Chapter 8 part 4 - Membrane's truth

I hope you guys are enjoying this because I am! Invader Zim belonged to Jhonen Vasquez and Richard Steven, but all of the OCs involved belongs to me.


"... I... Is this... a dream?" Dub asked quietly as Kronin AKA Prof Membrane stands up weakly and looks at him with shock.

"... I... I was going to ask the same question..." Membrane admitted to his son.

"... Why-Why do you look like this?!" Dib asked, "Why didn't you recognise me?! Do you know what the hell is going on and is what Oleander told me is true?!"

"... I... give me a moment... just... a moment... please..." Membrane begged him, which his son nods as the homunculus sits down on his chair and takes a deep breath, "... Wh... where do I begin...? First... my appearance..."

"Yea, let's start with that," Dib agreed.

"... The reason I look like this... is because I'm homunculus now," Membrane told him.

"... Like that anime, Full metal-"

"No! Do not make a reference or else we'll be copyrighted, my son!" Membrane yelled at him, which both frighten and confused him at the same time, "Sorry... ahem, well... it's... basically, more human-like zombies that have been revived by magic."

"Ah... got it..." Dib understood quickly.

"... And that means... I'm bound to my 'master'... AKA Ate, the goddess of mischief..."

"What?! That goddess?!" Dib shouted.

"Be quiet or else she'll come!" Membrane told him off.


"... Anyways... yes, that goddess," Membrane confirmed, "After... I was killed and just before the Kasai war started, I was revived by Ate herself... and she erases all of my memories while keeping my... 'past self' as a other personality."

"... So that's why you didn't recognise me..." Dib said, "Your... memories was erased..."

"Exactly... and now... when you mentioned Oleander... I have a feeling he told you some... messed up stuff..."

"... He did." Dib confirmed his suspicion.

"I knew it!" Membrane said loudly, "Oh... sorry... a bit of a habit... anyways, what he said... is true..."

"... T-that can't be true..." Dib denied it.

"... It's true... before you was created... I... I was very unhinged... and even that, it was a understatement," Membrane told him, "As a child... I love experimenting, so I started out with just toys... and then I started using small animals like cats, rats and other animals... and then, during my twenties, I started kidnapping people, mostly children..."

"... Oh god..." Dib muttered in shock.

"... Later, I got hit by a car accident, which lead me into coma for a bit, and when I woke up, I have amnesia," Membrane continued to explain, "After that, I settled a more normal lifestyle where I met a woman named Tia Scarlet, later married her and have a son... named Oleander..."

"... And then you got your memories back a couple years later..." Dib said.

"Yes... and Ate was the one who brought my memories back," Membrane told him, "... who happened to be Imperative Pureness AKA Rebecca, as you know her..."

"... What?!" Dib shouted, "But... after... but... she... she raised me... she... she was like a mother I never had..."

Dib started to tear up, feeling very betrayed and even more confused with conflicted feelings.

"... I know it's hard, but... bare with me..." Membrane explained.

"..." Dib nodded and continued to listen.

"... After what I did to Oleander and Tia... I ran away with Ate and we have worked a plan... to do... something..." Membrane bites his lips awkwardly.

"... Something...?"

"She... never told me her goals, honestly, at least... I don't think she did..." Membrane told him, "Anyways, all she told me is to create a Host EX for her, as well as the Alter units... and you..."

"... I... what..." Dib muttered in shock as his eyes dulls down.

"... Yes... you... you're an artificial human..." Membrane told him, "I know you're deeply in shock, but... after I created you and Gaz... I... I become attached to you guys and took you guys away from Ate... which greatly angered her..."

"... Is that why... you were killed... ten years ago?" Dib asked.

"... Yes... Rebecca AKA Ate... was the one who killed me..." Membrane told him. "And the one who kidnapped your sister."

"Wait! Gaz is still alive?!" Dib asked in shock.

"... my memories are still a little fuzzy, but yes," Membrane said, "That I can be sure of, but... it's most likely Ate put her in a area with top-notched security..."

"... Wait, would Ate's throne room be the perfect place to hide her?" Dib asked. "Especially what might be behind that throne of her?"

"Possibly, who knows?" Membrane admitted.

"Why are you so unsure?!"

"... Well... while I regained my memories prior to my death... my memories after my resurrection is a bit fuzzy on some details..." Membrane admitted. "So... sorry if I ended up leaving some important details..."

"... I... I understand..."

"Thank you..." Membrane thanked him, "After that... I... I have to make sure you two never see Ate again, which is why... why I tried to discourage you from doing the paranormal..."

"... Because... you're worried I might find out the truth..." Dib said.

"... Yes, and I tried so hard to redeem myself as I become one of greatest scientists, but... at the cost of my relationship with you two," Membrane said with a bit of regret in his tone, "I... thinking back... I should have gone into hiding instead of becoming famous, but I guess a small part of me still love experimenting and I so badly want to redeem myself by becoming a great scientist..."

"... Yea... you should have..." Dib replied, "Then none of this shit would happened! Everything would have been normal!"

"... I know... and I know apologising isn't going to erase the past..." Membrane told him.

"... Since you was revived before the Kasai war... what happened there...?" Dib asked, "Because... my memories are basically empty as I was sometimes called Kasai hero, while literally every Japanese out there hates me... as I... I have strange nightmares about... killing their emperor..."

"... That's true..." Membrane confirmed, "Y... Ate brainwashed you into killing as many soldiers as possible... as well as killing Emperor Tomi..."

"... No..." Dib gasped in shock, "But... why... why..."

"If I remember correctly... Ate brought you to me while you was unconscious and I was told to erase your memories of the Kasai war..." Membrane told him.

"... I... I..."

"... If I remember what she told me... she... she said you nearly committed suicide, but she stopped you from you could take your own life..." Membrane told him.

".........................." Dib is very speechless, not knowing how to react or say as he just looks down on the ground.

"... I know it's very difficult but... oh shit..." Membrane swore as he looks in panic.


"I-I can sense Ate is coming!" Membrane said, "Look, I have so many things I need to tell you, but I can't right now since once Ate realised I regained my memories... she'll erase me from my body, so you have to go before she realised what's going on!"

"... I... I..."

"Here, take this!" Membrane said as he gives a black cloak, "This is an invisibility cloak, this will help you greatly as all you have to do is put it on!"

"O-Okay," Dib replied as he quickly grabs the cloak and puts it under his coat before the tow heard the door opened.

"Professor Kronin... what's going on?" Ate asked as she enters the room normally.

"I-Oh... hello Imperatriz Pureness," Membrane replied, trying to act as normal while turning his back away from her, "I'm just here to give Dib a new arm after he got into a brutal fight with a gang."

"Y-yea!" Dib lied to her.

"Oh dear... that's horrible... it... it must have been painful." Ate said in a surprisingly genuine tone.
"Y...yea... I... I should go now... b... bye..." Dib said awkwardly, trying to hold back the tears and anger as he quickly runs out of the lab.

"...Professor, why are you turning your back on me?" Ate asked coldly.

"... Oh... no reason..." Membrane replied in fear.

"..." Ate raised an eyebrow as she walks closer to him and turns the chair around, in which Membrane quickly tackles her down in panic, "AHHH!"

"You're not erasing me alive, you sadistic monster!" Membrane yelled at her after he tackles her and runs towards the door.

"T-That's rich, coming from you!" Ate yelled back as she quickly uses her whip to grabs him by the leg, which works, "Good..."

Ate takes a deep breath as she stands up and walks up to Membrane, who is upside down.

"... You honestly think you can escape from a goddess?"


"That's what I thought... now, did you tell Dib the truth...?"


"...You did... didn't you?" Ate asked as she steps back a bit as she drops Membrane on the floor, and then she grabs Membrane by the collar, "You told him, didn't you?!"

"...Naturally... someone has to stop your megalomanic plans!" Membrane replied, in which Ate starts strangling him.

"You... you bastard!" Ate screamed at him, "At first, I was going to just erase your memories like last time... but now... I'll just erase your personality then..."

"...." Membrane gagged in pain as Ate uses her other hand.

"Don't move, that's an order!" Ate ordered him, which he sadly reluctantly complied, "Good... glad you're willing to listen since I am your master after all."

"...Fuck... you..."

"Now, is that what you say to someone who revived you from the dead?" Ate asked with a small smile, "Listen... I know you want me dead, trust me, I want to be dead too, but let's not get ahead of ourselves."

"....Grr... I honestly pity you," Membrane muttered.

"...Same, though sadly... your life is cut apologise, well it was nice working with you while it lasted," Ate said to him as her free hand glows purple, "Don't worry, after you worked for me, I'll make sure your 'death' is quick and painless... bye... partner..."

Ate puts her hand on Membrane's forehead and his eyes closed as Ate lets him go while taking a deep breath.

"...Sorry Membrane... but sometimes... you have to make the hardest choices... in order to achieve something in life..." Ate muttered with a cold, almost ashamed looking expression, "I...I'm deeply sorry Membrane... but... I... I have to do it to avoid making the same mistake later on."

"HA HA HA!!!" 'Membrane' laughed manically, as he opens his eyes, revealing his lively red eyes with cat-like pupils as he quickly gets up, "What's wrong, pussy-cat? You're being mopey again!"

"...Oh shut up Kronin, you're basically devoid of regrets and guilt!" Ate told him off.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but I don't speak the language of the complicated people... like YOU!" Kronin insulted her.

"...Fuck you," Ate said as she gives him a middle finger.

"Damn! I guess you actually can throw some shades back... I guess..." Kronin replied, "Well, I'm glad to have full control of this body now! I can do all type of shit as I fucking want!"

"...Yea... I'm just gonna leave..." Ate said as she leaves the room, "...I already regret my decision..."

(Meanwhile with Dib)

Dib, while wearing the cloak, runs through the rain as he quickly hides behind the alleyway.

"..." Dib looks down as he starts crying as he sits down, not caring if he dirtied his cloak or clothes, "...I... Rebecca... the one who I see as a family... was the one who ruined my family... and everything else... I... Zim was right... he was right about SEG... I... it's already bad enough that I ruined so many lives without even realising... I... I don't know what to do... all I could do... is just move on..."

Dib slowly stands up while crying and takes a deep breath as he wipes his tears with his hand. "...Now... I have to find Lily and Min-Jung... I... sorry Rebecca... no... fuck you Rebecca for betraying me... now... it's my turn... to betray you..."

A/N - I hope you enjoy this part and if you did, leave a comment and have a good day, my ninja clan. See you next Thursday. Kuno out!

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