Chapter 1 Part 7 - The Healer

I hope you guys are enjoying this because I am! Invader Zim belonged to Jhonen Vasquez and Richard Steven, but all of the OCs involved belongs to me.


The group arrives at Tori's lab, where Tori sits up from her chair and walks to them while Mikala puts her back against the wall with her arms crossed.

"Took you guys long enough!" Tori complained.

"Oh, shut it, Tori-sister!" Zim replied rudely.

"Grr..." Tori growled as her eye twitches and shakes her head, "Whatever, Me and my mum want to talk to you something..."

"And that is...?" Leo asked where they hear the door opens, which they turn around and see Sebastian next to Aezira.

"Hi! Hi!" Aezira cheered as she rushes to Zim with a wide smile, "Zimmy!"

"Ahhh!" Zim screamed as Aezira hugs him tightly where his face starts to turn yellow, "C-Can't... breath..."

"Oops! Sorry, Zimmy!" Aezira apologised as she let's go of Zim and giggles, "I couldn't help myself. Especially since I have a special gift for you!"

"And that is...?"

"Well, it's a-"

"It's that sword, isn't it?" Harumi blurted out, where Aezira's face turns pale and gazes at her, "... Oh no..."

"Did you spy on us...?"

"W-Well... yes... but all I saw is that you brought a large sword out of the library with Sebby," Harumi replied honestly as she avoids eye contact and sweating, "That's it, I swear!"

"... If that's all you know, then that's okay," Aezira said. "But yes, my gift is a sword... but not just any sword. Sebastian?"

Sebastian nods as he takes a large case and opens it... showing the large sword and gives it to Zim, who is about to grab it until Sebastian grabs his wrist and gives him an icy glare.

"... I swear... if you dare lose this sword..." Sebastian threatened him, "... I WILL kill you. Do I make myself clear...?"

"Geez, alright," Zim groaned as he takes the sword and his face grimaces, "What's that all about?"

"... That is called the Draughtbane, the blade of Doom," Aezira told him, "Not only is it a model for the Seven Deadly Weapons... it's also Raz's weapon that he used to paralyse the Shadow Dragon."

"Wait... R-Raz's weapon?!" Zim shouted, "And you never gave it to me in the first place!? Why?!"

"... Two reasons..." Aezira admitted, "First... you can thank Sebastian for being too stubborn for his own good."

Sebastian grimaces, rolls his eyes and crosses his arms as he gazes at his liege and scoffs, "Oh shut it! Zim is a complete idiot! How on earth would you expect me to trust him with something super important!?"

"Oi! Shut it, you blood-sucking asshole!" Zim yelled at him.

"You know damn well it's true!"

"Shut it, you two!" Lily yelled at the two, which successfully make their eyes bug out and gaze at her, "I... I want to hear everything Aezira has to say..."

"Aww, thank you, Lily," Aezira thanked her, "The second reason is that... well... it boosts the strength of the users' powers sharply,"

"Okay... and?" Zim asked as he rubs his chin and looks at Aezira.

"... If you had used it before you lost your arm," Aezira explained, "No doubt it would overwhelm your blood and thus, turn you into the Shadow Dragon."

"... What?!" Zim shouted, "So... it's dangerous?!"

"Before it was," Aezira explained, "However since you lost your arm and thus, your powers are halved, making it much safer to use. It should also unlock new abilities as well."

"Huh? How comes?" Zim asked, "With the new abilities thing?"

"Well, energy slashes, grow wings, have spikes come out from the ground. Those things."

Tori raises her brow and chews on her lollipop as she stares at Aezira and asks, "And how on earth do you know that?!"

"Well... ahem... I'm good with magic," Aezira justified herself as she looks away and rubs her arm, "And I'm pretty good with predicting things thanks to my gut feeling and all..."

"... Right..." Tori replied, "Bullshit!"

Lily rolls her eyes and says, "Okay. Now that we have done that, can we move on?"

"Right," Tori nodded in agreement, "I got three good news."

Zim turns his attention from the succubus to his adopted sister and asks, "And those news are...?"

"... Drei, come here!"

Then... Drei appears from the shadows, where she is wearing a simple white dress that shows her mark on her chest and barefooted. Her hair has gotten a bit longer, but reminds the same.

Zim's, Lily's and Leo's eyes bug out and their jaws shows as Drei stares at them and spoke, "... Sis... Leo... Zim...?"

"Drei!" Leo cried as he hugs her, "Oh thank god! You're alive! I'm so-no... we're so glad you're okay!"

"... L... Leo..." Drei said in a soft tone as she closes her eyes and softly smiles, "Thank... you..."

"Come on now!" Leo chuckled as he let's go of her and gives a hearty laugh, "I wasn't the one who saved you... sadly, it's Tori you should thank!"

"She already did," Tori replied.

"Oh..." Leo said as he chuckles nervously and rubs the back of his neck, "Got it..."

Drei gazes upon the tall irken and slowly walks up to him as she suddenly hugs him, much to everyone's shock... and Zim's uncomforted state.

"... Zim... I... missed you..." Drei said softly.

"... Ahem... Zim... misses you... too..." Zim replied awkwardly, "Crap! I don't know what to do in this situation!"

"I'm... glad..." Drei replied with a gentle smile that even a puppy or kitten would say aww, "I... Zim... my friend... happy... you... safe..."

"... Yes... ahem..." Zim replied as he gazes at Lily, and then at Drei.

Lily coughs a bit to grab the innocent Alter unit's attention and says, "Ahem... I think you have a enough hugging for now."

"... O...kay..." Drei replied as she let's go of Zim and walks to Lily, "... Sis... ter..."

"... Yes... I am sister," Lily replied, "Geez... it's honestly feels like I'm talking to a toddler... then again, before that attack, she never said a single word... so it makes sense..."

"And my final news... is that I finally repair your AI and Minimoose, Zim," Tori told him, which caught him off guard.

"Wha-Wait! You fixed my computer AI?!" Zim asked loudly. "And managed to fix up Minimoose!?"

"Yep," Tori replied, "While there were random crap, I was able to locate your previous location and found the chip under all the rubble and dust... thanks for that, Zim!"

"... Hehe... he..." Zim chuckled nervously as he rubs the base of his neck and looks away.

"... Right..." Tori said as she rolls her eyes and crosses her arms, "Anyways, thankfully, even if it's old and dusty, it's not broken, so I managed to transfer all of his data to EKO's data system and updated everything from his function to putting on a firewall. For Minimoose, it's very difficult to find all the pieces, so I only managed to find his core and I have to build it up from scratch."

"... That... that's good..." Zim murmured and says, "I... I want to talk to them... privately..."

Tori sighs and tells him, "Sorry, but we have other things to discuss. For example, we have a new recruit."

"A... new recruit?" Zim asked.

"And that recruit is?" Lily asked.

"Ahem... that would be me..."

The whole group turns to the right and Rosa appeared, making Leo's eyes bug out and stares at her where Rosa stares at him back.

"... Ahem... why... Ugh... my head is really hurting right now..." Leo complained, "Ahem... can I have some fresh air for a bit?"

"... Sure," Tori answered.

"Thank you," Leo thanked her.

Leo leaves the room with a grimaced expression and having his large, metallic hand on his forehead while the group just stares and blinks, which Rosa breaks the silence by saying, "Ahem... it's a pleasure to meet you, all..." Rosa greeted politely as she did a curtsy.

"... Tori... who's she?" Min-Jung asked her.

"This... is Rosa Herzog," Tori introduced her, "She will be our resident healer of the team."

Lily raises her brow, eyes bug out a bit and asks, "Wait... healer? As in... she can use healing magic?!"

"Yep," Tori proudly informed, "I should know since I made her the same way I created Leo!"

"That's... amazing..."

"Hey, they don't call me the magical genius for nothing!" Tori proudly proclaimed.

Zim rolls his eyes and looks at Rosa, who notices him and blushes a bit.

"So... you're some kind of... what's the word...?"

"A cleric," Rosa answered him, "And yes, I am. Though, I do not know what is the origins of my powers."

"I see..." Zim replied.

Lily stares at her with squinted eyes and says, "... Why is your face red...?"

"Oh! Ahem... well... just a bit socially awkward, that's all," Rosa answered her, "Not only that, but I feel a little hot, that's all."

Min-Jung cheekily smirks and jokes, "I don't think that's what she meant. I think she meant something else is hot~"

Rosa blushes, even more so, Tori and Sebastian just look at her with squinted eyes and face-palms, Mikala and Aezira suddenly burst into laughter while Gir, Lily and Zim just tilt their head.

"Ha Ha Ha!" Mikala laughed as she tries to calm down and wraps her arm around Zim.

"H-Hey!" Zim yelled, "What's so funny?"

"You're becoming quite the lady killer, aren't you?" Mikala joked, making his confusion even further.

"... I'm not a lady killer!" Zim objected, "I don't kill women! I kill both women and men as well!"

Aezira shakes her head and chuckles, "I don't think that's what she meant, Zimmy."

"Huh? Then what does she me-"

"N-Don't get the wrong idea!" Rosa begged as her entire face is red, "P... it's not what you think! Honestly!"

"Sure..." Mikala, Aezira and Min-Jung said at the same time.

"Can we get back to the fucking topic and stop talking about Rosa's lady boner for Zim!?" Tori shouted as she closes her eyes and grits her teeth.

"Wait! Rosa's a dude?!" Zim screamed in horror, "You're lying! Lies!"

"No, you dumbass!" Tori shouted, she grabs a newspaper and whack him over it.

"Ow!" Zim cried as he rubs the back of his head, "The hell?!"

"Okay, okay, relax you two," Mikala told them, "Zim, Gir. I want the two of you to stay here. Everyone else leaves now!"

"... As you command, Mikala," Lily replied as she heads out of the room.

"Wha-Wait! Seriously?!" Min-Jung asked as she rushes to her, "You're not going to ask why?! Hey! Wait!"

"Well, I need to do some business," Aezira said, "Come with me, Sebastian!"

"... Very well, Aezira," Sebastian sighed.

"Goodbye!" Aezira said. She and her butler teleport out of the room.

"Hey Rosa And Drei!" Harumi called out, "Want to go and get some snacks!?"

"Oh! Sure!" Rosa replied.

Drei simply nods as the three girls go out of the lab. Mikala stands straight and looks at the three.

"Alright... now, let's start the meeting," Mikala said.

A/N - I hope you guys look forward to it and if you do, leave a comment and have a good day, my guild. Aqua out!

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