Years Later 🍋

-This means that the person is thinking.
-This means lemon or lime and when it ends.

(Okay to clarify a few things:1.The legal age in this Remnant is 15 years old. 2.My version of Punisher's origin is the same but happened when she was younger around 28, so she has been a vigilante much longer than the canon version. 3.For how this Ghost Rider looks, his skull looks like Robbie Reyes's version from the MCU but without the cracks in the skull and the attire will be the same as Johnny Blaze's version. 4.Female Lie Ren will be taken out of the harem, be canon Ren and I may or may not be replace her also Nora will not have a crush on him and will remain childhood friends.5.The Branwen Tribe aren't evil, they're more like people who don't like society or really like the rules of some of the kingdoms so they live outside of it. 6.Cinder,Emerald and Mercury will not be villains in this story or more specifically they won't be murderers or evil in this story since Mephisto and Salem teaming up or wanting to kill each other seems more fitting, also Mercury still has his real legs. 7.Now each age will explain what's happen from how you improved,your powers new and old and how your family has been during that time)
(No ones's POV)
8 years old
During this time for 5 months you have been doing vigilante work as the Ghost Rider hunting down criminals ranging from petty thugs to whole gangs across first Atlas before starting to go across Vacuo though due to your inexperience you aren't a hundred percent perfect so to get help you told Raven and Francine about what you've been doing and that you need to improve, while they were hesitant due to you being 8 years old they eventually decided to help but under the condition that you only do vigilante work at night with both or one of them so you'll have a easier time to get away if you're unsuccessful.You learned that the revolvers that you've got from Blackout were made from a material from Hell that allows it to morph into a M4 rifle,have unlimited ammo and gain a power boost from Hellfire.It's been shown that for Esdeath she was granted 2 powers by the blood she drank with the first being a physical enhancement that increased her strength, speed, durability, senses, stamina, agility, reflexes and surprisingly her healing and the other allowed her several powerful psychic abilities that allowed her to move up three grades with help from her ice semblance and her high IQ, you weren't at all jealous that she got two powers as your semblance was not only op as hell but also you made a strong brotherly bond with one of Hell's most powerful beings that is bonded to you and you alone.You also decided to tell your family about Ember and when you did she was accepted immediately since she was a pure soul with a good heart,though everyone had a similar and different reaction,both Summer and the girls loved how cute she looked, Qrow was still fine with it since the day you told him about her,Raven and Quill at first thought she was a demonic Faunus considering Summer told them about the demon-human hybrid you and her fought but warmed up to her quickly while Tai was shocked as hell but not wanting another beating from the girls and seeing that Ember wasn't a threat whatsoever he was fine with it as well.

9 years old
It's been a year after that and things changed quite a bit.You became the talk of Remnant with both of your names surprisingly.For your Rider persona, you became feared by criminals in Vacuo Atlas and then Vale when you saw a sudden big crime increase in the area. You became known as "The Symbol of God's Vengeance"by the many churches and people that revered you while your real name became a bigger deal after you saved Vale from a pack of demons with the ice power you gained from the ice giant you fought when you first heard Zarathos's voice though you didn't gain a new power but instead a increase to your physical abilities, you learned from Zarathos that your ice was like Esdeath's with powerful magic to it and also the ability to be manipulated in ways that shocked even the Schnees themselves when they first saw the scene and started a kind of jealousy from the Schnee's oldest child Winter due to you and Esdeath's ice being so advanced. For your other two sisters their control of their semblances grew better with the help of their family with Ruby having one like Summer but with red roses rather than white ones while Yang has one that let's her become stronger from damage she takes but while their semblances focus more on one physical ability, one thing they both shared was them both looking up to their prodigy brother and successful older sister who at only being 13 made such great progress that she was allowed to join a academy early which she chose Atlas since she already knew the General.Ember didn't want to be a huntress or join the army but instead she was trained by Y/N to control her powers more specifically her Hellfire manipulation so she wouldn't cause unintentional damage since Hellfire was said by Zarathos to be almost 100% fatal no matter how small a spark it is so she had to learn to control it which she's agreed to so she could better serve her "master" and savior.

10 years old
Now being 10 you've learned more of Zaratho's history and of his abilities before his fall from grace to where you quickly learned that you are currently the strongest host he has ever bonded to despite how young you were since you could transform during broad daylight while your predecessors could only at night or in the shadows and have learned how to sense any creature that has a soul to see what they are,what sins they have committed or amount of to even seeing what their powers and weaknesses are, though you still keep your other life a secret from the rest of your family with Ember,Raven and Summer being the only ones knowing who you are.Three of your powers have evolved during that time from your training of killing demons and criminals, your healing factor evolved from supernatural regeneration to a accelerated healing factor meaning than any wound you receive and survive will increase the strength and speed of your healing meaning that even without your semblance's help your regeneration is essentially upgrading itself, two of your senses (Touch and Sight) became upgraded by allowing you to see invisible beings and also be immune illusions so you can't be tricked by imagery and also have a advantage to see demons or spirits that normally wouldn't be sensed, for touch you can also touch intangible beings so you can either knock them out or kill them also meaning they can't phase through you,you trained your lightning manipulation to where you can now use it to create vibrations strong enough to pulverize pure concrete constructs, you've also learned how to add it to Death Sentence to make it where whatever you hit or hits it will be disintegrated or make it to a shield to protect yourself and for your electric healing you can now also rejuvenate a person's stamina to 100% which you did to Summer when you fought Blackout but what was definitely the biggest thing in this year to happen was when you fought a actual assassin! This happened when you were alone walking in the forest back home though you heard what sounded like fighting so looking around you heard the noises coming from a piece of land where you saw a man and young boy though what was happening was insanity.The man who you learned afterwards was Marcus Black was assaulting his young son with a sword while the boy's face was stained with blood and tears as he tried desperately to dodge the grown man's attempts with the sword though the man did this with a disappointed look on his face.You stood behind a tree looking at the scene play out till you saw the father slice the boy across his chest that also knocked him into a tree, luckily he still was alive but too injured to move at all with the father refusing to let him rest.Marcus:"Get up damn it! How can you call yourself my son if you can't even parry my blade?!" The boy couldn't respond as he was coughing up blood and spit before looking up at his father with pained eyes.Marcus made a 'Tch' sound before raising his sword to hit his own son but before that could happen you jumped out and kicked him in his left side to get him away from the boy.Looking down you could see that he was in horrible condition with his body littered in scars, bloodied knuckles and once again that slash mark on his chest, but you saw that the man was getting back up so without enough time to heal him you took his shirt and one of his pants sleeves to wrap it around his chest area to slow his bleeding down so he could live long enough for you to deal with his 'father'.Marcus:"What the hell do you think your doing boy?" Y/N:"Protecting this boy from you."Marcus:"He's worthless boy not even worth spit why protect him?" Y/N:"It's the right thing to do and I will do what's right."Having heard enough from the assassin you charged with Death Sentence while he charged with his own sword with you two trying to get the upper hand until you came up with a idea that would disarm him and make him completely vulnerable at the same time.You kicked him hard in the shin to bring him down before sheathing your blade and standing there waiting for your opponent to stand and when he did you taunted him to try to hit you,enraged Marcus ran towards you and with all his might stabbed the blade through your chest with the front half of the blade through your body which made him smirk.Marcus:"Not so tough now are you dead meat?" He started to laugh before he realized the smile on your face despite the fact the sword was still in your chest.Y/N:"That was a mistake bitch." Y/N then punched Marcus in the stomach that broke all of his right ribs before pulling the sword from his chest with the wound healing immediately afterwards and then snapping the sword in half easily.Marcus and the boy were shocked to see Y/N survive and even heal from a wound that should be 100 percent fatal and not even seem faze by the sword being stabbed into him in the first place.Marcus was terrified to see that his weapon was destroyed but then Y/N looked into Marcus's soul to see that he was guilty of so many murders men and woman alike and also several counts of arson that have nearly destroyed villages.Pissed to see the list of crimes, Marcus's son's beaten body and seeing from his soul no remorse for any of his actions, Y/N decided that death was too merciful for Marcus.He walked over to the crawling man and picked him up by the hair forcing him to look at Y/N's face before saying the last two sentences Marcus would ever hear Y/N:"Look into my eyes,your soul is stained by the blood of the innocent.Feel their pain."Marcus suddenly started screaming feeling all the pain of his son, his wife and all the victims he has chosen before going silent.After giving Marcus his punishment Y/N went over to his son to see him awake and wide eyed before you used your electricity to heal his wounds including the countless scars he had received and his stamina was restored so he could be able to move to get somewhere safer.After that day you learned that the boy named Mercury who was only thirteen years old was adopted by a single woman and was now living a better life with her and her daughter.4 months after that you were training with your Uncle Qrow and Aunt Quill which ended with you winning, you overheard your Aunt Raven talk about her tribe again and going to check on something important so when you ask her about it she offers to take you to her camp to see for yourself which he excitedly accept.
(Flash Back No one's POV)
Both you and Raven made it to her camp inside of her tent.Raven:"Alright kiddo,I have to do something real quick so how about you go explore a little? Just don't leave the camp okay?" Y/N smiles before leaving to look around the camp to see people minding their own business before turning their heads to the 10 year old and some started whispering and pointing to him when they realized that it was the boy that became Atlas's hero and considered by General Ironwood himself a future demon hunter.Not liking being stared at by strangers, Y/N walked a little faster but then accidentally bumped into someone,looking up Y/N saw that it was a teenage girl around 15-16 years old with brown hair that was cut very short, tan skin,blue eyes and a tattoo on her left arm that looked like a bird.The girl obviously felt you bump into her but when she saw Y/N she was surprised to say the least not expecting to have a future demon hunter in her presence, but the child looked up at her with a curious look in his eyes before giving a smile.Y/N:"Hi miss, sorry I bumped into you but I had to look around cause this place seems nice but a lot of people seem to not like me though."The girl looked around to see her fellow people staring at the boy with different emotions which she could tell would get annoying but for a child definitely scary.???"Well you see kid, we aren't used to someone who isn't a member being around here." Y/N:"I can understand that guess it's a good thing my Auntie is a member then.Oh! I forgot my name's Y/N Rose." The girl was surprised that he had a relative that is a member of his tribe and while she liked his kind warrior attitude, she did wonder who his Auntie was since if she was gonna try to recruit the kid then Raven would want know about it while she was gone.???: "Alright Y/N my name is Vernal and if you don't mind me asking,who is your Auntie exactly so I can talk to them?" Y/N:"Oh,okay her name is Raven, my Auntie and also my teacher." Vernal was shocked to hear that Raven had a nephew, she only heard about a daughter and a niece that wasn't related to her but a nephew wasn't something she expected to hear but while looking at the boy in front of her he did look a little like Qrow or Quill so was he one of two's son Raven didn't mention? Vernal:"Raven's nephew? Y/N is your daddy's name Taiyang? Y/N:"Yeah and my mother is Summer Rose well adopted parents, do you know them?" Oh he's adopted meaning he was a orphan like I was, poor kid well knowing Summer and Tai they were gonna help him in some way but as she continued looking at him she realized he looked kinda like a woman that was here about 3 months ago but when she was gonna ask him another question, the tribe's biggest asshole decided to come out from behind his tent and walk over to them with a stupid smirk on his face. Asshole:"Well look at what we got here, the ugliest bitch here and a snot nosed brat that doesn't belong here? Quite a pair." Vernal:"How about you screw off? I was having a nice conversation with this kid before your horse shit eating mouth had to open up." Asshole:"Well news flash I'm allowed to do whatever the fuck I want and if I want to talk then best bet your flat ass and flat chest I will, besides I heard that this kid is adopted why's that? Mommy and Daddy didn't want a weak loser like you mooching off them?" Y/N:"No,they were killed by demons when I was born, so I never got to know them and my Auntie found me then she got her team to adopt me and my older sister." She looked down to the kid to see tears threatening to fall from his eyes after he finished. He never even got to know his parents?Vernal's parents died when she was 8 so she knew quite a bit about them but having them die when you were just born would be a whole different story.She bent down to give the kid a little hug so he wouldn't cry or at least try to comfort him since she personally knew how it felt to go through the same thing but as she was hugging him the same asshole just had to fucking see this kid's story and tears as a funny joke. Asshole:"*Laughing*They dead?!Well I bet they died when they saw your face after realizing how big a mistake they made or maybe those 'demons' were just your parents killing themselves so you would be someone else's problem."Y/N felt rage consume his mind and his senses making him look to the man then suddenly punch him in the face breaking his nose and busting put a tooth.Vernal and the few members witnessing smile and laughed seeing the asshole get what he deserved.When the asshole got back up to see his face now broken and people laughing at him he turned towards Vernal in a attempt to take his anger out on her but Y/N jumped in front of her to get smacked across the face so hard that you could see the deep red hand print on his face.Y/N looked shocked before he broke down into tears and nuzzle his face to Vernal's chest while staining her shirt it with his tears but Vernal didn't care about that as she was pissed that this bastard insulted this boy, his deceased parents and hit him.From what she has seen from the news of his fights with real demons and what she just had witnessed he was a selfless heroic and brave child that has saved innocent lives on his own and never expected anything in return.Looking around Vernal saw that she wasn't the only one pissed by the guy's comments and action as the rest of her tribe had angry and disgusted looks on their face then by coincidence she looked behind him to see someone that judging from their expression would deal with him.A red sword was placed on the asshole's right shoulder that shut his laughing up and made him turn around to face a pissed off Raven Branwen with a dark as night aura surrounding her, to make this guy's situation worse is when Y/N ran and hugged Raven's leg to where Raven saw the red hand print on his face that made her snap.Raven:"WHY THE FUCK DID YOU HURT MY NEPHEW YOU BASTARD!!!" The guy was scared shitless from Raven's outburst but he wasn't given a chance to speak as Raven then stabbed him through the shoulder her sword was rested on before headbutting his already broken nose. The guy was on the ground crying about his wounds while everyone was cheering their leader on and yelling out ways of hurting him before Vernal's suggestion made everyone silent before sadistic smirks replaced everyone's expressions except the guy's who had absolute fear on his.Vernal:"Cut his dick off." Raven had the smirk of a psychopath on her face before dragging the guy outside the camp with only the sound of the guy's painful screams being heard and the members laughing their asses off knowing he got what he deserved while Y/N was hugging Vernal who was softly petting his hair.Raven came back with her sword having blood on it and the asshole's limp body with the jacket he was wearing wrapped around his waist that was soaked in blood as well, when Y/N put his eyes on the guy he heard Zarathos's voice with him sounding pissed. Zarathos:"Boy can you sense the sins from that man who smacked you?" Y/N focused on the asshole's soul to see that he has committed several crimes ranging from multiple counts of battery to 4 separate counts of first degree murder that had no form of justification to them.Feeling more rage than when he smacked him, Y/N walked slowly over to the guy staring down at his bloodied literal dick less body with the asshole looking up at the child that had no emotion on his face before suddenly grabbed his head confusing the tribe's members then being shocked to see the child snap his neck so badly that you can see the damaged bone under his skin before a dark green aura sphere came from the corpse before being absorbed by Y/N.Y/N turned to the tribe to see their shocked faces even Raven though she knew of Y/N's 'friend' so most likely the guy wasn't at all innocent nor a man that had any reason to live, but then her nephew explained that his semblance could see into the man's soul and saw that he went unpunished for 4 counts of murder that were random so he killed him for those people to be avenged.Raven then decides to talk by saying in 30 minutes there will be a meeting about recruitment and the changes that will be done to not have the same mistake happen again.During those 30 minutes Y/N talked to Vernal and the other members only for them to adore the young boy and feel sympathy for what happened to his real parents, but then while Y/N was gonna throw away a cup he found, it became engulfed in a bright green light that reminded him of the orb that he absorbed after killing the asshole before it suddenly just exploded in his hand.Y/N:"Whoa! That was so cool! Was it that guy's semblance?" ???:"Yeah I know what it is with all the bragging he did about it, it's called "Kinetic Energy Detonation" let's or rather it did let him use kinetic energy to increase his strength and speed, transfer it to objects to make them denser, or even like the name suggest detonate the energy for explosions from his body to make his punches or kicks stronger or from a object so it can be like a grenade the more energy used the bigger the explosion."Y/N was impressed by what the semblance can do but before he could ask anymore questions Raven appeared to explain what the new rules would be for recruiting new people to the tribe.Raven:"Okay everyone listen up, from now on we will be doing a weekly check up about each person's records to see if they have ever or did get in trouble with the law or have trouble with their egos or tempers.Also that young child who that bastard slapped is my nephew and if I catch a single damn word that someone hurt him or made him cry, I will personally end you and make Goddamn sure you suffer through it.UNDERSTOOD?" Everyone nodded their heads quickly to show that the boy wouldn't be harmed in the future by any of them since Raven Branwen was not a woman you wanted to be on the bad side of. Raven:"Good now another thing I want to mention is yes he's the demon killer child you have seen I'm sure but why I brought him here is that my team and Ironwood's best men are training him but now that demon hunters are becoming a thing, I will have our tribe's best fighters and with similarities to the powers he currently has to train him so he will be more than ready for anyone or anything he faces in the future." The tribe's members were more than excited to have the chance to even be with the child that has become the talk of two whole kingdoms but the chance to train him was more than enough of a reason to be ecstatic.Y/N had stars in his eyes to hear that he would be able to visit more  before hugging Raven's leg which she reciprocated along with a warm smile then Y/N let go and suddenly hugged Vernal that surprised her but despite that she hugged the hero back and when Raven saw this, she saw that her first choice was obvious.

11 years old
A year later, you have been getting more advanced with your training for your elemental powers like you did with your electricity manipulation.So far for your ice you've learned how to make weapons out of pure ice,create spikes, pillars or walls of ice from any surface for defense or offense and even how to combine it with your kinetic energy to make your ice explosive so you can get opponents from a distance by either sticking ice to them or shooting ice at them.For your fire you've learned how to mentally control the temperature of the heat and eventually how cold your ice can be, how to switch natural fire into blue fire instantly and how to use your hellfire in a more effective and safe manner.For your physical attributes, they have increased massively after three years of killing demons and criminals that had enhanced or superhuman abilities.For your strength your punches are able to cause big shock waves that can be felt 10 miles away and also split clouds,with a clap of your hands hordes of grimm are decimated with ease and one time you finished off a 10 foot demon by punching it so hard that the sky went dark and started to rain with Ironwood's best scientists saying that you were nowhere near even 20% of your full strength when you did that.Your speed has increased to such a degree that you can run fast enough to cut holes in the earth,you've casually catch mini gun bullets from multiple Atlas helicopters at the same time so many times that one of their specialists with a mastered speed semblance said that the speed you were at seemed incalculable but what impressed everyone the most wasn't your physical speed but your mental speed when they did a test to see that your brain was capable of identifying, noticing and process information over thousands of times faster than even the most intelligent people on Remnant.Your durability has risen to the point that your skin,bones and muscles are so dense that a missile Atlas made that was said and proven to be strong enough to turn a building made out of pure titanium into scrap metal resulted with you casually walking out of the destruction without so much as a bruise.You became bulletproof, poison proof and being stabbed through vital organs, beheaded, losing too much blood, being cut in half or even having most of your body disintegrated does nothing but annoy you which has made you been said by Remnant's greatest huntsman, huntresses and doctors to be "Deathproof"

12, 13 and 14 years old
During these three years your family and friends have gotten different in mostly good way.For each of your sisters,Ruby and Yang have exceeded both of their mother's and their father's expectations with their training while Esdeath at 18 had joined the Atlas Military to end up a respected and needed specialist who also was their youngest, she also has grown very beautiful with her flawless curvaceous yet also muscled look, big breasts, beautiful eyes and decent sized ass that fit perfectly on her 6 foot figure, she attracted as much fans as she did simps. Your long time friends Leone and Akame have become skilled in fighting as they have said they wanted to be demon hunters and their semblances definitely helped them take down grimm and demons as well as show that they weren't to be fucked with. Leone's semblance Lionelle has gotten a big upgrade with her getting not only did her physical abilities heightened greatly and claws that can cut through pure steel but also having a very strong healing factor capable of growing back limbs though she prefers to reattach them as it is actually faster but what surprised you the most was that she also gained a lion tail and ears that made her look even cuter than she already was, as for Akame her semblance allows her have a insanely fatal poison that makes even tiny cuts kill demons or people though you were immune to it since it still was a poison albeit a very potent one but a poison none the less, her semblance also extended to her weapon of choice:Sword that was similar to Raven's but it was made of a special combination of different metals that would be able to handle her venom so it wouldn't corrode.Mercury and his new stepsister who you learned name is Emerald have been doing great ever since you saved his life and since then they have been training to become demon hunters since they heard that demons have been showing up and also because their adopted mother was a demon hunter.For you, you've been pretty much what you have always been:A S rank ass kicking prodigy.As human you have been killing demons and grimm on missions Ironwood has been giving you where you managed to gain an upgrade to your fire manipulation, now instead of simply blue fire, you can also now manipulate black fire which makes blue flames feel like a match and what else catches people's attention or more so girl's attention is your attitude and new body from years of vigilantism and demon hunting.Your height went to six foot three inches, you gained a 10 pack and became very handsome with your smile capable of making any girl nosebleed while your voice makes you sound like you were always trying to seduce someone.Personality wise you became confident but still humble enough to not be arrogant, carefree even in the face of danger, daring and seductive especially since you know now what your doing.During these years you've been attending Signal Academy with your older sister Yang and younger sister Ruby.

{You sound like my Boy V here but just in case you don't know}

15 years old (Y/N's POV)
Today is my birthday which my mother and sisters wouldn't chill out about though I honestly didn't mind since they always been like this but what made today bit tense was that what I asked for was for Mom and Dad to tell Ruby and Yang that me and Esdeath are adopted because now that they both were teens I think it's time. Summer:"Girls there's something we need to tell you about Y/N and Esdeath." Both half sisters sat down to here what Mom had to talk about while Dad was right next to her.Tai:"Girls, what we're gonna tell you wont be easy but just know I hope this won't change anything." Summer:"Girls, Y/N and Esdeath are both adopted so their not your real brother and sister." Both girls had shocked looks on their faces before looking towards me and Esdeath who surprisingly showed up despite being Ironwood's right hand assistant before Yang walked towards me.Yang:"Is this true you two?" We both slowly nodded our heads but Yang simply smiled before hugging us with Ruby running to do the same.Ruby:"Your still my big brother and sister and don't you forget it!" Yang:"Same goes for me! You two are like heroes to us." Now here me and Yang are at Signal after that and while I was happy that they both now knew and didn't care I wasn't really happy about going to school because now I'm gonna be breaking up with my soon to be ex girlfriend cause I can't handle her racist bullshit towards Faunus.I honestly don't even know why I got with her especially considering me and her never even held hands let alone kissed even once so really this 'relationship' if it can even be called that was a big waste of my time so really I honestly don't feel bad at all about breaking up with her.I told Yang about this and she was pretty happy since she hated her because of the same reasons also because she was a bully something I haven't been aware of till Ruby told me yesterday.I then suddenly heard what sounded like creaking in one of the teacher's classroom though at this hour there was suppose to be no classes in that specific room so why would there be people in there? My answer came when Yang opened the door and we both looked in the dark room to see my girlfriend and some other dude kissing while her back was on the teacher's desk and he was feeling her thighs.Y/N:"Hmph having fun Cara Winchester?"Cara:"Yes I am Y/N especially now that I have a real man here that isn't some animal freak lover." My face was emotionless but inside I honestly wasn't surprised that this hoe would do something like this but Yang's expression was completely different judging mostly from her eyes.Yang:"YOU FUCKING BITCH! YOU THINK YOU CAN CHEAT ON MY BROTHER AND GET AWAY WITH IT WHORE?! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" Yang then went into her Super Saiyan form and tried to run towards Cara but I stopped her because I didn't want her to get in trouble with the teachers and cops but then I looked to my right side to see that the headmaster was coming over to most likely see what we were doing and seeing what was happening in the classroom, I simply pointed to the hoe and her new guy with my head before dragging away a pissed off dragon.Y/N:"Yang I honestly don't care that she cheated on me I'll just get another girlfriend and hopefully a loyal one that isn't a bitch okay? Though watching you kill a racist bitch would be funny." Yang still looked pissed so I gave her some head pats that made her cheeks red rather than her eyes after a bit but I knew we would be late so we headed to our next class.

[TIMESKIP after school Y/N's POV]
School was over so me and Yang headed home to see what my mother has planned and when we did, I saw her on the couch reading a book while Ruby was eating a cookie with Zwei on her lap.Summer:"Hey kids, how was your day?" Before I could answer, Yang made it known what happened at school today.Yang:"I'm gonna kill Y/N's ex one of these days." In a instant my mom, Ruby and Ember in her Faunus form showed up in my face with pure serious looks on their faces before mom grabbed my shoulders.Summer:"What did she do to my sweet baby boy?!?! I looked down to her and chose to answer since it would be nice to get it off my chest since it did still hurt a little.Y/N:"She cheated on me today." Summer:"Oh my little angel I'm sorry." She finished that by hugging me to her chest and petting my head and when she let go, Ember and Ruby took her place with Ruby's head on my chest while my head was in Ember's chest.Ember:"I can kill her for you if you want master." Y/N:"Nah it's okay Ember, I'll just find another one and I'll make sure she ain't like her.Anyways, I'm gonna go see Aunt Raven to see how she's doing and also keep her from killing someone."Every laughed a little before I made a portal to the Branwen Tribe's camp entrance to where when I opened the door everyone excitedly greeted me since I've been considered one of them after I killed that asshole that had the Kinetic energy semblance and been training with them.I walked around a bit before I saw Vernal who was chilling while smoking a cigarette so as a joke I snuck up behind her before laying my head on top of her's, which as expected startled her before she turned around to see it was just me.Vernal:"*Smile* Sup Y/N, how's life been treating you?" I sighed a little before explaining to her how today was tiring by it taking forever to convince my parents to tell Yang and Ruby the truth and getting cheated on was a lot in one day that just so happens to be my birthday.Vernal:"Damn bitch, she'll get what she deserves but hey let me tell you something,shit like that happens so the best thing you can do is not let it get you down and move on." I gave her a bright smile because not only was that a damn good piece of advice but also advice I'm actually willing to use though I was still pretty stressed so I decided after I'm done talking to Raven I'll just sleep the day away.Y/N:"Yo V, is there a place I can take a shower so I don't smell like I just killed that hoe?" Vernal:"Yeah actually over there are the showers and don't worry we got hot water so feel free to use it birthday boy.*Smiles while pointing to a room* Y/N:"Thanks girl, afterwards gotta talk to your leader*Winks*.I headed towards the showers ready to kill this smell and stress I had.

{Lime Warning Bold Text will show the end also this is my first time}
Vernal watched as Y/N walked over to the showers before she started to wander how he has changed physically from the first time you two met.So to find out she quietly sneaked to the boy's shower rooms to see if he is even more impressive than people thought he was and what his fake ass bitch ex could be missing. Eventually Vernal found a place that would give her perfect sight of him while no one would be able to see her, and as she was looking she saw the demon hunter take off his shirt to show a flawless 10 pack of pure muscles that looked like the angels have sculpted them, making Vernal drool before she saw him starting to take off your pants.Vernal was biting her lips in anticipation waiting for the handsome Rose to show what he had to offer and when finally boxers were taken off, she punched herself to see if she was dreaming only to realize that she wasn't. Y/N's dick was still flaccid but was about 12 inches long and as thick as a human wrist while those balls of his were the size of grapefruits, what made this even better was when Y/N got under the shower head and the water made his abs literally shine before starting to wash his body.Vernal was nose bleeding and getting very heated seeing the boy shower with the hot water and soap running off his body before she thought of a perfect gift for the now 15 year old.She stripped herself of her clothes then quietly entered the shower with the boy not noticing her till she pressed her chest against his back that made the boy jolt before turning to the smirking nude girl.Vernal:"~Hey birthday boy~" Instead of blushing or getting even the slightest bit flustered at his best friend's rather suggestive antics, Y/N smirked before looking at her average yet still beautiful figure with his lust filled eyes.Y/N:"~Well hello there V,wanted to join me I see~" Vernal started to slide her hand from his chest to down to his impressive member before starting to gently stroke it.Vernal"~You can say that but to be honest, hearing what that bitch did to you and seeing how it's your birthday, well what kind of a friend would I be if I didn't get you a gift~"   Y/N:"Well then go ahead, be my guest~" With that Vernal got on her knees why stroking at a medium pace that got Y/N's dick erect to show it to be at 18 inches that made her drool even more before suddenly Y/N thrust forward to put the tip into her small mouth that she couldn't help but just love the feeling. With that she proceeded to start to suck the massive member while also touching her self, despite how she barely was able to get 8 inches of it in her mouth so she used her right hand to stroke the rest and the left to massage his massive balls.Y/N groaned at the pleasure but he wanted more so he put his hand on Vernal's head and forced her to take more before she was able to take 14 inches of it but by that time her eyes had rolled to the back of her head and her hand was stained by her juices.After what felt like hours Y/N finally came inside Vernal's mouth but unfortunately she wasn't able to swallow all of it and almost choked from the amount that she was able to swallow.For Y/N he wanted more and looking at Vernal he could see she did as well but just then she turned around to where he can see her plump ass to where he got a idea that would be good.Y/N:*Whisper* Hey V, think I can have a assjob please?" Vernal turned to Y/N with a confused look and to see that he was still hard as a rock before looking back at him.Vernal:"Uh I don't know my ass isn't the best so I don't know if it will feel good just so you know." Y/N put his hand on her cheek before slowly trailing it down to her butt with a warm smile rather than a seductive one that made Vernal blush up a storm.Y/N:"V you are a beautiful woman and never let anyone say otherwise okay?" Vernal teared up a little hearing that someone thought she was beautiful.Vernal wasn't exactly a well developed woman and what didn't help her was that she was a tomboy something she would never give up, so to hear that a handsome boy, her crush at that thought that of her was heartwarming.Vernal:"You really think that of me even though I look like a boy?" Y/N:"Yes, V and I fucking mean it, any guy that says your ugly is a fucking asshole that will die by my hand because apparently they don't know true beauty."Vernal's eyes now fountains of tears as she then hugged Y/N with all her might before her eyes once again went to his still hard member before turning around to show her ass to the boy who had a face of bliss.Vernal:"Go ahead just please don't stick it in, I want to keep my virginity but otherwise my ass is yours baby." Hearing that Y/N placed his dick between her cheeks before going at a medium pace that made both of them moan while Y/N grabbed her breasts with his strong hands that made her shake while she was rubbing her own ass to encourage him to go faster which he did.When feeling his end nearing, Y/N started biting Vernal's neck which gave her hickeys but before he finished he proceeded to turn her around and get her to suck him the rest off only this time she managed to swallow all of it.
[Lime over]
After Vernal's gift, you two cleaned up before Vernal then suddenly gave Y/N a big hug with her head on Y/N's chest. Vernal:"Thank you for calling me beautiful Y/N." Y/N simply smiled and hugged Vernal back before he proceeding to walk to Raven's tent to where he hoped he wouldn't interrupt anything.When he entered her tent he saw his adopted aunt smoking, chilling and also looking exactly like how she always looked:A sexy as fuck milf.

Y/N:"Sup Auntie, miss me?" Raven looked up to see her nephew standing right in front of her. Raven:"*Smiles* Hell yeah, your my favorite nephew Y/N." Y/N:"*Chuckles* Yeah right,I'm your only nephew." Raven:"All the more reason for you to be my favorite." Raven puts out her cigarette before patting the spot next to her.Raven:"Besides it's your birthday yet I can see that your a bit down so come here and tell your Auntie what's the matter." Y/N went to sit down by Raven with his eyes never leaving her sexy legs.Y/N:"Damn she one fine woman."  When Y/n sat down next to her, Raven put her hand on his cheek and made him look at her.Raven:"Sweetie, what happened?" Y/N:"*Looks away* Don't worry about it Auntie, just some stupid shit." Just then Y/N felt something soft rubbing up his left leg, looking down he saw that Raven was rubbing her bare foot against his leg while having a look that said"I ain't stopping till you tell me" Sighing to himself he told her about his now ex girlfriend and surprisingly instead of a angry look like Yang, she had a look of sympathy.Raven:"I'm sorry that happened to you Y/N and on this day of all days, but if it makes you feel any better I've been through the same thing." Y/N was shocked to hear that Raven was cheated on before and wondered why.Y/N:"If you don't mind Auntie, can you tell me what happened?" Raven:"Well when I was 15 and in Signal like you, I met a guy that I dated for about 4 months though the most we ever did was hug nothing else till one day I was walking in the halls and saw that he went into the girl's restroom so I followed him to see what he was thinking about doing and I got my answer when I saw that he was kissing some other girl, luckily I got my payback when I told a teacher that he went into the girl's bathroom purposely and he got what was coming." Y/N:" Damn so you know how it feels to be cheated on, hell I got my ex in trouble with our headmaster so there's that." Raven laughed a little at how you two dealt with your ex bitches in a similar manner before Y/N continued looking at Raven's goddess like figure, her slim legs, her long flowing silky hair and her absolutely beautiful ruby red eyes that you can get lost in easily.Y/N:" I got to say Auntie you get more beautiful every time I see you, you aging like fine wine."
Raven blushed and giggled hearing that her handsome nephew thought she was still a beautiful person but she couldn't help but think that Y/N was the reason that she became the person she was today and the happy mother she is to Yang.Raven:"Thank you Y/N." Y/N:"*Confused* For what?" Raven:"For being in my life, because of you I became a better mother to Yang, a better aunt to Ruby and a better leader for my tribe." Y/N:"Auntie could you have been all that without me?" Raven started to cry infront of the boy and threw her arms around the boy.Raven:"NO! *Crying* The person I was before you became a part of my family would never, I was a horrible and cruel monster that would have abandoned everyone that had cared about me just for selfish reasons." Y/N was shocked to hear that his aunt was apparently a horrible person before he was rescued by her but looking at her now and the incredible improvement that she went through, he knew damn well she wasn't the person she claimed to have been.Y/N:" Don't worry Raven I know your not the same person you were after all you saved me and Esdeath yet you had no idea who we were but now look at yourself now, a beautiful mother to a beautiful daughter, a loved leader to your tribe and the best fucking aunt I have alongside Quill." Raven was shocked to hear this before then just out of nowhere kissing Y/N on the lips.As shocked as Y/N was he kissed her back while also enjoying how soft her lips were, then Y/N licked Raven's bottom lip asking for entrance which she gave him.After about 4 minutes the two separated with a thin string of saliva being the only thing connecting them physically. Raven then realized what she did and stared back at her nephew who was smiling before running a hand through her dark hair, showing that he didn't regret kissing her back.Y/N picked Raven up and put her on his lap where she then wrapped her legs around his waist before then feeling something on her lower half.Raven:"Y-Y/N is that your-?" Y/N:"Yeah sorry I was hard when I got here and that being my first kiss didn't help." Rubbing the back of his neck, he looked at Raven's face to see that she was a bit surprised but also a bit aroused before getting on her knees to see that the massive bulge was actually ripping his jeans a bit to try to escape it's prison.Raven:"Well if that was your first kiss ~Then how about I help you take care of it~" Y/N stared at Raven wondering if what he just heard was actually real.Was Raven offering him sex? Y/N:"Wait Auntie, do you mean like*Fig Sign*" Raven gave a seductive smirk before putting both her hands on his bulge then slowly rubbing it through his shorts.Raven:"I do sweetie I took your first kiss, it's your birthday and also you decided to come here to visit your old Auntie while making her feel so special.What kind of Auntie would I be if I didn't give you a gift?" Y/N felt her still rubbing his bulge while he started to moan from the feeling of her soft hands even if they weren't touching his actual skin before Y/N decided what the hell.
(Lemon starts here skip till other bold text)
He picked Raven up before placing her on the couch they were sitting on before taking his shirt off showing his amazingly sculpted abs before looking at Raven with stern eyes.Y/N:"Clothes off  Auntie, you won't be needing them after tonight." Raven looked at Y/N with lust filled eyes before taking her shirt off first showing off a red bra before taking that off as well showing her bouncing beauties that were bigger than Yang's that made Y/N's big friend more excited and then Raven proceeded to take her skirt off which showed a pair of black panties that were soaked from her juices.Y/N saw that spot before he proceeded to take off his shorts then underwear where the monster was finally freed in all it's glory, Raven was shocked to see what her nephew was packing before unconsciously getting on her knees with the massive dick in front of her then taking it in her mouth.Raven was able to take a impressive 12 inches before she gagged then bobbing her head and massaging the rest with her hands while fingering herself to the feeling of the boy that is making her feel like a virgin again.After what felt like 20 minutes, during Raven's blowjob she was thanking Y/N mentally for helping her not only get rid of her stress but for being the light in her darkness. Y/N felt the pressure building up in his balls before grabbing the back of Raven's head then forcing her to take the rest of the six inches then exploding in her mouth for a solid 3 minutes, during that Raven was coughing and swallowing or at least trying to swallow all the seed that Y/N had just given her and when she finally did she looked up to see the his dick wasn't the least bit hard from that so on to better options.Removing her panties, she showed the gift she is going to give Y/N before opening it up with her fingers.Raven:"~Come and get it~" Smirking Y/N went towards Raven before starting to lick her pussy, Raven became a moaning mess in less than a second before putting her hand behind his head to make him go deeper.To Y/N her pussy tasted incredible, a otherworldly taste that made him go into a frenzy and for Raven his tongue felt like heaven, something Tai could never feel like yet someone less than half his age could.Y/N continued licking at speeds that forced Raven to put a hand to her mouth to quiet her moans since tents weren't soundproof but Y/N didn't make it easy especially when he put three fingers into her asshole and thrust them at the same speed as his tongue.After about 10 minutes Raven came like a fountain though despite that Y/N managed to drink all her juices, afterwards he gave a big smirk before slowly sticking his 18 inch dick into her pussy making her moan loudly in pleasure if Y/N didn't kiss her to keep her as quiet as possible.Raven:"God, your so damn big, so much bigger than Tai!" Y/N:"And your so damn tight!" Y/N felt her velvety moist walls tighten around his cock while going in and out of her with a bulge in her stomach as proof.Raven had her tongue out and crying tears of pleasure feeling her womb being pressed till she felt even more when Y/N leaned down and started biting on her titties and sped up his thrusts.After about 15 more minutes Raven came again but this time somehow even more and Y/N pulled out and came right on her stomach before he could impregnate her. Raven:"*Panting* That was the best sex I've ever had, Tai can't even think to hold a candle to you." Y/N:"Well then Madam it's not over yet, my friend here still wants more and if I'm not mistaken*Smirks* I still have one more hole that needs to be filled by me." It didn't take Raven long to realize what Y/N meant and even though he put three fingers into her virgin ass she knew damn well that those fingers were nothing compared to his manhood.Raven:"You want it there?" Y/N:" Oh wow! The great Raven Branwen is afraid of something! Well looks like i have to get off some way else." Raven:" What did you say to me boy?! I ain't scared of shit! Fine you want my ass you got it and you better not hold back!" With her permission gently turned her over on her stomach so her ass would be facing him with her asshole looking very welcoming but he wanted this to be enjoyable to her so he asked if she had any kind of lubrication to use to where she pointed to her bed for some lotion was.Walking over and finding it, Y/N put some lotion on his hand before proceeding to give Raven a nice ass massage that made fine ass even better before he spread her cheeks to gently put his lotion covered hands in her asshole to get it lubed up.Finishing that and putting some lotion on his dick, Y/N rammed into Raven's now formerly virign asshole both letting out a loud moan at the tight feeling.Y/N:"Fuck tighter than I thought!"  Raven:"Fuuuuuck! Your so fucking big, don't you dare stop Y/N! Take my anal virginity and don't be gentle!" Y/N obliged by moving at speeds faster than when he ate out her pussy while shoving his whole dick into her asshole, Raven then looked back with her big red eyes that showed lust and longing for more with Y/N responding with him French kissing her in a Doggystyle position.Y/N then saw how Raven's ass was jiggling when his crotch met so he came up with a evil idea, he raised one of his hands before the sound of a ass being smacked and loud moan by Raven filled the tent.Raven:"Yes again!" Y/N gave Raven's ass several more smacks before grabbing her hips and going all out of her asshole making her moans too loud so to keep her quiet he shoved her face into the pillow that became soaked in slobber and sweat.Eventually Y/N felt his end coming before smacking Raven's ass to get her attention. Y/N:" Raven I'm gonna fucking cum!" Raven:"Do it inside me daddy! I won't get pregnant from this!" With that Y/N sent waves of thick warm seed inside Raven's tight asshole that now has insides shaped of Y/N's dick.Smacking her ass one more time, he picked her up and layed down with her on the couch.
Y/N:"Damn Auntie thanks for the gift, beats out all the other one's I had." Raven didn't respond due to her still recovering from the insane pounding she just received Raven:"I died and went to heaven.That's the only way I could feel the good." Y/N:"You ain't dead Raven, just very satisfied and filled to the brim." Raven managed to sit up but there was no way that she was gonna walk anywhere anytime soon but sitting by her nephew/potential lover didn't sound bad at all.Y/N then got up to help Raven get her clothes back on but Y/N kept his shirt off before looking back to Raven.Y/N:"You mind if I stay here with you? Raven:"*Smile* Not at all but I have a question for you Y/N." Y/N made a go ahead sign before sitting back down next to Raven.Raven:" What does this make me and you? Aunt and nephew or something else?" Y/N:"* Kisses her*I would want you to be my girlfriend Raven if you accept me as your boyfriend." Raven smiled with tears coming down her eyes.She always believed that besides Tai, no man would ever want to be with her yet right in front of her was someone that she had saved before and now has saved her from her old self and her sadness. Raven:"*Hugs him* Thank you so much Y/N! I promise that I'll be a a girlfriend you can trust unlike that stupid bitch at Signal." Y/N:"*Hugs her back* I know you will Raven and I'll be better than that jackass you were with." After the two separated Raven grabbed Y/N's head and placed it on her lap with Y/N falling asleep not long afterwards while Raven looked down at him with a warm smile that has showed that her old self and depression were both dead and not coming back.

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