Chapter 28

They got the message to Lady Tsunade, in an instant, Lord Fukasaku was summoned. 

"The real one's not among them," Lord Fukasaku read. 

"Geezer Sage, what do you think?" Naruto asked. "Does it make sense to you?"

"I'm not sure," Fukasaku admitted handing the note back. "It's still all too unclear to me."

"But you do have some hypotheses, though, right?" Shikamaru asked. 

"I've already told you absolutely everything I know about Pain," Fukasaku said. "He seems to be able to come back from the dead, so I hesitate to give you mere conjectures. Under these conditions, it's still mighty dangerous to take him on. We must first uncover his secrets."

"How are the other investigations going?" Kakashi asked. "The autopsy and the interrogation?"

"It looks like they're both going to take a little bit longer," Aceso answered. 

"Like how much longer?" Naruto asked. 

"I can't really say, I don't think they even know," Aceso answered. 

"What? What do you mean?" Naruto demanded. "While they're goofing around, we're losing time. 

"Interrogation aside. An autopsy requires detailed cell and tissue analysis, and extreme enzyme extraction," Aceso explained. "It all must be detailed. Doing all those things take time."

"It'll be a week at the soonest before it's all done," Tsunade informed. 

"That long?" Naruto hung his head. 

"Now, now, Naruto, you don't have to be so disappointed," Shiho said. 

"So what should we do in the meantime, then, Lady Tsunade?" Shikamaru asked. 

"Shizune is heading up the autopsy, so it should be quicker than usual," Tsunade answered. "But we'll still just have to wait."

"No," Naruto denied as he began to walk out of the room. "I'll go make 'em speed up."

"Naruto, if you get in Shizune's way, you are so gonna get it," Sakura warned. 

 "I will avenge pervy sage," Naruto declared. "I can't just sit around here doing nothing."

"But listen, Naruto boy," Fukasaku requested. "Now that we've deciphered the coded message, there's nothing else going on that involves you right now."

"So what about it?" Naruto demanded, turning around. "What are you trying to say?"

"You're definitely not strong enough to defeat Pain yet," Fukasaku answered. 

"What did you say?" Naruto demanded.

"You know I'm right," Fukasaku said. "Even Jiraya boy couldn't defeat him. And if he couldn't you think you could?"

"Well--guess not," Naruto answered in a calmer tone. 

"If you were to fight him now, you would merely die a senseless death," Fukasaku said. 

"So what are you saying, Geezer Sage?" Naruto asked. "I should just totally forget about avenging the Pervy Sage?"

" I have said no such thing," Fukasaku denied. "Being asked to come here was quite opportune. You see, for a long time I'd been planning on coming to speak with you, Naruto boy. Tell me, then, do you want to come and train in Sage Jutsu under my guidance?"

"Train in Sage Jutsu?" Naruto asked. "Is Sage Jutsu really that awesome?"

"Yes," Kakashi answered. "Jiraya was the one capable of using it in this village."

"And remember, Pain defeated Jiraya, who summoned Lord Fukasaku and Lady Shima," Tsunade brought up. "That means that at this point, there's not one person from the Hidde Leaf Village who could possibly defeat Pain."

"I'm as furious as you," Fukasaku said. "I too want to avenge the death of my student, Jiraya boy. I believe that the only one who can do it is you, Naruto boy."

"What? Me?" Naruto asked. 

"You do want to avenge Jiraya boy, don't you?" Fukasaku asked. 

"You better believe I do," Naruto confirmed. 

"Then come along with me now," Fukasaku said. "I'll teach you Sage Jutsu at Mt. Myoboku. The same way I hammered it into Jiraya boy, I'll hammer it into you if that's ok."

"Will it let me win?" Naruto asked. "Can I stop Pain?"

"No guarantees," Fukasaku answered. "It all depends on you, Naruto boy."

"Are you all right with this?" Fukasaku asked.

"Yes, of course," Tsunade nodded. "Naruto, go with him."

" I warn you. Sage Jutsu training is unbelievably rigorous," Fukasaku brought up. "You ready?"

"If Pervy Sage was able to master it, then I'll give it my best shot, too," Naruto answered. "Count me in."

"Nicely said," Fukaksu said. They went to the gates to see Naruto go off.  Naruto went home to quickly grab things.

"When I get back, I will help with the autopsy," Naruto said as Aceso gave him a few things.

"That's highly unlikely," Aceso denied.

"What are you saying?" Naruto asked as they left his home.

"Do you know any medical ninjutsu?" Aceso asked. They quickly arrived at the gate where everyone else besides Kakashi and Shiho. 

"Ah!" Naruto scrambled, he hung his head. "You might have a point." Aceso laughed. 

"We should be moseying along now," Fukasaku said. "So, Naruto boy, say your goodbyes."

"All right," Naruto smiled. "I'm off guys, Shikamaru, take care of that code for me."

"Don't you worry about us," Shikamaru said. 

"If our investigation uncovers anything, I'll send word," Tsunade said. 

"I will leave a messenger frog with you," Fukasaku said. "Send him to me if anything happens."

"Right," Tsunade said. 

"Well then, good luck, Naruto," Sakura wished him. 

"Thanks," Naruto said, his eyes landing on his little sister. He lunged forward bringing her into a hug. "Take care, let's get some ramen when I get back little sister."

"Naruto?" Sakura asked.

"Pervy Sage saw me as a grandson," Naruto said. "His death is a reminder to hold family a little closer."

"Get going Naruto," Aceso said. "I'll teach you how to make medicine balls when you get back."

"Love ya," Naruto smiled pulling back.

"Love you more," Aceso smiled.

"All right," Naruto smiled turning around. "Let's go." he started walking, he stopped and turned back. "You guys know where Mt. Myoboku is? 'Cause I don't."

"He's supposed to save us?" Sakura asked scratching her head. "We're all doomed."

"It takes a month to get there on foot," Fukasaku said. "It's also known as maze Mountain because if you don't know the secret route, you won't be able to get there."

"Why does this place have to be so hard to reach?" Naruto groaned, slouching over. 

"Wait, Naruto boy," Fukasaku said pulling out a scroll. "You already signed a binding contract with the toads. There's no need to worry, son." He enlarged the contract.

"Hey, that's the--" Naruto began. 

"I'll just be borrowing this boy, then," Fukasaku said. 

"Please take care of him," Tsunade requested bowing her head. 

"Hold on," Naruto said. "What do you mean there's no need to worry?" He suddenly disappeared.

"He's gone," Aceso gasped. 

"It's a reverse summoning," Tsunade informed. 

"What?" Sakura asked.

"Good luck on your end of things, as well," Fukasaku wished them. He disappeared as well.

"Now then, let's concentrate on figuring out the information Jiraya left us," Tsunade ordered, walking back into the village.

"Roger that," Shikamaru said. For the next couple of days, they all worked heavily on the autopsy and figuring out clues, of course, Aceso was sent to smaller villagers for medical help in the Land of Fire.


One morning was coming, Aceso was currently asleep at the table, she was making medicine all night. A hand landed on her shoulder, she jolted awake.

"A thousand, apologies," Lee apologized bowing. "I didn't mean to wake you."

"Huh?" Aceso asked sitting up; rubbing her eyes.

"Come to bed, youthful flower," Lee said holding out his hand. 

"Your home," Aceso said. "Did you just get back? How was your mission?"

"Filled with hot-blooded energy, with the power of youth we succeded," Lee answered. "Come to bed."

"No way, I haven't seen you in a while," Aceso denied as she took his hand. Lee's cheeks turned pink, he blinked at her. "Tell me about your mission."

"I'm afraid I can't stay long," Lee said. "I have another mission tomorrow." Lee picked her up bridal style, he started to walk over to her room. He looked down to see that Aceso had fallen back asleep. "Besides, you have work in the morning, you need sleep." Lee put her in her bed. He went into the bathroom to take care of the business. He came back out putting his Chunin jacket on a chair. Lee crawled into bed and pulled Aceso close. "I love you, more." The next morning came; Lee walked with Aceso; he was telling her all about his mission before having to leave for his next one. Their arms were linked, Aceso was holding to his left arm as they walked through the village. Lee is right-handed, but he likes to have Aceso on his left side. 

"I will be back in a few days," Lee said.

"I may be gone," Aceso said. "Lady Tsunade has been sending me out if there's a major injury that needs help."

"This mission shouldn't take as long as it did last time," Lee said. "We should get work on our combo attack more."

"Okay," Aceso agreed. 

"Red Rose--" Lee began.

"When you get back we should go get barbecue?" Aceso suggested. She was feeling confident today, and today she was going to make the first move toward a possible real date with Lee.

"Barbeque?" Lee asked as his cheeks grew red.

"Or we can go train," Aceso said as they stopped in front of the hospital. 

"Train, then barbecue," Lee said as a smile appeared on his face. "It's a date."

"Just don't be late," Aceso smiled even more.

"Yes, Red Rose," Lee said in a happier tone, he kissed her cheek before leaving.


Aceso spent the next few days working on surgeries, helping with the code, and helping with the autopsy.

On one particular day, Aceso was making medicine she was meeting up in Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro the next day.

"You seem to be in a good mood," Ino noted as she and Sakura helped her make medicine. "Is it a boy?"

"Aceso is way too busy to be going on dates," Sakura laughed. "You are probably just excited to see your cousins again, right?"

"Of course, I'm excited to see my cousins," Aceso confirmed. "I'm bringing Saury fish for Temari, she really likes it."

"Medicine and fish, what are you getting in return?" Sakura asked.

"Naruto made a request, he wanted to know what ramen the sand village had," Aceso answered.

"Oh brother," Sakura and Ino groaned as they lowered their heads. 

"But Ino is also right, there is a boy to this factor as well," Aceso informed.

"Who!?" Ino asked getting close to Aceso. "I knew it! You meant someone really handsome and cool while you were away, didn't you? Or is it someone from this village! I really hope it's with who I think it is!" She squealed happily, Aceso looked at her. "Well, who is it?"

"It's with Lee," Aceso answered as her cheeks grew pink, Ino squealed even louder.

"What are you going to wear?" Sakura asked. "What are you going to do with your hair? And look at these nails!" Sakura took her hand.

"My nails are fine," Aceso frowned as she looked at her hand.

"No Sakura's right," Ino agreed. "This is your first date, and it's with Lee. You two have been head over heels for each other for like years!" Aceso blinked.

"In all correction, this will be her second date with Lee," Sakura corrected.

"When was the first?" Ino and Aceso asked.

"When you two went to that wedding all those years ago, sure it was unplanned, but it was still a date," Sakura explained. 

"Ugh! She still needs to look her best!" Ino exclaimed. 

"But if it's been years, shouldn't I just look like myself?" Aceso asked.

"No!" Ino denied. "I'm not saying completely change up your look. All you need is a dress, some light make, up, and change up your hair." Sakura went back to the medicine. "What are you doing on your date?"

"We agreed to train together and then go to barbecue," Aceso answered. "I think a dress is way out of the option."

"Did you say barbecue?" Choji asked opening the door, he walked in with a bag of chips. "I'm down!"

"It's for a date Aceso is going on, Choji," Ino answered. "Do not even think about third-wheeling!" Ino looked at Aceso. "So make it a whole day thing. Train with Lee in the morning and then later go have barbecue together."

"And then go on a stroll through the village, especially over to the bridge," Sakura added. Aceso stared at them.

"Choji?" Aceso asked, he looked at her. "If you were going on a first date, where would you go?"

"Well," Choji began, he put his hand under his chin. "Barbecue is definitely a good choice, but maybe you shouldn't make a day thing, just the afternoon."

"Why'd you ask for Choji's opinion?" Ino asked. 

"Well, Choji is a boy," Aceso answered. "It'd be helpful to get perspective from him. And when it comes to food, Choji is the best person to ask."

Choji blushed a bit. "I didn't you thought so highly of me!"

"Of course, I do," Aceso smiled at him. "You are my friend."

"Well, as long as Choji is here," Ino began, she and Choji nodded at each other. 

"Let me get Shikamaru," Choji said. "With his high IQ, he'll help make sure the date goes according to plan."

"It's training together and then barbecue," Aceso answered.

"Which is why we need Shikamaru," Choji said as he munched on his chips.

"He might complain about this being a drag," Sakura groaned. "I highly doubt he's the best person to ask."

 "Well, if you two are going to give advice you are to tell help make medicine," Aceso instructed. "If it's done well enough, I'll give you a ramen cup from the sand village that Kankuro grabbed." Choji's eyes lit up, he broke out into a huge smile. Choji went and got Shikamaru, he seemed sort of amused.

"I've been wondering when this was going to happen," Shikamaru smirked. "I was confident he'd be the one to ask you on a date when you got back."

"We had to work on a few things," Aceso answered. "But did everyone know?"

"Aceso, all that matters now is that everything is up to standard for your date," Shikamaru answered as he avoided the question. Team 10 and Sakura then continued to help give Aceso date advice as well as help the medicine. 


The next day was beautiful, Aceso was standing at the gates with Lady Tsunade.

"This shouldn't take too long, it's just to a Hosu village again," Tsunade said. "You are just meeting up with sand shinobi to deliver medicine."

"I might take an extra day," Aceso answered. " I don't get to see my cousins as often."

"Very well then, just one day," Lady Tsunade agreed. "Go on, don't make the Kazekage wait anymore."

"See you later," Aceso said waving. She then set off to Hosu town. She was beyond excited to see her cousins again. Especially Gaara, she had a million cactus questions to ask him. 

'What kind of cactus did he give her?'

'Does the cactus need a friend?'

'How is his cactus garden doing?'

Halfway there, Aceso ended up having to stop when she got halfway there, her shoe broke. She was kneeling on the side of the row, gluing the bottom of her shoe back. 

"Of all the times to break," Aceso grumbled as she squished the bottom and top back together. As she sat on the side of the road, waiting for the glue to dry, Aceso began to make more medicine for time to pass. A gentle breeze passed through her hair; she saw blades of grass fall in front of her, landing on the left of her, in the direction of the Leaf Village. The blades of grass gently swayed, they made the number 4.

'Bad omen,' Aceso thought to herself. 'I'm not taking chances.' Aceso stood up, bit her thumb, and did a few hand signs.

"Summoning Jutsu," Aceso said putting her hand on the ground. 

"You have any carrots?" Pepper asked once the smoke passed, he has gotten bigger. 

"Yeah, I also need a favor," Aceso said squatting down. She took the items out of her bag. "Can you go to Hosu Village, in a tea shop should be the Kazekage. Give him these medical supplies."

"Why aren't you going to do it?" Pepper asked as he put the items away in the satchel he wore around his body.  "You love seeing your cousins." 

"Something came up," Aceso answered. "Tell Gaara, that I am sorry, next time I will show up in person." Pepper stared at Aceso.

"Fine," Pepper gave in as Aceso held out a few carrots.  "Just be careful."

"Thank you, Pepper," Aceso smiled. "Here." She took out a notepad and pencil. She scribbled a bit on it, then tore it off. "Here's a note for him, send everyone my love who is there."

"Will do," Pepper said taking the note. "I hope you know what you are doing." Pepper then took off towards Hosu Village, while Aceso went back to the Leaf Village. 

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