Inside Renegade's mind


Again the pictures isn't related to the story it's just SO CUTE.

Megan's pov

"You want me to read his mind?" I asked. "Pretty please." Said Wally, "You told me reading people's minds without their permission is wrong." "It is," Conner said crossing his arms.

"If we are going to let him stay here we need to know he is safe to be around." Batman said and I could tell he was wanted to know as bad as Wally. "Ok, I guess I'll do it." I set up a mind link and then reached out until I found Renegade thoughts.

At first there was nothing. Then there was and image of him covered in blood, not just that he was drowning in a pool of blood. It was a dream I realized. A nightmare. He looked terrified it a dream. Then I could hear his voice say. "It's a nightmare, grow up, Slade will be pissed if you are afraid of this. Or just afraid in general."

The nightmare changed into a scene with a young boy. He was next to a tall building with a man I knew was Slade. Slade walk to the fire escape and started to climb up. "Why aren't you following?" He demanded turning back to the boy.

I boy's bottom lip shook. "I...I'm..I'm scared," then he add "sir" as an after thought. "What did you just say?!" Slade roared. The boy looked terrified but said again, "I'm scared." Slade walked back grabbing the boy from around the middle. The boy fought and struggled but nothing worked.

They were on top of the built Slade pulled out a rope and tied it to the boy. He tied the other end to the roof. And then he threw the little boy off of the building. But he didn't scream or cry. Then Slade left.

The sun was setting when Slade finally came back holding something. He walked over to the end where the boy, who I figured from the black hair was Renegade, was hanging.

"Are you still afraid of heights?" Slade asked. "I was never really afraid of height sir. I was afraid of falling." "Is that so" Slade said a evil smile spreading across his face.

He put down what he as holding and pulled out a knife. And started to cut the rope. "No, please." The Renegade begged tears forming in his eyes. Which I noticed were a beautiful shade of light blue.

"What did I tell you about crying?" was all he said before the Renegade was sent into free fall. Renegade still didn't scream or cry he just seemed to accept the fact that he was falling to his death. A few feet before he hits the ground  Slade caught him with some grappling hook and pulled him back up. Slade looked at the boy. He had no tears on his face, his mouth was set in a firm line.

"Well, well I was expecting at least a tear. Well done my boy. Now are you still afraid of falling?" "No sir." Said Renegade stiffly. "That's a good boy, now I have a gift for you."

He grabbed what he was holding early and he pulled out a sword. Renegades eyes grew big with joy. "A sword, really?" "Happy birthday kid." "You remembered?" He ask beaming as if he forget everything this man had just done to him. "Of course I remembered, you only turn ten once. And ten's a big number."

The memory fade away.

"You can't hide from yourself Ren". Said Roy. "You were born to fly," said a mans voice that I didn't recognize. And then Slade saying "you were made to kill."

'I'm a monster. Everyone know it. That's why the Court wants me so badly. That's why Batman wants monitor me.' 'I'm a monster.' He repeated. 'I'm not' said a smaller and weaker version of the same voice.

'I could have saved my family. But I didn't, I choose not to. I have so much blood on me, I might as well be a red smurf.' He paused at that 'sometimes I judge what I  think of.' He laughed, 'like literally I'm a loser.'

But then the thoughts were back. 'I cause Slade's death.' Everything just stop for a second as if processing that line. 

Then it showed someone stand high up looking down at dead people, around all laying across the ground. And there was a little boy with black hair, the same one from the memory. He was crying, "I'm sorry," he whispered in a small voice, "I should have warned you, I should have died with you." The boy sat down, then looked at the body's again and whispered in an even smaller voice, "I killed you. I'm sorry"

Renegade stood over the younger version of himself frowning. "You're not about to cry are you boy!" Demanded the voice of Slade.

And he finally woke up.

And his first thought was, 'where am I? It looks like- but no Slade won't. Slade, he's dead, he's dead because of me. Just like my family.'

'Get over it, you don't even deserve self pity. Your a monster. You've made  my bed of blood and now you have to lie in it. All you can do is wait to drown.'

'Suffocated by blood, who would have thought? Bed of blood? So like a water bed but instead of being full with water it's filled with blood. Or like a bed covered in blood. Or a bed made out of blood.'

'It's also probably not healthy reference to your self in the 2nd person. Wouldn't me saying your self instead of my self prove that again.' He sighed 'I swear English is a stupid language, when did I ever start think in it' Then a buzz when off and he pulled out a phone look devices.

He read the text, 'the Court is going through everything trying to find you. They are planning on burning down your house, so if you have anything you need from there you should get it. And I probably won't be in town for much longer so don't get your self kill Grayson.' "Harper," he muttered rolling his eyes. 'Thank you.' And that was the last thought before he stood up from the bed.

I cut the mind link off. "Roy know who he is?" Artemis asked. "Seem to be the only one." Said Batman.

"Should we go after him again?" I asked. "I think this qualifies as one of the few things that we should let him do alone." "Going to the bathroom and showering better be on that list to cause I'm not going to help with that," said Wally and Artemis smacked him.

"So you think Roy would tell us. I mean Grayson, that could be a first or last name probably last though right. So his like 15 last name Grayson black hair-" "Finding out who he was isn't our main concern Artemis. I think he would agree with me if I said he has not been that person for a long time. His Renegade now, that's all that matter."

"I almost feel bad for him he knows what his doing is bad. But he doesn't stop." I said. "What about how Slade treated him. He was 10 and the man leaves him dangling over the edge of a build for being afraid." Conner added. "His family died and he got stuck with Slade it's no wonder he turned out the way he did." Kaldur said.

"That doesn't mean anything. He's a monster, he said it himself he knows it true. We should get him some help, like Arkham." Wall said crossing his arms. "His not insane and even if he was I don't think Arkham could hold him for a second. Insane people don't realize what they are doing is wrong they don't feel bad for the people they hurt."

"Batman's right my friends. With the right training he could be an asset to the team." "Not  this again, we just watched him kill three men." "We also saw him take bullet to save civies. The least we could do is give him a chance like Jason did for me." Conner said.

At the mention of Jason name the room got really quite. "I'll give him a chance, one chance if he mess up I'm throwing him in a cell. And I'm going to watch over him make sure he's not up to anything." Artemis said coldly. "I'm with Artemis this is a bad idea." I thought about what they were saying. He seemed so broken. I couldn't help but want to help him and let him on the team.


Yet again I've got nothing to say so... I'm just going to sit in until I find something to talk about.

(Sponge bob voice)
And full eternity later

Yeah I got nothing... oh wait. If you made it this far into the a/n then I would like to say a) thank you that's commitment. And b) that for anyone unaware I do have another young justice story on my account. If you're interested check it out. If not then I'll probably post the next chapter to this story soon.

Also if your interested in the other story, don't worry my a/n in it are just as epically lame as they are in this one.

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