The rescue of Renegade part 1
Again the picture has nothing to do with the story. Just Wally and Artemis are so cute.
Wally's POV
"This whole time I thought that he would stab us in the back. Not take a knife in the back for us," I said after we explained to Batman everything that happened. The robotic voice announced the arrival of Speedy.
"Red arrow." I heard the voice of Roy mutter angrily. He stormed into the room. And looked at all of us. "Shit, that little brat. When I get my hands on him-" "what?" Artemis asked confused.
"Renegade, it's true that the Court took him. You all are in a lot more trouble then you think." "How do you know about that." "By now everyone in the Gotham underworld knows. I wouldn't be surprised if they are laying siege to the city as we speak."
"I believe you got Renegade handle Roy. I'll take care of Gotham." Batman said tipping his head a little before walking out of the room and the robotic voice announced is departure.
Roy shook his head a little, "first Slade, now Ren. Who's going to be next, none of us are save anymore." "Why would he give himself up for us. He said it himself, their is no one he cares for."
Roy rolled his eyes. "I should have guess that's how he got caught. He did it cause he thinks that your better then him. And that he deserves to burn for everything he's done. He hates killing people. For god sake the kid is terrified of blood, he just doesn't want anyone to suffer the way he did."
I thought about why's he said about him being scared of blood. That would explain why he tried to wipe the blood off himself and dropping the sword. And his dream of him drowning in blood. "So you know who he is." "Yes," Roy said not adding anything else.
"How are we going to save him?" "We're not," Roy said and everyone looked at him with their mouths wide. "The Court is too dangerous for you the handle. I'll go get him, after everything his done for me I hate to say it but I owe that Dick. Face it you never cared for him when he was here and the only reason you want to go after him is because you feel like you owe him something. You don't, the best you can do is stay out of the way so you can't be used as leverage again." Roy turned to leave. Artemis grabbed him, "we're coming like it or not. He saved our lives too."
"Their is a different between saving your lives and being the reason that your alive. But if you want to die that badly you can come just don't get in my way." He said it with a deadly fierceness I had never see him use before. And I wonder just how close he and Renegade really were.
Roy's POV
Just a quick warning the flashback scene deals with a little bit heavier stuff like suicide. If you don't think you in the right state of mind to read it then just skip the flashback scene. It's nothing too bad just a quick warning. You can continue the story!
I had walked out on the Justice League a little over a month ago, they had already replaced and forgot about me. Oliver disowned me. I had nothing to live for. I would relapse soon enough, I don't wan to live that life anymore.
That is why I'm doing this. I told myself, there is no reason for me to live. I looked over the edge to see the sea below. One jump and it's over.
"I don't think it's really a good night to go for a swim. The waters polluted and freezing." I turned around to see Renegade. I had heard of him before but never actually met him.
"Go away," I mutter, I just wanting it all to end. "And why would I do that," he said sitting next to me. "So your thinking about jumping off." It wasn't so much a question as it was a statement. "What's it to you?" I mutter lookin away from him.
"Don't you have better things to do then free fall a thousand feet?" "I have nothing to live for." I said my stomach ached with hunger. I have to do this now before die of starvation.
"Then make something to live for. Because killing yourself doesn't do anyone any good. How many innocent people die with no fault of their own other then being at the wrong place at the wrong time." "That's not my fault." I said standing up and getting ready to jump.
"You have a death wish fine but don't just waste your life meaninglessly. You could die saving one of those people. Then you get what you want and an innocent person doesn't have to die."
I turned to look at him. He was a lot smaller and young then I thought he would be. My stomach roared out loud this time. "You know there's a sub shop on the corner, broke cameras and alarms we could so sneak in and grab something to eat."
"Roy Harper," I said holding out a hand to help him up. He paused thinking about it for a second as if decided whether or not to tell me. "Dick Grayson." He said grabbing my hand.
I noticed a lot of stuff about the name, like his last name wasn't Wilson like Slade. And that I actually knew his name, he was that acrobatic for the circus. His parents were murdered. But I pushed that all out of my mind and smiled. Promising to myself that I would always be there to protect him.
Flashback ended
"Roy," I picked my head up a little shaking off the memory. We were in Miss Martian space ship thing flying to Star City so I could go get information about where Ren is.
"How well do you know Renegade." "Well enough to know that he would rather die then do the Courts bidding." "Does anyone else know who he is?" I thought about it, "any living person other then me no." "How long did you to find out who he was?" Artemis asked. "I don't know like 10-15 minutes after meeting him."
"I still don't get, why give himself up to save us?" Megan asked. "Ren is an idiot with a death wish. A random person could be in that room he would do the same thing."
I frowned at the thought of him being locked up somewhere, probably being tortured. He would be smiling, knowing that his death meant that five heroes get to live. I couldn't help but hate him for that.
"You know that we will get him back." "I hope so, cause I want to kill that little brat." Megan landed the ship. "I'm going into this alone. They see me come in with any of you, guns will be going off before you can say look out." They nodded and I walked out of the ship into the warehouse.
Hey it's me again. I don't know how many of you needed that trigger warning but I thought I'd just add it in cause you never know. I'll probably update this story again soon. So till next time.
I think I actually am becoming pretty decent at a/n!!!! Though i still need to work on getting pictures that fit the story. Oh well.
I was just reading over this one last time before posting it and I noticed my P.S. had a lower case I in it but instead of fixing it I made this.
Ok now really till next time! Ok not really I was about to post it and realized I didn't name the chapter.... and now I can't come up with a name... the real reason it take me so long to update. Is anyone even reading this a/n anymore. Nope, just me... I need a life. For anyone that still cares I couldn't come up with a good name for the chapter so I just did something kinda related but just mainly corny...
For anyone still reading this, a) I feel like my a/n are actually longer then the story itself. I feel like they are just me rant about random stuff. And b) NOW IT REALLY IS TILL NEXT TIME (oops all caps.) I kinda want to make a team cap joke but this has really gone on for too long... I should have just ended it after the first a/n, or at least at the P.S. I only started the P.P.S. because of the mistake in the P.S.... ok I really should go.
But before I do, I officially revoke my statement about having decent a/n I'm sorry for anyone that waste their time reading this. Ok now I promise it really really is till next time I post and update.
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