The death of Slade Wilson

"Are you ready to fly my little Robin?" Asked the voice of his mother.

"Renegade move in on the target," he heard the voice of his mentor say in his ear piece.

"What if I fall?" A nine-year-old him asked his parents, sometimes he wished he was still that innocent. He remembered what Slade told him, "Innocent is a cruel joke only when you lose it can you become the person you are meant to be."

Renegade jumped down from where he was hiding onto the next roof top.

"You can't fall when you were born to fly." He father told him.

"You were made to kill," Slade had told him when he was unsure about becoming Renegade.

"I'm in position," he whispered to Slade through the com. "Now kill him!" Slade order. He hooked his legs over a edge of the building hanging upside down off its edge to get the perfect angle. The bullets flew hitting the target through the heart.

"See your flying already," his father voice echoed.

He got up and packed the gun. When he was done he turned and ran, in no mood to watch the chaos he had created. Also Slade had told him, earlier that day, that he had a surprise for him.

Renegade's POV

As I entered our base Slade said, "Good job Renegade. Now for that surprise."

He pulled out blue prints for a building. He explained that it was the HQ for drug lords that have been messing around on other people turf and that they were old friend of Tony Zucco. Tony was my first kill, with the help of Slade four years ago, now almost five.

"Thank you for letting me come along, sir," he ruffled my hair. "Now boy, why don't you go sharp a sword or something."

"Ok, sir." I walked off to my room to do as he suggested.

Slade might not be the best person to live with or just one of the best people period. On the other hand, he took me in and cared for me when the rest of the world didn't give two craps. And that is why I will always do as he says and kill who ever he wants.

I heard Batman voice in my mind, "your actual a good kid. Why do you just forget all of that and do what ever Slade wants? He's using you he doesn't actual care for you. He doesn't care about anyone but himself."

It didn't matter if Slade cared for me. It didn't matter if Slade was just using he. He saved my life and now it's his to do as he sees fit. Why am I even listening to Batman, if I remember he let that little Batboy be beaten to death by the Joker. And then he couldn't even kill the Joker to avenge him. Pathetic.

"Renegade come here and get briefed on the mission."

That was another thing about Slade, he was prepared for everything, always ten step ahead of everyone else. Other Batman, who he was still a good four steps ahead of. I left to listen to Slade's plan.

~Time skip~

When the guns started going off I knew everything had gone south. Not because of Slade's plan but because of Batman and his team of brats showing up to the party earlier then expected. The team had no strategy. They were all so reckless. It wouldn't be long before they died just like the Batbrat did.

"Renegade what happened? I said not to attack until I gave the order. For this, there will be consequences." I felt my body stiffen at the word consequences.

"Sir, it wasn't me. Batman and the kiddie league are here. Along with Green Arrow and the Flash, I think there's something-"

"If they're here that complicates things, but I still need to get that file. So we'll just have to change strategy. Follow air vent B turn into the second right. Then take the first left turn and I'll meet you there," he instructed.

"Yes, sir."

"And Renegade?"

"Yes, sir?"

"stay safe."

"Always sir."

I quick pulled off the cover of the air vent and climb through the opening. When I got to where Slade said he would meet me I climbed out of the air vent and waited.

Slade burst in the room, "I got the file now let's go."

"Not so fast," A voice echoed from above us. I looked up to the catwalk hanging over the level we were on.

It was Ra's al Ghul. He had forty or so assassins with him. All pointing arrows down at us, crap.

I saw Batman run down a hall straight ahead of us. He stopped and made eye contact with me, double crap.

I pulled out my gun as they started firing arrows down at us. Dodging the arrows with ease, I saw Ra's running and I took the shot. Three bullets in the back of his head, he wouldn't be coming out of that pit of his to play for a while.

Most of the assassins left to go carry their leader away. Slade and I fought the ones that remained.

"Nice shot," Slade said then grabbed one of my arms swigging me so I could slice two on coming assassin's throats.

"Well you know I try," I could hear him chuckle. The remaining assassins startec to flee shooting back at us so we wouldn't follow. Victory I thought with a smile, but I felt Slade's body go ridged next to me.

"Wha-" I started turning to see what he was looking at.

"Renegade!" He yelled jumping in front of me.

Then I heard the gun shot, followed by two more. And I looked up, shooting the man that had just fired at me and Slade. He fell off from the catwalk to his death.

I looked down at Slade, "you should be more careful then that," he whispered, blood dripping from the corners of his mouth, I knew he was going to die, and there was nothing I could do to stop that.

"Why?" I asked chocking back a sob.

He just smiled, "Better not cry, boy. You know how I feels about crying."

"Please, don't go." I mumbled

"Don't die yet, eh son." He said, Then I felt him go limp in my arms. I felt sick to my stomach and then I felt myself begin to crumble. It was happening. All over again.

"Renegade," Batman yelled, running towards me. He was followed by Green Arrow and Flash. I couldn't deal with them right now.

"You wouldn't mind taking care of his body for me would ya?" I said and then disappear. Jumping on the catwalk then out the window.

I rolled out of the trash into the rain. I stood up and easily climb a building. I leaped from building top to building top till I felt too sick to go on.

By then I was in the heart of Gotham City. 'Why would he do that,' I thought then looked down at the dirty streets of Gotham City.

It was my fault he died. He died because of me. Because I wasn't paying attention.

"I'm sorry Slade," I murmured looking to the streets. I felt tears come to my eyes but I didn't cry. I wasn't sure if I knew how to cry anymore. Not after going so long without crying because of Slade.


"Please stop," I cried out, Slade lift the whip again and hit me. "Please, it hurt."

Tears streaming from my eyes.

"I'm doing it for your own good. All you have to do is stop crying and there won't be anymore."

I looked up at him. He brought if down slicing my already shredded back. I held in my cry of pain and wiped my tears. If all he wanted me to do was stop crying, then that's what I would do. After a few more hits he stopped and smiled.

"Good boy. Now let's get you cleaned up and get some ice cream."

Flashback ends

I didn't know what to do without Slade. Sure he abused me, but I wouldn't be alive without him. And today he saved my miserable life for the second time.


I couldn't stay in the same area that held my family's death bodies anymore. And I knew the police were going to take me away from the circus, the only family I had left. So I ran into the woods trying to get away from all of it.

It was then that I was grabbed by two men.

"Boss look at his eyes. You could get 15K off of them easily," I tried to pull myself free but I couldn't.

Then a voice from the shadows:

"Drop him, he's mine."

One of the thugs chuckled.

"Yeah right! We got the little punk first." I heard a gun being drawn and then fired. One of the people holding me let go and I heard a thump as his body hit the ground.

"Maybe you didn't hear me correct. I said the kid's mine."

"Yeah, of course, have to kid just don't shoot," the other man yelped letting go of me and I fell to the forest floor. I looked up at the man who now had the gun trained on me.

"If your going to kill me then you should quit wasting your time and do it. I'm no good for anyone anyway. You might as well do it and put me out of my misery," I demanded trying to hide the fear from my voice. I also tried to keep a fearful expression off from my face, though the tears streaks were still evident.

He just laughed, "I'm Slade. I think that you and me will become good friends."

Flashback ends

He was the only reason I was still alive. Why should I keep living without him? I looked over the edge of the building I was standing on. It would be so easy to just walk off. Then I would be free. All of this would be over.

I thought of my family and took a few steps back from the edge. 'You are not afraid of death,' I told myself. What would Slade say if he just saw me? I thought back to what he did when I told him I was afraid of falling.

But before I could be overtaken by the memory I heard someone behind me

"Renegade!" They called out. I looked over my shoulder to see Batman. I just sat down on the roof ledge, not caring anymore.

"Just do what ever you want and get it over with. I don't care anymore."

"Renegade, Slade wo-"

"Don't you dare say his name! I will rip your tongue of your mouth and shove it down your throat." I growled at him.

He sighed and sat down next to me. "Renegade I know you feeling hurt right now-" he started but I cut him off.

"Why are you here?" I demanded not wanting to listen to any of this.

"I came to help you."

"I don't need help from the likes of you."

"Renegade just-" I got up and started to walk away. I looked at the edge and then took a step off. But before I could fall, I feel strong arms wrap around me.

"What the hell were you do?! Is that what Slade would want you to do? After he just saved your life."

"Relaxes Batsy, I was just going down to get my own rooftop, this ones got a bat infestation."

The arms loosened a little, but it was only that, a little.

"I tried to do this the easy way. Now we can do it my way." I saw him put out a tranquilizer dart. I tensed once he put it in I would be at his mercy.

He must have felt my heart beating quicken because he pulled it away from my neck studying me. "The second you start to struggle I will make you go to sleep." I managed to whimper a strangled, "Yes, sir."

He paused like he was going to say something then thought better of it and started to carry me over his shoulder.

"I can walk you know." I muttered, feeling extremely uncomfortable with him holding me. It made me feel like I was a sack of villainous potatoes. He stop and thought about it for a second.

"Don't get any ideas." He grumbled as he put me down, I stretched my arms and untense my muscles a little.

'What would Slade say if he could see me now. But that was just it he couldn't say anything.' Batman told me to stop in an alleyway. I did, he didn't say anything for a while. He just stared at me.

"What?!" I demand not thinking about the consequences of my actions before I saying it, but he didn't get mad like Slade would have been.

He simply asked, "how did Slade get a good kid like you to help him kill all those people?"

I snorted, "Unlike whatever delusions you may have conjured, he has never made me do anything I didn't want to do." He looked at me for a second long before stepping forward and the wall revealed one of the beamy thingy the League uses to teleport places.

"Come over here." I looked at it hesitating before walking over. 'Is that all your good for doing what ever people tell you?' I asked myself. 'Shut up,' I told myself.

Then I felt my body start to dissolve. Breathe I chided myself. Then wondered if I could breathe while my lungs were dissolved. I heard a robotic voice say, "01 Batman, plus one."

"Hey BM, you got another mission for us?" I identified the voice immediately Kid Flash AKA Wallace West. His uncle Bartholomew Allen, was the Flash.

"Wait Batman, why do you have him?" He asked the last part with the sound of deep disgust. As though I was some kind of sickness that had killed thousands people, which I guess was only a few hundred away from being true. I am a killer, a monster that's all they'll ever see me as.

Artemis walked over and slapped me across the face.

"Artemis, enough!" Batman order. She just glared me down. I almost laugh. She looked like she was trying so hard to be mad but her lips couldn't quite make a frown. So it just turned out as a pout.

"Batman what are you think just letting a psychopath walk into the mountain."

Rude! I like to think of myself as a highly functioning sociopath, but I guess psychopath worked too.

"We will discuss this later." He grabbed my arm and dragged me down the hall much to Wally's and Artemis's amusement.

I couldn't help but think, why the phrase was down the hall. Your not descending at all. It should just be walking through the hallway. The English language has weird rules and phrases. And why isn't funner a word. Like they can't just make rules that fit somethings but not others. Well, I guess that can, but they shouldn't.

"Renegade. Renegade!" Batman snapped his fingers in front of me trying to get my attention.

"Uhh, what," I looked around I was standing outside an open cell.

"What were you just think about?"

"Umm.." I tried to come up with something better then why funner isn't a word. But then I couldn't help thinking: Why better, why not gooder? Finally I decided, "So like you know how people say they feel overwhelmed or underwhelmed. Why isn't anyone just whelmed?" He stared at me for a second

"What?" Confusion is evident in his voice. I confused Batman. I need to make that into a button or something. Or maybe have it engraved on my tombstone. 'Here lies Renegade. The only person who was about to confuse Batman.'

"I'm assuming you want me to go in the cell now." I sighed and walked in, figures. That's what I get for going with the Caped Crusader.

"I'm going to shut and lock the door, though if you really wanted to escaped you would run off by now."

"To what." I deadpanned, there was nothing left for me.

Edited A/n

I have decided to go through and edit my stories. So logically I started with this one because it is my first and favorite story I have written.

Also thank you to everyone who has read this and all of my other books, it's hard to believe I have had this account for a little over a year already.

And special thank you to RandomFandomDragon who helped me edit this chapter.

Original A/n

This is the first chapter to the first story I have posted. I have been lurking around Wattpad for years now on my friend's account.  I finally decided it was time to make my own account and post some stuff I have written. So just let me know what you think.

This chapter is longer then most of the other ones will be. I just thought it would be rude to break it this one up into part.

Also while writing this little P.S. on the A/n I realized I didn't know what P.S. actually stood for so I googled it. If anyone curious it stands for 'post scriptum,' which is Latin for after writing. So.... yeah.

I'm just going to go now....

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