Epilogue Final Part - Ancient Greece
I hope you guys are enjoying this because I am! Invader Zim belonged to Jhonen Vasquez and Richard Steven, but all of the OCs involved belongs to me.
Ate walks into her throne and sighs as she shakes her head.
"No... I... I have to keep going..." Ate muttered.
"Going what?"
Ate quickly turns around in panic and readies her weapon, which scares off Red and Purple.
"Put. The weapons. Down!" Purple begged her, which she did. "Thank you... you could have killed us, you know!"
"... I'm well aware..." Ate replied.
"Anyways, what are we gonna do with that rebellion?" Red asked, "Especially with that big-headed hero and stuff."
"... I'll think of something," Ate told them.
"Be quick, you know how impatient we are!" Purple complained.
"... I know." Ate noted.
"Also, I heard you were muttering about something," Red mentioned, "Are you... feeling guilt?"
"... No..." Ate lied.
"Oh good, because that would be pathetic!" Red commented with an arrogant grin, "I mean, if you were, we have to pull away from our support and technologies."
"Yep!" Purple agreed as he takes out a bag of sweets.
"Oi! Gimme that!"
"No! That's mine, Red!" Purple argued as the two starts arguing with each other... again.
Ate stared at the two Tallests fighting with each other, until she becomes lost in her thoughts and a mysterious ghost behind her, which looks like a woman with a very long ponytail.
"... Don't tell me you're becoming soft now," She teased her sinisterly. "Are you?"
"... Shut up, Hera," Ate thought.
"Is that how you speak to your mother?" Hera asked.
"First, you're not my mother, you're my father's wife-sister," Ate corrected her through her thoughts, "And second, fuck off!"
"Rude!" Hera pointed out, "And don't forget, you're just one of Zeus' many bastard children as well and the goddess of ruins!"
"... Ugh..."
"That's right," Hera mocked her, "Your entire being is nothing but a source of disaster and sorrow who brings nothing but problems..."
"Shut up!" Ate screamed as she collapsed to the floor, catching the two's attention.
"... We... we should go..." Purple suggested.
"... A... agreed..." Red agreed with him as they awkwardly leave her alone.
Ate continues shaking while the vision of Hera starts laughing at her.
"S-Shut up!" Ate screamed at the hallucination.
"Aww, is little Ate sad?" Hera asked mockingly, "Are you that upset?"
"Yes!" Ate shouted. "You made father kick me out in anger after you fuck up Eurystheus' and Heracles' births!"
"Well... maybe you shouldn't have taken up my offer," Hera told her. "And don't forget you murdered Dionysus' lover."
"No! You told me to do it!" Ate shouted, "And you told me that, if I do it, I can get back home, but no! You betrayed me!"
"You should have known better." Hera replied.
"Just... Just go away!" Ate cried as her eyes tearing up.
"Is the little monster crying?" Hera mocked, "After all the terrible things you did, especially manipulating a princess to set her own parents on fire, forcing your 'son' into a war and killing a little girl's mother..."
"..." Ate gritted her teeth and summons her weapon to slashes through the vision, which she disappears, "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"
Ate starts panting heavily as she looks at the roof and sighs.
Ate, who used to look like a young teenage girl with very long, wavy and light purple hair along with teal eyes, healthy pale skin and wore a white dress-like cloth. She was playing around a small lake where it's surrounded by pinkish-white clouds.
"Oh, Ate!"
Ate turns around and saw Hera coming up in a cheerful manner. She is an older woman with a very long, dark black-purple and curly ponytail, silver eyes and pale skin. She also wore the same clothing as Ate.
"How are you?" Hera asked her.
"... Good, I guess," Ate replied, "Why do you ask?"
"Well, I want you to make Zeus promise an oath," Hera told her.
"An oath?" Ate asked.
"Yes, where a child of his lineage will become the ruler of Greece," Hera explained.
"Mmmm... wouldn't father get upset?" Ate asked.
"Don't worry, it's just a harmless prank," Hera lied to her, "I will be at your side if he gets upset."
"Okay!" Ate agreed as she gets out of the lake, "This should be fun!"
"Yes... fun," Hera said.
The younger and more naive Ate runs off while Hera smirks sinisterly.
A much older and very muscular man, with white, flowing hair, a large beard, blue eyes and pale skin where he wore a cloth that only covered the lower half of his body, which showed off his muscles.
The man roared as lighting bolts start striking down the cloudy area.
"ATE!!!" The man screamed in pure rage, frightening the young goddess.
"Y... yes father...?" Ate muttered as she is visibly shaking.
"It's your fucking fault!" Zeus screamed at her, "Your fault that I made an oath and now, my least favourite child is going to take the throne!"
"I... I... Hera made me do this!" Ate accused her.
Hera is just laying her back against the wall and casually checking her nails.
"I do no such thing," Hera denied, "After all, you're the one who planned on blackmailing Eileithyia to prolonged Alcmene's labour just for fun."
"B-No! That's not true!" Ate quickly denied it, "Hera! You promise me you back me up!"
"I say... no such thing," Hera lied with a sly smirk, making Ate stares at her in horror.
She realised she been betrayed as her hair was suddenly grabbed by her father and dragging her through the ground.
"You are banned from ever entering Mount Olympus and the heavens!" Zeus declared angrily.
"N-No! Wait!" Ate begged, "No! Stop father! Stop! St-AHHHHHHH!!!"
Zeus threw her out of the palace and lets her fell to Earth, where she severely got injured on a large mountain.
Ate weakly got up and looked at the sky where the cloudy doors shut on her. The icy winds blew her hair and she starts shaking from the cold as she starts crying.
(Flashback ends)
Ate grips her fist as she grits her teeth and her eyes start glowing purple.
"I'm gonna kill those so-called gods, especially that bitch, Hera!" Ate muttered, "If it was the last thing I do... even if I wish death upon me, I want to finish my revenge first... no matter what!"
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
A/N - This is the end! Yep, a cliffhanger! Even if you guys have questions, such as where's Oleander? What happened to Chiya and the like, don't worry! All of your answers will be answered in the prelude of the sequel.
For the people who doesn't understand why Hera did this. She did it because Heracles (Not Hercules like in Disney) is the son of Zeus and a mortal woman where he pretended to be her husband in order to fuck her. Considering Hera is Zeus' wife... yeah she's beyond pissed.
So, she had Ate, who is the goddess of misfortune, to trap Zeus into an oath and her daughter, Eileithyia, the goddess of childbirth, to delayed Heracles' birth and make Eurystheus, the grandson of Perseus (Who is the great-grandson of Zeus) to born prematurely, making him become the cowardly king of Greece.
I hope you guys enjoyed this story and if you did, leave a comment and have a good day, my guild. Aqua out! See you guys in the sequel!
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