A/N :
so please do not hesitate to use the comment section ! i accept all kinds of hinged and unhinged comments !( as long as you aren't being rude & targeting real people - is okay to say them to the character but not real life ppl ) give it all to me ! i really love to hear your thoughts ! 🥰
[ edited A/N ]
Today is my second older brother's birthday 🎂🥳
pls leave a comment to wish him a happy bday for this pink oink pig ❣️
"𝐅𝐄𝐖 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 : 𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐔𝐍𝐔𝐆𝐈𝐆𝐀𝐎𝐊𝐀 school autumn festival." an unseen voice narrated.
the results were announced, with middle school : class 3-A coming first, high school : class 3-A coming second, and middle school : class 3-E in third place.
"that class A is amazing!" oota exclaimed. "they managed to beat the high schoolers to come out on top!"
( ^^ a/n: oota is just a random background character from main campus who's not important. so stop asking who it is. 😑😭 )
"that's asano-kun for you!"
"but, y'know...." another boy pointed at 3-E's result. "the class-E stands out, too!"
"i know, right? none of the students in class E from previous years had made this far before; they are always at the bottom of the chart and out of sight." miura said, looking quite impressed. "but this year they really are rising up!"
"they came in third even after shutting down halfway through day two!" he pointed out. "how would it've turned out if they'd stayed till the end?"
some footsteps could be heard near them, but the students didn't notice.
"did you go eat there ?" adachi asked.
bando smiled warily. "well, it was on TV, so i got all curious, y'know?"
"here i thought class E was this hellish place."
adachi gripped his own chin. "being all self-sufficient out in nature like that? they might actually have it pretty good.....i'm kind of jealous!"
outside the hallway, the foot steps stopped abruptly as the camera shifted up to reveal the principal, smiling thinly as his expression darkened.
gakushu has had it up to here with waking up every day to repeat the same dull routine. it was boring and both mentally and physically exhausting. he would wake up, shower, brush his teeth, change into his uniform, eat breakfast, walk to school, pretend to be the perfect guy that everyone knows, deal with all the student council paper work, and be a strong leader and representative of the whole school at the same time, then come back to school, change into his usual clothes, force to do sports to sharpen his athletic skills, shower and change again, eat dinner, then stay in his room to study for the rest of the day in order to meet his father's unrealistic expectations, go to sleep, and then repeats. in the author's words, it was a shithole of a life.
the only thing that he can do to get through the whole day without losing his mind is daydream about how he's going to treat his father after dominating him once he finds out whatever secret about "octopus sight" the principal is hiding that related to class 3-E in order to use it against his father and blackmail him. and that would be his top priority to get to the bottom of this mystery.
after the day of the school autumn festival, akabane has been continually annoying the hell out of gakushu for the whole week by speaking, or more like "tauting" him with a language he couldn't understand, though gakushu could definitely tell it was "russian" considered the similarity from the way he speaks it, and although he tried to pretend to ignore him,to be honest......it was really starting to get on gakushu's nerves.
asking for help from his father would be humiliating since he knew not only that his father was going to laughed at him about it endlessly but also use it as an excuse to give him another extreme lesson to teach on his list, so to avoid that, gakushu decided to look up the language by himself and translate it. although it was annoying, gakushu managed to pick up what akabane had been saying, which turned out to be that he had just been calling gakushu a bunch of names, saying that he was an idiot and something along the lines of that he needed to stop being an egotistical.... in gakushu's term : 'butthole' and that he would crush gakushu at finals.
god, gakushu absolutely despise him, but this certainly made the strawberry blonde so fired up that he didn't even know that he had started to learn about the russian language by going to the public library and listening to audiobooks. not that it inspired him; he just only wanted to prove to the devil's spawn that he could give him a proper reply after finals.
while on the subject of finals, before the school festival, it was culture day, which meant they had one day of public holiday, and as always, gakushu would stay in his room and spend the rest of the day studying most of the time. he still doesn't know what the principal has it up in his sleeve but is better off keeping his guard up at all times.
now here they are : gakushu and the other big five were gathered in the principal's office.
"we put forth all of our efforts in this battle," gakushu said. "so we're satisfied with our victory in the school festival."
"oh?" the principal kept the back of his chair facing them. "well... i heard it was quite an entertaining battle."
gakushu frowned. "the fact that the battle turned out this way, i think, proves that crushing them with an overwhelming difference would have been nigh impossible-"
"incorrect, i don't think so," the pricipal said lightly, making his son tense.
"they were running a restaurant, yes?" an imagine of an rotten food with cockroaches was shown."it would have been easy enough to spread nasty rumours." his eyes narrowed. "or perhaps poisoning their food would have ruined them." he smirked. "you simply didn't put in the necessary effort."
araki, seo, koyama, and ren all looked horrified. 'is he for real? you've got to be kidding me!'
araki gulped. 'what were we supposed to do? dip their cookwear in salmonella ?!'
gakushu grimaced, looking down in disappointment but not surprised. "...mr director." he looked up coldly. "i'm beginning to grow uneasy with your style of education."
"i don't know how they did it, but class E has grown stronger by leaps and bounds in just one year." a flashback of the pole-topping defeat was shown. "even to the point of being able to complete with us, the chosen ones in class A..."
"as irritating as it is," gakushu said, clenching his fist against his chest. "i feel my abilities have grown as well. i can't deny that they have become my motivation."
he frowned. "because of these strong enemies and my min-no..." he paused, frowned, and quickly backtracked. "i mean, because of my destiny with my companions, i've been blessed with strength that has made me stronger."
seo looked annoyed behind him. "you were totally going to call us your "minions," weren't you !?"
standing up to the principal and declaring in the most eloquent terms that his entire system and life's work was bullshit was the most exhilarating moment in gakushu's life...even if he had maybe misspoken and accidentally nearly called his friends minions to their faces...
regardless, it had felt amazing, and ren and the others had smiled...and then, the principal had asked to speak with them alone for three minutes.
"hm?" gakushu tensed, frowning as his stomach churned.
'why would his father want to speak with his friends without him ?'
"go on, asano-kun." ren placed a hand on his shoulder, smiling reassuringly with only a little tightness in his smile. "it's just three minutes."
"hai...." gakushu stayed tense, but ren squeezed his shoulder reassuringly and kept smiling. "...of course," he replied, glancing briefly at the others who seemed more nervous.
so he left them alone for three minutes.
the scene showed the sky outside seemed to darken. outside the office, gakushu crossed his arms and leaned against the wall outside the door while he tapped his finger. 'what are they talking about?' his brow furrowed, glancing at the door. 'well, it's been about three minutes.'
"asano-kun, you may now enter." his father's voice called out from behind the door.
the younger asano slid the door back open, and instantly there was a dark, disturbing mist covering the room, feeling icy to the touch.
"ren! seo!" gakushū panicked and rushed over to them. he froze as he stared in horror at what his father had done.
they looked...
"kill the class E. kill the class E." they were repeating in echoing chants with empty eyes and drooling. "kill the class E. kill the class E. kill the class E. kill the class E."
"what...w-what did you do!?" he backed away in horror when he heard them muttering about murdering class E like they were in some kind of hypnotic state. their whole appearance looked like the undead.
"i merely fanned the flames of their hatred, that's all." the principal was staring out of the window. "it only takes a whispered word or three for those 'connections' of yours to collapse," he said lightly while gakushu gritted his teeth and glared at him. "the strength i teach is nothing so fragile. i'll pull every string for the end of term exams from here on out." when he turned around here was something demented in his gaze.
"without strength, you lack both meaning and merit."
one of the notes popped up on screen : gakuho's ability #1-'charisma' : due to his unique leadership and personal charm, gakuho can easily brainwash children, teenagers and adults alike.
he smiled at him and walked over. "i'll teach you exactly that from square-one."
't-this was what his father had been planning all along ?!'
gakushu backed away, feeling sick as his legs wobbled, bile rising up in his throat. "this...this is insane."
the four boys just kept on muttering.
"shhh," gakuho says, bringing his index finger to his own lips, shushing him to be quiet as he continues. "poor you, being pulled down to their levels," he smiled thinly. "they think they need you, asano-kun, but as for me," his eyes glowed with bloodlust. "i certainly don't need you."
gakushu clenched his jaw, his hands balling into fits.
"after all, i'm every colour of the light," gakuho said lightly. "but you're a part of me," he sighed, staring at the boy in front of him before smiling darkly again. "a part that i always have to impress."
gakushu looked worriedly at the other four, who continued muttering and groaning like mindless zombies.
"it's a pity that you always bring out the worst in others." the principal said it evenly. "see how you encourage their deficiency? it's written all over their faces."
the scene flashed to ren, who continued chanting. "insecure,"
"dependant," seo's eyes were empty.
then pandered to araki and koyama, who were doing the same. "obsessed."
"...guys ! come on, snap out of it!" gakushu looked back at his friends and shook their shoulders. "ren?!" ren's blank gaze looked right through him, like he wasn't even there. "ren...?"
"please stop helping them. it only makes things worse; that's what you do but i make things better." the man said coldly, smiling as dark shadows overcast his face. "these worthless friends were enough, weren't they ? see how you surround yourself with lower life forms ?" his father continued, while gakushu stayed still on the spot. "you smothered yourself in them. it feels good, doesn't it, asano-kun? dulling your power, hiding your face, and blaming everything on someone else, you became a nobody to deceive your pathetic friends, and now you've improved on that because you're even deceiving yourself."
gakuho sighed, the cracks showing more and more as something monstrous started to reveal itself. "frankly you should be thanking me for helping, now you can all get back on track." his father placed hands on his shoulders. "no more distractions."
gakushu's hands shook as he curled them into fists, closing his eyes tight when it started to become impossible to hold back the tears which were stinging his eyes. he wanted to run, where , he didn't know, but the hands-on his shoulders felt like hooks.
"growing too attached to the people you're leading only causes complications, son." the principal's tone might have been mistaken for fatherly but it just made gakushu's skin crawl. "with real strength, you don't need to rely on others. each connection made is a stepping stone to power, to your greatness." he squeezed his shoulders tight as a numb feeling started to spread in gakushu's chest. "you can't afford to lower your guard."
gakushu choked, sweating as he watched the darkness surround his father.
"that shall be my first lesson," the principal said coldly. "there's no meaning or value to being weak."
the four boys just kept muttering and backed away from the younger asano without even a glance, causing his grip to go slack as ren walked away from him.
gakushu clenched his jaw, shaking badly when his friends ignored him and walked away like he was nothing.
A/N :
gakushu my poor baby 😭
anyways- i made a meme
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