Chapter 12:The Rescue & Final Fight

Previously on Resident Evil: Guilliman's Return and the Ultramarine Legion Comes

"We have finally found an Entrance and we are now beginning to Search my Lord" Said a Ultramarine Infiltrator Sargent as they are wet in the Underwater "It appears we have Enemies now that are approaching us my Lord"

"Here too" Said Deathwatch Intercessor "It appears they are Heavily Armed with anti-tank weapons but we could Handle them"

Guilliman Listen to them "Weapons Free and Begin the Rescue Operation" He said

With it Gunshots can be heard as their Enemy Scream in Agony



Due to not having enough Space just to swing their Swords or longer in length blades, they  could only either use their Fist, Knives and Bolters as a Club weapons

They are marching slowly as their Enemies are using Range weapons, but since it's weaker than even the Stubber Weaponry they don't even much worry about it

Some Fired an RPG to them and they still Shrug it off like nothing and Return Fire

"Keep advancing my sons we need to move quickly" Said Guilliman as more and more Damage has been done to the Facility and it will be matter of time that there will be enough Damage to the structure and it would drown under the Water

They would not Care if the Facility is Destroyed but since they are protecting their Human allies it's Only Secondary Objective all that is importance for now is to Rescue the Humans who will have a Cure in their Blood

Ronan saw 3 J'avo armed with RPGs He quickly aimed and Fire killing the 3 of them

Several J'avo Tried to sneak attack from one of the Reaver as he is Getting Closer, The Ultramarine Revear Plunge his Large Knife to it's Head killing the Zombie "As if you could sneak attack on me" he said as he Attack several more J'avos

They do not stop as they keep advancing and Shooting anyone who Tried to stop them from their Objectives

"Here i though that we could really use some living shields" Said Helena as they are walking with a Tartaros Class Terminators as they are the only ones who move Faster than any terminator, she  Saw a J'avo above them she aimed her pistol and Killed him

"Your Right, at least these Guys are Walking Living Tanks" Said Leon as Several Gunfire could be heard in Front of them as their Bullets bounce off from the Terminator armor, The Terminator armed with Assault Cannot Fired and Killed dozens of J'avo

A Devastator Armed with Heavy Bolter Aimed at the J'avo who are Taking Cover from the Boxes he Fired his weapons, the Boxes are Penetrated by the Bolt Round as He killed the group of Enemy that are taking cover there

As they Marched they saw a Large Metallic Door Close

Ronan Nod to his Brothers, Ronan along with his Brothers Shoulder Rammed the Door and Destroyed it, so that their Companions could Enter

Ronan Aimed his Bolter for any more Enemies and Found None, They Form a Perimeter after double Check they Resumed their Walked

"Something is not Right here" Said Leon as he could Feel that no one hasn't been Greet them Yet

"You are Right Leon" Said Guilliman as he already feel something that their Answer won't wait for long

They go into a Large and Dark Room

"Ah Crap" Said Habriel as they are looking for some Trouble

"What is it?" Said Guilliman as he walked Beside them

"That Father" Said Ronan as he Pointed at their Direction

Guilliman could see the Grim the Voice of his Son and the Room before them are Large Number of Cocoon likely hundreds of them

"Purge them all now!" Said Guilliman as he Fired both his Bolters and Flamer as it Burn the Cocoons before they could Hatch 

They do the Same Destroying Dozens of the Cocoons But sadly it is already too Late the Moment they have Entered there, the Cocoon have Starting to hatch

And with it, Napads attack them along with Several Different Types of Creatures as they are being attack

A interccessor Marine Block a Chainsaw with his Arm and Looked to the Zombie with Chainsaw Attached to it's Arm "That's New" he said as he Aimed his Bolter and Fired it Destroying it's Head, he then Unsheathe his knife in Reverse Grip and kill several Napad

Guilliman Crush a Napad with his Powerfist and then Throw it

While Leon, Helena and other Marines are Providing Support as they are eliminating Enemy snipers while they are taking cover with their Allies 

"These Guys are Persistant" Said Helena as she killed another Sniper She quickly Take Cover as the Sniper was Aiming at her she Heard the Clank of a Bullet as the Tactical Marine Take him off, she Nod in thanks to him

Leon Dodge a Knife from behind him a J'avo tried to attack him again, Leon Catch it's arm and Twisted it, he flip J'avo to the Ground and Put his knee to it's head he aimed his Pistol and Fire killing it "We are getting more Trouble here right now" Said leon

Several Space Marines and Custodians Heard him as they Change their Targets and Attacking the J'avo Behind them for they are Surrounded by their Enemies

Custodian Sentinels are able to use their Advantage with their Shields as they are smashing their Way along the Breacher squads they Fired their Bolters and holding their Line at the Back preventing their Enemies to Reinforce their Comrade

Ronan smash his Bolter to the Napad's Head in Full Force destroying it's upper Body then Kick to his Right, he Reload his Lastrum Guass Bolter and Resumed fire

Guilliman's Shoulder Mounted Bolters and Flamers are in the Forefront along with the Terminators and Other Melee Specialist as they are killing the Napads and other Specimen from their Enemies

"Oh oh, Incoming!" Said Leon as he Notice that he and Helena are Expose they saw  J'avo aiming an RPG and Fired, the two dodge it, While A Tactical Marine saw the J'avo and kill him

They Return back to their Formation so that Leon and Helena would be Protected

After several Minutes of Intense Fighting all enemies are Killed

"All Enemy Forces in this Area has been Eliminated Father" Said Ronan after stomping the still Living J'avo to Death

Guilliman Nod to him "Good, There's no Sign of something going to attack us in this Area let's Search for another one hoping that we could Rescue Them" said Guilliman

Guilliman Contacted his Sons that have been spread through out the Facility "Other Squads Report" he said for he needs to know of what is their situation and if possible if they are able to Locate their Location to the Survivors and Rescue them

"This is Tactical squad 5 we are Facing Light Resistance considering that we already wipe most of their Forces along with Deathwatch Father, we are now Going to the Next Area" Said the Tactical Sargent, Guilliman Heard Gunfire as they battle their Way through but it appears their Enemies Failed to stop them as they are now Resumed their Advance

"This is Infiltrator Squad we have Clearing this Area along with the Napad Creatures that have ambushed us and we Destroy them" Said the Infiltrator Sargent

"This is Terminator Squads The Area we are searching does not have the Survivors that we are searching but we are now going to the Next Location" Said Terminator Sargent after Cutting Several C-virus Creatures with his power sword

Guilliman heard all of their Response and not a Single Casualties among his Forces to their Enemy Forces, only Delaying them from their Objective as they are facing heavier Resistance of their Enemy as they are given their All just to stop them from reaching their Goal

As Guilliman walked and his Sons along with leon and Helena they have already Serching for the 4 people for the last 30 minutes as they are Clearing every Location that they Search as it filled with J'avo and other Creatures that Tried to stop Them, Guilliman was Force to send more Reinforcement as he Needed more Troops so that they could Find Sherry, Jake, Christ and Piers without any more Difficulty 

"I've got two Visuals Father" Said Ronan as his Auspex in their Helmet Detected two people

Guilliman "Whatever this is, they're alive and not Zombies so be Prepared" Said Guilliman And he is hoping that their Searching for the 2 possible Cure finally Over, or Even Chris and his Partner so that they could helped each other to Find the 2 survivors 

"Hope that we find either of those pairs" Said Nath as they are keep moving Forward

"I hope they're Okay" Said Helena

"Do not Need to Worry, i Trust Jake that he could keep sherry Safe, if he din't then there will be hell to pay" Said Leon Darkly at the Last after all he is Protective to Sherry along with Claire when they are Stranded in Racoon and Face Death too Many times to Count in Just single Night that they are lucky to survive from the Nuclear Missile, they are Lucky with Guilliman's helped in that City along with the Last Member of the S.T.A.R. Jill Valentine it would be impossible for them to Escape out there alive

As they Walked with Weapons Aiming at the unknown Pair

They stop for a While, Ronan looked to his brothers and Nod to them and signal them to Move, with it they Aimed their Weapons at the pair who are all very shock to see them

There was Adult Men and Woman

The Woman was a Blond hair with white suit and Jeans and appeared to be 24 years old while the Men has scarred Face, that Space Marines, Custodians and the Primarch Noted that this Men before them is no Stranger to a Battle Considering in his Eyes that he has his Fair share of Battle

Jake was Very Shock at seeing Them because he had never Encountered them before, he though that they are those from Neo-Umbrella, they're big between 9 and 10 feet tall and what's worse they have Guns and Armor after all the J'avos are using Modern Weapons as if they are alive and could aimed them like any soldiers would, and worse of all, These Guys before them is seems to be straight up from Scifi-Fantasy Merge Together into one because their Armor is looked like a Medieval Knight along with Swords and other Melee Weapons and he wonder who is stupid enough to use sword into a Gunfight? 

But to Sherry she is Shock for a Different because She have never Though that she would This Omega Symbol again, the Color of the Armor of this Space Marines are Familiar to her because it was belong to only one being that she knows the one who helped her, Claire, Leon and Jill to Escape Racoon City 

That means of this Space Marines are here then there's a Possibility that he is here as Well and she is at least Happy that she encounter them because even if they are not here to Rescue her along with jake at least she is thankful as their Chance of Survival Increase and have no Doupt that they could get out of here alive

"Ul- Ultramarines Please don't Shoot!" Said Sherry as she put her hands up

"You know this scifi Smurfs looking?" Said jake after Recovering from his Shock and looked to sherry 

Every Ultramarine Groaned at that

Sherry Giggled at that despite that they are still in Enemy Territory "Well yes, they're Father Help us Escape from Racoon City" said Sherry

She then looked to the Ultramarines

"Um, whom we speaking?" She ask

"I'am Commander Ronan Belleza and you must be Sherry if i'm correct?" Said Ronan as it appears she knows them last time Their Father Told them she was still a Child at that Time when the Virus Infect Every Citizen of the Raccoon City 


"Sherry!" said Leon as he move Towards Sherry as he Hug her and she Hug Back

"Leon your Here too?!" Said Sherry as they Broke their Hug

"Along with my Partner" Said Leon as he Gesture to Helena that  which she Waved her Hand

"Good to see you again agent Berkin" Said Helena

"So if the Ultramarines are Here does that Mean?" Said Sherry

They Then Feel Vibration as a Larger Ultramarine Reveal himself

"Mr, Guilliman it's you!" Said Sherry as she Leap and Hug Guilliman who have Removed his Helmet

"It's good to see you Too Sherry" Said Guilliman as he Put Sherry down gently 

Sherry Nod

"Um this is jake Miller" Said Sherry as she Pointed at the Men

"So your jake?" Said Guilliman as he looked to jake who is Intimidated at their Sheer Height and not to Mention their Big guns

"Yes, Sir  i'am" Said Jake shaking because of how Massive They are

"Father there will be a Time for a  Reunion but we must Get them out of here Right now Before we go on and Destroy this Facility for Good" Said Ronan

Guilliman Nod to him he turned to Sherry "Do you Happened Encounter Chris and His Partner?" Said Guilliman

Sherry Nod to him "Yes, we Encountered him along with his Partner and they Are Need help, because they Stay Behind so that Me and Jake could escape" Said Sherry  as looked down in Shame that she Made Claire's Older Brother in Danger

"Don't Worry we'll Come after them" Said Guilliman "Where are they?" He ask

"There" Said Sherry as she pointed at the Large Metal Door

Guilliman looked to that Door and his Scan indicate 3 Unknown Boogies 2 are Human Size and one is a Large Size Creature

"Whatever they're Fighting it's Large" Said Guilliman

"Mr, Guilliman you must stop that thing if not, it will infect the Entire World!" Said Sherry in Grave tone and Worry

"Do not Worry about that Sherry me and my Sons are going to stop it, so Go with my Sons along with Leon and Helena we will go all out so that we could kill the Creature" Said Guilliman

"Habriel i want a Squad among your brothers to Protect them for their Lives are Top Priority for their Blood is the Cure for this Virus" Said Guilliman

"Of course my Lord" Said Habriel

"Honor Guards looked after the Mortals and i Expect them to be Alive and you Apothecary will accompany them" Said Guilliman

"Yes my Lord" They said in Unison

"Leon your service is no longer Needed here, Let us the More powerful Soldiers to Deal with this, after all your Objective is to Rescue Sherry and Jake Miller" Said Guilliman

Leon Nod to him "Thanks we will Evacuate Immiently and looked After Chris will you?" Said Leon

Guilliman Nod to him "They will take you to my Ship where you will be Safe with Very powerful Armies that will Protect you there" Said Guillman

"Good Luck Mr. Guilliman hope to see you again" Said Sherry as they are Escorted by the Ultramarines and Custodians

With it  Guilliman Punch the Door and it crash to the other side

Guilliman the Custdoian, the Ultramarines and Deathwatch Looked down Below, They saw Chris and Piers Fighting a Very Large Creature, it has no Legs only Upper Torso as if it is Incomplete, Its limbs looked more like tentacles than traditional limbs

"By the Old Ones!" Said Guilliman as he is shock to see a Powerful Creature, after all this is Just like seeing Successful Greater Demons being Summoned, The Creature May not be From Nurgle but from what Sherry have told him about this Creature that could become Danger to the World if it not stop

"That Creature must not see the Day my Sons" Said Guilliman as he Unsheathe his Powersword and Ignite it 

Ronan ignite his powersword along with his Brothers who Grip their Weapons even Tighter even the sound of the Chainswords intensifies due to their Grip 

"Kill that ugly son of a Bitch!" Said Guilliman as he his sons with Melee Weapons Charge and attack the Giant Creature

They let out a Warcry as they Jump, Guilliman was the First as he Punch the Creatures head with his Powerfist 

Chris and Piers was Shock to see them, and Chris was even more Shock since the Last time they Meet is when Guilliman Fought against Wesker, Due to the Need of Secrecy he and Shiva along with Jill and josh stone and telling them that it was He and Shiva have killed wesker so that no one knows Guilliman and not even other Bio-terrorist Organization knows them either

To Piers he is shock that he had never seen these Soldiers Before, "Are they are Robots?" Though Piers as he looked to them with wide Eyes as they Battle the Giant Creature he then looked to Chris who is shock as him, but he could tell that Chris that he din't expect this, not because of their Appearance more like as if he had encountered them Before

One of the Devastator Marine approach Chris

"Chris Redfield you must Evacuate from this Facility so that we could go all out without any Restraint" Said the Devastator Sargent

Chris Recovered from his Shock and Looked to Piers "Piers we need to get out of here, these Will help us escape" Said Chris

"Captain how? How do you know them?" Said Peirs as his Jaw Drop

"Questions Later we need to get out of here, they can handle that thing without any our Help we would only in their Way, and for that we could only hope that they Destroy that Creature" Explained Chris

Piers as much as he Wants to Ask a Question this is not the Time, they Need to get out of here first before he ask again, after all these Unknown Soldiers are Armed to the Teeth with Armor that could take a Tank Round and just walked it off "Alright then captain let's go" Said Piers 

With it the two BSAA operatives are escorted by the Ultramarines to Evacuate from the Facility and Catching up with Sherry and Jake

"The Creature Heals Fast!" Said one of the Intercessor as Each time they Damage the Creature it almost instantly Heal itself

Guilliman swing his Sword and he saw the wounds did not Heal Itself "It appears Like during my Last Encounter from this Galaxy it did not Heal itself" Though Guilliman as he Punch the Creature and Hit to the Wall

The Creature Howled in Pain as the Continues Fire and the Slashing Weapons from the forces of the Imperium inflict upon it and even it's healing capabilities could only sustain too much pressure but not this kind of Pressure 

3 of the Assault squad cut of it's Arm, While their Sargent Punch it's head 

"This is too Easy!" Said the Assault Sargent

Then Suddenly the Giant Creature's Arm have Regenerated and not only that it also added 4 arms and total of 6

"You have to say that Brother?" Said Ronan as he looked to his Brother Menacingly, The Sargent looked to him in Fear

"And now we have to Fight even Harder than that" Said Guilliman as his Shoulder Bolters keep Firing  

"Courage and Honor Brothers!" Said Nath as he jump along with Assault Marine and attack the Beast


With the other Group

They have already Moving Fast

"Hey wait for us!" Said Chris as they are Running

"Chris!" Said Leon "I'm glad that your still alive despite that you are outnumbered in this Facility and not to mention Armed Zombies that Really knows how to use Modern Weapons"  

Chris Chuckled "Let's just say i'm not easily to be Get Killed Leon" Said Chris

"We need get of here Fast before this Facility is going to be Destroyed!" Said Jake as the Facility begun to shake because of the Fighting

"And it was only mere 15 minutes of their Arrival and Fight that Monster?" Said Helena as they could Hear the Roar of that Giant Creature and the sounds of the Bolters and Chainswords

"Whatever Abominations they have Created, they indeed have made sure that it could survive from Mortally wounded it might be the Reason why it is still alive" Said the Custodian Sargent as they have to slow down so that the Mortals would not be left behind

"They will not going to let it Live not after what i;ve told them if they Fail to stop it" Said Sherry

As they Run, they Suddenly Stop on their Tracks as there is anothing Creature Blocking their Way, it's large almost as Large as the Space Marines

"Another obstacle?" Said the Ultramarine Honor Guard as they Prepared for Combat

"Ah Not him again!" Said Sherry, Jake, Leon and Helena at the Same time

"Friends of yours?" Said the Custodian Sargent with a Raise Eyebrow 

"More like my Ex-girlfriend he doesn't Quit even though we have already kick his ass from quite some time" Said Jake as he Aimed his Pistol to the Large Humanoid 

"I'll take it from here" said the Ultramarine Lt as he step Forward with power Sword activated it's energy field 

The Large Creature with his attached Mace lunch it to the Ultramarine as he is standing there, he catch the Mace, and then the Chain to his Hand, the Creature struggled to take back it's weapon and found it futile due to the strength of the Ultramarines was stronger than him, and not For long the Lt, With a Strong Grip he heave the Creature to him, as it near he Decapitate the Creature with his sword

"We need to make sure it's dead" Said one of the Tactical Marine

the Lt Nod and they Aimed their Bolters to it and Fire leaving no body to Regenerate for it despite it is Dead already

"isn't that Overkill?" Said Piers with jaw Drop as they watched the Ultramarines Brutalize the Creature even if it's already Dead

"By making sure you Mean you just to kill it again?" Said Sherry with wide eyed

"I Think it's Dead" Said one of the ultramarine Sargent

"It is" Said The Custodian Sargent Casually 

The Survivors just have a Deadpanned looked on their Face

"Let's go now and get you out of here" Said the Custodian

They Nod to him and Resumed their Evacuation 


Back at the Fight

"Shit!!!" Said Nath, Ronan and other Space Marines and Custodians as they Hit the Wall

Several Space Marines and Custodians begun to join the Fray after Clearing Section after Section they Finally able to Reach their Brothers and Join the Fight against the Giant Creature 

"That Abomination is not going Down!" Said Ronan as he Spit blood from his Helmet

Suddenly one of the Librarians arrived and Hit the Creature with a Lightning and it scream in Pain even Louder

"It appears it has a Weakness to the Lightning or any Electricity" Said Guilliman as he Observe he then looked to the Librarians "Librarians unleash your Full power and Blast this Beast into nothingness!" Said Guilliman after Cutting another Arm from the Beast

"Yes my Lord!" Said the Librarians as they begun to Gather their powers and Launch  it to the Giant Creature as it Cream in Pain

Every Space Marines and Custodians fired their Weapons at Maximum Potential Guilliman and Ronan Throw their swords to it's Heart burning through it as the Immense heat produce by the Sword was enough to melt it and agony, another Librarians saw it and they Lunch their Lightning to the Sword

Due to it's Force the Giant Creature Explode in Gory Fashion 

Guilliman and Ronan took their Swords

"It's Finally Dead my Lord" Said the Custodian

Guilliman to him and then Turned to his Sons and Brothers "Did they able to Evacuate unharmed?" Said Guilliman to the ship

"Yes Lord Smurf they are now here safe and sound" Said Athena

"Good" Said Guilliman in relief Tone and then Turned to serious "I want this Facility to be Destroyed Left nothing Behind!"

"Yes My Lord!" They said in Unison

And with it they begun to Wreck havoc around the Facility and Nothing will remind to it


And Done

They Rescue them and Evacuate while The Forces of the Imperium battles the Boss

They are now wrecking havoc around the Facility

See you Next time folks

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