Chapter 26
They traveled diligently through the night, all of them were silent. Naruto was the most upset about not getting to Sasuke. They heard a boom, they saw Katsuyu appear on a tree branch, she was steaming.
"Lady Katsuyu," Kakashi greeted as they all came to a stop.
"Oh, Kakashi," Katsuyu greeted.
"Really?" Kiba asked putting his hand by his eyes. "Lady Katsuyu came this far to greet us?"
"No, she didn't," Shino denied. They all looked at him. "There must be trouble brewing. The only time--"
"The only time Lady Tsunade uses Lady Katsuyu is when there's some kind of emergency," Yamato said.
"Got it," Kiba said. "So we're dealing with an urgent situation."
"What is it Lady Katsuyu?" Aceso asked. The slug told them all about the urgent situation.
"Kakashi, you are to report back to the village for debriefing about your last mission," Lady Katsuyu answered.
"Understood," Kakashi and Aceso nodded.
"Team 7 will go with Captain Yamato, and head for Mt.Katsurgau immediately," Kakashi ordered."
"Right," Sakura nodded.
"But you're not coming, Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto asked.
"Do you have a problem with me?" Yamato asked appearing in between Naruto and Sakura, he looked at Naruto with a scary look.
"Uh, that isn't what I meant, Yamato," Naruto said looking away. They then all went their separate ways. When they got back to the village, Kakashi went and did the debriefing as Aceso went back to the hospital to put supplies back.
"Red Rose?" Lee asked opening the door.
"Lee," Aceso smiled turning around. Lee's face lit up, the two embraced each other in a hug, letting the door slam shut. Lee gently lifted her off the ground and spun a bit.
"How did it go?" Lee asked as he placed her on the counter.
"Not well," Acseo answered leaning back. "We didn't have much success finding Sasuke, he took down Itachi."
"Itachi Uchiha's dead?" Lee asked.
"Yeah," Aceso breathed softly.
"So is Sasuke coming back to the village?" Lee asked.
"I'm not sure anymore," Aceso admitted. "We found his trail and lost it shortly after. Team 7 is highly bummed about it."
"Aceso," Tenten said opening the door, they both looked at her." I interrupting?" She turned red.
"No, not all," Aceso denied waving her hand frantically.
"Lady Aceso, Lady Tsunade would like to see you," Neji said appearing behind Tenten. "Lee...she just got home, don't bother her."
"My apologies," Lee smiled sheepishly.
"It's alright," Aceso smiled. "I don't mind."
"Come on Lee, we have to leave for a mission in the morning," Neji ordered grabbing Lee by the back of his suit.
"See you later," Aceso said waving. She went to the Hokage's office, she gently knocked.
"Come in!" Tsunade allowed. Aceso stepped in to see the Hokage and Shizune. "Aceso, I hate to do this, but I am sending you out in the morning."
"Where to?" Aceso asked.
"A little town not too far from here," Shizune answered. "They are in need of your help."
"Should I leave now?" Aceso asked.
"In the morning will be fine," Tsunade answered handing her the slip. She was to be heading to a small town called Mercury.
"Oh, this place," Aceso smiled. "I know exactly where this is."
"Will you be fine on your own?" Tsunade asked. "I can send two people with you."
"I should be fine, thank you," Aceso smiled. She went home to get ready for the morning.
"What did Lady Tsunade want?" Lee asked poking his head through the curtain.
"I'm going to Mercury Town in the morning," Aceso answered. "I'm needed there." After a round of tea, the two went to bed. Aceso couldn't fall asleep, her mind was on Itachi and Sasuke.
Many years ago in the Leaf Village before Itachi slaughtered his clan, and went rogue. Aceso was about four years old, she was sitting behind the slide at the Academy's playground. She was reading from a textbook about different herbs.
"Hello, there," a voice greeted as someone appeared in front of her, it was a boy, a little bit older than her. He had jet black hair tied back in a ponytail, and black eyes. "You must be Aceso."
"How do you know my name?" Aceso asked.
"Nevermind that," the boy said. "My name is Itachi. How old are you?"
"I'm four," Aceso answered holding up four fingers.
"My younger brother is four as well," the boy said. "My name is Itachi Uchiha." He held out his hand. "The hospital is worried about you, it's getting late."
"I don't wanna go back," Aceso shook her head. "The scary drunk man is going to come back."
"Drunk man?" Itachi repeated.
"He got violent the last time he came in," Aceso answered.
"Who are your parents?" Itachi asked.
"Kakashi Hatake and Might Gai," Aceso answered.
"Well, I bet by the time we get back, they will be there waiting for you," Itachi.
"And the drunk man?" Aceso asked.
"Don't worry about him," Itachi answered.
"How can you be sure?" Aceso asked.
"Just come with me," Itachi said. "I will walk you home." Aceso finally took his hand.
Aceso was now six, she was running into the Uchiha district it was barely dawn. She had many textbooks in her satchel.
"Itachi!" Aceso exclaimed pounding on the door.
"Little Aceso," a woman said opening the door.
"Good morning Lady Mikoto," Aceso greeted.
"What are you doing here so early?" A man asked walking over to the door.
"I'm taking my genin exam next week," Aceso informed. "Kakashi and Gai aren't here, I want study help if that's alright?" Her tummy then rumbled.
"You won't get much done on an empty stomach," Mr. Uchiha laughed. "Come in and have breakfast."
"Sasuke, your girlfriend is here!"Ms. Uchiha called out.
"I'm not his girlfriend," Aceso grumbled sitting at the door, taking her shoes off.
"Aceso!" Sasuke exclaimed running into the room. "You are here for me right?"
"No, I need study help for the genin exam," Aceso answered as Itachi walked. "Itachi can you help me?"
"Why not ask your dads?" Itachi asked.
"They haven't been home," Aceso answered. "Both away on missions."
"Just for a little," Itachi agreed. "I have some training to do with my teammates."
"Thank you, Itachi," Aceso beamed. "Sasuke, you can join as well." Sasuke lit up with a smile.
Aceso was 6, a fresh genin. She would be turning 7 at the end of the month. She was currently a medical assistant. She was allowed to help with surgeries, she has helped out with check-ups. She did a lot of little jobs such as cleaning the floor, the bathrooms, sheets, and making medicine. Aceso was up on the rooftop, waiting for the sheets to dry, it was late. Itachi and Sasuke were with her.
"The Chunin exams are in a few months are you nervous?" Itachi asked.
"Just a little," Aceso answered.
"Would you like some extra practice?" Itachi asked.
"But aren't you busy with anbu?" Aceso asked.
"Yeah, and you promised you would show me a new shuriken Jutsu," Sasuke added. Itachi started to laugh. "What is it, big brother?"
"I have a day off tomorrow, all three of us can train together," Itachi suggested. Sasuke and Aceso both looked at each other happily. Sasuke let out a big yawn.
"Tired much?" Aceso asked.
"No," Sasuke denied as he started to work faster.
"Come on Sasuke," Itachi said holding out his hand. "These sheets will still be here tomorrow." The two Uchiha brothers walked Aceso back to her room, she bid both of them goodnight. She closed the door, she turned to see a man with an orange mask sitting on her bed, he was flipping through a textbook.
Aceso's eyes snapped open, she sat straight up.
'I saw that man before, how come I don't remember it?' Aceso thought to herself.
"My love?" Lee asked softly. Aceso looked back to see his eyes were still closed, his hand went over hers, grabbing it. "What is it? Did you have a nightmare again?"
"I need to talk to Kakashi," Aceso answered getting out of the bed. She kissed his forehead, then In a flash, Aceso was out of the apartment, she was now heading over to Kakashi. She opened the window and began to climb in.
"What is it?" Kakashi asked.
"I need you to do a memory revival on me," Aceso urged as she sat on the bed.
"Why?" Kakashi asked putting his book down and under the pillow.
"That man in the orange mask," Aceso answered. "He appeared in my room when I was little before the Uchiha incident."
"What?" Kakashi demanded as his eye went wide. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"You and Gai were away on a mission," Aceso answered. "You both didn't come back till days later I think."
"Why are you just bringing it up now?" Kakashi asked.
"I was recalling back some of my memories with Itachi and Sasuke when I was younger," Aceso answered. "This was one of them."
"When did he appear?" Kakashi asked.
"A few weeks before the Chunin exams," Aceso answered. "Do you know anything?"
"I got a chance to look through the hole in his mask," Kakashi answered. "His eyes possessed the Sharingan."
"So an Uchiha is behind that mask," Aceso said.
"We can't be certain," Kakashi answered. "The only Uchiha left is Sasuke." Kakashi put his hands on her arms. His eye grew with concern, he hasn't seen what her arms looked like with the bandages removed. She was wearing one of Gai's old shirts, and one of Naruto's old short pants. "Think back to that day, carefully, tell me what this man said." Aceso nodded, she closed her eyes.
Six-year-old Aceso had just said goodnight to the two Uchiha Brothers, she closed her door, and turned to see a man in an orange mask sitting on her bed flipping through her books. Aceso let out a small scream, jumping.
"Did I frighten you?" the man asked. Aceso threw a kunai, it went right through his head, hitting the wall. "Careful, you don't want to break anything." Aceso's eyes went wide. She opened the door again, just for it to be slammed shut, the man was now in front of her, squatting down, hand on the door.
"Who are you?" Aceso asked as she tapped on the door.
"Call me, Tobi," the man answered. "I only want to talk to you."
"I'm not allowed to speak to strangers," Aceso said.
"Then I will do the talking," Tobi said getting closer, Aceso was able to look through his eye hole. He had the same eyes as the Uchihas, and Dad Hatake.
"Uchiha," Aceso breathed. "I've never met an Uchiha named Tobi."
"Lost relative," Tobi said. "Be a good girl, and give me your eyes."
"My eyes?" Aceso asked.
"I want to see what would happen if I combined them with mine," Tobi answered as his hand rose up. "Expect you haven't awake your powers yet have you?"
"I don't know what you are talking about," Aceso said getting around him.
"Your clan wouldn't give to me either," Tobi said as he began to chase her around the room. "Your father wouldn't give them up either. I put a genjutsu on a leaf anbu and they failed to get them from your father." Aceso opened the ceiling and jumped. She began to crawl through it. "Give them to me!" He popped up on the other end. "I will find a way to awaken them myself!" Aceso jumped back and went through the other end. She grabbed the rope as Tobi launched at her, she jumped down, look at her bookshelf. She saw a small gourd sitting on it. Aceso let the man, pin her down. He was solid, Aceso then grabbed the gourd and smashed it against the man's face, causing the mask to break and fall off.
"You look familiar," Aceso said.
"This familiar face will be the last one you see, you brat," Tobi growled as his fingers circled around an eyeball. Aceso jabbed him in the chin, she then opened the gourd, shoving it into his mouth, sand spilled everywhere. Tobi back away from her coughing as sand came out of his nose. As soon as Aceso got onto her feet, a kunai flew past her arm, her blood spilled.
"Enough of this!" Tobi ordered as he pinned her to the ground. Aceso looked up to see Tobi hovering over her, the gourd was no longer in his mouth, the sand still fell out of it.
"Leave her alone," a voice ordered.
"Itachi," Aceso breathed looking at the window.
"Later," Tobi said, he waved his hand around his body disappearing.
"Come to the Uchiha district for a couple of nights," Itachi ordered. "Till Gai or Kakashi is back from their missions."
Aceso told Kakashi exactly everything that happened.
"I will report this to Lady Tsunade in the morning," Kakashi said. "You said his name was Tobi."
"He spoke with his deep voice," Aceso added.
"Anything else?" Kakashi asked.
"Not that I can recall," Aceso denied.
"Get some sleep," Kakashi said. "We will both go to Lady Tsunade in the morning."
"Can I stay here tonight?" Aceso asked.
"Sure, kid," Kakashi agreed. He reached under his bed, with a pull, he slid out another bed. There was a teddy on top of it. "Mr. Snuggles has missed you."
"Thank you," Aceso breathed. She kissed Kakashi's cheek, before getting down. She got under the blankets, grabbed her teddy bear, and slowly drifted off to sleep. Kakashi stared at her for a bit before going back to sleep as well. Morning came around, as they said, the two went to Lady Tsunade.
"Are you positive about this?" Tsunade asked drumming her desk.
"I can't be a hundred percent sure since it was from so long ago," Aceso answered. "I can get my memory scanned after my mission, or do it before."
"After," Tsunade answered. "The people of Mercury need you."
"Right," Aceso nodded. "Kakashi, go through any files of the Uchiha, look for the name Tobi."
"Yes, ma'am," Kakashi said. They left the Hokage building, Aceso rounded the corner, falling to the ground.
"A thousand apologies," Lee said bowing his head. Aceso looked up to see him standing in front of her.
"I thought you left for a mission," Aceso said.
"I am in a little bit," Lee said. "I have to go find Neji." He held out his hand, Aceso grabbed it. "You didn't come home last night."
"I stayed the night with Dad," Aceso answered as Lee helped her to her feet.
"What did you have to tell him?" Lee asked.
"It's a long story, I will tell you after our missions," Aceso answered. "I don't want to be the reason your team is being held up."
"Tell me over tea and Dango," Lee suggested.
"Don't be late," Aceso requested.
"See you later, my love" Lee smiled. Something was sitting on Aceso's tongue, three simple words, but the hardest ones to ever speak and say out loud. Lee kissed her cheek before running off. Aceso soon left for her mission.
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