Chapter 14
The next day, Aceso left home early to go to work, she wanted to work on her medicine in the lab. She was having no luck. After a few hours, she went to ramen and met up with Kakashi, Yamato, and Naruto. Kakashi was holding up Naruto.
"Little Sister!" Naruto greeted waving his hand.
"Oh, hey," Aceso greeted with a smile. "How's training going?"
"Naruto is progressing well," Kakashi answered. "Soon he will be able to make a Jutsu his own."
"That's fantastic," Aceso said as they walked up to the ramen shop.
"How's your medicine coming along?" Naruto asked.
"Proving to be harder than I hoped it to be," Aceso admitted. "But I'm not giving up. Captain Yamato, how are those chakra patches?"
"They have proven to be highly helpful," Yamato said. He seemed to be just as exhausted as Naruto. "Thank you."
"He's less scary when he's tired," Naruto said leaning towards his sister.
"See Naruto, we are here," Kakashi said as they stopped.
"Hello," Aceso greeted pulling the curtains to the side.
"Welcome customers!" Teuchi shouted.
"Uh, hi," Kakashi greeted. They sat Naruto down, he slammed his head onto the table.
"Listen, old man," Naruto ordered. "Extra large pork miso with extra pork. On the double."
"We have a new menu," Ayame broke it to him. "Take it a look." She put the menu in front of him. Aceso sat on the end next to Kakashi.
"That's great," Naruto complimented. "But I still want extra-large pork miso with meat, noodles al dente."
"Hey, come on," Ayame groaned. "You didn't even look at the menu."
"Give it a look-see, Naruto," Teuchi insisted. "As of today, we've made some pretty big changes to the lineup."
"That's right!" Ayame exclaimed. "We serve dipping noodles
"Dipping noodles?" Aceso asked as she looked over to see the new menu.
"I'm sticking with extra pork miso with meat," Naruto said. "And go ahead and throw in some pickled red ginger."
"Would you listen?" Ayame snapped. "We don't serve ramen any longer."
"Huh?" Naruto asked opening his eyes.
"It's not mentioned anywhere on the menu," Aceso noted.
"Wait, a second," Kakashi said as they looked at the signs. " So this is a noodle dipping shop now?
"See, my daughter Ayame went off to get some professional training as a noodle maker," Teuchi informed. "She came home and said." He made his voice high pitch. "Dad, the age of dipping noodles has arrived. We need to take Ichiraku in a new culinary direction."His voice went back to normal as Ayame stood there all smug. "Yep. Now my girls got all kinds of fancy business knowledge."
"The customers' likes and dislikes are constantly evolving," Ayama stated. "If Ichiraku doesn't change too, we'll fall behind the times."
"See?" Teuchi laughed putting a hand behind his head. " Haha."
"What the hell are you talking about?" Naruto demanded, lifting his head. " All I wanted was a simple pork miso and meat."
"It'll be fine," Kakashi assured. "Dipping noodles are pretty much the same as ramen."
"No, they're not," Aceso declined.
"Dipping noodles are served separate from the broth," Yamato added. "You dip and eat, like soba."
"Well, it all goes to the same place," Kakashi pointed out.
"The concept is totally different," Yamato said.
"He's absolutely right," Naruto cried. "Ramen's not the same as dipping noodles. And I really want ramen, so let's get going, huh?"
"We've only prepared dipping noodles," Ayame informed. "So, I'm sorry." She turned her head away.
"Oh, come on," Naruto pleaded. "Switching back to ramen would just be tweaking the soup a little, right?"
"You'd be satisfied with phony ramen like that?" Ayame asked angrily. " I thought you of all people would have standards for quality pork miso and meat ramen."
"No, it's not like that," Naruto denied. "I'm just really--" His stomach growled loudly. His head slammed onto the ground.
"Dad, switch places with me," Aceso requested.
"Uh, sure," Kakashi agreed as they switched so Aceso sat next to Naruto.
"This food talk makes me so hungry," Naruto complained. "I don't care anymore, we'll take the dipping noodles."
"Four orders of dipping noodles," Ayame announced.
"Right, four of dipping noodles!" Teuchi cheered. "Coming right up." In a quick minute, a noodles bowl was placed in front of Naruto. " All right here you go, fresh out of the pot."
"Just a minute," Ayame denied taking the bowl. She started to feel the noodles. "The noodles are a tad undercooked. They need to boil for one more minute."
"They do?" Teuchi asked.
"And check the water temperatures," Ayame ordered.
"Ok," Teuchi agreed running off.
"Wait, you're going to make them over again?" Naruto asked. He slammed his head back onto the table.
"Orders up!" Teuchi announced. "Ichiraku dipping noodles." He placed them in front of Naruto.
"All right!" Naruto cheered, he then looked confused. " Where's the soup?"
"It's a bit too strong," Ayame said after tasting it with her finger. "The product in Yugao Village was slightly more on the more refreshing side. Start it over again."
"Right away," Teuchi agreed taking Naruto's bowl. Naruto began to whimper.
"In that first bite, we must make our mark on the customer with perfection," Ayame declared as she started over.
"That's the spirit Ayame!" Teuchi cheered. "Show me the results of your training." He worked on the noodles.
"Oh, so hungry," Naruto complained.
"Naruto," Aceso whispered.
"Aceso," Naruto groaned.
"Lend me your ear," Aceso whispered, Naruto sat up and she began to whisper into it. Kakashi and Yamato looked at each other and shrugged.
"Here you go!" Teuchi announced as Aceso pulled away. "Ichiraku's very own dipping noodles." He put the bowl of broth and noodles in front of Naruto. "And this time, it's perfect."
"Well, it's about time," Naruto whimpered. "Old man, can I get some pork slices and pickled bamboo shoots and some fish cake toppings? Please." He raised up a bowl.
"Uh, sure, I suppose," Teuchi agreed. Naruto smirked, the items requested were added to the noodle bowl and then Naruto poured in the broth. Kakashi then moved Aceso back to the end, so he could sit in between them.
"What are you doing?" Ayame demanded. "No!"
"Haha!" Naruto cheered. "If I eat it like this, it's ramen."
"That's quality dipping noodles," Ayame growled. "You can't do that."
"No, Ayame," Naruto argued. "Somehow you have forgotten the most basic guiding principle for a restaurateur. You're getting caught up in the small details. But what's most important is that the customer is satisfied, right?"
"That's why I put my heart and soul into these dipping noodles," Ayame said. "It's the restaurant's responsibility to advise the customer, to act as their culinary guide, making sure they experience only the finest of ingredients and modern methods of preparation. "
"But I want to eat ramen, and you won't let me!" Naruto roared getting to his feet.
"Save your yelling after you've sampled our noodles!" Ayame roared getting in his face. "You'll see! And you'll never selfishly ask for ramen again!" Naruto and Ayame both started to argue and yell at each other. Kakashi, Aceso, and Yamato happily ate their food.
"That was delicious," Kakashi said putting his hands together. "What do you think?"
"It's a good light bite to eat," Aceso admitted. Not long after that Naruto finished his food.
"At the end of the day, anything tastes delicious when you're hungry enough," Naruto smiled. "Thanks for the dipping noodle ramen" He put down his third bowl. "My belly is full." Ayame was twitching with anger by the stove.
"I may not agree with how he ate our cuisine, but he did wolf down three bowls so I guess I should be proud," Ayame said.
"All right," Naruto smiled. "Let's get back to the training, right fellas?"
"Not yet," Kakashi denied. "Before we do, Naruto, I want to show you something very interesting."
"What do you have in mind?" Naruto asked.
"After eating all that food, you should rest," Kakashi said. "I'll explain everything then."
"Ah great," Naruto breathed. "More complicated explanations."
"It'll be fine," Kakashi assured. "You know I can sweet talk anyone. I promise it'll be interesting."
"Thank you, and here is your bill," Teuchi said holding it up to Kakashi.
"Yamato, you've got this right?" Kakashi asked.
"Who, me?" Yamato asked. "Shouldn't the most senior member be the one to take care of it?"
"There's no rank distinction when it comes to mutual respect," Kakashi said. "Besides, you're probably my only junior I acknowledge as a true equal." Yamato was caught off guard. "But, you're right. If you want me to pay, I will." In the end, three of them stood outside as Yamato paid.
"Thanks again," Teuchi said as the cash register's bell went off.
"And uh, keep the change," Yamato said. Kakashi held two fingers and a thumb.
"You can really sweet talk, Kakashi-sensei," Naruto giggled.
"You should see him sweet talk Gai-sensei," Aceso giggled, Naruto started giggling even harder as Kakashi turned red. Aceso went up to the Hokage building as the other three went back to training. She was looking through the books when Shizune entered the room.
"Lady Tsunade," Shizune breathed. " A message from Team Asuma." She grunted angrily. After hearing the report, Aceso went back to her place to continue to make more medicine and try to make the new one a success. Aceso was now hanging upside down on her rope, she held a book flipping through the pages.
"I see that you are stuck on something," Gai-sensei's voice boomed.
"Dad," Aceso breathed looking to see him sitting at the table. "When did you get here?"
"Just long enough to care for your youthful cactus," Gai laughed. "How about you take a break and go on a run with me?"
"A break sounds nice," Aceso smiled, the two went on a run and did some training together.
"Always make sure to count your move ten steps ahead," Gai instructed as he blocked a kick. "Know your tenth move before your enemy knows your next move."
"Right," Aceso breathed. They went on a little longer, they now sat on a fallen tree having tea. "Papa."
"Hm?" Gai asked.
"Do you think something big is going to happen?" Aceso asked.
"What are you talking about?" Guy asked.
"It's something Kankuro mentioned in his letter the other day," Aceso answered. "With Akatsuki's activity increasing, he feels that something big is going to happen."
"Do you believe him?" Gai asked.
Aceso looked at the ground. "It's not a suspicion to bed ignored, Kankuro could be right."
"If one focuses too much on the future, they may miss their youth," Gai said. "But Kankuro is right, we all must prepare for the worst if it is to come." They saw that clouds were starting to roll in. Aceso nodded. "Now, what is this medicine you are trying to make?"
"I want to make healing patches," Aceso answered as it started to rain.
"Have you tried to same techniques you used for the chakra patches?" Gai asked.
"Yeah," Aceso answered. "Maybe I should look over them again. Thank you for the tip."
"I'm not sure what I did," Gai said. " All I did was ask a couple of questions." Aceso laughed, soon they both were at Aceso's kitchen table, Gai was trying to help her make some medicine. She had so many notes and ingredients out, Gai was doing his best to help her out. It had finally stopped raining so they opened some windows. He currently also was getting at her about finding a stranded orange leg warmer under the kitchen table.
"It's mine!" Aceso laughed.
"You don't wear leg warmers, you said they were fashionable enough!" Gai argued shoving it into her face.
"They keep my legs warm at night!" Aceso laughed.
"Are you sure it's not Lee keeping you warm at night instead?" Gai asked.
"Well, Lee does give me tea, so yes to both," Aceso answered.
"The bond created through sharing tea at night continues," Gai cried. "It makes me so happy."
"You are going to get tears in the medicine!" Aceso cried out as she tried to swat away falling tears.
"Catch these ones!" Gai shouted as he cried out harder, Aceso started to laugh. Then there was a knock at the door.
"I got it," Aceso said getting up. She grabbed a pestle and mortar and started mashing up a small piece of a deer antler, she opened the door to find Ino. Tears were rolling down her face. "Is everything alright Ino?"
"A-Asuma-sensei," Ino cried, she was struggling to get the next bit of words out, Gai was now standing at the doorway. "H-H-He's...He's---he's been killed." The bowl from Aceso's hands dropped, and so did Ino. The bowl shattered, as Gai's and Aceso's eyes went wide in sadness. Aceso caught Ino in her arms, as the sad girl cried.
"Come inside and have some tea," Aceso said as tears brimmed in her eyes.
Aceso now stood in the commentary for the funeral service being held for Asuma Sarutobi. They watched Kurenai walk up to his headstone, placing down flowers. Everyone stood in black, Aceso held on to Gai's hand as he cried.
"Asuma," Kakashi breathe sadly, and Konohamaru was sobbing just like he did at Lord Third's funeral.
"Uncle Asuma," Konohamru cried.
After the funeral ended everyone went their separate ways, Lee and Aceso both walked home silently. When they got home, Aceso went right back to working on the medicine.
"Red Rose?" Lee asked.
"The Akatsuki have started to their show their hand more than before," Aceso said. "How many more people are going to die before this all ends?"
"That I do not have an answer to," Lee admitted as he sat at the table, two hands grabbed one of Aceso's hands. His thumbs started to rub her knuckles. "These Akatsuki people so far have all proven to be formidable, if something big to happen, we must get stronger if wish to defeat them and not lose anyone else."
"You're right," Aceso agreed. "I'm going to take a break from medicine for two days."
"Are you just going to go to work at the hospital?" Lee asked.
"Yes, but if you are around, we should work on our combo attack," Aceso suggested.
"I should be around for the next couple of days," Lee said. "Let's go get some tea."
"That sounds nice," Aceso agreed.
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