40. Purify me
She took a moment to stare at the lake, giving me a perfect look of her flushed face.
Althea Rosemary, that's what her face looked like.
Memories flew in like the afternoon breeze moving past us, reminding me of the time she was the closest to me, clung to my chest when Jakov had come abruptly.
Thinking all that, I had to ball my hands to fists to resist pulling her into the water with me.
Her back straightened, and slight relief crossed her, "The winters are nearing. Isn't the water... cold?" she asked, her gaze wavering but never meeting mine.
Oh, dear, don't you know it's Egypt, not Greece? Chuckling to myself, I stepped down to the lake's edge and dipped my hand. Walking back, I poured the warm water over her stretched palm.
She reddened further if that was possible, "A- And clothes?"
"We will have to change in the temple's quarters. It's not far from here," Saying, I didn't stand near her long and hike up a fallen branch. Clipping off the bronze crest, I removed my red over-cloth and hung it on the tree.
I sighed when she just stood there, fiddling nervously. Obviously, there wasn't a need to cleanse ourselves together. She was fretting for no reason.
"I'll go first," I informed, and walked over to lower myself into the waters. I only needed to take a dip, but the water so soothing with the afternoon sunlight hitting the forest ground made it difficult.
As the water came up my torso, my linen dress shirt stuck to me like a second skin. Holding the ends, I started lifting it over my head, only to stop.
Damn, that'll scare her.
I didn't want to frighten her again, given she's so easily intimidated; even when I had just pulled her out of that cave of a funeral ground.
Thinking back, I couldn't shake off the weird feeling that priest Remun Ra gave. When Althea had taken my permission, I'd thought she was going with the priest she was talking to.
I didn't realize she was leaving with that odd man, who looked anything but a priest. The fact that she was alone with him in that cave had boiled my blood to rage.
Lucky for him, he behaved. Otherwise, I was close to dragging him to the palace. I'll have to do a background check on him.
"What did you write about?" I asked, to see her gaze wandering along the lake's edge.
"Nothing much," she shrugged, "They said... I won't be able to handle the stench in the funeral room, so... I hadn't gone further."
Sometimes I felt as if she was making up things. But I let the thought slide by.
With a little pout, she assessed everything around her. Most probably disappointed that the forests won't give anything to write about.
Wearing a delicate pink robe with her braided hair placed on one side of her shoulder, it was my insanity that thought she looked like Aphrodite. A wreath of ivy around her head was all she needed to complete that look.
And I dare never compared any woman to that goddess of beauty, but this one had messed my head.
How can she be so blissfully unaware of the effect she has on some people?
I need to clear my head and pray. Pray that Aphrodite doesn't punish me for thinking such grave things against her.
Sucking in a breath, I plunged into the water. More calm engulfed me as the water cooled my senses. I didn't know what I was doing.
Whether I was nervous around her or being too gentle, either of which I wasn't.
Springing out, I exhaled a harsh breath, weaving my hands back the hairs. To my surprise, she had settled on a rock near the lake, rosiness coming over her cheeks when she found herself staring at me.
"I- uh, I wanted to ask... what will happen to those... culprits from the market?" she sputtered.
She's a genius at turning things her way.
"They will be sent to prison for a few days," I gave a closed reply and whirled back. It was interesting how she fished for my attention to ask more.
I had learnt enough from Jakov pupping around Helaine that the woman barely paid attention to her poor fiance. I wasn't going to repeat that.
"Um, so... will they be punished?" she asked again.
"Their punishment would just be making them watch how actual criminals are punished."
A sense of extreme fear crossed her, but she fought it off, "H- How are the actual criminals treated?"
Oh Mila, would you be able to hear with that stutter? She'll be screaming halfway through the conversation if we come to discuss that.
"General public cannot handle the severity of this knowledge," I motioned to her book, "so I don't want it written."
Despite the fear of knowing, she felt dejected when I didn't tell her anything.
Her eyes lit up suddenly, "Are the punishments similar to the Draconian laws?" she inquired.
I looked at her in disbelief, "Do I look that cruel to you?" Draco was a legislator in Greece who had enforced death punishment for even stealing a cabbage.
A giggle escaped her, "No, but..." She tiptoed to the lake's edge and sat down to remove her sandals. Tentatively, she dipped her bare feet in the warm water.
There was nothing unusual. Still, I watched her every small move like a crazy hawk.
"You said it's not allowed for the public to know. So I thought," She moved her feet in slow circles, "Is it because you also write your laws with blood rather than ink?" she teased. Yeah, she was definitely teasing by comparing me to that nasty Draco.
It was a rare thing I saw. Did she get a new liking for irritating me? What was weird, this irritation wasn't irritating me in the least bit.
"What makes you think I'm like him? If I was, you would've been dead by now." I narrowed my eyes playfully at her, then to her feet. One pull and she'll be in here.
Just when this thought crossed me, I swam farther.
Control, Julian, control.
She continued to lightly kick the water, unknown to my wicked gaze. Then she did something I hadn't imagined at all.
She meekly entered the waters.
My teeth gritted themselves in slow motion, eyes glazing off at the sight of her soaked in the same water as me. Somehow the feeling was stronger than what I felt the last time we were here.
I swam farther away.
"When you had captured me, I thought you were one of those cruel kings," She smiled at the memory, looking around the trees as her hands continually moved to keep her afloat.
"What do you think now?" I asked, intrigued.
She looked at me for a while. Her mere gaze making my breath shallower, my sight hazy.
"Better," she wondered aloud, closing her eyes when another breeze blew past, carrying the smell of wet mud with it.
Now she was using the same tactic as me, talking in monosyllables.
But damnit, I'll keep the conversation going.
"Enough asking about me. Tell me about yourself," I kept my face neutral to hide the storm that was going beyond it.
"I thought you knew?" She looked at me, amused. One that told, I must have done my research to make sure she wasn't a spy.
"What does your father do?" I asked, aimlessly swimming around, but made sure how her expressions changed at the question.
"I... don't know properly," she mumbled, sucking in her lips, then exhaled.
"The last thing I know is his letter. It stated he was leaving for India to trade," This time she met my eye.
"You know, India is famous for its spices and rich clothing. The letter said he would be able to make a good profit there.
"He also knew me and my sister were safe now... so he left." She lowered her gaze, her sky-blue eyes roaming around the little waves forming over the lake.
I wasn't sure if I should feel pity or suspect her for cooking up a story. And there was no chance I could send someone to confirm it.
There was this huge mountain range dividing India from us. That kingdom was impossible to go to.
That's why she chose it. Where I can never step foot in? A voice inside me said. I looked at her again.
Unknowingly, she had swum closer to me. I turned around to see her stopping near a water plant, holding its stalk delicately to smell the flower growing over it. She caressed its petals, smiling, but never plucking it off.
I closed my eyes to rake a hand over my face. She was defeating my control in every way possible. Without even knowing it.
"Who taught you to swim?" I asked, hoping to distract myself.
She faced me with a bright smile, "My father."
When I spoke nothing, not because I didn't want to but couldn't, she continued, "He taught me most of the things. Like the little fight you saw me having that day," she giggled. I broke into a natural smile at that.
"He taught me to... he just... taught me everything," she sighed, "From how to survive to do something... interesting in life," I felt that deep into my bones. She seemed to miss him a lot.
If only I could take her to India, but then again, I can't promise her something that was impossible for me to do.
When she looked close to getting emotional, I flipped it over, "And who taught you to curse?"
Any sad thought vanished from her face, replaced by a look of surprise. I'd assumed it would embarrass her. Instead, she threw her head back in a laugh.
"Oh, no one does that!" She waved a hand, still laughing, "It's something we take from other people, I guess."
"But you are a woman," I shot back.
"Uh huh, so what, Mr. King? Women don't have a right to curse?" She raised a brow, suddenly feeling confident.
I didn't know what on Earth she meant by Mister King.
Choosing to ignore that, when I continued to watch her with a serious look, she melted into an uneasy laugh.
"I mean... you shouldn't think women don't curse. They do, just not in... front of men."
Birds twittered merrily as silence came over us. I decided to break it, "What about your mother? What did you learn from her?"
She looked up, not believing I asked that. Staring at me for a moment, her face fell to look at nothing in particular.
"She died... giving birth to me." It was just above a whisper. My heart clenched when she blinked repeatedly, then busied herself to look at the flowers again.
Amongst everything she told me today, this appeared to be the truest part.
"But... her trait of wanting to know new things around her came in me," she forced a smile, "I think she is the root cause of my interest in writings."
"Gods must be proud of her in the heavens," I said, swimming closer to her, "That she brought an angel on Earth."
A sudden blush crept up her neck that travelled to her cheeks, making her look strangely... edible.
She always spoke one thing or the other when she was flushed. And she did it this time too, "Says the one who considered me a devil," she pressed her lips to avoid a treacherous smile.
She was a strong woman. She didn't need anyone's pity. I said nothing, just smiled at her answer. At that, she looked at me with suspicion.
"Where is the Julian who thought of me as a spy?" she asked with a slight smirk, but the next instant, her eyes widened in terror.
Any control I had was broken the moment she uttered my name.
"That Julian is here," I closed the distance between us, coming face to face with her.
Her startled expression did nothing to faze me. The way her pink robe stuck to her; if I was a lion, I would've eaten her by now.
She tried flailing her arm backwards, but who was she fooling? I grabbed her hand, and with a single tug, she came crashing against my chest.
Her mouth opened to protest, but I placed a finger over her damn edible lips. When her precious body stiffened, I drew my wet thumb over her upper lips, then leisurely swiped through the lower one.
The way she shuddered had me to wrap an arm around her waist. With her just coming up till my neck, I kept caressing her lower lip until she became a breathing mess in my arms.
Satisfied, I lowered my head and whispered in the depths of her ear, "What was the fifth rule, Mila?"
She closed her eyes, mouth opening to a gasp below my thumb. Her small hand came to clasp on my arm to steady herself. The sound of her erratic breathing seeming like music to my ears.
When she couldn't speak anything, nor was able to open her eyes, my mood softened.
During the time she was my war prize, I'd thought I would just use her for fun. Not taking into account how she felt when we were in this lake for the first time.
But now I knew what a pearl she was. So sensitive that I could never bring myself to be rough to her.
Raising my thumb from her lips, I weaved my fingers through her honey like hair. I wanted to untangle them off that braid but didn't.
When she fluttered her eyes from the high, I kissed her temple, "What was the rule, baby?" I asked again, lifting her face gently by the chin.
She relaxed more with my fingers soothing her hair, and placed her shaky hand at the side of my torso.
"Y- You m- my lips... I- I," She couldn't speak more than that. I rubbed the back of her head, making her sigh against my chest at the feel. All this seemed new to her, and I had to take extra care not to make a mistake.
I pushed the loose strands of hair behind her ear and tilted her head up to me. Her beautiful sky-blue eyes were wide open as I stared into them, "Last warning..." I whispered and gently kissed the corner of her lips.
I wanted to let it linger but backed as soon as they touched her. It wasn't even a peck. With her getting so panicked by the situation, it had my heart beating in worry that I pushed too far.
She didn't use her hands to float now, continuing to cling onto me. I sighed in relief when she looked peacefully at the flower.
My gaze landed on a golden amulet fastened around her arms. It was shaped like a bird with spread wings, looking way too heavy for her arm.
I unclasped it to inspect, causing her to look at me.
"Who gave you these?" I asked, feeling the weight of the ornament.
"The m- mistress," she mumbled.
Oh mother, have some pity on your little dove.
"How do you write with these?" I continued to look at the amulet that looked like a shackle, "Doesn't your arm hurt?"
"It's a rule to wear, so we need to." she said. Her voice still raspy.
I hummed and placed it back on her arm, "You need to take a dip."
"Oh, yes," she recalled, stuffing a finger in both ears, "Just the water... doesn't go in," she bit her lip to suppress a giggle.
I laughed along, "And how do you plan on bouncing back the water?"
She looked around again, hesitant. I shook my head.
Though the water was warm, staying in it for long may get her a cold. Motioning her to hold her breath, I held her waist and pulled us inside the water.
Just when we were fully submerged, I pushed us back above the surface. Her hands detached from her ears to grip my shoulder in breathlessness.
Pain shot through my wounded right shoulder and she immediately withdrew her hand, noticing my face contouring in pain.
"Oh! I'm so, so sorry," She closed her mouth with her hands, eyes widened in guilt.
"It's... alright," My teeth gnashed together, trying to subside the pain. The wound was probably open now. I'll have to re-wrap it in the temple quarters.
She followed me out of the lake, peering now and then at the wrapped wound,
"How were you wounded?" she asked slowly as I fetched my coat from the tree.
"In the war. A spear got stuck in there."
Her face winced painfully at that.
"You should've been careful," she murmured, sadly.
"I was trying to kill Darius. You see, I had a bet to complete," I teased her as we walked out of the forest. The wind blowing felt chilled on our soggy clothes.
She turned sadder at the thought, like a wrinkled little flower.
When we changed into fresh clothes available in the temple's underground quarters, I unwrapped the soaked linen off the wound to stare at it in the mirror. What a mess it had become with blood and water.
Sighing, I picked up a fresh cloth to clean it off when I spotted Althea in the mirror's reflection, holding a plate having several bowls and linen wraps.
I turned around to see her stepping inside, keeping the plate on a wooden table.
"I asked the priest about wounds caused by spears, and he gave this herbal paste," She spread the linen wraps and applied some herbs, smiling, "They would heal the wound faster."
"You know how to do it?" I asked, trudging to where she stood.
"Yes, I do. Please sit here," She ushered to the chair,
"It's... it's the least I can do. My deepest apologies you were hurt because of me," she bowed in regret.
I settled in, placing my hand over the armrest. She was apologising as if she was the one to wound me.
Her sensitive nature has got the best of her.
The mirror gave a perfect view of her tending to my wound. Precisely, she cleaned the blood, making sure not to apply too much pressure. She had worn a light yellow robe, hairs opened and gathered at one side. The fresh kohl around her eyes added to the soft charm of her face.
When she took the crushed herb to apply directly on the open flesh, I hissed, even though I'd tried to control it with the best of my abilities.
Any pain that followed was soothed away with the continuous stroke of her fingers over my shoulder blade. She carefully wrapped a thin cloth, preceded by a thicker one around the injury.
Her cheeks turned a warm shade of red when she glanced at the mirror, to see me staring at her all while.
"It's done," She tucked a loose strand behind her ear.
"Thank you, Althea," I said and took her hand to step out of the quarters. There was a strange feeling of relief when I held her hand. It was pure instinct that I held it before entering the temples today.
And when I didn't feel a sense of reluctance from her, I smiled and held her hand firmer.
The afternoon came to an end as we entered the palace. It was a good thing I'd ordered the carriage at the quarters because she must've been too tired to walk.
Stepping up to the fifth floor, we came across her room. But before she could enter, I grabbed her hand again, causing her to give me a questioning look.
"We'll change those," I motioned to her amulets and led her to mother's room.
Once in, I scrounged her jewellery box and found a delicate chain amulet. Retrieving the pair, I removed the heavy ones from her arm.
The surprise on her face was great when I held her arm to fix the new amulet. It had a thin strip of gold, having the symbol of my empire in centre, followed by two small chains on either side.
"Better," I nodded, fixing the other one, "Now it won't feel heavy."
She looked at me like she couldn't believe it. Running a hand around them, she sighed, "Won't the mistress be... angry?"
"Her son would explain her, because the little dove is too scared to," I chuckled. She laughed along at the strangely adorable name.
When she thanked me and turned around to leave, I pulled her back.
This time she wasn't scared. If I deciphered properly, she appeared used to my moves.
That's how I wanted her to be.
"I think you don't know the rule," I narrowed my eyes with a smile, "One has to take permission before leaving."
She squeezed her eyes to smack her forehead in forgetfulness, "May I leave, my Lord?" she spoke in an extra sweet voice, trying to irritate me again.
"Only if you return what I gave you in the lake," I left her hand to cross my arms, intently watching her reaction.
Her reply stunned me, "Um... you gave me... goosebumps! How can I give you that, my Lord?" She raised her brow with a huge grin on her face.
"If I tell you what gives me goosebumps, would you give it?" I smirked, holding her arms to see her swallow.
"Yes, I've told Thalia to arrange my luggage. You go check in with the other women," Mother ordered someone and entered her room, only to stop at the doorstep.
Colour drained off from Althea's face when mother glanced at my hands holding her. Her intimidating gaze went to me, then shifted to the now quivering Althea.
Sensing it, she tried to free herself, but I held on. Even her jaw had started to tremble.
I left her arms to hold her hand and walked out of the room, "Apologies mother," I said before passing her.
There wasn't a need to worry because I knew she was grinning behind that tough facade she puts up.
"Alexander is taking his troops to Babylonia, to celebrate," I informed as we neared her room, "Would you like to go?"
"Babylonia?!" Althea squealed. Her eyes gleaming with excitement.
"Yes, and why so delighted?"
"Someone told me there's an important place to visit there. And I can't believe we are going!" she exclaimed, then lowered her voice,
"Would you be... going too?"
"You don't want me to?" I whispered back.
"Uh, yeah, why not?" she stuttered, excitement still bubbling off her, "can I... enter my room now, my Lord?" she snickered.
She was like a raw fruit hanging on a tree that still managed to look edible. But when you plucked that fruit early, all you got was the sour taste, and you wished if you'd let it grow instead of ruining it before time.
But not me. I would gladly wait. Wait until the fruit was ripe and delicious enough to have a taste from.
Next chapter may get uncomfortable for some. Because our dear Althea would get tangled in an immoral ancient ritual x_x
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