The Talon

Kaldur's POV

After a few minutes of awkward silence while walking to the training room, I asked Renegade if he had any questions he want to ask, "only one that been bugging me for a while," he replied. "How does Aquaman control whales and dolphins? I mean their mammals not fish, it makes no sense,"

I was talking a back by this at first, "umm well, I mean," I head Megan start to laugh. "I actually don't know how my king does." Renegade frowned a little and shook his head, "one day I will find out."

"Why did you stop those bullets from hitting the girls?" Megan asked. "They didn't deserve to get killed." Said Renegade not meeting either of our eyes. "And you would risk your life to save them because of that?"

"Why do any of you risk your life's, there's already enough people that don't get saved, why add three more people on that list." "Your not that bad of a person you know," Megan

"If you knew everything I have done, you would not be saying that." He said still did not making eye contact with us. "I'm sorry about what Slade did to you."

"There so many people worse people then Slade in the world." I thought of how Slade hung him over a building for a day. And how he tortured him. It just seemed unfair. "You said you tried to run away from Slade before?" I asked remembering his answer from last night.

"Yeah probably wouldn't have as many scars if I hadn't." "Do you miss him?" Megan asked. He though about it for a few seconds before saying, "of course I do, he was the close thing I had to a family."

We had made it into the training room before Megan asked. "You say he never forced you to kill anyone?" His head dropped lower as if wishing to be any where but here. "He told me who to kill and what would happen if I didn't. But I always had choice to not pull the trigger."

"What made you that way, with no care for human life?" Artemis said accusatively I hadn't ever realize she was in the room. Renegade looked at the ground deeply but didn't answer the question. "What makes it that you can take a life and not even bat an eye?" I was about to tell Artemis that, that was enough the power cut out.

I could see dim out lines of  the team and Renegade with the emergency light. "Get down," Renegade yelled. And seeming reach from his sword that wasn't there. I dropping to the ground just as a gun was shot over my head.

"Megan go get the emergency power online." I order sill unable to make out what was going on. "8 of you against an unarmed me, seems a little unfair for you doesn't it." Renegade taunted

Then I saw them, 8 of the Courts henchmen. I heard the sound of a man grunt and his body hit the ground. Then swords fighting against each other. I heard two men cry out who I assumed Renegade had killed him. Then Megan got the power back and I saw Renegade locked in combat with 4 men and one man holding a sword to Artemis's throat.

"Renegade I suggest you surrender yourself or your friend might come back to you without a head." Renegade used his blade to push the people he was fight back. And Artemis bit the mans hand cause him to move the sword closer to her throat.

"Surrender!" "As if." I thought that Artemis was dead right there and I tried to move toward them to push her out of the way. But as he raised the sword to cut her throat he was caught in the chest by a sword Renegade threw. Which I realized was super accurate with something so big must be difficult.  And the man fell to the ground.

Looked at Renegade realizing what was about to happen. The sword was dug into his back hard. Instead of falling or crying out in pain he laughed. The man that had stabbed him with the sword looked terrified. And let go of it.

Renegade took the sword out of his back and cut off the mans head with it. Then quickly finished up with the last of the men. The last one crying out. "You will belong to the Talon. And to the Court." "In their demented dreams."

And he dug the sword into him. He dropped the sword and looked discussed. And I realized the discussed was for him not for the people he had just killed. "Thank you." Artemis said in a low voice. "Please do not thank me for killing people that were for the most part here against their will."

The rest of the team walked in lead by Megan. When KF took in the scene he realized what Renegade had done he was on him in seconds. And I realized renegade could have easily stopped him. But he didn't, because he thought he deserved it.

KF pinned him to the ground and started to punch him repeatedly with his super speed. When he stopped Renegade laughed and said, "I think you missed a spot." KF punched him in the nose cracking it. And was about to start punching him again when Artemis said, "stop, he just save our life's."

Wally stopped and looked down at Renegade who was now beyond bloody. There was a deep laugh that spread across the room. And renegade was out from under wally before wally knew what was happening. Then a shadow moved at a speed that rival Wally's and we were all tied up. Other then Renegade that stood in the center of the room.

"Poor little Renegade all alone with no one left that cares about him. Can't believe you actually thought you had a place with these heroes." "What's wrong, you realize none of your slave could bring me in so you had to come do the job your self." He bent down and picked up a bloody sword from one of the body's.

"You figure that without Slade you would try and change. Become a hero. Your not the type. Too much blood on your hands for you to be accepted. All the little heroes hate you, they're afraid of you. They have seen the monster within. That's all they see. But you are no monster to me." Renegade held the sword up getting in a fighting stands.

"That's where you are wrong. I am a monster. And I don't care for anyone and no one cares for me. That makes me dangerous to you because you don't know what I will do. That's why you want me. Because you fear me. That's why you wont show your face and you are dancing  around on the rafters."

The man dropped behind Renegade. "Look-" was all I got out of my mouth before their blades met. The Talon kicked Renegade's legs out from under him. And he quick did a back hand spring holding the sword with his legs. And he did another flipping over the Talon ripping the sword from his hands. Putting the tip of his sword against the tip of his neck.

"You might not care for anyone, but you can't help but save the innocent. And you don't realize the position you just put your self in." I realized Renegade was no longer in between us and the Talon. He started to move but the Talon ripped the sword from his hands and kicked him on to the ground.

He pulled out a gun pointing it at us leaving the sword level with Renegade. Renegade got to his feet staring him in the eyes. "Your choice give your self up or they die." Renegade glared at him and then looked at us.

I though for sure we were dead meat but then, "Drop the gun first and kick it to the other end of the room." "Ah, you don't trust I will do as promised." He said lowing the gun. "I may be young but I'm not stupid." The Talon did as he was asked and then Renegade threw a knife.

At first I thought he had played the Talon but then I saw it landed next to us. So we could cut our self free. The Talon laughed, "your part of the deal boy." Renegade put his hands over his hand and got down on his knees. The talon grabbed him tied his hands and legs. Keeping a sword at his back.

Then just as Artemis had cut us free, they disappear in a bomb of smoke. "He gave himself up for us," Megan said. "And we never once trusted him. Or treated him like anything but a killer," Artemis said. The robotic voice announced the arrival of Batman. "Soooo, who's gonna tell Bats."


Another chapter as promised. Also got The picture I think most of you should know the drill.

And I didn't mention it in the last chapter but this story is over 100 views right now. Which I guess compared to a lot of people on wattpad isn't a lot it still means so much to me. So thank you to all of you reading. I love you all so much.

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