Chapter 18

(Back to the show storyline) 

It was a quick trip from Shubkau to deliver medicine, Aceso arrived back the very same day she left. Aceso was now in the Hokage's office.

"I see that trip was a success," Tsunade said.

"Quick and easy," Aceso answered. "The Tsuchikage should have a better time with his back not hurting so much."

"Who met you there?" Tsunade asked.

"The Third Tsuchikage's son Kitsuhci and a few others," Aceso answered.

"Did they give you any trouble?" Tsunade asked.

"Updates on Naruto and Kakuzu?" Aceso asked. Tsunade then told her everything, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in," Tsunade said, Shizune walked in.

"An ANBU shinobi bird brought this in," Shizune informed pulling a slip of paper. Tsunade took it from her.

"Where's Kakashi?" Tsunade asked. 

"I would imagine he's probably with Naruto, milady," Shizune answered. 

" I see," Tsunade breathed. "So he's telling him. Make sure he knows I wish to see him the minute he's done."

"Did the ANBU shinobi find Orochimaru's lair?" Shizune asked. 

"No," Tsunade answered. "Apparently they came under attack just as they were about to zero in on it. We need to form a team immediately. I don't want that trail growing cold."

"Yes, Milady," Shizune said, Tsunade got out of her chair going over to the window. 

"The ANBU who relayed this information is nothing more than a memory," Tsunade said. 

"Yes," Shizune said. "The code of ANBU. Leave no corpse when you die. Ever."

"That's right," Tsunade said. "But he won't have died in vain. We'll find it."

"Yes, Milady," Shizune said leaving the building.

"Aceso," Tsunade said.

"Yes, Milady," Aceso said.

"This a risky question to ask, but if it is needed, will you go as reinforcement for whatever team goes find the lair, I'm only asking cause it may involve You-Know-Who."

"I can do it," Aceso confirmed.

"Are you sure?" Tsunade asked.

"I mustn't be afraid anymore," Aceso said. " I will never heal if I don't face him. Same with how you got over your fear of blood."

"Very well," Tsunade nodded. "You were supposed to be taking a break."

" I will be fine," Aceso assured. " I lived in a hospital for most of my life, I'm used to it."

"Be ready at any given notice," Tsunade ordered.

"Yes, Milady," Aceso said leaving the office. 

"Hey, kiddo," Kakashi greeted when she left the building.

"Hey, dad," Aceso greeted with a smile.

"I'm heading off to find Naruto, come with," Kakashi said.

"He's probably at the ramen shop," Aceso suspected.

"Not the hospital?" Kakashi asked.

"Knowing Naruto, he'll do anything to get out of that place and try to train," Aceso said.

"And ramen is going to make his arm better?" Kakashi asked.

"In his mind yes," Aceso giggled as they walked up to the ramen shop, they saw that Team 7 was all there.

"Hello Team 7," Aceso greeted as they walked through the drapes.

"How's it going?" Kakashi asked. They saw that Naruto was yelling at Sai, as he held up some ramen.

"What is wrong with you, anyway?" Naruto shouted. 

"Nothing," Sai answered uncertainly. 

"Now, what," Kakashi groaned as they walked over.

"Thanks a lot!" Naruto shouted. "Just when Sakura was about to feed me!"

"Always helps a comrade in need," Sai said. "It's a sign of true friendship. This book says that--"

"Will you forget these books and try reading the situation?" Naruto growled. "How about that?"

"How do I read something I cannot see?" Sai asked. 

"Argh!" Naruto exclaimed. "I can't handle you!"

"Oh boy," Kakashi sighed, rubbing his temple with his finger. "What's all the commotion?"

"Kakashi-sensei," Sakura greeted looking back at them. " Aceso."

"Huh?" Naruto asked looking at them.

"Naruto can't eat with his left hand and we're having a dispute over who's going to feed him," Sakura explained.  Kakashi sighed, he grabbed the bowl and went in between Naruto and Sakura. He held up chopsticks with ramen on it. 

"I'll use the methods of when Aceso was very little," Kakashi said happily. " Here comes the choo-choo."

"Ugh, Kakashi-sensei," Naruto groaned looking away. 

"It's good to see you on your feet after that last mission, sensei," Sakura said. "You're usually in a hospital bed. Knock on wood, huh?" Kakashi put his head down in shame. 

"He didn't have to his Mangekyo Sharingan this time Sakura," Aceso pointed out taking a seat next to Sai.

"Aceso's right," Kakashi said, he had some hope in his voice. "But I tell ya if you guys hadn't arrived when you did. I would have had to for sure. Then I would have been bedridden, just as you said." Kakashi laughed. " Naruto, there's no question you've gotten stronger." Naruto looked at him fully. " You're my equal. Stronger, even." They all remained silent. "But as far as you've come, keep in mind, the greater the Jutsu, the greater the risk to your own self."

"Yeah," Naruto looked away. 

"Naruto, that new Jutsu of yours--" Kakashi began.

"Kakashi-sensei," Naruto cut him off. "I know my limits better than anyone else. I'm gonna be Hokage someday, right? I mean, come on. If I'm stronger than you, then what's there to worry about?"

"Brother," Sakura sighed putting her hand on her head. "What was I even worried about?" They finished up their food.

"Thanks for the ramen, pops!" Naruto smiled standing up. "Kakashi-sensei will cover the bill."

"Huh?" Kakashi asked.

"Much obliged!" Teuchi said.

"Thanks, Dad," Aceso smiled as they walked out.

"Wait, a second!" Kakashi protested as Naruto walked out.

"Shadow clones, kid?" Naruto asked. "It's about time."

"Hey, what's going on?" Sakura asked as they walked out. The saw two Konohmaru, Moegi, and Udon. 

"Fine, come on," Naruto smiled. "Let's see just how far you've come!"

"Ok, Naruto," Konohamaru agreed. He clapped his hands together. "Sexy, Jutsu." Two women appeared, both naked and holding each other, clouds covering them a little. 

"Aw, man!" Naruto gushed wildly. "That's your new move?" Sakura and Aceso both screamed Kakashi sweated, and Sai had a blank face. Udon was blushing and Moegi growled angrily. 

 "So, what do you think, Naruto?" Konohamru asked returning to himself with his clone. Sakura growled, she walked forward rolling up a sleeve. "I upped it to two girls, 'cause--" Moegi slammed his fist into them, knocking out one of the shadow clones. He slammed into the fence. 

"Oh, no, Konohamaru, are you ok?" Udon panicked. 

"What the heck did you do that for?" Konohamaru asked. 

"There are ladies present, you ignoramus!" Moegi growled. Sakura and Aceso both giggled. 

"Idiots," Sakura growled facing Naruto. "You do this every time you see each other, or what?"

"Well, it works for diversions," Naruto answered putting up a hand. "Besides, what's the matter with a little bit of healthy competition?"

"Well, don't put yourselves out, ok?" Sakura growled clenching his fist. "Besides, nobody's distracted but you two!"

"Well, now, having a good time, as usual, I see," a voice said. They looked over to see Jiraya walking up to the group.

"Thank, goodness," Naruto breathed in relief. "Hey, Pervy Sage."

"Aw, great," Sakura groaned.

"Here's the other one that would fall for it," Aceso added. 

"And here I was worried for nothing," Jiraya said. "You don't look that banged up, Naruto."

"Are you kidding me?" Naruto asked stepping up to him. "This is nothing." He grunted in pain.  

"Naruto," Aceso breathed. 

"Your bones haven't even healed yet," Sakura said. Jiraya started laughing loudly. 

"Haven't changed a bit, have ya?" Jiraya asked. He and Kakashi nodded at each other.

Jiraya took Naruto out for some training while Kakashi went on a mission with Team 8. Aceso spent the rest of the day at work. She spent most of the next day training with Sakura.

"Take this!" Sakura shouted kicking her leg up. " And that!" Aceso blocked them as best as possible.

"You have gotten really good," Aceso complimented as her kick got blocked. "Is this just from training with Lady Tsunade?"

"Sure thing," Sakura answered punching the ground, the ground blew and broke up into pieces. She started to go harder into the training.

"You are impressive Sakura," Aceso complimented. 

"You could work on your strength," Sakura said as Aceso barely missed her head.

"You are probably right," Aceso agreed. The timer went off, the two stopped sparring, they landed on the ground panting.

"You didn't do any other training for two years?" Sakura asked as she grabbed her water bottle.

"Not really," Aceso admitted grabbing her water bottle. 

"Too focused on medicine?" Sakura asked.

"Bingo," Aceso smiled. "I see a lot of Tsunade in really are her apprentice."

"Thanks," Sakura smiled even more. "But in comparison to power, I'm nowhere close to Naruto."

"Naruto?" Aceso asked.

"Each time I feel like I've caught up, he just keeps getting even strong," Sakura answered. "It feels almost impossible." Her smile dropped.

"Don't be so hard on you," Aceso said. "Naruto thinks you've come a long way and so does Dad. All of Team 7 has gotten stronger." 

"Sasuke, too?" Sakura asked.

"Sasuke too," Aceso confirmed.

"Naruto says we are on the same road," Sakura brought. "We are both on the same road to get closer to Sasuke. He's going to come back right?"

"I'm not sure anymore," Aceso admitted. "He's changed...I'm not sure for the better or worse...and it's almost time."

"We can't let that viper take over his body," Sakura said as her voice trembled. "If that happens, then everything we've been trying to do to get to him will be nothing."

"I don't think Sasuke's going to let Orochimaru take over his body," Aceso said. "The two are very similar though."

"How could you say that?" Sakura asked.

"They both try to find people that are strong," Aceso answered. "He doesn't necessarily agree with everything the viper does."

"How do you know?" Sakura asked looking at her.


Back when Aceso was still down in the lair, she was in Sasuke's bathroom with him. He was having her wash his body as he sat in the tub, it was his personal request. She was in the tub with him. He stared at the wall as she washed off his back.

"Sasuke," Aceso said softly.

"Did I say you could talk?" Sasuke asked glaring back at her.

"No," Aceso answered as she looked at the back of his head.

"Make it quick," Sasuke ordered.

"Are you really going to let Lord Orochimaru take over your body?" Aceso asked.

"Yes," Sasuke answered as he looked back at her. 

"Will it be after or before you kill Itachi?" Aceso asked.

"After," Sasuke answered.

"If that happens you won't be able to fulfill your dreams," Aceso said. "If he takes over your body, the Uchiha clan is no more. How do you plan on restoring your clan if you die?"

"That is a problem I've considered," Sasuke admitted looking forward. 

"If he takes over, he's not going to do as you wish and restore your clan," Aceso informed.

"I've realized that," Sasuke glared at her. "That's why you are here."

"No," Aceso denied. "If I am forced to restore your clan, you have to be present, it's your clan, not mine."

"Watch your tone," Sasuke warned as his hand wrapped around her throat. 


"Gut feeling," Aceso answered touching the side of her neck, Sakura had tears falling from her eyes, and she opened her mouth. "Come on." Aceso got back to her feet. "Let's get back to training."


The night Aceso was in the Hokage's building, she was picking up a few things from Lady Tsunade. They heard a knock at the door.

"Come in," a voice called. 

"Ladu Tsunade," Shizune said opening a door. "Kakashi sent us a messenger." They looked down to see Pakkun panting at the door.

"Pakkun," Aceso gasped walking over and kneeling down.

"Before, I can give you Kakashi's message, do you think I could have some water?" Pakkun panted.

"Of course," Aceso said picking him up as Shizune fetched him some water. Pakkun happily laid back in her arms, giving him a belly rub, she sat down in a chair. After some water and rest, Pakkun took them everything. The morning was arriving quickly. 

"A new enemy?" Aceso asked. Tsunade had Tonton on her lap.

"That's right," Pakkun confirmed. " A formidable one. I saw a bit of their handiwork. 

"which is why you're giving me this," Tsunade said holding up a pink crystal.

"There's something inside that crystal, isn't there?" Shizune asked. 

"The enemy's Jutsu took out of one of Shino's insects," Pakkun answered. "Kakashi wants it analyzed right away. 

"Shizune, I want this analyzed," Tsunade ordered."Get it to the lab."

"Yes, Ma'am," Shizune nodded, they went and analyzed it, they reported back to Lady Tsunade soon afterward and Yamato was in the building.

"You wanted to see?" Yamato asked. 

"Yes, that's right," Tsunade confirmed. "I want you to head out with Doctor Mastuba and help aid Team Kakashi

"Kakashi?" Yamato asked. "I heard it was nothing more than a search mission. Did something happen out there, my lady?"

"They had a bit of a run-in, which is where things get prickly," Tsunade answered. "Their foe used a Jutsu we've never seen."

"One we've never seen?" Yamato asked. 

"The details are still sketchy right now," Tsunade said. "Kakashi managed to get back a sample back and I'm having it analyzed as we speak."

"So who else shall I take with me?" Yamato asked. 

"Well, Sai can get a bird's-eye view," Tsunade answered. "And you should take Sakura as backup, in case Aceso has her hands full with any injured. Although Sakura is running an errand for me at the moment. I'm expecting her back by dawn. As soon as she returns, you're to head out."

"Understood," Yamato said. "My lady, what about Naruto? If Orochiamru's involved here, then--"

"Now, listen," Tsunade ordered. "Naruto is not to find out about any of this." Aceso went to the hospital and immediately began to pack up, she put a bunch of patches and ointment in her patch. 

"I'm home!" a voice chimed as a pair of arms wrapped around her. 

"Lee," Aceso breathed looking back at him, he was smiling so big that his eyes were closed. "How was your mission?"

"Went on without a hitch," Lee answered as he spun her around to face him. He looked behind her. "You going somewhere?"

"Going to go help Team Kakashi," Aceso answered as she closed her pack. "It was supposed to be just a simple search mission, but it got complicated." She put the back on in its spot, she started to walk out.

"Search mission?" Lee asked. "Looking for what?" 

"Orochimaru's layer," Aceso answered, the door slammed shut, Aceso looked down to see Lee's hand on the door, her back leaning against the door. "Lee?"

"I don't think it's wise you go," Lee said. "Any other mission would be fine, but not one that connects with Orochimaru."

"Huh?" Aceso asked. Lee cuffed the left side of her face, his pinkie finger slid over the scar on her eye.

"Are you sure you should go on this mission?" Lee asked.

"I can't be scared for the rest of my life," Aceso answered. 

"Just be careful," Lee said leaning down. "Use the power of youth."

"Of course," Aceso smiled, closing her eyes.

"You have to come back," Lee said, Aceso opened her eyes, he was extremely close to her face.

"What is this about Lee?" Aceso asked.

"You are someone I do not want to live without," Lee said putting his forehead on hers. 

"It's going to be alright, I've gotten stronger and so has everyone else," Aceso said.

"Like the Lotus Flower you have bloomed," Lee said, his hand moved down, his thumb brushing across her lips lightly, he started to turn red, and she did too. He put both hands on the door, he leaned down even further, the further he leaned down, the more his eyes closed, his lips hovered over hers.

"Aceso!" Sakura exclaimed whipping the door, they both fell over, Lee landing on top of her. "There's no time for laying down, we have a mission." She grabbed Aceso's suspenders, ripping her out from under Lee, and hurried out of the hospital. 


Aceso now stood at the gates with Team 7 besides Naruto.

"So, Naruto found out about the mission," Sakura said. 

"I'm sorry," Sai bowed his head. 

"It's okay, Sai," Aceso smiled at him. "Really, knowing Naruto, hiding it from him isn't exactly possible."

" I had no idea he'd go straight to the Hokage," Sai said bowing his head lower. 

"Lady Tsunade is not a person who gives in to pressure," Yamato said. "She made the decision to allow him to come along. It had nothing to do with you."

"See?" Sakura said. "In fact, it'll actually help, because teammates communicate better with each other."

"Where is Naruto?" Aceso asked.

"Late as always," Sakura groaned. "What's he doing?"

"Training probably," Aceso answered.

"I'll go get him," Sakura sighed, she hurried off to find him.

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