Epilogue Part 2 - Story of Irk
I hope you guys are enjoying this because I am! Invader Zim belonged to Jhonen Vasquez and Richard Steven, but all of the OCs involved belongs to me.
Sebastian staring up the moon as he sits in front of a grave, saying 'Hero Raz. An unknown hero of Earth. ????-1985.' Sebastian shakes his head as he looks down and takes out his dagger. Suddenly, he heard a small noise from the bushes, which he quickly throws his dagger behind him as the dagger nearly hits his target, but it stops as Aezira manages to stop his attack.
"I was looking all over for you, you know," Aezira said.
"...Go away..." Sebastian told her off.
Aezira sighs as she picks up his dagger and walks towards him. She sits down and hands the dagger back to him.
"You will need this," Aezira said with a smirk, which Sebastian takes it.
"Thanks... I guess," Sebastian replied.
"... Even after all these years..." Aezira spoke as she looks at the grave, "You still loved him, didn't you?"
"..." Sebastian nods as he starts to tear up, "... Always..."
Sebastian wipes his tears and shakes his head. He clutches his fist.
"... If only we knew Ate was responsible for the Shadow attack and never trusted her... then... then maybe..." Sebastian said, "Then Raz and Mana would have still lived... they would be here... right now..."
"... Sebastian, we can't change the past," Aezira said. "All we could do is get revenge. That's it."
"... Yeah..." Sebastian agreed. "...I still miss him..."
"Even though he went with someone else?" Aezira asked.
"..." Sebastian slowly nods, "... To be honest... I can't stand looking at Zim's face... every time I look at him, he looks almost exactly like Raz..."
"Well, they're brothers," Aezira pointed out, "What do you expect?"
"... Even if it's true, I just... I just couldn't bring myself to like him," Sebastian admitted, "...I still remember when we, along with Mana, Askari and Ate, used to meet up at this exact area every night despite the lingering dangers of those remnants..."
Sebastian, who looked much younger than in the present, walked up to the same cliff, which he saw a very tall irken who looks similar to Zim, except his eyes are green and wears a dark green body armour with silver shoulder armour, dark grey suit underneath, black boots, brown sash and green/silver wrist armour.
"Oh, hello Sebastian-earth-vampire," the irken greeted him.
"Hello to you too, Raz," Sebastian replied, "Why are you here? Master told us is too dangerous during the night since that's when those remnants are at their strongest."
"Yes, Raz is well aware of that," Raz replied as he pointed at the moon, "But... I can't help but admire the amazing scenery..."
"Is this your first time seeing a moon or something?" Sebastian joked with a smirk.
"Yep..." Raz replied, which the butler's eyes widen in shock, "Irk is very far away from Earth, so I never have seen this... 'moon' you earthworms call it."
"You never really told us much about Irk," Sebastian pointed out, "All you told us is that you got exiled from your leaders, Red and Purple for attempted assassination."
"... Yeah..." Raz replied. "I... I guess I wasn't comfortable at revealing my story, I guess,"
"I see..."
"Sebastian! Raz!"
The duo turned around and saw three people coming up to them; two women and one man. One was a gothic looking woman who looks a bit like Gaz except her eyes are teal and skin was very pale. She wore a black, sleeveless, torned-up hoodie/cape hybrid, black midriff shirt, purple tattoos on her arms, brown pants and black boots with some blue lines.
The other woman was very beautiful with her long, wavy and very dark brown hair, her icy blue eyes and pale skin. She wore a blue dress with long sleeves, short, white cape, white flip-flops and holds a large wand that looks exactly like Harumi's.
And finally, a young man with drowsy, green eyes, pale skin and dark blonde, curly hair. He wears a black cloak, black tunic and brown sandals.
"Oh, hey guys," Sebastian cheered.
"You know you two shouldn't be out here, right?" The brunette woman told him off.
"Ah, who cares what that old incubus-earthfart said!" Raz shouted at the top of his lungs, making everyone rolled their eyes.
"... Why bother?" The gothic woman said as she shrugged and sat down.
"Really, Rebecca?" The woman asked. "Why?"
"Because, why not, Mana?" Ate/Rebecca replied in a joking manner.
"Rebecca-chan!" Mana pouted as she sat down with the others, "And do you really have to mock Phirorad?"
"Yep!" Raz replied as he looks up to the sky, "... I wonder if Lunt and Zim would love the moon...?"
"Lunt and Zim?" Ate asked.
"Yep, but..." Raz looked away, "... It's a long story..."
"Oh, trust me," Askari commented, "I have a very long story, considering I'm immortal and all, so I highly doubt that."
"... Well, I live longer than you," Raz told him.
"... You sure about that?" Askari said, "I been in this damn planet since the ancient times of Greece during the times the gods are most important despite me hating their guts!"
"... Good point," Raz replied, "Basically... you don't mind a history lesson, do you?"
"...Fine." Everybody replied.
"Great!" Raz said, "Long story short, Zeus created the Irken race to go against Ate, his daughter. So, he put an Irken named Xan as the very first Tallest in history... which he is pathetic, soft and weak-willed leader who doesn't have the squeedlyspooch to gain more power and refused to invade other planets, according to my history teachers, at least."
"...Ahem... what happened to Xan?" Mana asked.
"He got killed by his bodyguard and that bodyguard becomes the new tallest, leading to the Irken Empire," Raz told them, "Now... fast forward to my little brother's birth, causing two blackouts and he was nearly executed as a smeet until Lunt stopped them when I was ten years old in Irk years."
"What was your brother like?" Ate asked.
"A reckless idiot who is way too enthusiastic for his own good," Raz told her, "Seriously, he gets into all kind of trouble and Lunt have to maintain him..."
"Who's Lunt?" Askari asked.
"She is part of the scientist squad and adopted both of us as her 'siblings' as you humans would say," Raz told them, "But... one day, she suddenly disappeared and turns out, she's part of the resisty against the Empire."
"What happened to her?" Sebastian asked him, which he looked away.
"... I... I think it's time we should get back," Raz said, refusing to answer the question as he gets up.
Raz walked away from the group, which the others looked at each other.
"... Maybe she's dead?" Rebecca joked, which everyone looked at her.
"Really, Rebecca-chan?" Mana asked.
"I was trying to lighten the mood, okay?!" Rebecca told her.
"Ahhhhhhh!!!" Raz screamed, catching the others' attention.
The others quickly go after him and saw Raz getting surrounded by three, large black lions with glowing, purple eyes.
"Raz!" Mana shouted as she stomped her staff to the ground, causing icicles popping out of the ground and protected Raz.
Sebastian has thrown his poisoned daggers at the lions, which they roared loudly.
"I got this!" Ate shouted as she sent her whips to tied up one of the lions, "Now!"
Askari's hands turned into flames as he put his hand on the ground and blasted the tied up lion into oblivion... which didn't do much.
"... Why does my life suck...?" Askari muttered as the other lion charged into him and he flew into a tree, "Damn it!!!"
"Askari!" Sebastian shouted as an apple got thrown at his head, which he turned around and saw five monkey-like demons. "Oh, you got to be kidding me!"
The monkeys giggled as they created dark balls and starts throwing at the group. Sebastian quickly transformed into a bat, which he flew over to the monkeys and bitten one of them, causing it to scream and turn into black-purple smoke.
He transformed back and takes out his dagger as he stabbed one in the eye, causing the others to jumped away from him while the stabbed one got turned into smoke.
Mana's staff glowed as she clicked her fingers and five ice icicles spun around her as she thrown those icicles at the remnants, killing the monkeys, but the lions roared in pain as one raised its paw at her.
"Mana!" Ate shouted in genuine worry as she jumped and tied down the paw.
"Oh hell no!" Raz shouted as he hops out of Mana's shield and takes out his dual guns, "Raz is not missing out on this battle!"
Raz started shooting at the lion's eyes, causing it to roar and Mana took the chance to created an ice shard popped out from the ground and stabbed it in the chest, causing it to turn into smoke.
"Thanks, Raz and Rebecca," Mana told them.
"No problem, Mana-human!" Raz told her.
"... Whatever, Mana..." Rebecca shrugged off.
"Everbody, get back!" Askari told everyone, which they did as he created a large thunderstorm and struck down the lions as they turned into smoke.
"Yay, we defeated the remnants of the Shadow Dragon!" Raz shouted until they heard a powerful roar, which they turned around and saw a powerful-looking minotaur-like remnant. "..."
"You and your big mouth, Raz," Ate pointed out.
"Shut up, Rebecca-human," Raz told her off before the whole crew screamed... until the remnant was sliced in half by none other then Artemisia.
Artemisia crossed her arms in disappointment while she's standing next to an incubus with white hair, red eyes, pale skin and dark red horns while wearing a black tux. A little girl with pigtails and wore a black, elegant dress, who looked like Aezira, hidden behind the incubus.
"... You four..." The incubus said sternly, making the whole group smiled awkwardly.
"H-Hey, Phirorad-sama," Mana said awkwardly.
"... Cleaning duties at six AM, got it?" Phirorad punished them.
"Y-Yes, master..." Sebastian replied.
"Oh Irk no!" Raz objected, "I refused to clean your stupid mansion!"
"... Raz, no." Sebastian and Mana told him.
"I'm part of the Six Mirages, one of the greatest heroes of all time!" Raz pointed out, "I refused to clean up your mess!"
Aezira shook her head in disappointment and Phirorad laughed at him.
"Have you forgotten? I'm your master," Phirorad mocked him jokingly, " Meaning, I can just kick you out and expose you to the humans... you wouldn't want that, would you?"
"... Ugh, fine..." Raz groaned.
"Artemisia, keep an eye on those troublemakers, got it?" Phirorad told her.
"Gladly, sir." Artemisia understood as she slashed her blade, creating a portal.
"Good, now come along Aezira." Phirorad said to Aezira, who nodded and the two teleported out.
"Come on, you five," Artemisia said.
"... I hate all of you." Ate said as she walked into the portal.
"I warned you guys, but you never listened!" Mana complained as she went into the portal too.
"... I blame you, Raz." Askari told him off as he went in.
"Whatever!" Raz shouted at them as he went to the portal.
"..." Sebastian didn't said anything as he went to the portal along with Artemisia as it closed off.
(Flashback ends)
"Oh yeah, I remember now!" Aezira shouted. "Ahh... good times..."
"Yeah..." Sebastian replied as he gets up.
"Oh yeah, Zim is gonna kick your butt." Aezira warned him as he walks away.
"I'm part of the Six mirages, I highly doubt he would do much." Sebastian said as he transformed into a bat and flies away.
"... Sebastian..." Aezira sighed as she teleports out.
A/N - I hope you guys enjoyed this part and if you did, leave a comment and have a good day, my guild. Aqua out!
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