Chapter 7 part 1 - Lily's beginnings

I hope you guys are enjoying this because I am! Invader Zim belonged to Jhonen Vasquez and Richard Steven, but all of the OCs involved belongs to me.

A/N - Maybe I should make a special note: All of the chapters are connected and is in order. Just in case you think the chapters are separate, but they're not. There are all connected and it's in order, just in case you need to know.

PS - I'm so sorry for not updating it yesterday. A lot of things happen like me finally getting Blazblue cross tag battle and playing it with my dad... I lost in the end... FUUUUUUUU-
(We're having technical difficulties at the moment, so give us a moment)
Ok... I'm calm now... what am I saying? Ahh! Yes, back to the story, my ninja clan!


(Meanwhile with Valarie, Lily and Zim)

The three walking through the city with Zim wearing his human disguise as they saw Leo, Harumi and Gir eating tacos next to a taco stand.

"Oh, hi Gazzy! Hi Doctor! Hi Master!" Gir yelled out loud, making Zim face-palms, Lily's eye twitches and Valarie sweatdrops.

"...For the last time... my name... isn't...GAZZY!!!" Lily yelled at him, "It's Lily Abernathy!"

"Abernathy?" Valarie asked in shock, "As in... the family who was known for disagreeing with SEG's ideals."

"..." Lily looks away and stays silent, "..."


"...It's...complicated..." Lily simply responded, "I wish not to talk about it..."

"...I understand that feeling all too well, so I wouldn't prey on it," Valarie told her.

"... Thank you," Lily thanked her as she walks over the group and the stand, "Can I have a burrito?"

"Right away, ma'am," The human man said as he starts making her burrito. Lily just puts her back against the wall and looks at the others.

"Hey Joshua..." Lily asked, which made Zim raised an eyebrow.

"My name is-"

"I KNOW what's your real name is! I wasn't born yesterday!" Lily shouted, "It's just in we're in public and... you know..."

"... Oh right!" Zim just realised, "I-I totally know that!"

Lily rolled her eyes and whispers to Valarie, "Why did you side with EKO in the first place?"

"..." Valarie looks away with dull eyes and looks down with her eyes half opened as well.

"...Miss Swift?" Lily tilted her head in confusion, then Leo put his hand on her shoulder, "Huh?"

"...Ahem... Valarie... is..." Leo struggled to say the right words, and then Valarie gives a disapproval stare at him, "Ah! Nevermind! Forget what I was about to say!"

"...O...kay then..." Lily said as she looks at Zim, "Now, my question for you is how did you get captured in the first place?"


"You really love asking insensitive questions, don't you?" Harumi asked as she takes a bite of her taco while giving a 'You suck' look at her.
"...Fine, I'll tell you my story, and then you tell me yours, deal?" Lily told him.


"Alright, here goes..." Lily takes a deep breath and says, "It's all started like this..."


Lily was a very young girl, around 10, with much longer hair, dull-coloured eyes and wears nothing but a torn up lab dress. She stands around in a destroyed facility with flames surrounding.

"I woke up with amnesia... I don't remember anything, not even what's my real name is..." Lily explained in the present

There are many corpses around her, all of them wearing a SEG scientist uniforms. Then, a group of SEG soldiers saw her as one of them yelled: "THERE SHE IS?!!" Then, they ran up to her.

"... I didn't know any better... I was basically a newborn baby who doesn't know what's going on... I was alone, stranded and completely cut off from my natural instinct," Lily said to the group, "Of course... I didn't feel any fear... in fact, I feel like I'm dead inside..."

"Come on little girl... let's take you somewhere safe." The soldier told her, which she didn't say anything as he grabbed her hand and get out of the area.


An army van goes through a forest as one soldier is driving the car while the rest are guarding the young girl.

"Everything was going well... I couldn't think properly because everything just happened with a snap of a finger... then..."

A creepy looking soldier, along with the other soldiers except the one driving, looks at her with a disgusting smirks on their faces as he slowly crept closer to her without the driver noticing them, then the skinny soldier puts his hand on her leg and slowly slide his hand up...

"The moment he slides up... a sudden voice suddenly came into my head, and screams..." Lily takes another breath and says, "... Kill them..."

Lily screamed, catching the driver's attention and the ones molesting her off-guard as she quickly grabbed a knife and stabbed the guy's eye very deeply.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" The guy screamed before laying the floor, dead.

Then... everything turned red as more dreadful screaming, everything is shaking rapidly and suddenly everything bursts into flames...

"I didn't know what happened afterwards... all I know is that I killed all of the soldiers except one... the one who was driving at the time..." Lily told them, "When the car crashed and bursts into flames, all I saw before I fell unconscious was that I covered in blood and that's it... later on... I woke in a hospital bed..."

Lily slowly woke up, with more lively blue eyes and looks around, seeing she's in a patient room, then a nurse came in and puts the foods on the table next to her.

"Hello, I'm Rhoda,"  The nurse told her, "I'll be taking care of you from now on."

Then, the moment Rhoda gives her hand to Lily... she bites her hand savagely.

"The doctors rush to help her and ever since that day... I was labelled as a wild child and it becomes a self-filling prophecy to me..." Lily told them, "Everyday... I was treated as if I was a savage tiger... ready to bite them one by one, then I was always been very violent due to the voices saying... kill them all, end the lie, ruins is the truth and so much more... even to this day... I still hear them in my head at night... so I'm a night owl because of this... luckily one day..."

Lily stared at her foods until a middle-aged man, with dark greyish-blonde hair, a beard, pale skin and brown eyes, wearing a green nicely dressed suit, came into the room.

She growled at him, but the man didn't show any fear, instead, he walked forward, catching Lily off-guard as he gave her a pat on the head.

"What is your name, young lady?" He asked with a soft smile, which Lily stayed silent, "... So... you don't have a name, don't you?"

"..." Lily shook her head.

"I see... my name is George Abernathy, head of the Abernathy family," The man named George introduced himself, "What should I call you then... how about... Rosa?"


"... Okay, you don't like the name," George concluded, "How about Violet?"


"Not that either..."

"Honey?" A woman called out as she enters the room, where she has black hair with white streaks, purple eyes and tanned skin where she looks like the same age as the man, maybe a little older, and wore a flower-patterned dress and a lily flower-pin on her hair.

"Oh... well... you see, the poor girl doesn't have a name and I thought-"

"Okay... I understand..." The woman understood as she walks towards Lily, "Hello, my name is Ruby Abernathy, I'm his wife."


"... Don't talk, huh?" Ruby concluded, "... Why not, Dahlia?"


"... This is gonna take forever, isn't it?" George asked his wife.

"... Oh yea..." Ruby responded.

(Few hours later...)

"UGH!" George groaned, "We tried nearly everything and she didn't have any reaction!"

"... Yea... what are we gonna do...?" Ruby asked as she looked at the purple-haired girl and caught her staring at her flower-pin, "... Lily?"

Then... Lily's eyes widen in shock, catching the adults' attention.

"That name... strangely clicks on me... I don't know why... it just... does," Lily said.

"... In that case... welcome to our family... Lily Abernathy..." George welcomed her as the couple reached their hands to her... and she putted both of her hands on their hands.

A/N - I'm so sorry it got delayed for THREE DAYS!!! I didn't mean to happen... yesterday, I was forced to go to the beach by my parents and I hate beaches cuz I don't like sand and it was too hot that I couldn't focus properly, thus it got delayed. And on Friday, I got heavily distracted by making Fire Emblem Lying Truth and very lazy as well...

I hope this is worth the wait and if it is, please leave a comment and have a nice day. Kuno out!

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