Prologue: The death and rebirth (Update... Again)

NEW YORK CITY 2008 10:26 AM

Penn station 2008

PA: Now arriving at Penn station please don't leave any personal belongings behind.

Exiting the train a man wearing an outfit carrying his bag up the stairs.

(Choose what outfit you want)

then his stomach growled.

???: wonder what's on the menu.

the young man is Y/n L/n, he arrived in new York city from his home country to get a scholarship to get the job as a scientist at gentek a biological and genetic research company.

he became interested to join after his father died of a Illness hoping to make a cure so no one will have to suffer.

as he ordered take away as he walked to the exit he bumped into someone.

Y/n: Oh sorry mate.

Stranger: Just be careful.

???: FREEZE!

Stranger: SHIT!

He punched y/n and held him hostage by wrapping his arm around his neck.

men in suits with weapons surround them

Agent: Alexander mercer, You're surrounded! Release the Hostage, Put down the Blacklight vial and back away!

Mercer: No chance! My colleagues vanished while working with this thing and I'm next Huh?!

Y/n: oh god oh god I don't want to Die!

Mercer: Shut up!

The agents called in their superiors.

Agent: Red crown the suspect has taken the hostage what are your orders?

Red crown: Shoot him.

The agent aims and shoots y/n in the chest.

Y/n yells in pain as he collapsed but the agent wasn't fast enough as mercer smashed the vial and tried to ran but was shot dead.

Agent: Fuck The blacklight vial has been breached, evacuate everyone Now!

They left as y/n is suffering as the virus is entering his body by through the bullet wounds.

Y/n: (Painful breathing) please not like this (Coughing) dad I'm sorry.

He stopped moving he had died.

But then like out of a horror movie y/n's  body is melting, his flesh and bones is decomposing into nothingness only leaving behind is the blood stain on the floor including his bag.

In full meaning Y/n's corpse has vanished.


above the dark forest was a Bell 204B/UH-1 helicopter that is heading to the forest to investigating the animal attacks and cannibalistic murders.

and in the helicopter is bravo team of Special Tactics and Rescue Service.

but then the helicopter experienced engine difficulties

Enrico Marini: What's going on?!

Edward Dewey: Engine Failure! Emergency landing!

the helicopter had to do a force landing, they landed safely and got out.

Enrico: Check the current position and investigate the surrounding area

they searched around then Rebecca saw something.

Rebecca: Captain look!

they flash the light on it, it was a military police van and dead soldiers

they searched the van but she found a case with a dossier

Rebecca: Capitan I found something.

Enrico: What is it?

Rebecca: Court order for transportation. Prisoner Billy Coen. Ex-lieutenant, 26 years old. Court-martialed and sentenced to death, July 22. Prisoner is to be transferred to the Regarthon base for Execution.

Edward takes the dossier and was pissed off. 

Edward: Those poor soldiers. They were good men just doing their jobs and that scum murdered them and escaped!

Enrico grabs the dossier.

Enrico: All right everyone. Let's separate and survey the area. our friend is brutal and ruthless. keep your guard up.

the squad split up while Rebecca was searching she saw someone leaning on a tree.

Rebecca: (Gasp) Sir are you alright?

she runs to person which revealed to be Y/n with blood on his shirt

Rebecca checks his shirt witch had 3 bullet wounds then she pressed her fingers on his neck to check for his pulse, nothing. She mourned the person and pressed her radio.

Rebecca: (Sighs) This is Rebecca come in over.

Enrico: Rebecca What is it? did you find the prisoner?

Rebecca: No sir I found a civilian he's dead, he was shot three times.

Edward : God Damn it that scumbag.

Enrico: alright keep up your search and once backup arrives we can make sure we can identify him and inform his family.

but as Rebecca stands up and about to pressed off her radio y/n wakes up eyes wide open and gasping for air.


(Play it at 0:30 for the effect)

Rebecca was startled but also surprised.

Rebecca: Oh my god!

Enrico: Rookie what's going on?!

Rebecca: he's still alive!

Enrico:: What how?!

Y/n was panicking on what's going on.

Rebecca: Hey hey calm down you're alright, you're safe.

y/n calms down as he saw Rebecca.

Rebecca: there you go you okay?

Y/n nods he he slows his breathing.

Y/n: y-yeah where am I?

Rebecca: Your in the Arklay Mountains near Raccoon city, I'm officer Rebecca chambers of S.T.A.R.S. Bravo team, what's yours?

Y/n was silent as he tried to remember his name. 

Y/n: I... I Don't know I can't remember Fuck why can't I remember?!

Rebecca: hey hey calm down you must have some Id or passport on you.

but then y/n feels something on his bottom pocket and he pulls it out it was his passport.

Y/n: A Passport! alright let's see... here my name is Y/n L/n, date of birth: (Insert your date of birth) I'm from Australia.

Rebecca with a smug smile decide to talk in an Australian accent

Rebecca: well glad to know your name Mate.

Y/n gave her the look as she talked in a aussie accent.

Y/n: That's not funny.

Rebecca: (Giggles) sorry so are you okay do you need anything?

y/n: (Smacks lips) I'm thirsty.

Rebecca: sure here.

she hands him her metal flask.

y/n: thanks.

he drinks the flask chugging the whole bottle.

Rebecca: whoa you must have been thirsty are you feeling alright now?

Y/n: (Burbs) I feel really good (Hiccup).

Rebecca: (Giggles) good now I got some first aid for your wounds.

Y/n: Wounds?

y/n looks down and sees his white shirt with bullet wounds and dried blood and put his finger in it.

Rebecca: Oi Don't touch it! your making it worse, for goodness sakes.

Y/n: It doesn't really hurt. huh doesn't look bad I guess.

y/n chuckles then he crushed the metal flash with his hands.

both Rebecca and y/n were surprised on easy the metal flask was cursed.

Y/n: that's weird...

rebecca: yeah and you owe me a new flask.

Rebecca pulls out a med kit containing cleaning cloth and antiseptic liquid and begins to clean his chest.

Rebecca: well y/n do you remember anything else?

Y/n: No nothing it's like my mind hurts when I tried to remember.

Rebecca: no worries, once we found and detain a criminal and wait for Alpha team to arrive we can help you, now if you can lean forward please.

y/n leans forward as Rebecca grabs her scissors.

Y/n: huh what criminal?

Rebecca: sorry but that's classified

she cut you shirt off and begins wrapping the banged around your torso she blushed as she sees your body.

Rebecca: (Whoa) I didn't know you work out.

Y/n: Um thanks but I never went to any gym.

Rebecca finished the bandage wrapping

Rebecca: Done that should do it.

y/n: Thanks I owe you one.

Rebecca smiles and calls Enrico on her radio.

Rebecca: Captain come in.

Enrico: Rebecca you had me worried and correct me but you said that the civilian is alive?

Rebecca: yes sir his name is y/n l/n, he's a Australian I have cleaned the wound and doesn't seem to be bleeding and he lost his memories.

Enrico: Alight I want you to look after him after backup arrives.

Rebecca: Yes sir over and out.

she puts her radio on her hip

Rebecca: Can you stand up?

y/n: yeah of course.

he quickly stands up,

Rebecca: Whoa careful don't strand yourself even further, well y/n looks like your under my care so stick with me and you'll do fine.

Y/n: Thanks Rebecca we better... what the hell is that?

Rebecca looks at what y/n is looking. it was a train.

Rebecca: A train?

Y/n: Ecliptic Express, Looks like it been abandoned, maybe your criminal could be in there?

Rebecca: could be a possibility, keep an eye out.

they entering it and The door to safety is shut.

There is no turning back...


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