Chapter 35
On a late night, Aceso came into the tent to find Lee in nothing but his boxers, he was using a towel to dry his hair. He looked back at her, her cheeks grew red as she turned around, closing the door.
"I should have knocked, my apologies," Aceso said.
"I'm just drying my hair," Lee said. Aceso glanced back to see that Lee was now folding up his towel, Aceso went over to her side of the tent. "You aren't working tonight?"
"Uh, no," Aceso answered as she grabbed an oversized t-shirt, that once belonged to Naruto. "Shizune demanded I take some rest." Aceso removed her day clothes and then put on the nightshirt. This time Lee was staring back at her, his cheeks turned red.
"Red Rose?" Lee asked. Aceso looked back at him as she finished putting on the shirt. He opened his mouth to say something, he seemed lost for words. "Can I see that spot, that Pain?"
"You want to see it?" Aceso asked as cheeks grew red. He nodded, Aceso looked back to see Lee staring at the ground. "Alright." Lee looked up at her in surprise. "Just make it quick, never know who's going to be coming through that tent. Aceso looked forward; removing the shirt, by the time she looked back Lee was right behind her. Using her hands to cover her chest, she faced Lee. He immediately located a new scar that was right over where Aceso's heart was located; he gently placed his finger on it. The more Lee stared the more upset he became. "Lee." He looked up at her.
"We should get some sleep," Lee said as he pulled himself together. "We both got a busy day tomorrow." He got up, going over to his side of the tent.
"Right" Aceso responded slowly. Fives seconds after blowing out the candle, Lee scooted all the way over and under Aceso's blanket. He flipped her towards him and pulled her close to his chest. Aceso smiled the moment Lee kissed the top of her head.
Aceso was now low leaving the Hokage's tent, she was surprised by Karui, Omoi, and Samui.
"Hidden Cloud friends?" Aceso asked in surprise.
"Aceso?" they all asked.
"Wait, you know them Doctor Matsuba?" Shizune asked poking her head out.
"Yeah, I made friends with them when I had to stay in the Hidden Cloud Village for a month," Aceso answered. "What are all of you doing here?"
"We have come to speak to the Hokage," Samui answered. Shizune and Aceso both glanced at each other, they nodded; Aceso stepped out as Samui went in to speak with Shizune.
"How is everything in the Hidden Cloud?" Aceso asked.
"Not the greatest," Omoi answered, Karui elbowed him. "Ow!"
"We will talk more in private," Karui said. "Anywhere that's more private than in front of the Hokage's tent." They heard the sound of tapping, Aceso looked over. To her surprise, it was Danzo of the Root, with two of the members. "Who is that?"
"Lord Danzo," Aceso greeted.
"Doctor Mastuba," Danzo greeted. "It's Lord Sixth to you." Aceso's eyes went wide as she stepped to the side, he opened the tent harshly. Aceso stayed to listen to what Lord Sixth had to say, she knew things were about to be run much differently in the village.
"That woman there is no longer the Hokage," Danzo said. "I was recently appointed the sixth Hokage. Now hand that letter over to me, and I will answer it...What's wrong? Does Lord Raikage want a reply or doesn't he?" It was silent for a bit. "Sasuke, hm? So, it has come to this."
"Sir, your response?" Samui asked.
"You have my approval," Danzo answered.
"What did he just approve about Sasuke?" Aceso asked.
"Sasuke Uchiha is now declared a rogue ninja," Karui answered. "Your Hokage also just approved for this elimination." Aceso's eyes grew wide, she let out a small gasp. They went sent to look around the village before the Hidden Cloud was to head back to their own village. Aceso was showing Karui and Omoi around.
"Tell us all about this Sasuke," Karui ordered.
"I am not the best person to ask about when it comes to Sasuke," Aceso said.
"He kidnapped Killer B, our master," Omoi brought up. "If you know something, then tell us. Then maybe we can find this Sasuke, and maybe we will be able to save or master."
"Why would he kidnap Killer B?" Aceso gasped.
"He joined up with the Akatsuki," Karui answered, Aceso stopped in her tracks.
Sasuke joining the Akatsuki? Aceso thought nothing about him could surprise her at this moment, she was clearly wrong. Is this why Sasuke has not come home yet? Is this why he has not returned to the Leaf yet? Did she want Sasuke to return?
"Aceso?" Karui asked putting a hand on her shoulder. "What happened to your eye?"
"I would rather not talk about it," Aceso answered looking at her. Karui opened her mouth; Aceso glanced down a path. "Oh, look it's Sakura." They got closer to hear them talking about Sasuke. Karui took out her sword, pointing it at Karui.
"Go on, keep talking, tell us all about this Sasuke," Karui demanded.
"You don't need to use force Karui," Aceso advised.
"Those guys seem to be such good friends with him," Karui said with a smirk. Sai grabbed for his sword, Naruto got to it first. Omoi pulled Aceso back as Naruto clashed with Karui. Naruto went to go strike; Omoi stopped him with the butt of his sword.
"There's no need to fight," Aceso protested.
"Stay out of this little sister," Naruto ordered. " Shadow Clone Jutsu."
"Don't kill him," Omoi said.
"I know, Karui said swinging her sword, and going around Omoi. Naruto's clone caught her sword. "Well." Sai and Sakura went to go attack; Omoi easily kicked her away.
"Sakura!" Naruto exclaimed running over to her. Karui got rid of Narutos' clone as the real one caught Sakura. Aceso held up her fingers, her ropes went around Sai, Naruto, and Sakura, tying them back to back, then around Karui and Omoi, tying them back to back. Omoi and Karui were now standing on the water.
"What is the meaning of this?" Sakura demanded. "Why are the three of us tied up? They are from the Hidden Cloud?"
"I know," Aceso answered. "They are my friends as well, this Omoi and Karui."
"What the hell do they want?" Naruto demanded.
"We just overheard the three of you talking about Sasuke Uchiha," Omoi answered. "We want to know about him and you are going to tell us."
"Why? What does all of this have to do with you cloud Ninja anyway?" Sakura demanded.
" A whole lot," Omoi answered angrily. "Because Sasuke of that leaf village, assaulted the Hidden Cloud Village."
"You heard him!" Karui shouted as the others gasped. "You rogue shinobi kidnapped our beloved master, we don't even know if he's dead alive!"
"That's a lie," Sakura denied. "Sasuke...Why would he ever do something like that?"
"How the hell should we know the Akatsuki's motives?" Omoi asked.
"The Akatsuki," Naruto repeated, he glanced over at Aceso. "What are they talking about?"
"Sasuke's joined up with them," Aceso answered.
"Sasuke," Naruto breathed as his eyes grew wider.
"Ughh, Aceso, your friends are trying my patience," Karui groaned. "Of course, Sasuke is a member of the Akatsuki."
"It's because you let your rogue ninja run loose, the Lord Raikage dispatched us here," Omoi added. "We've already gotten the Hokage's permission to get rid of him." The leaf stayed silent. "We will avenge our master."
"We are going to take down Sasuke," Karui confirmed. "Now tell us everything you know about Sasuke, and I don't mean just about his ninjutsu style and his abilities. But any other data you've collected about him or the Akatsuki and information about these past activities too."
"You three lie," Sakura denied. "Sasuke would never join the Akatsuki."
"Listen, are you sure?" Naruto asked.
"Yeah, he had on the Uchiha crest," Omoi answered. "And his face is on the list."
"That's...." Sakura breathed, tears formed in her eyes. "That can't be true." She started crying.
"What are you crying for?" Karui demanded. "We are the ones who should be weeping here? But tears won't bring back Lord Killer B or Lady Yugito. Free us Aceso!"
"Karui," Aceso warned.
"If she has time to cry, then she has time to tell us about Sasuke," Karui growled.
"Please, hold on for just a minute," Sai pleaded.
"Are you serious?" Karui demanded.
"Just listen," Sai pleaded. "When the order to take down Sasuke was approved, the intel the Leaf has on him should have been handed over to you and your people. Leave these two alone. It's not necessary to pressure them."
"Yeah, I know. You're right and our captain is busy waiting for the data right now," Karui said. "But we'd figure we'd try to get additional information from anyone who might know something. That's all."
"We can't sit and do nothing," Omoi added. "Now when our master's gone. We don't even know what happened to him. But outsiders like you guys probably have no idea what we're going through right now."
"Is your master a Jinchuriki?" Naruto asked.
"How did you know that?" Omoi demanded. "Aceso, you didn't go around spilling secrets of our village, did you?"
"Not at all," Aceso denied.
"My sister is a loyal person to anyone she meets," Naruto said. "My guess was made because I'm a Jinchuriki, too. The Akatsuki are hunting all of us. Aceso you can let go." She looked at him. "I won't attack." Aceso released her Jutsu, freeing everyone. "So I'm not just an outsider. The Akatsuki always capture a Jinchuriki alive. And that means your master may still be alive right now."
"What?" Omoi asked.
"Are you serious?" Karui asked.
"Forget Sasuke," Naruto ordered. "You need to go rescue your master first."
"You sure about this?" Omoi asked. "Like, really, really sure?"
"I told you, didn't I?" Karui smiled at Omoi. "No way our master would die as easily as that."
"Tell you what, I'll come along and do what I can to help you rescue him, and give you all that I've got on the Akatsuki," Naruto proposed.
"Hey, you know what there blonde? You're pretty sharp," Karui complimented. "Come along with us, and tell us all bout Sasuke."
"Naruto," Sakura breathed.
"Just let me handle this, Sakura," Naruto ordered.
"I can help with the rescue part," Aceso offered.
"You stay out of this too," Naruto ordered.
"Lord Killer B saved my life," Aceso said. "I owe him my life."
"Just let me handle the Sasuke part," Naruto said.
"So, Aceso's brother, what's your name?" Karui asked.
"Naruto Uzumaki," Naruto answered after a gust of wind. "Go on Aceso, get back to the injured."
"Alright," Aceso nodded leaving cautiously as Naruto left with the cloud ninja. About an hour later, the last patient left the tent, as soon as they left, Sai arrived with a heavily injured Naruto.
"What happened?" Aceso demanded as Sai laid him down.
"I wouldn't give up information about Sasuke, so I allowed Karui to take her anger out on me," Naruto answered. "I want to end this cycle of hatred." Acesso glanced down to see that her first aid kit only had a bandaid. "Uh, Sai?"
"On it," Sai nodded. "I'll go get the first aid kit, you get started on him." Aceso went over to Naruto and began to perform the treatment as Sai left the tent.
"Naruto," Aceso began.
"Save me the lecture," Naruto said. "I know what you are going to say, but if I gave up information, they would have killed him, then the people of the Leaf would have killed Cloud ninja, it would lead to more hatred and war, and I don't want that."
"There already is a war on the way, but that's not what I was going to say," Aceso denied. "You really are a good friend, this bond you have with Sasuke continues to hurt you and Sakura, but you always have hope that he will come back." Aceso smiled.
"What?" Naruto asked.
"That kind of loyalty comes in handy when you become Hokage," Aceso answered. "You are going to make a great one." Aceso had him sit up so she can get the injuries from the back.
"Aceso," Naruto breathed. "You didn't tell them anything about Sasuke, did you?"
"No," Aceso denied. Soon Sai came back with Kakashi, Yamato, and a first aid kit, Aceso was able to properly treat Naruto and patch him up.
"You really ought to have Sakura come help treat these wounds, " Sai insisted. "So Doc can go back to helping the others in the village."
"Nah, it's fine," Naruto said. " Plus, if Sakura sees me like this, it'll only cause more trouble, trust me. Besides, I heal fast. I'll be ok in no time." Aceso continued to wrap his arm. "Sai." He looked at Naruto. "What you did before, thanks for helping me."
"Sure," Sai smiled at him, he took charge on the other side, to wrap his arm.
"Boy, they really worked you over," Kakashi said. Naruto cringed as Sai wrapped his arm.
"Sorry," Sai apologized.
"Look, you need to take it easy for a bit," Kakashi ordered.
"No!" Naruto denied.
"I'm going to see the Raikage," Naruto insisted.
"Naruto, what are you saying?" Yamato asked. "The Five Kage summit starts soon. Every Hidden Village has agreed to travel restrictions and no unnecessary missions. The only one with the least travel restrictions among the hidden villages is Doctor Matsuba, she's only allowed to travel for medical purposes." This was new to Aceso.
"What do you hope to achieve?" Kakashi asked.
"I'm going to convince him to forgive Sasuke, no matter what," Naruto answered.
"But you don't have the Hokage's necklace that seals the Nine-Tails," Yamato reminded him. "As a Jinchuriki, you must not leave the hidden leaf. It's bad enough that you sprouted Eight-Tails during the last battle. We're lucky the sealing formula triggered and stopped the Nine-Tails, but about next time?" Naruto looked away. "Besides, I'm in charge of reconstructing the village. I can't stay close to you all the time."
"I met the Fourth Hokage," Naruto revealed. Everyone's eyes went wide in surprise. "The one who stopped me from becoming the Nine-Tails was the Fourth Hokage."
"What does he mean?" Yamato asked looking at Kakashi. "The Fourth Hokage's dead."
"The sealing Jutsu he used, the Reaper Death Seal, still holds many mysteries," Kakashi answered. "He probably stored some of his own mental energy within the seal's spell."
"And that's when the Fourth Hokage told me the Nine-Tails incident 16 years ago was caused by the Akatsuki guy with the mask," Naruto added on. Aceso and Kakashi glanced at each other. "He's so strong, even the Fourth Hokage even struggled against him. He said the masked one's pulling the strings. He was probably just using pain the whole time. If Sasuke has joined the Akatsuki, that means this masked guy is using Sasuke too."
"It's just as Lord Jiraya feared," Kakashi said. "I can't believe that man was behind the incident 16 years ago. He bears the Sharingan and a grudge against the village. The only rogue Uchiha capable of summing the Nine-Tails is Madara."
"That's strange," Aceso said looking at Kakashi. "He told me his name was Tobi."
"I find that strange as well," Kakashi agreed.
"Without a doubt, anything's possible if Madara's involved," Yamato stated. " So he's actually still alive.
"Who is this guy, Madara?" Naruto asked, turning towards the adults.
"A former Hidden Leaf shinobi and Uchiha clan leader who battled the First Hokage and lost, and was never seen again," Kakashi answered. "This Intel needs to be reported to the council. Sai."
"Yes," Sai responded.
"You must report this to the Hokage at once," Kakashi ordered.
"Uh, right," Sai responded, he seemed uneasy.
"Naruto, what else did the Fourth Hokage say to you?" Kakashi asked.
"Huh?" Naruto asked.
"Fathers tend to have a lot they want to tell their children," Kakashi stated. They all looked at Naruto, he gripped onto his sheets harshly, and a small smile formed on his face.
"There was one other thing he said," Naruto said, smiling brightly at everyone. "He believed in me."
"Good," Kakashi said, giving a thumbs up. "Naruto, you go to the Raikage."
"Huh?" Yamato demanded.
"Yamato and I will tag along as your escorts," Kakashi answered putting a hand on Yamato. "The cover-up will be of providing Aceso protection as she goes to deliver medicine to a small town."
"That can work," Aceso agreed with a smile.
"What?" Yamato panicked. "No, no, no, no. This is a bad idea."
"You worry too much Captain Yamato," Aceso said.
"Don't you even want to hear what I have to say before you make up your mind, Tenzo?" Kakashi asked.
"Hey!" Yamato shouted. "You are not supposed to call me by that name, remember?"
"Now, now," Kakashi shook his head.
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