a look at this?" He stuck out his tongue. 

"What do you mean?" Kiba asked. "Looks fine to me."

"Yeah, nothing's there," Aceso added. 

"Then the curse mark really is gone?" Sai questioned. "Lord Danzo put a curse mark on my tongue to keep me from talking about him."

"Danzo?" Kiba repeated. "That's the guy who's the new Hokage, right? Though he hasn't officially taken office. But what's your point, Sai?"

"If the curse mark's really gone, uh--" Sai began. He looked at Kakashi

"It seems that it's true," Kakashi stated. 

"Can it be?" Sai asked. "Lord Danzo's gone?"

"This woman would know more about it than me," Kakashi said looking at Karin. 

"Yeah," Karin said looking away. "That Danzo guy, Sasuke got him."

"Sasuke did?" Sai asked in surprise. 

"Just hold on," Lee spoke up. "Are you telling us that Sasuke killed Danzo?"

"But why?" Kiba demanded. "He's Hokage."

"That's all I have to say," Karin stated. 

"Come on, give us the details" Kiba begged. "What is going on? I don't have a clue about what's going on here." Naruto yawned, rolling onto his side.

"Make it an extra-large bowl of ramen," Naruto requested. 

"I think it's about time you got up already!" Kiba growled. 

"Now calm down, Kiba!" Lee demanded, grabbing Kiba from the back, and restraining him.

"What is going on!?" Kiba demanded. "Just wake up! Naruto!" Eventually, they got Naruto to wake up, they headed back to the village, Kakashi explained everything. "Damnit, this whole thing is ridiculous."

"I did what you said," Kiba said. "I found Sasuke. And for what?"

"Calm down," Kakashi ordered. "Don't be angry, Kiba."

"Well, don't act like you're the only hero here, Sakura," Kiba stated. "You told us to keep this a secret from Naruto, but Sai went and babbled it all. And on top of which then Sasuke got away."

"Kiba," Naruto growled. "Just shut it, man up, and stop whining."

"Hey, speak for yourself," Kiba exclaimed putting at Naruto. "You're the one who went on a rant, Naruto."

"Huh? What's that?" Naruto asked. 

"Yeah, Kiba's right about that," Sai agreed. "You're way too simple-minded to be trying to form such complex thoughts." He laughed.

"Sai!" Naruto exclaimed, looking back at him. "What's your problem? When did you ever develop a sense of humor, huh?"

"Why thank you," Sai smiled.

"I wasn't being nice!" Naruto exclaimed. Lee started laughing. "What Bushy Brow!"

"Oh, nothing," Lee dismissed. "You just seem like your old self again, Naruto."

"He means you haven't grown up at all," Kiba said. "Once an idiot, always an idiot."

"If anyone's an idiot, you are, Kiba!" Naruto argued. "You idiot!"

"Hey, no idiot gets to call me an idiot!" Kiba argued. 

"Sai!" Naruto shouted. "Quit it! I've had enough of your laughing!" Aceso started laughing. "Not you too, little sister!"

Suddenly, root members appeared in front of them.

"Sai," one of them said. "You need to tell us everything that's happened."

"What's up? Who are they?" Naruto asked as Sai got in front of them.

"Anbu Black Ops from the Foundation," Kakashi answered.

"It's as you, my seniors, already guessed," Sai said. "The same reason the cured mark put on us by Lord Danzo is gone."

"Then Lord Danzo is dead," one of them said. 

"Yes," Sai confirmed. 

"That's--" the left one began.

"And his bodyguards, Fu and Torune?" the middle one asked. 

" I have no knowledge of their fate," Sai answered. 

"They weren't at the site with Danzo," Kakashi added. The root members glanced at each other.

"Therefore, if you are in agreement, I would like us to discuss the future of the Foundation with the nee Hokage here," Sai suggested, gesturing to Kakashi. 

"What?" Lee exclaimed. "The new Hokage?"

"Kakashi Hatake has been appointed," Sai revealed. 

"Huh?" Kiba, Sakura, and Lee asked looking over at Kakashi. 

"We'll head back before you," the middle one said. They took off as fast as they appeared. 

"You're really gonna be the next Hokage, Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura asked. 

"Mm-hm," Kakashi confirmed, he was not very thrilled. "Looks like it. I'm afraid that I don't really have a choice."

"Wait, Aceso," Kiba said looking at her.

"Hm?" Aceso asked looking at him.

"That's going to make you the Hokage's daughter, right?" Kiba brought it up.

"Huh?!" Aceso exclaimed in a panic. "I'm not sure if I like the sound of that."

"That means you really are going to be a princess, princess," Kiba teased. 

"Please don't call me that anymore," Aceso requested.

"No can do, princess," Lee laughed.

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