Chapter 1 Part 2 - The Draughtbane, the Blade of Doom
I hope you guys are enjoying this because I am! Invader Zim belonged to Jhonen Vasquez and Richard Steven, but all of the OCs involved belongs to me.
(Two days ago, in the Dayshade mansion)
Aezira enters a library as she takes out a book of a shelf, leading the shelf to move aside and shows a large black door. She takes out her keys and opens it as she went through downstairs as she walks towards a large door, where she unlocks with her key and opens it.
In front of her is a surprisingly advanced bastard sword with a black, dull line in the middle of the sliver blade, a black quillon and dark purple handler, where it's covered in spider webs.
Aezira walks towards the sword as she looks behind her, and then turns to the sword as she was about to grab it...
Aezira, despite being caught off-guard, remains expressionless and doesn't turn around as she pulls her hand away from the sword.
"I know you used to be a ninja and all," Aezira told the person, "But don't you think it's bad to sneak up on your master... Sebastian."
Sebastian sighs as he glares at her and pointing his dagger at her. She turns around and looks at him in the eye.
"Look, Sebastian... I understand you don't want Zim to use the Draught-"
"As in... Raz's sword!" Sebastian shouted.
"Yes, I am aware," Aezira replied, "but, since Zim's powers are weaker after losing his arm and thus, his powers are quite unstable, so-"
"No! I object!" Sebastian yelled in rage, "I-I don't want Zim to use his sword! I bet that idiot would end up breaking it! Are you insane?!"
"It's the only chance to defeat Ate!" Aezira yelled back, which make his eyes open very wide. "I know you have a fucking crush on a dead dude! I fucking lost my dad to that bitch too!"
Sebastian flinches while Aezira shakes her head and puts her hand on her forehead as she looks away and rubs her arm while keeping her head down.
"A-Sorry Sebastian... I... I was out of line..." Aezira apologised, "But you have to understand... Zim is the only one who can go against the Irk Empire, considering he knows the ins and out."
Sebastian looks away and sighs, "I... sorry too... I... I just... I wish I could move on... but... but..." He starts to tear up and shakes his head, "I can't sleep properly... I can't even get my head straight all because that bitch caused the death of my friend..."
"Trust me... that bitch made us ALL desperate!" Aezira admitted, "And that sword will help him!"
"No... I... I can't... allow it..." Sebastian objected as he readies his dagger, "It's literally the only reminder of Raz!"
Aezira sighs as she stares at him and says, "Sebastian... do you want to hear a secret?"
"Huh? What secret?" Sebastian asked as he raises his eyebrows, "I literally know everything about you! Heck, I even knew how you have gotten a bloody anus after having sex with a guy with a large-"
"Oh my god!" Aezira screamed at him in fury, "Do you really have to remind me of that?! It was one time!"
"One time, too many," Sebastian said sarcastically.
"Bitch please!" Aezira shouted, "As if you never wanted to fuck Raz before!?"
"S-Shut up!" Sebastian shouted while his normally pale cheeks suddenly become rosy red.
"Well, welcome to my world!" Aezira replied, "You brought it to yourself!"
"What about your first time!?" Sebastian shouted back in anger. "Where you tried to find-"
"Don't you even DARE remind me of that!!!" Aezira shouted back, but she quickly shakes her head and calms down, "But that's not important!"
Aezira walks towards him and starts whispering something to his ear, where his eyes wide open, shows his gaping jaw and stares at her.
"You're... you're must be lying..." Sebastian denied it in pure shock.
"No... after all, how can you explain why I was always so protective of Zim and Raz?" Aezira asked him.
Sebastian looks away and bites his lips as she puts her hand on his shoulder.
"Sebastian... Raz's death hits me really hard just as much as you do..." Aezira told him, "As well as to Zim, considering they're brothers after all. I highly doubt he would lose it, especially since this is his brother's weapon... and my gift after that incident where Artemisia and my father have to save you guys from that remnant,"
"This is what Raz would have wanted," Aezira told him as she lets him go and walks towards the blade, "Raz would have wanted you to be strong and move on without forgetting him. He trusts you very dearly, you know..."
"... Does he know...?" Sebastian asked her.
"... Yes..." Aezira replied, "I will tell Zim, but not right now... there's too much going on that I have no doubt he would feel overwhelmed... and I don't want him to remind him of that event..."
"... Lady Aezira..." Sebastian said, "I promised your father I would serve you for an eternity before his death... I failed to protect him... but this time... I'm not going to fail. I will protect the Dayshade's legacy."
Aezira smiled softly as she scrapes off the webs and takes out the sword. She turns around and says, "Thank you, Sebastian... I'm sure Raz would be very proud of you."
"... I... I guess..." Sebastian replied. "Let's go back to our rooms before anybody saw us..."
"Agreed," Aezira said.
The duo walks out of the hidden room and Aezira closes off the room. They walk out of the library... where Harumi was watching behind a shelf and sees them.
"Wha-What the hell?!" Harumi thought in confusion, "I-I better tell Zim about this!"
A/N - I hope you guys look forward to it and if you do, leave a comment and have a good day, my guild. Aqua out!
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