Chapter 15
All night Aceso worked on her medicine, she didn't bother going to bed. She finally started to get to work, but she needed to test to be sure. She had a kunai out, she was going to make a small cut on her hand to make sure the healing patch worked.
"What do you think you're doing?" Lee demanded, Aceso jumped dropping her kunai on accident. She looked over to see him with a towel around his waist, his hair was still sopping wet.
"I wanted to test out the patch," Aceso answered as she reached over her chair to grab the kunai.
"Then do it on me," Lee insisted as he appeared in a chair.
"No way," Aceso frowned at him. "It could go wrong."
"I'm sure you will be able to fix it," Lee said picking up the kunai before she could.
"I don't like experimenting on others," Aceso said. "If something is to go wrong, I will put my body on the line for it."
"If only that was the case this time," Lee said as he sliced open a small section on the right side of his chest, blood instantly spilling out.
"Lee!" Aceso exclaimed, she picked up a healing patch and put it on the spot he cut. She got up, went to the sink, and put a rag underneath. Aceso walked back over, and sat back down, she looked at his chest to see that the cut was closing up and the healing patch had absorbed into his body. "It worked." She put her hand on top of his chest, there wasn't even a sign that it would scar. "Amazing." Aceso looked up at Lee. "How are you feeling?"
"Youthful as always," Lee answered with a sparkly smile. He was doing his best to keep his face from going red.
"Nothing feels different? No colds? Headaches? Joint pains? Internal bleeding?" Aceso asked.
"None of that," Lee denied.
"That's amazing," Aceso smiled as she looked back at his chest, she got a little closer to get a better look at where she placed the healing patch. She then saw that there was still blood dripping down. She took the wet rag and started to wipe the blood off. "Thank you, Lee."
"It's my pleasure," Lee said as he finally turned red. There was no denying that Rock Lee was Rock solid.
"But please don't do that again," Aceso requested looking back up at him. "It could have gone horribly wrong."
"I can't promise anything," Lee laughed tilting his head. He opened his eyes, locking them onto hers. She was right about the comment from the other day. Melting at the sight of her eyes.
"What are you two doing?" a voice asked. They looked over to see an alarmed Shikamaru standing at the doorway of the kitchen.
"Lee was helping me with medicine," Aceso said pulling away. "How you are feeling Shikamaru?"
"I'm setting out for revenge," Shikamaru answered. "I need a few medical supplies, and if you can come as a reinforcement."
"Yeah, sure whatever you need," Aceso agreed.
"I would ask you Lee, but from what I've been told you are going out on a mission yourself," Shikamaru said.
"No worries," Lee said. "Next time I'll lend a hand as reinforcement."
"What is that you need in particular?" Aceso asked.
"I need some chakra ointment, food pills, chakra patches," Shikamaru listed.
"I have brand new healing patches, would you like some?" Aceso offered.
"What do they do?" Shikamaru asked.
"They take care of surface wounds such as they can stop the bleeding but as well as some deeper wounds, bruises, and burns," Aceso explained.
"Yeah, those can do," Shikamaru agreed. Aceso got up and went to her hospital cabinet, Shikamaru grew even more alarmed to see that Lee only had on a towel as Aceso gathered chakra ointment. "Just medicine you two have been working on, right?"
"Yeah," Aceso answered as she grabbed four chakra patches, she grabbed four healing patches off the table and handed them to Shikamaru. "This should be enough to supply you, when do you leave?"
"Team 10 is leaving early morning," Shikamaru answered. "You look exhausted, get some sleep, we are going to need you tomorrow."
"See you tomorrow with the reinforcements," Shikamaru said heading for the door. "Keep everything PG." He closed the door walking out.
"PG?" Aceso asked in confusion. She looked back to see Lee standing up, she turned back around, she forgot he only had on a towel.
"You going to sleep?" Lee asked pulling the curtain to the side.
"I'm going to make a few more of these then I will," Aceso answered. She went to work as Lee got into his suit. Minutes later he came out to find a stack of patches and Aceso passed out on the table. He picked her up and carried her into his room, he put her in his bed before setting out for his mission. Aceso didn't wake up till the next morning. She arrived at the Hokage building to present the healing patches.
"Did you give any to Team 10?" Tsunade asked.
"Yes, Shikamaru grabbed some yesterday," Aceso answered.
"He told me to have you go as part of the reinforcement team," Tsunade said. "Are you up for leaving the village?"
"Yes," Aceso answered. There was a knock at the door.
"Shikamaru also mentioned that he wants you leaving before the reinforcements," Shizune mentioned. "Will you be able to manage on your own?"
"I should be able to find them," Aceso answered.
"How do you plan on finding them?" Tsunade asked. "You aren't exactly a sensory type."
"No, I'm not," Aceso smiled.
"How do you plan on finding them then?" Shizune asked.
"I'll just ask help from Paprika or Pepper," Aceso answered.
"That's right, Lady Fizzy has informed me, that you can summon an animal," Tsunade recalled. "That being of two bunnies, a big one named Paprika, and a smaller named Pepper."
"Yes, ma'am," Aceso nodded.
"Come in," Tsunade called out. The door opened, and Sakura walked in.
"Hello, Sakura," Aceso greeted.
"Hello, Aceso," Sakura greeted closing the door.
"So, tell me, how's Naruto's training coming along?" Tsunade asked.
"According to Kakashi-sensei, he's finally grasped the principles," Sakura answered. "He should only require a little more time to perfect it.
" I see," Tsunade breathed.
"Milady, now that Kakashi-sensei has joined team 10, I think ream seven is the best team to send after him, my team," Sakura said. "Because we've worked so closely with him in the past, we're the best choice."
"Very sharp, Sakura, just as I'd expect," Tsunade complimented.
"However, we have no way of knowing just when Naruto will perfect this new jutsu of his," Shizune said. "Perhaps we should send a different squad."
"Sakura, pass this on," Tsunade ordered. "Tell Yamato to have Naruto wrap it up in the next 24 hours, and tell him if he can't manage that, I'll have to send a different squad with Aceso as a backup."
"Right," Sakura responded. She walked out to go report.
"Shizune, for a worst-case scenario, review the roster," Tsunade requested. "Put together a list of squads that work well with team 10 and Doctor Matsuba."
"Yes, right away," Shizune said.
"Aceso make as much medicine possible that you think that will be needed," Tsunade ordered.
"On it," Aceso agreed to leave the building, she went to the hospital and immediately make as many she would need for this mission. She then set out, she stopped at a tree. "Summoning Jutsu!" Smoke puffed, down below appeared a small bunny, its eyes were red, it was a light shade of brown.
"You need hopping help?" the bunny requested sitting on its hind legs.
"Yes, please Pepper," Aceso said kneeling down. " I need you to be able to me the direction of someone." She held out a torn cloth, it was an old shirt from Kakashi. Pepper sniffed it.
"Follow me," Pepper said as he took off in large leaps. They reached a point to find them in battle with two Akatsuki members, Kakuzu and Hidan. She remembers them deeply from the one encounter on her long mission.
"Thank you for your help, Pepper," Aceso said. "You may go now, I don't want anything bad to happen to you."
"Please be careful," Pepper said disappearing in smoke. Aceso stood up she looked to see three weird large creatures, smoke rose in the air, Team 10 and the two Akatsuki members stared at each other. Suddenly Choji started to charge, enlarging himself as Hidan gets ready to swing his three-bladed scythe. Shikamaru stopped Choji with his shadow possession. Hidan jumped getting ready to strike, Aceso used a rope Jutsu, tied around his scythe.
"Huh?" Hidan asked before he could process what happened, Aceso appeared in front, kicking him in the stomach, sending him backward. "Hey!" He got up back onto his feet. "That hurt." he ripped his scythe through and aimed at her, this time Kakashi stopped him as the ropes reconnected with each other. Those two began to take on Hidan. They ran up a tree dodging and blocking attacks. As they jumped to another tree, one of Kakuzu's five creatures flew up shooting fire at them. Aceso had her eyes glow green and made the fire bounce back with little green barriers.
"What are these things?" Aceso asked as they jumped around now trying to dodge lighting from one of them.
"Hearts of victims from Kakuzu," Kakashi answered. " Each victim with that specific chakra nature."
"So he has a total of five hearts," Aceso gathered. "So he's more than just a strong and stringing body parts." They were now doing wind attacks. Hidan split a branch as he went through with his blades laughing. Kakashi took on Hidan as Aceso kept sending the chakra nature attacks back with her barriers.
"At this rate," Kakashi breathed. Aceso saw that Kakuzu was dragging Choji and Ino to him by their throats, he held them up in the air as the lightning creature chased around Shikamaru. The creatures outsmarted them, they blasted Kakashi and Aceso from all sides at once, before Aceso could even make up a barrier.
"Yeah!" Hidan cheered from outside the smoke, in that time they made a clone. " So long!" They heard as they headed towards the ground. "Nice knowing ya!" The two dropped to the ground, Kakashi went one way as Aceso went the next. Her ropes wrapped around Hidan's waist, and she pulled him down as she ran back, he slammed to the ground. Shikamaru tricked one of the creatures, he made water appear out of a scroll, flooding over to Kakuzu. Then the lighting heart struck the water, electrocuting Kakuzu. Shikamaru threw a paper bomb, Kakuzu on water rise up, it exploded, Kakashi and Shikamaru both grabbed Choji and Ino in the smoke.
"Oh boy," Kakuzu groaned as he landed head first on the ground. Aceso quickly went over to Ino and Choji. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me." Aceso slammed two healing patches onto them as they coughed holding their throats.
"You ok?" Shikamaru asked.
"Uh, huh," Choji answered.
"Yeah, more or less," Ino answered as Shikamaru handed a chakra patch to everyone.
"Shikamaru, what now?" Kakashi asked.
"First thing we do is get them on their own," Shikamaru answered. We have to tackle them individually."
"Agreed," Kakashi nodded.
"Once their combo attacks are off the table, we can focus on destroying the big guy's last four hearts," Shikamaru said.
" Ok, then," Kakashi said. "But for that to happen, one of us will have to stall Hidan."
"I'll take care of it," Ino said standing up. "Listen, even with the chakra patches, out of the five of us, I've got the most chakra left. And besides, I'm not any good in a straight-up fight, anyway. With mind transfer Jutsu."
"Forget it," Shikamaru ordered. "It's too dangerous. Your mind transfer should always follow after my shadow possession. If you miss, you can't get back to your body for a few minutes. No. It's too risky." She looked down. "I'm going to do it?"
"What?" they all asked.
"I'll get him with mind possession, and head off with him," Shikamaru explained.
"You sure?" Aceso asked. "How do you plan on trapping him? We still need some kind of diversion."
"Well, I could take care of that part," Choji offered.
"No way, Choji," Shikamaru denied. "If he so much scratches you and captures your blood it's all over. It'll be just like last time. The head-on attack is the wrong way to go here." Choji seemed lost for words. Choji."
"Hm?" He looked back at Shikamaru.
"You have to preserve all your chakra," Shikamaru said. "Kakashi-sensei will need some help with the other enemy. I'll get ahold of him. You guys can stay out of it. And the diversion? That'll be me. I've got this."
"This is risky even for you Shikamaru," Aceso said.
"Trust me on this one," Shikamaru said.
"All right," Kakashi said. "He's all yours, then. Here." He handed something to Shikamaru,
"Thanks," Shikamaru said. He put the item in his back pouch, he walked towards the enemy. Hidan pointed his blade at them as the heart creatures walked forward. Shikamaru started to shadow Jutsu. The enemy all jumped away from it easily. Shikamaru got Hidan away from Kakuzu, then Kakashi started to go for Kakuzu. They watched as the two fights raged on, Kakashi danced away with Kakuzu, and Shikamaru threw two blades at Hidan with his shadow.
"No dodging in midair," Ino said.
"All right!" Choji cheered. Hidan lodged his blade into the tree, he jumped on it, avoiding the attack. In the end, Shikamaru managed to capture Hidan with shadow, they landed on the ground a few feet apart.
"Shikamaru get going!" Kakashi shouted.
"Leave the rest to us," Choji said.
"We're counting on you," Ino added
"Right," Shikamaru said, he made Hidan drop his weapon. "Come one. We're going for a little stroll." They started running into the forest. Kakashi continued to take on Kakuzu as the creatures started to surround Kakashi. Aceso immediately took action joining Kakashi, they put their backs against each other.
"Wasn't wise for the kid to go alone," Kakuzu said walking over. "He's underestimated Hidan. He did show a lot of promise, though. He'd have commanded quite a bounty down the line. But today, that boy dies. However, you were correct about one thing. " He held out his arm, it started to move around weirdly. "I am strong." The weird squirming line popped out at the stitches. "The ago between our respective battle is vast. Those headbands you are all wearing remind me of the very first Leaf Shinobi I ever faced off against. The first Hokage?"
"What?" Aceso asked.
"Just how old is this guy?" Ino asked.
"So you are immortal?" Kakashi asked.
"Naw," Hidan denied. "There's no such thing in this world. I've just managed to prolong my life by stealing and stocking up on others' hearts before mine can stop from old age." They jumped out of the way of two of the masks.
"The fire and wind style masks," Kakashi said.
"They're merging," Aceso said.
"If you're counting the original, my body holds up to five hearts," Kakuzu said. "Thanks to you, though, I'm now in need of a replacement, that's why I'll be taking yours.
"They were two separate bodies," Ino said. "But they merged."
" I will take your heart, Kakashi, to replace the one you took from me," Kakuzu said. The lighting one-shot an attacked, they jumped up, it went through the merged masks, The fire fast shot fire, Aceso eyes glowed green, she kept creating barriers so the fire attacks would bounce back or not go through. Kakashi used a string to get himself to a tree away from the attacks.
"Impressive," Kakuzu said. "But can it handle this?" The air one-shot air bullets right through her barriers and into the tree Kakashi was hiding behind. The fire one blast fire hitting Kakashi with a fireball.
"Sensei!" Choji and Ino exclaimed. The three masks all aimed at Aceso, they all blasted at once and Aceso held up to hands holding out two barriers as Kakashi fell to the ground, it puffed into smoke revealing a log.
"You did well this time, Kakashi," Kakuzu said. "But do you have the courage to show yourself before us and stand like a man?" Suddenly one of the lighting masks got yanked to the ground, all the masks stopped shooting out their elements, and Aceso put down her barriers, she has never used them for this long before, it was highly tiring. Kakashi appeared out of the ground and started to fight the two merged masks. The two masks prepared to attack at the same time.
"Not again," Kakashi said as they blasted the attack. "Water Style: Waterwall!" A wall of water shot out of the ground, steam filled the air as the three elements collided. But the fire and wind combo was too strong and shot through the water, Kakashi was having a hard time getting away from the fire. Aceso went to go help, then Kakuzu appeared in front of her.
"I don't think so," Kakuzu asked his arm hardened, he swung, Aceso ducked, those two went hand to hand. Kakuzu hit Aceso on the arm, she flew a little, she went forward as swung her arm, he ducked, just to be kneed in the stomach by her knee. They continued to go hand and hand, leg and leg. "Your taijutsu is similar to Kakashi o the Sharingan and that Taijutsu beast of the leaf village. But they will not save you." He kicked her up, and the lightning mask opened up, blasting her with lighting.
"Aceso!" Choji and Ino exclaimed. Kakuzu extended an arm and slammed her onto the ground, then he went after Kakashi. He was hanging on a tree as Kakashi rose up to his height. Kaknkuzu shot his vines down, they wrapped around all the limbs of Kakashi and slammed him on the ground a few feet away from Aceso was starting to get back on her feet.
"No!" Ino exclaimed as Kakuzu landed on Kakashi.
"Kakashi-sensei!" Choji exclaimed.
"You took your eyes off me," Kakuzu said. "An unfortunate distraction. And now your heart is mine." Kakuzu grabbed his heart groaning in pain. "What--what did you do?"
"It seems he pulled it off just in time," Kakashi answered.
"But-but how?" Kakuzu asked. "It's not possible,"
"That's where you're wrong," Kakashi said. "That ritual of your partner's? Sorry to tell you this. He used your blood for it. You see, Shikamary knew Hidan's powers utilized other people's blood, so he prepared blood capsules in advance just in case." Kakuzu collapsed on the ground next to Kakashi.
"It can't be," Kakuzu groaned. "When could have you possibly have had the chance?" Aceso got onto her feet, Choji and Ino both glanced at each other.
"When I struck you through with my lighting blade," Kakashi answered sitting up. "At that exact moment, I extracted your blood."
"No way," Kakuzu groaned. "That lousy kid planned that far ahead?"
"That's about the size of it," Kakashi answered."You should have been more careful. This time you misunderstood your opponent. Asuma gave his life meaning behind that information. No way he was going to let it go to waste. You people take lives without hesitation. There's no way you could ever understand the depth of what Shikamary feels."
"Kakashi-sensei!" Choji exclaimed as they rushed over to him.
"Are you ok, sensei?" Ino asked.
"Yeah, somehow I am," Kakashi answered, he took the vines things off of him, but the main ones were still connected to his heart. Kakashi started to pull them out.
"If you take it out too vast you are going to kill yourself," Aceso said as she and Ino knelt next time to him. "Do it slowly."
"Make sure not to damage the vessels," Ino added. "Here let me treat you with medical ninjutsu."
"It'll have to wait," Kakashi said with a sudden urgency, he took out the rest of the wires from his body. "They're coming." They looked over to see the masks charging at them. Choji jumped forward.
"Expansion Jutsu!" Choji shouted he expanded to create a barrier. "Super Slam." Blue chakra formed at his [also along with red lines going all over his palms. He slammed his palms on top of the chakra mask beasts.
"Nice work!" Ino complimented. " Way to go, Choji!" He laughed suddenly a tentacle wrapped around his arm, smoke puffed returning him to normal size, he quickly evaded the attack.
"Choji!" Aceso exclaimed. Fireblasted at them, they quickly dodged, then one of the mask dove into Kakuzu's body.
"Dammnit," Kakashi groaned.
"What?" Ino asked. Kakuzu started to come back to life, the lighting mask broke as the creature went fully back inside Kakuzu, he got back to his feet, even angrier than before.
"He reanimated?" Ino asked.
"He somehow absorbed the lighting-style monster's heart," Kakashi answered. The fire and air masks both went back inside of Kakuzu, his stitches ripped revealing more wires in his body, his mask broke off as the wires came out of his mouth.
"What is he becoming?" Ino asked.
"His primary body is becoming a monster, too," Kakashi answered, Choji finally landed back by them. The wires all stuck out as if it was all hair.
"No one of my hearts, but two," Kakuzu said. "This hasn't happened to me in a while. This time there's no escape."
"Get ready," Kakashi ordered.
"Right," the three said getting into a fighting stance. Before any of them could do anything, wires shot out of the ground, capturing all four of them. Wires rose up from under the ground.
"Kakashi, I had intended to replace the heart with yours," Kakuzu said. "But I've changed my mind. After all, I can find more hearts any time I please." The wind and fire mask appeared out of the net-hair mess thing. "Now die!" The two masks all blew out their attack, it seemed to be that was going to be the end.
"Wid Style, Rasengan!" Narutos' voice shouted.
"Water Style torrent!" Yamato's voice shouted.
"Hurraince fortress Jutsu!" they shouted. The fire and wind attacks clashed with the water and wind attack. They canceled each other out, steam filled the air.
"Sorry, we're late," Naruto apologized. "But better late than never." The smoke cleared away revealing Team 7 has finally arrived to help and all the wires have been cut free from the people that were captured.
"It's as you've said Naruto, the hero always arrives show up at the last minute," Aceso said.
"Believe it," Naruto said glancing back at her for a second, he gave her a small quick smile.
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