Vigilante Justice

{Morning after Summer's mission Quill's POV}
Ugh, morning already seriously? God kill me, I still feel like shit ah well at least Summer and Y/N are okay since yesterday was hell.He gets new wings and sneaks out to go with Summer I'm guessing and comes back looking gloomier than me and Qrow do when we don't have any beer or whiskey. Ah hell might as well get up and go do something since I as much as I would love to stay in bed I know that won't happen since I can't go back to sleep and either Oz is gonna call me to do something or I'm gonna have to fight a demon which is something I'm not looking forward to but that is my job so gotta do it. But when I was trying to get up, I couldn't for some reason till I realized there was some weight on my chest so I looked down to see my adorable nephew sleeping on my chest with his new puppy on my left side while snoring cutely. I was honestly surprised to how he even got in my room but I didn't care as I was wondering how the hell someone as strong as him could be just as adorable before he started waking up with a cute yawn but I could tell that he was still half asleep by his eyes. He started looking around before his eyes met mine. 

Y/N:" Morning Mommy." 

Gah did he really just call me that?! Of all the things he has called me, mommy was never one of them nor would I have ever thought it would be! 

Quill:" Uh morning sweetie."

 I swear ever since this kid had been introduced into this family. He's been a prodigy, made Jimmy less of a pain in the ass, made my sister more caring, apparently due to my dumbass brother's teachings a ladies man and also a certified demon ass kicker, what is next being the next big news of Remnant?

Y/N:" Can we have breakfast please mommy?" 

Oh God again?! I mean I remember that waitress ask me if he's my son but I know he's not but the fact that he's calling me that is something I couldn't help but just be happy about.

Quill:" S-sure kiddo, but how about first you go brush your teeth okay?"

 He got off my chest before picking up his pup and walking out of my room to leave me with my thoughts of what I just heard. Mommy that was the word that I heard come out of his mouth I started wondering what the hell was up with my life. First, I'm the first huntsman or huntress to kill a real demon second saving Y/N and Esdeath third I get saved by the same child by him killing a demon that almost killed me while he unlocked his semblance fourth he kills two more and and pretty much becomes a one man killing machine and now I get called mommy by him just two days after. I need a fucking drink. I started heading down to see the rest where I saw Tai and Qrow just chilling,my sister playing with Yang and Ruby while Summer was making breakfast with Esdeath reading a book with Zwei and Ember on her lap. I walked over to the fridge to get a can of beer when I saw Y/N walk in looking around still sleepy judging from his eyes before he saw me so he walked over to me and hugged my leg.

Y/N:"Hi mommy." 

Hearing that again but when we're actually around others made me tense up cause I seriously didn't want to explain this little well best way to say misunderstanding. I looked around to see that if someone noticed but didn't look that way till I felt a tap on my shoulder and when I looked behind me I saw Summer looking at me with twitching eyes. 

Summer:" Care to explain to me Quill why MY son is calling YOU mommy?"

  I knew better than to piss off Summer though how I was gonna answer was the question of the century with me lying or me telling the truth with consequences that I know will not end well, eventually I decided answering truthfully would be better than lying and getting my ass handed to me on a very bloody silver platter.

Quill:" I woke up where he was in my bed for some reason then he just started calling me that out of nowhere." 

Summer continued glaring at me before Y/N suddenly let go of me and started rubbing his eyes.

Y/N:" Where am I?"

  Summer:" Your in the kitchen sweetie with mommy."

 She ended that with a stone hard glare at me while I rubbed the back of my head hoping I wasn't going to die today, till Y/N went to Summer giving her a hug on her legs.

Y/N:" Morning mommy!"

 Summer's glare became a warm smile before she hugged him back but that's when I realized a somewhat sad look after Summer hugged though I shrugged it off as she had a long and hard night last night.

Y/N:" Hey mommy can I go to Atlas to see some of my friends please?" 

He gave puppy dog eyes that would melt the heart of even the coldest person and knowing Summer she stood no chance to them.

Summer:" Awww of course sweetie though you have to bring one of us before you go and try this time to stay out of trouble."

 Y/N:" Hmmm no promises cause like I said before if someone needs my help I just have to and I have a feeling my other friend may want to look for trouble."

 I noticed how Summer flinched a little at that which kinda worried me before she looked at me and back at Y/N.

Summer:" Well okay but can you and me talk alone for a second outside sweetie?"

 Y/N nodded before they went while I got another drink cause I had a feeling this was serious.

{Summer's POV}
I went outside with Y/N cause I wanted to know how he found out he and Esdeath were adopted though I wasn't gonna pressure him.

Summer:" Okay sweetie I won't make you if you don't want to but I want to know how you found out I wasn't your real mom."

Y/N looked down for a minute before he then started to explain how.

{Flashback Y/N's POV this was while you were fighting the Grimm horde}
I was in my head with Zarathos where I learned his story: He was a angel sent to protect Remnant before he got stuck in Hell where he fought a demon lord known as Mephisto or as humans and Faunus call him Satan, when he lost a fight to him he lost his angel status and instead became a demon with a lust for vengeance against criminals or demons that escaped Hell known as Ghost Rider. For centuries and before me 4 other people he has been doing this but he also said I was the first to be a child since the others were older people.I was shocked and felt bad for how he lost what he had to this "Mephisto" guy but he then said something that broke me.

Zarathos:" Boy there is something you need to know and I know you won't like it but the family you are living with are not your biological family." 

I looked at him taking in what he just told me, my family the parents who were always there for me, the uncle and and aunts who helped train me and treated me with so much love, my three sisters who were everything to me weren't my real family?

 Y/N:" Wait then who are my real parents?*Begins to cry*"

 Zarathos walked over and bent down to look me in my eyes before letting out a sigh that sounded like he was waiting for this.

Zarathos:" Your biological parents had a hard time having a child but were persistent to have one they tried and tried till a man found them and told them about a stranger that made deals that would allow the person to have whatever they wanted so long as they gave him what he desired. Your real father went to him and made a deal: A child in exchange that said child or you for short would work for the man. 9 months later you were going to be born but then a young girl showed up to your parents doorstep orphaned like you were, you can probably guess who she is." 

I was still shocked to hear this but when he said a girl orphaned I started to realize something, I never looked like mom or dad except for my left silver eye but another person who had little physical similarities to them was my older sister Esdeath. She had blue eyes but they were a light blue rather than dark like my father just like her hair was, not black, red, or blonde a light blue color.

Y/N:" Esdeath is she adopted like me?" 

Zarathos stood up before walking back a bit then looking back to me.

Zarathos:" Yes she is, but the month you were born was the month demons were reintroduced to Remnant....and the day your parents and home village were killed by a pack of them it was then you and Esdeath were saved by the three Branwen siblings who came across the village and afterwards they brought you to Patch where you were adopted by the Rose/Xiao Long family and then to this day became who you are, a warrior bred for demon hunting."

 Oh god this whole time my real parents were killed while the family I was living with still treated me and Esdeath like we WERE their real kids, they care for me and I still do but I had more questions I had a good feeling Zarathos had the answers to.

Y/N:" Were you the voice when I got my sword?" 

Zarathos:" No actually I don't know who that voice was but I do know that I'm the reason you haven't gone insane from it since I have fought demons who can make mortals and immortals go insane from a mere touch so over time I have made my hosts immune to the effects of insanity." 

Y/N: "Okay then, why haven't you shown yourself earlier in my life?" 

Zarathos:" I make myself known to my host when I believe the time is perfect and you fighting Blackout, a demon that was formerly human and made a deal selfishly for power seemed like the perfect time."

 Y/N:" Okay, just one more question have you been with me this whole time?"

 Zarathos:" Yes I have even before you were born, I have been with your family and the minute you were born I absorbed myself into your soul to be with you to prepare the day we seek vengeance against crime and demons that harms those of Innocent blood."

 I went towards Zarathos and hugged his leg since he was really tall compared to me at least. I just cried into his leg with everything he has told me about my life before I even was alive and the truth about my family and about himself.

Zarathos:" Boy why are you...hugging me? The crying I understand but why hug me?"

 Y/N:"*Crying* Cause throughout my life your were the only one I have as my biological family that's alive left and you have been protecting me from so much, from the sword to that demon I fought to save Weiss you even gave the power to save her. *Looks Up To Zaratho's Eye Sockets* Your my hero and together we can be the best Remnant has ever seen."

Zarathos was taken aback from what his current host has just said to him. He called him a hero rather than a monster or nuisance but what really caught his ears was how he considered him family.

Zarathos:" Boy we...have a demon to fight."

On that day Zarathos felt something he never though he'd ever feel again......hope.

{Flashback over Summer's POV}
After he finished his story I was in tears of hearing what happened to Zarathos and to Y/N's real parents but I didn't even know what happened to Esdeath's real parents. No one deserves that kind of evil especially if they were meant to be heroic symbol.

 Summer:" Sweetie I'm so sorry for what happened to your parents." 

Y/N turned his gaze onto me with a smile that would lighten up any dark day.

Y/N:" I know that they're in a better place, especially knowing I have the best family ever looking after me."

I looked at my boy who was so hopeful, so brave and even now knowing he was adopted accepted us as his family without any hesitation, I just couldn't help but hug him with all the strength I had, I really do have the best son in all of Remnant.

Y/N:" When can I go to Atlas mommy? I haven't seen my friends there since I killed my first demon."

 I remembered that day on Altas News, seeing Y/N utterly crush that demon before gaining a semblance that seems other-worldly and me, Raven and Quill teaching Qrow a lesson for teaching a 8 year old how to flirt.

Summer:" Well sweetie I guess you can go in about 30 minutes though who are you gonna have to take you?"

 Y/N:" Well who won't be too busy to take me cause I don't want to bother anyone?"

 Suddenly I heard a voice answer from behind me.

???:" I'll take him to Atlas."

 I turned around to see Raven with her sword in her left hand and in her right holding Yang's hand. I was surprised to see Raven volunteer to take Y/N but then again she has changed ever since Y/N and Esdeath were introduced into our lives, she's been a better mother towards Yang, more open to a extent towards us and her siblings about what's been going in her life and even more social towards people which is a big upgrade from her past self before they showed up where she was cold and anti social towards everyone but especially towards Quill and Qrow.

Summer:" You sure Raven? I could do it if you have anything you have to do today."

 Raven:" Nope I can do it besides Yang been saying she wants something from Atlas and seeing how Y/N wants to go, what better timing?" 

Raven then gave a genuine smile that didn't show any malice and bad intent just a happy look that showed a improving person.

Summer:" Well alright then, just please make sure he doesn't get into anymore trouble cause I don't think three days in a row of demon killing and fighting are good for his health even if he wants to be a hunter."

Raven*Sighs*:" If I'm being honest Summer I can't promise that cause like he says if he has to help someone, you know I can't stop him especially with the power he has."

She was right but I didn't want my son to be killing demons everyday I want him to enjoy his life and be a kid while he can.

Raven:" Alright we'll leave in a bit so whatever you two have to do quickly might want to go do it then."

Y/N and Yang both nodded before heading inside to do whatever they were gonna do while Raven just sat there sharpening her sword so I decided to give her some company.

Summer:" So Raven what do you think of Y/N's skills so far?" 

Raven:" He is becoming a one man army and without a doubt could take on all of us on his own when he gets older, especially when I saw that new move of his with Death Sentence." 

Summer:" Yeah he's certainly impressive and-wait Death Sentence?"

 I was confused on what she meant by that, I never heard of something like that.

Raven:" Oh that's the name he gave his sword, rather a dark name but whatever grimm or demon fights him they die so seems fitting, also did you get him those two revolvers?"

Summer:" Oh I get it now and no I didn't when we were on my mission, we fought another demon that was actually before a human but when he died Y/N took his guns I mean he didn't need them anymore anyway."

Raven's eyes went wide when I finished before she turned and grabbed my shoulders.

Raven:" A human turned demon are you serious?! Goddammit what's next a demon that controls other demons?"

Summer*Sighs*:" Yeah it's been getting crazy but it is our job to protect the world but there is a question I have for you Raven, do you miss your tribe?"

 I honestly expected her to get mad or slap me so I braced myself for pain but it never came, I opened my eyes to see her just looking down before saying this.

Raven:" Yes and I do visit them from time to time but while they are family and I'm their leader, I have another family here with a nephew, two nieces and my daughter so while I can be with them at all times, I choose not to so I can be here for our kids."

 I just sat there shocked to hear the once merciless uncaring Raven Branwen say something so noble and selfless before I threw my arms around her.

Summer:" Oh that is the nicest and most bestest thing you have ever said Raven!"

Raven chuckled a little before a smirk appeared on her face. 

Raven:" Besides I have to be here for my daughter and future son-in-law don't I?"

 I immediately knew what she was talking about and couldn't help just giggle since I knew it will happen though question is what will Ruby and Esdeath do about it? 

???:" Mommy, Auntie are we ready?"

 I looked behind me to see Y/N there holding Yang's hand.

Raven:" Sure kiddo let's go."

 Y/N:" Okay I'll make a portal." 

Y/N then did just that with Yang having starry eyes and Raven whispering to me "Just like his aunt" I smiled before giving the two little ones a hug before they left.

{Raven's POV}
We made it to Atlas in literally ten seconds by Y/N's portal and right when we got here I saw that Yang was looking around for whatever she wanted to get while Y/N was looking for his friends that I heard from Yang were the "love rivals" My god Qrow you moron what have you done? Then Y/N went over a corner where we followed to see two girls one his age and the other maybe a little older than Yang and from the way Yang was cutely glaring at them, I could take a good guess to say that these were the ones Y/N was looking for.

Blondie:" Hey Y/N, you look even better than the last time we saw you when you beat up that electric demon and now you're Atlas's biggest hero after beating those other two at the Atlas Military base."

 Y/N:" Thanks Leone, I have to improve to show grimm and demons who's better."

Then the other one walked out from behind the Blondie that I now know is named Leone that's when I realized that she's a faunus a cat one to be precise.

Cat Faunus:" H-hi Y/N, you were amazing fighting those monsters." 

Y/N:" Aww thanks so much Akame means a lot oh! Wait I got the perfect nickname for you, I'll call you kitten, is that okay with you?"

The Cat Faunus now named Akame blushed a dark red before she nodded her head.

Y/N:" Okay kitten and my lioness I want to introduce you to some people."

They then walked over to us where Y/N decided to introduce us.

Y/N:" This beautiful woman is my Auntie Raven and this pretty golden dragon is my big sister Yang."

 Both Leone and Akame looked at the two before Leone let out a excited gasp and pointed a shaking finger to me.

Leone:" Hey! Your Raven Branwen the best member of Team STRQQ the legendary team of Remnant!"

 I was definitely taken back to hear that I of all people had a fan, now my team did have fanboys and fangirls but usually those were directed to my brother, sister and Summer. I for one was never a real big fan of the spotlight.

Raven:" Well thank you I didn't expect to meet a fan but I guess there's always surprises in store."

 Yang:" I didn't want to meet my love rivals but it doesn't matter, Y/N will date me"

She finished that by latching onto Y/N's right arm which didn't sit well for Leone who grabbed onto his left arm tightly while Akame was standing there with a neutral look I knew all too well.

Leone:" No way, he's dating me not some shrimp!"

Yang:" What did you call me?!"

 Yang then pulled Y/N towards only for Leone to do the same then for it just to become a human tug of war between the two before Akame then pounced on Y/N, hanging by his neck and shoving her face in his chest while purring. 

Akame:" He's my future husband Leone so back off, your just too perfect for someone like them Y/N."

 Y/N seemed shocked at his current situation before giving a smirk that gave me flashbacks of my brother back when we were in Beacon and whenever a girl he liked was around, and turns out I was right to be afraid.

Y/N:" Well my uncle said I'm a ladies man and from those words means more than one girl but still we're too young so I need you three young ladies to stop fighting and wait till we're older to date now let's enjoy the rest of day." 

Damn he said that with so much confidence and authority that would make Glynda proud and it was enough to make the girls get off him with blushes on their faces red enough to be nightlights.

Y/N:" Anyway Yang where did you want to go exactly?"

 Yang:" Oh I wanted to go get something to help my semblance get better cause I want to be one of the best huntresses of all time."

Y/N gave a smile and patting Yang's head.

Y/N:" Well our father and your mother are legends so I know you'll be one as well as Ruby no problem." 

I couldn't help but smile seeing my dear nephew be so hopeful and faithful to anyone he sees good potential in but then we got going to that place that was suppose to have whatever that thing Yang was looking for with Y/N's friends joining us cause they were actually heading there to see if they were any scrolls they could get cause the day that electric demon appeared he broke them when they were hiding from him, well it's a good thing I "Borrowed" Tai's credit card. While we were walking though I saw people look at Y/N with wide eyes and fascination and hearing what some of them were saying I understood why.(R.B=Random Bystander)

R.B:" Look it's that boy that took on and defeated that demon grimm!'

R.B:" Yeah this kid's the real deal!"

R.B:" I heard Ironwood say himself that this kid saved Weiss Schnee heiress of the Schnee Dust Company and was responsible for that big explosion."

R.B:" He's so cute, I could just gobble him up!"

R.B:" I remember hearing he also saved Ironwood from a traitor when he was just four years old!"

R.B:" I saw myself when he crushed that Electric asshole like nothing and saved 3 people including a huntress!"

Jesus Christ I know I should have expected my nephew to become a hot topic to Atlas but not the only thing people are gonna talk about, but then I heard what the first person said a "demon grimm" wait Summer said Y/N fought a demon that was human was he instead a hybrid? I shook my head since I wanted the four to enjoy their time rather than bug them about a theory but I realized that Y/N had a uncomfortable look then buried his face into my leg.

Y/N:" I don't like this kind of attention Auntie, makes me see why you don't like the spotlight"

 Seeing him scared reminded me of how I felt with people staring at me like this and I hated those days as much as seeing my nephew afraid so I turned and gave the citizens of Atlas a death glare that made them leave before finally arriving at the store that had what we needed but while Yang, Leone and Akame went to find what they needed Y/N stuck with me which was confusing but I like the company so I guess it was fine. The store itself didn't really have anything that was exactly eye catching not that I needed anything while Y/N looked around as well before tugging my skirt and pointing over to a big group of people outside with some guy standing on a box that let him be able to talk over the crowd and to get the attention of other people nearby before eventually saying something that caught my attention.

???:" Ladies and gentleman, today is a day where you can be the lucky winner of today's contest, with our prize being a free motorcycle of the said winner's choice of color and brand!"

Well now that's something that is worth going to Atlas for despite the fact that I can turn into a bird or that I can make portals but hey a free vehicle of your choice is hard to pass up especially if it's a chopper, so we decided to go see what the contest was to see that it was a fighting one where the last one standing would be the winner and the rules were that with weapons and semblances were allowed with the only real restrictions being that the user couldn't use it at their full power or use guns just the melee so no real long range though surprisingly only three people stepped up in the ring. One was a redhead girl about Yang's age with green eyes dressed like a spartan and her weapon was a shield and spear,the second was a teenage girl with long silver hair braided in a thin long ponytail with light purple eyes and a good strong-looking figure and the last one was a a boy actually about to the silver girl's age that had lime green hair with eyes to match and a cocky grin on his face. I then felt my skirt get tugged by Y/N and when I looked down he asks if he could join the contest, which to be fair would let him show off his skills more and a even bigger bonus might make him more confident since being a huntsman means you have to be confident in your skills, teammates and also your own wits so I decided what the hell. Y/N chose to use his sword and his wings since it seemed fair to him and also cause he wanted to fight the redhead more than the others since those two seemed to want to fight each other more than anything, Y/N walked up to the guy that seemed to be in charge of this thing and asked if he could join which is where the dude gave a smile like all his problems were now gone.

???" Of course young man, we need a minimum of 4 people in order for this contest to actually start so just go in the corner and when the contest starts fight like hell."

Y/N*Smirks*:" That's the plan sir."

 After that Y/N went into the last corner with his sword in it's sheath while the green boy was staring at the silver head with a perverted look while her's was a pissed off one, for the redhead she simply smiled while what I'm guessing using her semblance to spin her spear around with her shield in her left hand.

???:" Begin!" 

Immediately greenie and silver hair ran towards each other and simply used hand to hand combat while the redhead ran towards Y/N with them both going at it with their respective weapons and I must say she was a good fighter to be able to parry his blade and block his hits with her shield. After about 10 minutes between the teenage fighters the girl was winning since the dude was busy winking and trying to flirt with the girls in the crowd only for it to be taken advantage by getting punched or kicked while my nephew and the redhead were still actually relatively on par even when Y/N popped out his wings but the girl was tiring out but still going on which impressed me and seemingly Y/N as well since he was smiling a smile like mine whenever I went up against a tough opponent cause the thrill was amazing but then the green guy tripped his opponent before running over to Y/N for what I'm guessing for a sneak attack only for Y/N's right wing hand to become a fist and bitch slapped the boy with enough force to knock him out and send him towards his former opponent who got hit then the redhead ran over and knocked her out by hitting her head with her shield. So two opponents down because of one stupid idea then taking advantage of said idea huh? Smart girl. Then she threw her shield at Y/N who did a 360 spin and caught it with his left hand then embedded it into the ground to the point that a big crack in the concrete ground appeared with half the shield in it. The girl looked impressed but not scared before she ran towards Y/N with her spear ready while Y/N did the same with Death Sentence with them going to great lengths to not get hit by the other and then Y/N went for a downward hit where the girl blocked it but since Y/N was the attacker he was able to use his superior strength to get her on her knees but when she was on her back she did a kip up kick that hit Y/N in the chest but didn't faze him then all of a sudden a metal pole went into her hand giving her two weapons at the same time before once again going for a assault that Y/N still was able to defend from but this time she was able to get in some good hits so that was something. Eventually the fight ended when Y/N managed to grab her weapons with his wings and even without them she was good at hand to hand which made the fights last half a hour more but the ending was when Y/N used the handle end of his sword to hit her in the gut before then dropkicking her out of the circled bounds.

???:" Ladies and gentlemen, your winner is this young man today and his prize a motorcycle of his choosing of art and brand!"

The crowd went wild for the fact that this fight was actually really exciting to see while Y/N had stars in his eyes then flying up to the man ear to whisper something, he chuckled before saying "You got it son and thank you for a truly incredible fight!"After that the redhead girl got up and went to get her weapons which was actually difficult since her shield wouldn't budge till Y/N went and got it out for her.

Y/N:" That was a great fight your really strong you know that?" 

The girl had a rosey tint on her along with a smile

???:" Yeah thank you you're really strong too, what's your name so maybe we could spar again one day?"

 Y/N:" Oh absolutely! My name is Y/N Rose and yours Queen Spartan? 

The girl's rosey tint became as red as her hair when Y/N said that.

???" Pyrrha Nikos and what do you mean Queen Spartan?" 

Y/N then made his trademark smirk that we've become accustom to.

Y/N:" Well the way your dressed, how good you are at fighting and how pretty you are a queen that is a warrior like that needs a nickname." 

Pyrrha:" O-oh I understand now thank you have a nice day my mom is over there." 

They both waved goodbye to each other before Y/N walked over to me asking where are the girls. Ah shit they're still in the store!

{Timeskip 30 minutes Raven's POV}
Well after half a four of waiting with the girls buying what they needed and for Y/N to get refreshed from his fight. His prize finally arrived and I have to say, it's a beauty.

Y/N:" Hey Auntie who's that up there?"

 Y/N suddenly asked me while pointing up at a roof where I saw a old 'friend' of mine looking down before moving out of my sight I opened a portal and told the kids to go through while I have a chat with her. They did with the chopper while I turned into my raven form and flew up to talk to her after about 3 years of not seeing each other.

Raven:" Hello Francine Castle."

Francine:" Hello Raven Branwen, it's been a while 3 years to be exact, how's your life been?" 

Raven:" Oh you know killing grimm, taking down criminals and taking care of my daughter, nieces and nephew." 

Francine:" Wait when did you or Summer get more kids?"

 Raven: "Actually I saved them when demons started showing up Qrow found a village where I found two kid one just born being the only survivors so I saved them and Summer and Tai adopted them." 

Francine:" I see well I saw his fights with the demons and his just now damn he's gonna be a hell of a demon hunter."

 I was confused didn't she mean Huntsman? But luckily she caught on. 

Francine*Chuckles*:" Raven lately they have been hiring people to become demon hunters to try to even the playing field for a price depending on the demon's size, strength and what it has been shown to be capable of." 

Well at least huntsman and huntresses will have backup. 

Raven:" I see how's your life been?"

 Francine:" Well I've been punishing criminals lately but outside of that I've been working with a local black market arms dealer that gives me half off since I saved his daughter from a mafia boss that he had beef with and with criminals always leaving tons of money behind after my visits I don't have to get a real job."

 We both shared a laugh before I heard a gasp from behind and imagine my surprise when I see my nephew there in front of me with wide eyes and a smile on his face.

Raven:" Y/N what are you doing here?!" 

Y/N:" I wanted to see if you were okay but I had no idea you knew who the legendary vigilante Punisher was!"

 Raven:" Well she was my right hand person at my tribe before she moved on and decided to become the "One woman judge jury and executioner of Atlas" 

Francine:" Didn't know I had a fan, a cute one at that." 

 Raven:" You and me both, just today I found out I have a fan." 

Y/N smiled before running over to her shaking her hand and bouncing around.

Y/N:" I'm your biggest fan! Your the most awesomest vigilante of all time! You make every criminal scared of doing anything but surrender!" 

 Y/N continued bopping around but then we heard a yell then looking down we saw a big group of guys with guns harassing a group of tourists and with a symbol that showed that they belong to the Kitchen Irish, a gang of Irish criminals that rob,kill and work with corrupt government officials to get profit from. I put my grimm mask on while Francine put on a black skull mask since she learned from her first two years of being a vigilante to hide your identity so you don't get cops on your ass but before we could jump Y/N got between us with scared eyes before he started smoking with bits of his flesh burning of his head then suddenly he grew and became a tall, flaming skeleton with a biker's outfit to match his interior. I was shocked to see this but then he jumped down to help the tourists so I had to ask later. Immediately after landing 'Y/N' grabbed two guys and bashed their heads together with a sickening bone breaking sound, Francine stabbed one guy in the neck before throwing the knife at the closest guy to the tourists then grabbing a pistol for some long ranged attacks, I stabbed one guy through the chest before slashing another's throat. the last remaining 5 started to fire their guns so me and Francine took cover while "Y/N' just tanked them with ease then one of them ran to him with a long chain that only succeeded in being taken from him and then having his neck snapped before the chain was lit on fire and it going around one member spinning him while setting him on fire before he was just ashes, the other three tried to run away before 'Y/N' pulled out his twins revolvers which he put together for them to become a good-looking assault rifle that shot the last three down with three flawless shots. He turned to the tourists who looked on with shock before he finally spoke.

'Y/N':" You are okay now go back to your homes or somewhere safe." 

They nodded before walking away still gawking at the figure standing before them and when they were out of view he transformed back into my nephew who looked at me with scared eyes.

Raven:" Sweetie please explain cause I don't think your semblance can let you turn into that."

After he explained his new friend and how he learned he was adopted I learned that apparently Y/N's friend was essentially a god walking among mortal men and that he's the best goddamn nephew a person can ask for.

Y/N:" Auntie do you hate me now that you know about this?"

 I went over to him and gave him the biggest hug I could give before making him look me in the eyes. 

Raven:" No sweetie you saved Summer, you saved Weiss ,you saved those tourists and became a symbol of hope to Atlas, you'll always be my nephew nothing can and ever will change that."

He looked at me before giving me a hug that made me feel like my spine was gonna snap but totally worth it to see his smile.

Francine:" Well what a sight, the mighty Raven Branwen giving a kid a hug and being a big softie wow now I have seen everything." 

Y/N:" It was so awesome to meet you though Miss Punisher!" 

Francine gave a chuckle before going over to him and patting his head.

Francine:" You can just call me Francine Matchstick."

 Y/N gave a cute salute before getting his sword and making a portal back to Patch since it was almost night time and Summer would kill me.

Raven:" You go ahead and get some sleep sweetie, me and Francine have some catching up to do."

 Francine:" Night Matchstick got to give some bad guys punishment." 

With that Y/N went through the portal and me and Francine put our masks back on since it was time to kick some ass.
{Narrator's POV}
Unbeknownst to the both of them, once Y/N went through that portal he went he made another one heading towards a random street in Vale with his new bike trailing behind him  There once he got on his bike, he transformed into his Rider form.

 Zarathos:" Y/N we transformed during the day, our special bond as one is making us stronger, much more than any of your predecessors were and now it is time to show the Mortal Realm true justice."

Y/N:" Your right, the night belongs to the Ghost Rider."

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