Chapter 23
The Tailed Beast started to rise to the surface, the seal was coming close to success.
"Steady now," Shizune ordered. "The seal is almost complete."
"The Three-Tails should be getting tired soon," Aceso said looking down, it kept trying to escape.
"Then we'll finish it," Shizune said. Suddenly water shot up in the middle of the barrier. "What's happening? No, it's impossible. Where is this sudden surge of strength coming from?"
"I don't know how, but its chakra level has definitely increased," Katsuyu answered. The tailed beast surfaced, easily breaking the seal.
"No, the seal!" Aceso exclaimed as water splashed at all of them, the Three-Tails dove back into the water. All of them got shoved underwater, all let out cries of help. In the end, Naruto was able to help defeat the Three-Tails with help from Gamatatsu and Gamachiki. It was now sunset, everyone regrouped back at the cabin, with Yukimaru his chakra system has been severely damaged. Aceso helped heal the boy with Shizune, Hinata was in the room to helo as everyone else waited outside the room. Hinata walked over, she knelt down and placed a wet cloth on the boy's head.
"It's worse than I thought," Hinata said as she used the Byakugan. "His chakra network--"
"Yes, it's suffered a lot of damage," Aceso said. "Even with the proper treatment, he will never get back to the way he was before. The strain was too much on his body. The effort of restraining the Three-Tails took an enormous toll on him."
"You think that Jutsu might have shortened his life?" Kakashi asked.
"Yes," Shizune answered. "We won't know for sure until we conduct a full examination. Nevertheless, I'm fairly certain Yukimary's powers will never be the same."
"This boy was the only hope we had of handling the Three-Tails," Yamato said.
"Maybe it's best this way, for his sake," Kakashi said.
"Let the boy rest in peace," Aceso said. "We'll take turns checking on him."
"Right," They agreed. They all got up and left the room.
"Well sister, how is he?" Naruto asked as soon as they closed the door.
"He will live," Aceso answered with a smile. "At the moment he's sleeping. You may go in, but please do not wake him."
"You got it," Naruto said.
"Red Rose," Lee said waving her over.
"Don't be too loud," Aceso told Naruto and Sakura as they went into the room. Aceso went over and sat next to Lee, he was with Tenten, Kiba, and Akamaru.
"Well?" Kiba asked.
"The boy is going to survive," Aceso answered. "His chakra system has been severely damaged, it's beyond my powers to return it back to normal."
"That's a bummer," Kiba said. "He was able to control the Tailed-Beast right?"
"Yes," Aceso nodded. "Though I don't think the boy cares about losing his powers."
"How could you think such a thing?" Lee said. "He should feel blessed to have powers like that."
"The only thing the kid really cares about is having a place to call home, a place to return to," Aceso informed. "Not everyone is set on the ninja way."
"Yeah, Lee," Tenten whacked him playfully.
"The boy's powers take an awful toll on his body, if he went on any further, the boy could have died," Aceso said.
"It still stinks," Kiba said. "But if it's for the best."
"Will he come back to the village with us?" Lee asked.
"Most likely," Aceso answered. "According to Naruto, Guren was ripped out of Yukimaru's life as fast as they reunited."
"Is the crystal-style user really gone?" Kiba asked. "That sounds impossible." Akamaru barked in agreement.
"Gather around everyone," Yamato ordered. Everyone went into the hall, they sat down facing the Mission Leaders and Katsuyu.
"The Hokage has sent us new orders," Kakashi informed. "We are to return to the village as soon as a relief team has arrived. We're scrapping this mission." Everyone gasped.
"That's a bit sudden, isn't it?" Sai asked.
"We just pick up and leave with the Three-Tails on the loose?" Kiba asked.
"That shouldn't be a problem," Yamato said. "The Team that's coming, the one that will replace us, will keep an eye on the Three-Tails."
"Yeah, but--" Kiba began to protest.
"The fact is if anything were to happen we're in condition to deal with it," Shizune cut him off. "We've all been injured, some of us severely. Lady Tsunade has wisely decided that the best course is for us to bring back the intelligence we've gathered so far, and then decide what to do next."
"Hm," Kiba grumbled, he folded his arms turning away.
"The relief team will be here first thing in the morning," Kakashi said standing up. "So, everyone gets a good night's rest before we move out. That night everyone went to sleep, Aceso slept with her back toward Kakashi, and Naruto was in the room with Yukimaru.
Aceso woke up to the sound of someone slamming the door open, she opened her eyes to see Naruto passing by and leaving the place. She looked back at Kakashi.
"Get some sleep kid," Kakashi said ruffling the top of her head. Aceso nodded and put her head down.
"Kakashi?" Yamato asked. He just rolled over, pulling his blanket up higher over him. Aceso woke up to the sound of Naruto coming back into the cabin. He went back up to where Yukimaru was 'sleeping' and Aceso got up and went into the room with him.
"Shouldn't you be asleep?" Naruto asked pulling out a blanket.
"I figured you wouldn't want to be alone," Aceso said sitting next to him. Naruto leaned against her, putting his head on her shoulder.
"You were right about Guren changing because of Yukimaru," Naruto said. "A strong mother-son relationship formed between the two. Guren is where Yukimaru belongs and Yukimaru is where Guren belongs. It's beautiful."
"They kept each other in each other's thoughts," Aceso said.
"Will that work with him?" Naruto asked as Aceso finally pulled the blanket up around the two of them. "If I keep him in my thoughts, will he return home to the leaf village?"
"Not necessarily the leaf village, but the people in the leaf village," Aceso said. "Also keep him in your heart as well as your thoughts."
"I like the sound of that," Naruto smiled. Naruto started to laugh.
"What's so funny?" Aceso asked.
"Normally I know how the other person feels, this time you knew how Yukimaru and Guren felt," Naruto laughed.
"When I was younger, Lord Third tried to hand me over to this family from the Senju clan, but the people I belonged with were Kakashi-sensei and Gai-Sensei. Similar to Yukimaru, you tried to take him away from Guren, but he didn't want that."
"Hm," Naruto smiled as he started to fall asleep. "You know I don't know much about your childhood, tell me."
"You're just going to fall asleep," Aceso said.
"It'll make a good bedtime story," Naruto giggled.
"Naruto," Aceso said softly.
"Hm?" Naruto asked as he started to drool.
"You are someone I don't take away from my life ever," Aceso said. "You belong in my life."
"You belong in mine," Naruto said with a smile on his face. "Get on with your stories."Aceso barely got ten minutes in the both of them were out. Naruto drooled all over Aceso's shoulder, while she rested her head on top of his.
The next morning everyone was in Yukimaru's room as Naruto and Aceso packed up.
"So he just disappeared?" Kiba asked.
"I don't see how he could move at all in his condition," Shizune said.
"Naruto, you were right here in the room with Yukimaru," Kiba said. "You didn't see anything?" Naruto and Aceso both glanced at each other.
"I'm afraid not," Naruto smiled at his sister.
"Huh, some ninja you are," Kiba teased. "But what do you expect from a genin?"
"Shut up," Naruto said. "You slept right through it, too."
"Hey, I'm not the one who claims to be Mr. Super-Stamina," Kiba argued. "And I wasn't sitting right next to him."
"Stop it," Sakura ordered. "Arguing about it won't help."
"Hm," Kiba grunted.
"Forget how it happened, I'm worried about him," Sakura said. "Yukimaru doesn't have anywhere to go."
"We must go and look for him," Lee insisted. "We cannot just leave him out there."
"I agree," Tenten nodded.
"There's no need for that," Shino said. They all looked at him. "Our only interest in the boy was his ability to control the Three-Tails. Now that he's lost his powers, he's no longer our concern."
"That's even a bit cold for you, Shino," Aceso said looking over at him as Lee ran up to him.
"His powers are not the issue here," Lee argued.
"I'm afraid Shino's right, Lee and Aceso," Kakashi said. "It's not our job to go chasing after runaways." He went downstairs, Kakashi and Sai followed.
"And besides, we have our orders," Yamato said. "We're to return to the village at once."
"Yes, but--Naruto, do you agree with them?" Lee asked.
"Yep, nothing we can do about it," Naruto said walking past him. "Don't worry, the kid will be all right."
"Naruto?" Sakura asked the watched him walk down the steps. Everyone else followed.
"But Red Rose," Lee said grabbing her hand before she went down. "The kid."
"He's going to be alright," Aceso whispered to him. "He is where he belongs."
"But that means," Lee's eyes went wide.
"He's in good hands," Aceso said. "We have nothing to worry about." Lee couldn't help but smile as he squeezed her hand.
"All right, it's time we were on our way," Kakashi announced as he put on his shoes.
"Sorry to keep you waiting, Kakashi," an anbu member said as they entered the room. Once everyone left the cabin, it disappeared and they began their journey home. They arrived back at the village just as the sun was setting.
"Woo, I feel like I haven't seen the old place in ages," Kiba said as they stopped to take a look.
"It has been one mission after another," Shino said.
" All right everyone, dinner tonight at Ichiraku," Naruto declared, he laughed as they all started back down towards the village.
"Wait, Naruto," Sakura called out. After dinner at Ichiraku, everyone went home to get some rest.
The next day, Aceso worked most of it at the hospital, on her way home she noticed that the sunset was blood red and the way the clouds were taking form.
"Bad omen," Sakura said as they walked side by side. "What do you think it's referring to?"
"Either way you think of it, there's a storm heading everyone's way," Aceso answered.
"Did you hear about the Three-Tails getting captured?" Sakura asked.
"Do you think that is what the omen referring to?" Aceso asked.
"Possibly," Sakura answered. "What about you?"
"It's a blood-red sunset," Aceso said. "Somebody we all know died, but the question is who." Sakura gasped coming to a stop.
"Do you think he finally?" Sakura asked as she began to tremble.
"No," Aceso answered. "He's gotten weaker while the pupil has gotten stronger."
"I hope you're right," Sakura said as tears fell from her eyes.
The next day, Aceso spent it at work, everything seemed to be going back to normal for her a little. A few missions, and then work at the hospital. It was just like how it was before she left. It was a late night, Aceso was now in the shower, scrubbing away all of the day's wear and tear off her body.
"Red Rose? Lee asked knocking on her bathroom door, she heard it open.
"Is everything alright?" Aceso said poking her out from the far end of the shower. She saw he was bleeding from a couple of spots on his chest.
"Uh, can you?" Lee asked walking over.
"What happened?" Aceso asked, placing a hand on his chest.
"This is just evidence of how I trained today," Lee said with a smile.
"But what happened?" Aceso asked.
"I need to fix up the dojo," Lee admitted as he looked down. "A couple of loose nails, I keep forgetting about." Aceso smiled. "Can you patch it up?"
"Yeah, of course," Aceso agreed. "Just go wait for me at the table, I'll be out in a second."
"Thank you," Lee smiled. A minute later, Aceso now sat at the kitchen table with Lee, both of them only in a towel. Aceso was taking off the bandage on his chest, his wound was no longer bleeding. The healing patch always amazed her no matter how big or small the injury, her thumb gently brushed over the area.
"Good as new," Aceso said standing up, her towel fell out of its hold and started to fall, Lee's hands shot up; he grabbed the towel up back blocking his view.
"May I?" Lee asked standing up.
"Um, sure," Aceso agreed, turning around. "Just don't look." Lee pulled the towel away from her body, he started to wrap it around her. He looked down, his eyes stared at the big burn mark from all those years ago, his eyes wandered to each small burn and scar. Aceso looked back at him. "I said don't look."
"A thousand apologies," Lee said wrapping the towel around her fully. He then pulled the towel down a little.
"Lee!" Aceso panicked as she held up the front part.
"May I?" Lee asked Aceso looked back to see his finger hovering over a scar. "Only with your permission." She stared at him long and hard.
"Yes," Aceso granted after some thought. This was Lee..he wasn't anything like Uchiha. His fingers started to trace the scars, Lee pushed her slightly dry hair to the side, he leaned down and kissed one of her scars. Aceso looked forward, letting out a small gasp and her breath hitched.
This was new.
"May I?" Lee asked.
"Yes," Aceso responded. Lee started to kiss any scar that he could see going up to her back. Lee sat down in the chair, his hands went towards her waist, Aceso started to have a flashback to Sasuke and started to panic, and Lee's hands stopped moving.
"I took it too far, "Lee said. "My apologies." Aceso looked back at him to see that he really was sorry, nothing was fake, and no harm seemed to be in the intent of his eyes.
"It's alright," Aceso said. He looked up at her. "You can keep going." Lee was completely surprised by her words.
"Are you sure?" Lee asked tilting his head. "I do not want to make you feel fear."
"I'm sure," Aceso said with more confidence. Lee hand's went down to her waist, he then pulled her down, having her sit on his lap. He pulled the towel back down and kissed the marks again.
"You are so beautiful," Lee complimented. "Inside and out."
"So are you," Aceso said looking back at him, he looked up at her. The towel started to slip through, her arms, but Aceso wasn't going to stop it. A strange feeling filled her, she didn't know what it was, she wanted to figure it out, but only with caution. Lee knew what he was feeling, but he wouldn't do anything else Aceso gave him permission to do so, he was scared he would stir up old feelings and make her cry. Lee slowly started to separate his legs, letting Aceso into the middle of them.
"May I?" Lee asked once she was below him.
"Yes," Aceso answered, looking forward, his lips landed on her neck, she let out a small gasp and jumped, Lee immediately stopped. "I'm sorry."
"If you want me to stop, then I will stop Red Rose," Lee said. "This Lotus will not blossom unless you are sure of it."
"Lee," Aceso breathed. The towel had now fallen down fully, her chest was fully exposed facing away from Lee, he was only focused on her eyes.
"If I hurt you, then I am no better than Sasuke, and that would make me unacceptable," Lee declared. Aceso's eyes went wide, Lee has been doing the exact opposite, he was asking for permission, and he wasn't going any further unless she allowed it. She could tell that Lee wanted to go further, and she secretly wanted to do so as well.
"Keep going," Aceso requested softly.
"May I?" Lee asked moving his hands up.
"Yes," Aceso answered after some thought. Both hands grabbed her chest as his lips landed back on her neck. His fingers circled around her nipples, flicking them gently. He pinched them gently, a soft moan passed through Aceso's lips. Her eyes went wide and she covered her mouth, she blushed heavily.
"I can stop," Lee said pulling away.
"No," Aceso answered, her hands landing on his thighs. "Keep going, please." Lee leaned down, and he started to kiss her shoulder, this made those sounds leave her mouth, even more, his left hand traveled down her stomach, and stopped right before the towel. Aceso took his hand and slowly pushed it down between her legs. Lee's lips finally landed on her neck as his fingers started to move around. It made her moan even more, Aceso was quite embarrassed that those sounds were being made in front of Lee. His name slipped past her lips gently, and Lee's eyes went wide.
Aceso pushed away from him, she dropped to the floor. "May I?" Aceso asked looking up at him, he turned red.
"You may," Lee gulped. He undid this towel, exposing himself to her, he grew even redder. He put his head back closing his eyes as soon as Aceso made contact. His hand reached out grabbing her head. Lee's hands started to go through Aceso's hair at the same time he started to moan. Her name slipped past his lips softly numerous times. His manhood started to twitch, he pushed Aceso's head back, and he blushed heavily as he hurried into the kitchen counter to grab a paper towel to take care of his business, Aceso's cheeks grew red as well. He was adorable, no matter the situation Lee always made sure to never overstep boundaries, more than before she left the village. Lee looked back to find Aceso sitting in his chair, arms over her chest. "Red Rose?" She looked at him, he looked away blushing even harder. "Would you like to take it farther?" He scratched the back of his head.
"Yes," Aceso answered.
"Are you sure?" Lee asked looking back at her, she nodded; her cheeks grew red as she looked away. He walked over, he knelt down. "May I?"
"Yes," Aceso answered. Lee leaned over and kissed the scar on her eye. Lee started to leave a trail of kisses down her body as he took off the rest of her towel, Lee pulled her legs apart, and as soon as he made contact, she started to moan softly, her hands went into his hair, running through it. His mouth got replaced by a finger, feeling around. Lee looked up at her, Aceso nodded, Lee stuck a finger inside, he went up to her shoulder. As Lee pumped his finger, he placed more kisses up and down her body. He focused on her chest for a bit, he put his face in between her chest, then moved on to her nipple, he looked up at her, and Aceso nodded. Lee then placed his mouth over her nipple, her hands kept running through his hair. Lee stopped what he was doing, he went back up to her face, his lips hovered over hers, and his eyes stared into hers.
"I want to go all the way," Lee said. "But only if you want to as well."
"Why did you kiss all my scars?" Aceso asked as they focused on each other's eyes.
"Cause when you think of them, I want you to associate them with love," Lee answered. "I want you to love them as much as I do."
"Lee--" Aceso breathed.
"The youth inside of you is radiant," Lee said. "Sometimes in our youth, we all go through a rough patch, all that matters is that we never lose ourselves because of it. You were able to help me get back on my feet to become a splendid ninja after almost losing the chance of furthering my ninja dream. Whenever you see yourself in a mirror, all that enters your eyes is pain, you look at these scars and only think of the bad things associated with them. I want to help you understand that you are beautiful with or without these scars."
"You've already done that," Aceso said as she put her hands on his face.
"Have you forgiven yourself for what you did?" Lee asked.
"Piece by piece," Aceso answered.
"Until you love yourself again, I will love you twice as hard," Lee declared. "That way I make up for your half."
"What did you say?" Aceso asked as her eyes went wide.
"Oh, uh--"Lee said turning red, he didn't realize those words left his mouth. "Well, I love all my friends, you included."
"Oh," Aceso breathed, she knew their ties to each other were more than just friendship. "Let's go all the way."
"Are you sure?" Lee asked. She nodded.
"Are you sure?" Aceso asked. Lee picked Aceso, holding her up by her thighs, his lips went back to her neck, he then took her to his bedroom, gently laying her on his bed. Aceso took his answer as a yes. Aceso gently placed her hands on Lee's chest, she began tracing his body.
"This is going to be painful," Lee apologized as he positioned himself.
"It's okay," Aceso assured.
"May I?" Lee asked.
"May I be your first?" Aceso asked, looking at him.
"Absolutely," Lee answered, he completely forgot that this was going to be his first time. Lee pushed his way inside, he put her legs up into his armpits, then leaned close to Aceso, grabbing onto one hand, and putting it above her head. Lee kissed the scar on her eye, then went back to her neck on the side. The second he started to thrust, Aceso grabbed the bedsheets with her other hand. At some point, Lee was laying on his back as Aceso bounced on him, Lee's right hand felt her chest as his left held her hand. Soon Aceso was on her back again, her legs were over Lee's shoulder. Aceso's knees were pressed against her chest, and her hand felt Lee's muscles, she looked down as her hand went further. She watched Lee thrust in and out, Lee lifted her face so he could kiss it more, before moving on to her neck again and she left love marks along his collarbone.
The two kept eye contact most of the time. After it all ended, Lee collapsed on the bed next to Aceso, both of them panted heavily. Aceso got up for a second to got use the restroom. When she got back Lee was staring at the ceiling, hands on his head. He seemed to be in complete disbelief. The second Aceso sat on the bed, Lee pulled her close, throwing the covers over them. He kissed her forehead, seconds later Lee's head hit the pillow, followed by the sounds of snoring.
"I love you too," Aceso said softly before drifting off to sleep.
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