Siblings bonding, meeting 2 kittens and awakened semblance
(Just a heads up I'm not that good at fight scenes but I'll see what I can do)
[Timeskip 2 years]Nobody's POV
After two years of training under Team STRQQ and Ironwood Y/N has become a force to be reckoned with, ever since that day he has trained for 3 main reasons: To become a hunter, to protect the ones he loves and finally to prove that no matter what situation there is always hope.
Y/N's favorite weapon of choice was a katana that Ironwood's men have found in a abandoned cave that gave off a electric blue aura that seemed magical but what made the blade as interesting as it was deadly was how difficult it was to actually handle since whoever held the blade felt agonizing pain and started to have their minds damaged badly to the point they went violently insane.
(Quill's POV)
It was my turn to take Y/N to Atlas for his training but before we could leave Yang begged her parents and me to let her come with us since she wanted to see her brother in action. To be honest ever since I heard that Y/N would be training with Ironwood I hated it since I never was a fan of anything military or taking orders and Jimmy was both of those but Y/N was determined to be a hunter and I got to say after him nearly dying to save Esdeath and how he shot that motherfucker that tried to kill Jimmy he definitely has the heart of one already. I was at the very least glad that a member of my team was allowed to stay to make sure either they didn't take it to far or Y/N didn't get hurt, cause I have to say having a nephew like Y/N was a dream come true: He's respectful,not annoying as hell,doesn't mind me and Qrow drinking (hell of a bonus) doesn't mind his siblings and is kind of a remodel to them and best of all actually has good puns. What piqued my interest when Jimmy called us was when he mentioned that his men found a weapon that seemed like it had a magic aura though he also mentioned it couldn't be held since when two soldiers tried one died after a minute and the other who held it in less time went insane and tried to attack the rest of his team before getting a bullet in the head. Getting off the bullhead with Y/N on my shoulders was satisfying since during the ride people wouldn't wouldn't shut up about the demons that the Atlas military and police force were fighting or rather hunting down since these things weren't letting up on whatever they were made for. As I was walking around looking for the guide Ironwood sent, I've noticed that there were people that cooed at Y/N who waved at them before nuzzling his face in my hair which he always did with me, Raven,Summer and surprisingly Yang since whoever touches her hair gets a bad beating but in Y/N's case she always let's him which makes her turn red and Esdeath a little jealous which I couldn't help but giggle since I always had this feeling she may have a small crush on the kid along with Yang for the hair thing.Anyway having continued walking with Yang holding my hand and Y/N on my shoulders for ten minutes,we decided to stop by a ice cream shop since none of us besides Y/N really were in a rush to see James or whatever he had in store for us. Sitting down I simply told the two they could have whatever they want since I was in a good mood despite having to see Ironwood. Y/N then grabbed Yang's hand and ran over to the machine to see what was available and I swear I thought Yang's head was gonna explode due to how red she was when he grabbed her hand.
I laughed seeing this and wondering about the love rivalry her and Esdeath might no will have when they get older, after a bit the two came back with Yang having Vanilla ice cream with sprinkles and Y/N having a big bowl of (F/F) ice cream I decided on some root beer since that was the drink closest to beer in this place. As I finished my drink and asked one of the workers for seconds she asked me a rather interesting question.
Worker:"Is this little guy your son?"
I felt my heart skip a beat when she asked me that and looking at Y/N I realized that he did kinda resemble me with his black hair and skin complexion, won't lie I would love to have a son like him.
Quill:" Oh no he's my nephew and this is my niece."
I finished by pointing at Yang. She then nodded before patting them on the head and walking away.
[Timeskip 10 minutes] still Quill's POV
After finishing Y/N said he had to use the bathroom which was perfect since I wanted to mess with Yang.
Quill:"So Yang what do you think of your brother?"
Yang:" He's so strong,cool and brave he's like the heroes in the books me and Ruby read"*Mutter*"And really cute"
Unfortunately for her I heard that and just couldn't help but smile seeing that my little niece had a crush and decided to see how red she can get.
Quill:" So he's cute huh? Hehe well you gotta get both of your mom's blessings for what's probably gonna happen."
Yang's face was as crimson as my cape and in a stuttering voice asked me.
Yang:" W-W-W-W-Wh a-a-ats tha-t-t-t?."
Quill*smirk*" For your two's wedding of course".
Yang had essentially become a steaming mess that rivaled a tea kettle.
Quill:" Anyway you still want to go to Beacon right?"
Yang:" Uh yeah! I still want to be huntress like you and mom but I don't know about Esdeath and Y/N they never talk about it."
Now that I think about she was right those two never talk about wanting to be huntsman or huntresses though with them both training the way they are I could only guess that they would want to be that or something similar. Just then Y/N came back and asked what we were talking about and it we were almost done since he wanted to check out what Ironwood found. I smirked thinking about the blush that would be on his face if I told him what I told Yang.
Quill:" Oh nothing sweetheart just Yang here saying that your super cool,brave,strong and cute in her words."
After I finished Yang covered her face with her arms and looked away embarrassed as hell before I turned to Y/N expecting to see a crimson red face but instead to my surprise I saw a confident smirk on his face.
Y/N:*smirking*" Is that true Yang?"
It took a minute but eventually Yang slowly put her arms down and looked at Y/N with a still crimson face and nodded her head. Y/N's smirk only grew as he sat down next to Yang and with his pointer finger he lifted her head by her chin so she would face him and then he said something that shocked me to the very depths of Hell.
Y/N:" Well I happily admit you're a very beautiful girl and someone that'll definitely be a great girlfriend to me when we're older."
I just sat there with my jaw dropped seeing a 8 year old boy flirt with my niece and seeing that smirk definitely sent shivers down my spine since he was actually good at flirting. Yang was shocked like me but slowly a smile made its way to her face seeing that her adopted brother said he was willing to date her once they got older and she threw her arms around the young flirt in a big bear hug nuzzling her face into his chest. Y/N hugged back then asked me if we could go see what Ironwood had in store for us.
Quill:" S-Sure sweety we can go but afterwards can you and me have a talk when we get home?"
Y/N flashed one of his bright smiles, threw me a thumbs up and grabbing Yang's hand walked out of the store with me just following shocked but also a little proud seeing my little nephew being a ladies man.
[Timeskip 15 minutes]Y/N's POV
Finally me, auntie and Yang arrived at the cave where Ironwood said he found a cool sword the whole time besides Yang holding onto my arm for dear life for some reason. I was wondering what this weapon was like compared to my families weapons. At the entrance of the cave stood the general of Atlas himself talking to a man with a yellow hat on and also to a man wearing a full white suit with his hair and mustache to match. When Ironwood saw us both the two men looked behind him and said their goodbyes and left leaving Ironwood with us.
Ironwood:" There you two a- oh I see your brought someone along with you again."
Quill:" Yeah she begged to come along since she wants to see the weapon as well that a problem Jimmy?"
Y/N:*Cutely Salutes*" I'm at your call general Ironwood."
Ironwood gives me a smile and the leads us down the cave to see the weapon and I got to say it was awesome and beautiful. It was glowing a shiny bright blue, floated like that sword in a movie I watched with Ruby and also had spikes on it's sheath or whatever you call the thing that covers the blade just made it seem so much cooler!
Ironwood:" This is the weapon that made 2 of my men die and from what the workers said it can't be moved no matter what they try."
Quill:" Aight and how is this our problem?"
Ironwood:" Since you out of your other siblings have the most connections I was wondering if you may know anyone that can help."
I wasn't really listening to what they were saying as me and Yang were still staring at the blade as it just floated 10 feet away from us. Then suddenly I heard a deep scary voice in my head say something.
???:" Go to the blade child."
When I heard that I looked around and nobody seem to really be bothered by what that voice said.
???:" Only you can hear me child now just go to the blade and you will have power."
I stood there wondering whether I should listen or not since it WAS true that whoever touched the blade would go so badly insane that they would end up dead but then I realized that the sword was moving not really going anywhere just floating while spinning slowly till it stopped when the tip of where the blade was pointing straight at me.
???:" The sword is calling to you child it wants you to wield it go and I promise that you will have the power to challenge even the strongest of opponents."
Hearing that and seeing the blade pointing at me I checked to see if the adults and Yang were distracted, Ironwood and Aunt Quill still were talking about the situation and Yang was playing on Aunt Quill's scroll so I slowly but surely made my way to the sword and as I got closer I felt the energy aura of the blade started to get bigger, eventually what felt like hours I got to the sword and grabbed the handle of the sword and felt the aura started flowing through my whole body.
[No one's POV]
Everyone was silent when they heard a scream and turned their heads to see the 8 year old holding the sword with the energy of it coursing through his body, but what shocked them the most was that he wasn't acting violent but like what he acted like when he arrived.
Quill, Yang and Ironwood ran towards Y/N and started bombarding him with questions like why he held the sword or why he was glowing but most importantly if he was feeling okay. His only response was that he felt stronger than before. If the adults and Y/N's family weren't already shocked they were awestruck to see that he was completely unfazed by whatever power the weapon had that caused two men to lose their lives. Y/N turned to Ironwood with a innocently happy face before giving a bright smile and asking this.
Y/N:"Can I keep the sword General Ironwood?"
Ironwood just stood there just shocked to see that a child was his solution to getting this sword away from Atlas and seeing that Y/N said that he felt stronger it was perfect for him as well.
Ironwood:" Yes Y/N you can keep the sword."
Quill was knocked out of her trance when she heard that Ironwood said yes to Y/N's question and seeing that he was already a incredible at sword combat she guessed that he found his weapon. Yang ran over and gave her brother a big hug while Y/N put the sword on his back and held her hand to leave the cave while Quill followed since Ironwood saw that there wasn't anything else they were needed for.
[TIMESKIP 20 minutes Quill's POV]
Today was one hell of a day seeing that my nephew had been Atlas's finest solution to their General's sword problem and his reward a badass looking sword that seemed to have given him a power boost as I'm guessing with that energy that it gave him apparently. While we were walking with Y/N asking what he should tell the rest of the family and Yang once again clinging to his arm, just then I heard multiple people screaming and yelling for help coming from my right and looking over I saw a massive motherfucker with electricity surrounding him.
(I apologize but this is the only picture I could find)
Quill:" Damn it can this day get any worse?"
Then suddenly I felt something pinch my left leg and when I looked down I saw Y/N with a disappointed look on his face.
Y/N:" It can because look behind that monster."
As he said that I did that and saw two girls behind it one with blond hair the other with black hair and what looked like cat ears on her head in a alleyway.
Quill*Thoughts*:" Me and my big mouth."
Quill:" Okay you two find somewhere safe I'll deal with this."
.After that I ran over to stab the ugly bastard but he used his claws to deflect my blade and tried to slash my arm off and nearly did.
Quill*Thoughts*:" Shit! The last demon was easy but this one came prepared."
He then shot a ball of blue electricity that I barely was able to dodge and when I turned and saw what happened to the building that was hit I was grateful it missed me.I turned back only to get a fist that sent me crashing back and for it to jump and try to land on me. I got back and did the same but instead I turned Harbringer into a scythe and managed to this time to slash his chest and deliver a explosive round right to his face which by the way if I may add was ugly AF. Landing safely I saw the demon look up at a street light and grabbing it then crushed it in it's hand but what really caught my eye was that it wasn't only sucking up the electricity, it was using it to heal it's wound before he threw it at me. Having enough of this I jumped up and fired over 20 fire dust shots at it and they all hit him staggering him before I then slashed him across his torso before I shot a another fire round into it's wound. It spat some blood out before it grabbed me by my collar and then just discharged it's electricity and shot it through my body.
One thing I will say is that this one was stronger than the one when I found Y/N and Esdeath. As I tried getting up he managed to hit me with a left hook and as it did the force sent me crashing into a car. As I tried to get up I looked down at myself and saw my left arm all broken,bleeding dislocated, and to make matters worse a piece of glass had stabbed itself into my other hand. I was pissed not only at this asshole but at myself for bringing my sister's and my best friend's kids with me and now I couldn't protect them or save the two little girls that were still too scared to run away. Then as the demon walked towards while letting it's left claw scrape along the brick wall of the alley. It then put both of it's hands up with it's claws down and I already knew what it was gonna do so I just brought my weapon up to defend myself.
[Still Quill's POV]
But instead of pain I felt a strong gust of wind and loud sound of metal next to me so I turned my eyes to see my nephew using his new weapon to block the demon's claws with his hair covering his eyes before he took his blade, turned it around and used the handle to hit it in the guts sending it away from the both of us. I was in shock to see that my savior was my nephew but when I got my bearings back my mind only had three questions. 1. Was this his semblance? 2. Was this an effect of the sword when he picked it up? 3. Where the hell was Yang?!?! As I finally got back up so did the demon as it let out a loud pissed off sounding growl in exchange Y/N let out a blood lust that actually managed to bring the asshole down to one knee.
Y/N:" I don't like killing or really hurting people in general but for what you tried to do to my awesome, brave and beautiful auntie that is always there for me, I'll make you wish for DEATH!!!!"
He screamed as he ran towards him with speed that would put Summer to shame. The demon did the same and they started trading slashes and attempted stabs but the only way I could see was through blue lines that and the wind pressure, though they both seemed even since neither so far was able to gain the upper hand that was till Y/N managed to trick the demon to end up accidentally stabbing it's own hand and while it was busy trying to free itself. This gave Y/N a perfect opportunity and he took it by slicing off both it's hands with a single slash but he wasn't finish because as it fell on the it's knee, he started sending a barrage of punches to it's head before giving a powerful kick that sent it a distance away.
I just sat there with one arm broken and the other bleeding badly with the shard of glass still in it while the girls that I was suppose to save were both hiding behind a dumpster both with different expressions,the faunus had a shocked look in her eyes while the blondie had stars in her eyes with a look amazement on her face. The demon started to stand up but had a hard time due to his missing hands which had long streams of blood spurting out of them and what made his situation worse was that his face had drops of blood rapidly falling from his face from Y/N's punches, though that still didn't stop the demon from trying to attacking the two girls behind him though he didn't make it far when Y/N ran towards the demon so fast that it looked like he teleported and then shoved the blade through the right knee and twisted the blade to break his bones causing it to fall face first and trying attack Y/N this time only for him to rip the sword out stomp so hard on his chest the demon's chest that I could hear some of it's ribs break.
Quill*Thoughts*:" Goddamn he's kicking some serious ass and not pulling any shit!"
I then felt a pair of hands wrap around my leg and I looked down to see my dear niece Yang with tears in her eyes and a worried look
Yang:" Auntie Quill are you okay?! Why are you bleeding?! Do you want me to get my mom and uncle?!"
I got on one knee and gave her a sincere smile.
Quill:" It's okay my little dragon I'll be fine and besides your brother's taking care of the jerk."
Yang then looked to see Y/N utterly destroying the demon by beating it to a pulp with his little fists.
Yang:*Starry eyed* Oh my gosh look at my cute brother being awesome beating up a supervillain and protecting you auntie!"
Yang continued staring in awe at her brother's display of power while I felt my semblance start to heal my body though I looked down at the glass shard and in one swift move I pulled it out of my hand, even though it hurt like hell I saw the cut heal completely but the same couldn't be said for my arm. The gashes on it were healed so it stopped bleeding but it wasn't enough to heal the bones so I relocated my shoulder to get my arm to somewhat move and also so I can continue seeing the fight. I looked over only to see the demon coughing up blood, no hands and not even able to get up so to sum it up at this point beaten but Y/N wanted this one dead so he finished it in a way that I could only describe as fucking brutal.
(D'Vorah is the demon and you are Jason)
The 4 of us just stood there in amazement. My nephew not only kicked this demon's ass but also killed it and saved 3 people on his own. Suddenly a blue orb came out of the demon and went into Y/N's body, but I didn't have time to dwell on it when he ran over to me and Yang.
Y/N:" Are you two okay?!"
Quill:" Yeah sweetheart just a busted arm."
I gave him a smile which he returned before suddenly blue sparks started generating from his body then they became bigger and into bolts which was exactly what the demon did. Y/N then turned to me with a look of... happiness?
Y/N:" Auntie I think I have my semblance now!"
Jumping up and down after that I remembered the blue orb the Y/N's body absorbed after he killed it. Just then Atlas soldiers appeared along with Ironwood not surprising when he gained a shocked look seeing the demon's corpse on the ground and Y/N's blade covered in it's blood, what was surprising was when he walked over to the falling streetlight pole that the demon knocked down, touched the exposed wires absorbing the electricity without getting hurt and then finally walking over to me and gently touching my damaged arm. I could feel the electricity going through my arm and seeing it healed.
Ironwood:"Is this his semblance Quill because I have never seen it before?"
I honestly didn't know how to respond to this since I had no damn idea if it was or not.I was honestly just focused on the fact that my nephew just used the exact powers the demon had used and that it looked like he absorbed his powers so even if it wasn't a semblance at least it was cool.
{Y/N's POV}
I was sooo happy! I finally have a semblance of my own meaning I can be a huntsman! Just then I felt a tap on my shoulder so I turned around and saw the two girls that the demon tried to hurt. One of them was a blonde girl with yellow eyes while the other had black hair and red eyes but also cat ears.
Y/N*Thoughts*:" She must be one of those faunas but those cat ears are so cool."
Y/N:" Oh hi are you two okay? I can heal you two if your hurt."
The blonde one was the first one to respond.
Blondie:" Yeah we're fine but that was so awesome how you beat up that monster like that! Thanks so much for saving us"
The faunus nodded her head while her ears were drooping still probably scared from what happened so I walked over to her and gave her a hug to calm it her down.
Y/N:" It's okay the monster's gone he can't hurt you now".
She hugged back and now seemed a little more relax.
Faunus:" T-Thank you and can I-I know my hero's name please?"
She asked with big red pleading eyes.
Y/N:" Oh sure, my name's Y/N Rose what about you two?"
Blondie" I'm Leone cutie and this little kitty is my BFF Akame."
Y/N:" Well it's nice to meet you two, why are you two in Atlas though? Doesn't seem like the place to play around."
Akame:" Well, Leone was visiting a friend of hers and i just kinda wanted to tag along to see if my sister was with her friend and we kinda just got stuck here till you showed up."
She says this while covering her cat ears out of sight.
Y/N" Well it's good you two are okay but I think my parents might be getting worried since I've been gone a long time so I'll see you two later but I have questions two for you Leone."
Leone:" Okay."
Y/N:" 1. What's your semblance?"
Leone:" Oh it's called Lionel so I get superhuman everything and also I get cool lion claws and ears for some reason."
Y/N*Thoughts*:" Huh so the abilities of a lion and in a way like a faunus, a good combination."
Y/N:" Strong semblance Leone and here's my second question, did you call me cute?"
Leone gave a cute smile then nodded her head so I gave her a smile that I learned about that was called a smirk.
Y/N: "Well I know I can say the same about you two with Leone's beautiful eyes and Akame's cute little kitty ears."
Leone seemed very happy and gave a little giggle when I said that and Akame was strangely red like very red but as I started walking away to my aunt and sister, Akame called out to me for something.
Akame:" Wait! I have a question, you saved me when you thought I was human but now that you know I'm a faunus would you have stilled saved me?"
I looked at her with the most serious I gave someone ever.
Y/N:" Actually I knew you were a Faunus but it doesn't matter. I would have saved you regardless because I see Faunus as equals to humans just cause you have a animal like trait doesn't mean you don't deserve to have rights it simply means your a bit different but in a good way."
When I finished she had tears in her eyes and a happy look on her face then gave me a big hug that would rival Yang's hugs. Afterwards I said goodbye to the two and walked back over to Auntie and Yang who both had different expressions on their faces: Auntie had a warm happy smile while Yang had a angry pout on her face.
Quill:" Okay that was incredible but I think we've had enough action and girls for one days, how about we go home okay?"
I nodded my head but then Yang hugged my arm with the pout still on her face and said something about "love rivals" but I decided to just let her hug my arm and followed Auntie who seemed to be in thought.
Quill*Thoughts*:" Okay when we get back I have to find out where he learned to flirt like that."
{Timeskip 1 hour 30 minutes} Quill's POV
When we finally got back the first thing that happened was the two kids getting crushed by hugs from their mothers and father for worrying them about the demon and Ruby fan girling over her brother about him being a superhero, which surprised me at first till Raven told me it was on the news that a kid killed a demon.
Summer:" Oh my baby boy and niece your okay!"
Raven:" Don't ever scare me again like that you two!"
Tai:" Please don't do something like that again Y/N, that was incredibly dangerous!"
Y/N:" Yeah I can't promise that because if someone is in trouble, I have to help them so I'm sorry dad but that's something I can't do."
The three released their hugs am stared at Y/N after what he said but before they could really say anything else Ruby made her presence known.
Ruby:"Big Brother is so awesome mommy did you see how he beat up that meanie and help Auntie Quill like a superhero?!"
I decided to tell them about Y/N's "semblance" and his views on Faunus to try to get them away from this topic, which worked and put big smiles on their faces as we got back to their home. Along the way Y/N, Yang and Ruby were talking about joining Beacon when they get older so now I know Y/N wants to be a huntsman and with what he can done and has I know damn well he can definitely join. After getting back to Patch Raven and Summer decided to start making dinner for the kids, Tai and Qrow were just chilling in the living room while the kids were playing in Yang's room so I took this opportunity to ask Y/N where he learned to flirt with girls like that but when I got to their room door though, I saw something so heartwarming it made my day of getting my ass kicked worth it: Y/N and Yang were walking out with Ruby asleep in Y/N's arms before going into her room and setting her down on her bed. Then Y/N turned and saw me so he held Yang's hand and quietly closed Ruby's door and asked me if something was wrong.
Quill:" Well nothing's wrong sweetie I just want to talk to you about something kinda important."
He nodded his head understandingly so we went outside since I didn't want the rest of my team to know of this just yet especially since today had been kinda of a long day.
Y/N:" Auntie is this about my semblance or about the demon I.... k-killed?"
He said that in a scared voice since he did have to kill something and I could see in his eyes that he thought he was in trouble so I gave him a hug and patted his hair.
Quill:" Actually kiddo this is about what happened in that ice cream store and what you said to Yang, after the demon and what you said to those girls and I promise you that you won't get in trouble at all. Where did you learn to do that?"
Y/N:" Oh you mean flirting, well Uncle Qrow taught me how to do that since he said he wanted me to become a lady's man like he is."
He ended that last part with a big smile while i was ready to kill my idiot brother for teaching a 8 year old how to flirt and that made him in one day have three girls have eyes on him.
Quill:" Okay kiddo that's all I needed thanks a lot and how about you go hang out with Yang. Me Raven your mom and Qrow need to talk about something."
He hugged me and went back inside into Yang's room while i went to the kitchen to talk to Summer and Raven about my discovery.
Quill:" Hey girls I learned about something Y/N learned from a certain someone."
Both of them looked at me with looks that said 'This should be interesting'
Quill:" Apparently they taught him how to flirt with girls and today he flirted with three different girls."
They both had looks of shock before they narrowed their eyes and gave off a killer aura.
Summer/Raven:" Who taught my precious baby boy/nephew something like that?"
Quill:" *Sadistic smile* Oh a dusty old crow that will soon lose his wings."
After hearing that the aura intensified and we both went into the living room where both of the male team members who were talking before seeing us and shivering like hell.
Tai:" H-H-Hey h-honey is something wrong."
Summer" Get out of my way Tai Qrow has some explaining to do for teaching a impure thing to my sweet boy."
Qrow silently tried to leave but Raven blocked the door and stared at him.
Raven:" Where do you think your going brother?"
Qrow was sweating bullets and was on his knees in a praying kind of position though no God was gonna save him from us.
Qrow:"Tai, Tai help me out man come on."
Except Tai instead ran out the backdoor into the woods and Zwei followed considering he knew what was most likely gonna happen.
Qrow:"Hey! You goddamn traitor I'll remember this you asshole!"
{Timeskip the Next Day] Nobody's POV
Qrow was currently in bed recovering from a "Grimm pack attack" that happened last night.
Qrow:"Tai if your listening, I'll have my vengeance you treacherous asshole."
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